Adv 2 June Examination 2022

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Advanced 2

Part 2

P1. This is an ONLINE examination and the candidates must keep their video
cameras on until you submit your exam paper.
P2. The Examiner must see your face, hands and the paper clearly.
P3. You are NOT allowed to keep books or dictionaries or other writing books near
the table or close to you during the exam. Your table should only have your
computer, pens, pencils, ruler and answer sheets (foolscap paper / pagine dei
P4. You are NOT allowed to eat. However, you are allowed to keep a glass of water.
P5. Your surrounding must be very quiet. So please inform your family members
about the exam.
P6. You must keep a mobile phone ready to submit your answer sheets.
P7. Please have a wristwatch or a clock ready for you to check up on time.
How to answer the questions
Q1. You must write all your answers on foolscap paper or white blank paper (A4 SHEETS)
Q2. You DO NOT HAVE TO write the questions in DARK RED again, however, you have to
write the question number and the appropriate answer.
Q3. When you have to fill tables, you MUST draw the tables.
Q4. Please use black or blue colour pens to write your answers. (You can draw the table with
Q5. You are NOT ALLOWED to get any help from any source.
Q6. You are strictly NOT ALLOWED to talk to anybody until you submit your answer sheets.

Submitting answer sheets

1. You have to send your answer sheets to this number

+94 71 669 3954 (Whatsapp)

2. Write Name & Class on your paper.

Exercise 1

 Please identify the part of speech of the bolded underlined words.

1. Reducing cash outflows and increasing cash inflows can improve the
economy of our country.
2. The dog had been barking for four hours before our parents came home.
3. Barking is a habit of dogs.
4. I have been studying and typing all day.
5. The station is in front of the car.
6. I will go after you.
7. That man was doing a suspicious activity when the security arrived.
8. Good eating and doing workout are good for your health.
9. All the cash coming is ours.
10. That man was playing the violin superbly.

Exercise 2

 Please invent 5 sentences with two clauses each and convert the
following sentences into the negative questions of,

I. Present Continuous Tense

II. Simple Future Tense
III. Simple Past Tense
IV. Simple Present Tense
V. Past Continuous Tense
VI. Future Continuous Tense
VII. Present Perfect and Past Perfect Tense.

Exercise 1

 Please convert the following sentences in the

I. Simple Future Tense

II. Simple Past Tense
III. Past Continuous Tense
IV. Future Continuous Tense
V. Present Perfect Tense
VI. Past Perfect Tense
VII. Future Perfect Tense
VIII. Present Perfect Continuous
IX. Past Perfect Continuous
X. Future Perfect Continuous.

1. The birds over the roof are spending their time.

2. The Russian president is undertaking some important decisions in Moscow.
3. We are contributing to supporting the environment by recycling properly.
4. The people of Ukraine are facing a huge challenge to survive.
5. Fish are fishing fish.
Exercise 1

 Please fill the table.


Exercise 2

 Please complete the sentences by using the correct form of the

verb present in the brackets.

1. Flyers are ……. (fly) near Thomas.

2. Doing sports is good …. (conjunction) it supports your health.
3. ….. (conjunction) I studied; I can go out with my friends.
4. The mother of Sam has …… (moved) from his current workplace.
5. ….. (article) USA is in the American continent.
6. Lucy …… (play) well the last season.
7. Thomas had …. (leave) the room before the teacher came in.
8. I …. (go) for running in the morning.
9. The Korean team will ….. (beat) the Australian team.
10. A new virus has …… (arise) from Africa.
Exercise 3

 Please transform the following sentences into negative sentences of,

I. Present Continuous
II. Simple Future Tense
III. Simple Past Tense
IV. Simple Present Tense
V. Future Continuous Tense
VI. Past Continuous
VII. Present Perfect
VIII. Past Perfect
IX. Future Perfect
X. Present Perfect Continuous
XI. Past Perfect Continuous
XII. Future Perfect Continuous.

1. The animals that are present in the African jungles are fighting each other.
2. Robin Williams who was a popular actor in the World starred in the movie
3. A popular singer who lost his uncle is performing on a Japanese stage.
4. The birds who are annoying are shouting outside our apartment.
5. A famous director from France is directing a movie in Georgia.

Exercise 1

1. Explain the difference between all subject pronouns and all object pronouns.

2. Rewrite the following sentences replacing the given pronouns with

suitable nouns to get meaningful sentences.

He helped him.
They are speaking to them.
It is going with her.
He studying it.
We are dancing with you.
You are jumping with us.

3. Complete the sentences by using a suitable subject pronoun or an object


I. My friend and I have money. can go shopping.

II. She gave a birthday gift. I really like it.
III. Elephants are very big, so eat a lot of food.
IV. My brother is studying because has a test tomorrow.

V. Do you feel okay? Can I help ?

VI. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like _.
VII. Need to find my book. Where did you put ?
VIII. We gave him the money, and he gave the candy.

IX. Who is she? Do you know name?

X. My sister isn’t here. is at work.

4. Explain Possessive Pronouns, forming them and write all the examples for
Possessive Pronouns.

1. What is a noun?
2. Please mention all the singular and plural you know with 3 examples per
each rule.
3. What are uncountable nouns?

4. Please transform the following nouns into plural.

1. Cat
2. Photo
3. Box
4. Leaf
5. Loaf
6. Water
7. Melon
8. Lorry
9. Match
10. Cliff
11. Trolley
12. Sink
13. Koala
14. Inch
15. Mattress Office
16. Carpet
17. Loaf
18. Mass
19. Nest

1. What are pronouns?

2. What is the difference between subject pronouns and object pronouns?
3. Please write all the subject pronouns and object pronouns?

4. Please change the following subjects and objects with pronouns.

I. The lady in the class is the teacher.

II. The dog is playing with my friend.
III. He scientist from Russia is experimenting a dangerous solution.
IV. Playing videogames can damage Sandra.
V. The organization near my flat is popular.

1. What are pronouns?

2. What are subject pronouns and object pronouns?
3. Please invent 5 sentences with subject and object pronouns each.

1. What is a sentence?
2. What is a phrase?
3. What is a clause?
4. What is the difference between the subject and object?
Exercise 1
 Please underline in green the subjects, the predicates in blue and circle
the conjunctions in red.

I. The boy studies well because he wants to be a doctor.

II. The science teacher is teaching well so she can get a promotion.
III. Andrew will play the piano but his cousin will play the flute at the concert.
IV. Sam player for the most popular team in Barcelona so he earned a lot of
V. After I study, I can go out with Lucy.
VI. Mark has to study well in order to go to a top university next year.
VII. Because John helped his mother, John’s mother will buy a new toy to him.
VIII. Everytime I travel to Colombo, the train comes later.
IX. I can be to the supermarket by the time Tome will come home.
X. I will bring an umbrella in case it will rain in the afternoon.

Exercise 2
 Please invent 7 sentences with 2 clauses and 3 sentences with 3
clauses. You cannot repeat a conjunction more than once.
Submit your answers

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