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San Isidro College

Integrated Basic Education

City of Malaybalay

English 10
First Quarter
School Year 2020-2021
Name of Learner: ______________________________ Grade/Section: _________
Date of Release: _________Date of Submission: _______ Date received: ________


Title: Persuasive Writing Techniques
A. Background Information for Learners:
 Persuasive Writing techniques
Aside from providing statistical evidence to convince your readers to take your side, you
can use other techniques in persuasive writing.
1. Use rhetorical questions to capture the attention of the readers. Use interesting and
alarming questions to encourage the readers to finish reading the rest of the essay.
2. Repeat important terms or words to constantly remind the readers of key points.
3. Employ emotive language to awaken the readers’ emotion, so they will be attached
to your essay. Words like outrageous, vicious, and sleazy can be used to express
emotion and encourage response.
4. Use personal pronouns like we, us, you, and our. They make it appear that you are
talking to your audience directly and that you sympathize with your readers.
5. Use adjectives and descriptive language like simile and metaphor to make your
examples visually clear. They also help to emphasize your points.
6. Use graphs and diagrams to further clarify your evidence.
7. You can play with words to keep your audience focused. Make sure, however, that
your sentences are still meaningful although a little bit funny.

B. Objectives/ Learning Targets

 Use persuasive writing techniques

C. Detailed Directions/Instructions:
 Read the “Persuasive Writing Techniques” on p.63 (or see background

D. Exercise/Activity: Additional Persuasive Writing Techniques

 1. Research for additional “Persuasive Writing Techniques”. Copy the box
neatly on p. 63 or see the box below for writing your answers. Use
intermediate paper.


 Pick a topic you’re passionate about
 Know your audience
 Hook the reader’s attention
 Research both sides
 Be empathetic
 Ask rhetorical questions
 Emphasize your point
 Repeat yourself
 Focus on resonating with emotional problems
 Demonstrate social proof at key junctures
 Use tone to add and keep thing interesting
 Take time to bring up and cover objections
 Open your first paragraph with a hook

 2. Write a Persuasive Essay on visiting Local Tourist Destinations. Apply the

Persuasive Writing Techniques you learned. Use intermediate Paper/s. Follow
the format in writing Persuasive Essay. Refer to the Graphic Organizers
uploaded in the LMS. Choose which of the 3 Persuasive Graphic Organizers you
will use in constructing your persuasive essay about a local Tourist Destination.
 Submit the essay about the Local Tourist Destination. Provide a TITLE of your
 Submit the graphic organizer with the guide ideas on it as basis/outline/map in
writing your essay on Local Tourist Destination.

E. Values Integration:
 Excellence
 Knowledge in the techniques of persuasive writing and speaking enables the
Speaker or writer to be more skillful.

The Philippines is a country located in Asian continent in the western Pacific. It is

an independent republic that comprises over 7, 000 islands. Over the years, the
country has remained a safe and attractive tourist destination.  The country has
been receiving numerous visitors both from within and international tourists.
The Philippines has a majority of tourist attractions ranging from natural
wonders, recreation, historical landmarks, arts, entertainment, culture, and
traditions just to mention a few. Though a developing country, it is important
noting that the country has distinct touristic offerings that make it a special
destination for domestic and international tourism. The different parts of the
republic have distinct features, products and destination that are critical to the
development of tourism in the Republic. You don’t have to head halfway
around the world to travel. So many people completely ignore the country that
they live in when planning their travels, but there is so much to see closer to

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