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1. What are the ethical issues relevant to this case?

The ethical issues of this case are Harassment and Discrimination.

Harassment - Suggestive comments, inappropriate touch, and unwanted sexual

advances faced by Ms. Diana Janzen and Ms. Tracy Johnson from Cook Tommy
Gammas involve both Mental and Physical Harassment

Discrimination – Threatening behavior, continual criticizing, and refusal to

cooperate in fulfilling mutual responsibilities in the Operation of the restaurant by
Mr. Grammas clearly show that he discriminated against Ms. Janzen for her
repeated objection to his sexual advancements and harassment towards her. The
Manager of the restaurant also discriminates against Ms. Janzen by not
addressing the Harassment complaint and by firing Ms. Tracey Johnson for
speaking up about her harassment issues by Mr. Gammas. This incident shows
the lethargic and discriminating behavior of The Manager and Mr. Gammas
towards Ms. Janzen and Ms. Tracey Johnson due to their gender.

2. What, ethically speaking, should employers and employees be

aware of in cases of sexual harassment?

 The Employer should create a Speaking up culture inside the Organization

 Based on the size of the Organization, the steps in preventing sexual
harassment may differ, but ultimately, the Victim should have the
confidence to speak up, and when the Victim raises a complaint, proper
countermeasure has to be taken by the Organization
 The Employer has to make sure the Victim is not getting hurt in any other
way because of raising a complaint/ speaking-up
 Periodic reviews with the Employees about Workplace harassment need
to be conducted and implement preventive measures to minimize the risk
of sexual harassment
 Also, the Employer has to ensure the complaint from the Victim is right and
he/she is not raising a complaint based on personal disputes or
 Promptly responding to the complaints raised by the Employee.
 Create a workplace where sexual harassment and discrimination are not


 The Employee should speak up/raise a complaint in the case of

encountering any form of Harassment/Discrimination.
 Formally reporting the issue with the relevant Supervisor/ member of the
 Supporting the colleague who is suffering from harassment and not
isolating him/her for raising a complaint and creating a friendly
environment for him/her
 Be sensitive to colleagues who may offend by the verbal and non-
behavioral attitudes of others.
 Speak up even on the subtle forms of harassment. Confront the Harasser
immediately. If there is no change in behavior, raise this as a complaint to
the Supervisor.

3. In your opinion, were Ms. Janzen and Ms. Johnson being

discriminated against?

In my opinion, Ms. Janzen and Ms. Johnson are discriminated against by

their gender and position in the restaurant. From the Case Study, I understand
Working level of Ms. Janzen, and Ms. Johnson is not superior to that of Mr.
Gamma and The Manager. Because of this, Ms. Janzen and Ms. Johnson are
judged as powerless to position, and being a woman makes them vulnerable and
easy targets for discrimination.

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