6-13 Grammar

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Continvcus its eo Se ss ‘Bob and Claire aren't working today. They/re on holiday. They're having @ nice time. What is Bob doing now? He is taking a picture of Claire. We form the present continuous with the auxiliary verb to be and the main verb with the -ing suffix. ‘The main verb with the -ing suffix is the same in all, persons. esa He/Sheyit 's 's } reading, You/We/They are: ‘te — is he/she/it rensra? Are you/welthey Long form Short form a He/She/It isnot isn't } reading, YouWe/They arenct aren't pelling Rules acca © Verbs ending in-e, drop the -e and take the -ing ‘suffix. dance - dancing but see - seeing Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant and take the -ing suffix. run- running get - getting ‘but open - opening @ Verbs ending in 4, double th -ing suffix. travel -raveling ‘ Verbs ending in-4e, drop the -ie and take -y + -ing. We ying cle - ying and take the Add -ing to the verbs and put them in the correct boxes. talk, dive, swim, shop, le, study, mend, write, tty, take, cook, stop, sleep, die, sit + ing my ting talking p= ing double consonant + ing Fill in the gaps with the present continuous. Helen and | «=. (make) dinner. {youllisten) to the radio? 1 We are/re tdying. (idy) the garden, 21. (not/do) my homework. Bow . (Dad/paint) the living-room? 4 He (run), B ThE GIS oe onremnnnnnnn (PlQy) With their dolls. 6 John (study) at university. 7 8. Present Continuous - Present We use the present continuous: for actions happening now, at the moment of speaking. He is reading a book right now for temporary actions happening around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking. She Is practising for aconcert these days. | (She's not pract'sing right now: Ceol she’s resting.) ¢ with ‘always’ for actions happening too often, and about which wo wish to expross our annoy- = ity ¢ for fixed arrangements in the near future. dae. csichs "You're always interrupting me! (annoyance) 1 Ho is flying to Mian jn an hour. (its been arranged) Time expressions used with the present continuous. include: now, at the moment, these days, at present, always, tonight, stil, etc. Four people 1) ...are sitting... (sit) at a table. They are ina restaurant. They 2) (have) dinner. They 3) (wear) smart clothes. Tho man 4) (wear) a suit The parents 5) (smile) at each other and they 6) (talk). The children 7 ssn (listen). The girl 8) (Grink) some Coke. The boy 9) bread, They 10) (eat) some (enjoy) their meal Shett Zhu © po ae Heals ae = In short answers we use only Yes or No, the subject pronoun and the auxiliary verb issn or arejaren'. We do not repeat the whole question. ‘Are you leaving? Yes, | amiwe are, No, 'mnot/ne aren't Ishe/sheiit.2 ‘Are they 2 Yes, he/shelt is. No, hejshe/tisnt. Yes, thoy are. No, they arent. Look at the picture in ex. 3 again. pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the example. 1. the parents / weer / sports clothes? ‘SA: Are the parents wearing sports clothes? SB: No, they aren't. Theyre wearing smart clothes. the tour people / have / dinner? the children | talk? the girl / drink / some juice? the boy / eat / some ice-cream? ween ntinvous - Present Simple Richard Taylor and Sarah Perkins work in the same office. What time do they start work? Sarah arrives at vrork at 9 o'clock but Richard doesn’t get to the office until 10 o'clock. We form the present simple with the subject (Le. the subject pronoun or noun) and the main verb. We usually add an -s to the third person singular in the affirmative. In the interrogative and negative forms, we use the auxiliary verb do/don’t with l, you, wwe, they and does/doesn't with he, she and it. We do not add an -s to the main verb when it appears with does/doesn’t. VoutWe/They He/She/t Do llyoulwe/they Does he/shefit \WouWe/They donot don't Mosher” Gomrat Soom fe © Most verbs take -s in the third person singular. Iread - he reads ‘© Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x and -0, take -es. kiss - he kisses, | brush - he brushes, | toach - he teaches, / fix - he fixes, | go - ho goos ‘® Vorbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the -y and take -ies. try - he tries, | fly - he tes Verbs ending in a vowel + y, simply take -s. I buy - he buys Write the third person singular of thc verbs in the list in the correct box. dance, finish, study, open, mix, pray, put, miss like, dry, do, catch, wash, say, cry, Copy, watch Play, pass, begin 3 es “ies finishes dances studies 8 with the present simple. 1 A: Where fe. (be) Jack? B: At school 2A, crennnnnennnnss (YOU/COMA) here very often? B: Yes, every evening SAU scar (olay) tennis in the summer. B: Really? So do |! 4 AWe.. (leave) the house at 6:30 every morning, B: That's very early, 5 A:Sam anything about the party B:1 know. I's a surprise. {novyknow) | lie nvncicti ches In the present simple the suffix of the third per- son singular Is pronounced: © /'8/ when the verb ends ina/f/,/k /,/p/ or // sound. laughs, drinks, sleeps, rats ® /@/when the verb ends ina/s/,/J/,/{/./ ds / or /z/ sound. misses, wishes, metehes, arranges, ses © /z/when the verb ends in any other sound. dreams, stays, begins, stands, saves es. ae ‘The present simple Is used for: permanent states. repeated actions or dally routines (often with adverbs of frequency such as: always, never, usually, ete). Mr Gibson sa businessman. He Ives in New York (cermanent state) He usually starts work at 9 am. (dey routine) He often stays at the office until late in the evening. (daily routine) % general truths or laws pe} of nature. The moon moves round the earth, © programmes or timetables (rains, buses. etc.) ‘ The bus leaves in ten minutes. Present Continuous - Prese Is} fe] Jz) Write tho third person singular of the verbs in the correct box, then read them aloud. laugh, kiss, read, look, speak, kick, put, cateh, drive, brush, ride, waik, open, jump, play, know, cough, S09, dance, close, help, listen, watch, wash, travel, write, lose, eat, rain, change laughs, kieses, reads, Time expressions used with the present simple Include: usually, always (adverbs of frequency), ete,, every day/week/monthlyear, etc., on Mondays! Tuesdays, etc., in the morning/afiernoon/evening, at nightithe weekend, etc. 8) ced Beer BROr BRer Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct form of the present continuous or the present simple. Where's James? He ...[6/’s playing... (play) football in the garden right now. Bill (Gance) very wel. Yes, he’s a good singer, too. Lucy is very busy. Yes. She (work) very hard these days What (you/do) on Saturdays? I clean the house and go shopping. Why (you/pack) your suitcase? Because | yy) to Paris tomorrow moming. Fred (novknow) how to swim. That's because he’s only three. Max looks very fit Yes, He (lake) a lot of exercise these days, We often use adverbs of frequency with the pre- sent simple. They show us how often somo- thing happens. They answer the question How often...? 2.9. How often do you visit your aunt? always! usually/sometimes visit hor on Sundays Adverbs of Frequency always 100% usually 75% often 50% sometimes 25% rarely/seldom 10% never 0% # Adverbs of frequency go before the main verbs (isit, drink, etc.), but after the verb to be and after auxiliary verbs such as can, do, must, etc. 9 Peter often visits his grandparents at the weekend. ‘Sharon never drinks coffee. slim is always on time for work Bob can never wake up early in the morning. Do you often go to the cinema at the weekend? Paul doesn’t usually eat out on Sundays. # The adverbs rarely, seldom and never have a negative meaning and they are never used with the word not. 2.9. He rarely goes to the cinema. I never take sugar in my coffee. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place. 1. You must brush your teeth twice a day. (always) You must always brush your teeth twice a day. 2 Is he on time for work? (aiways) 3. Karen has cereal for breakiast. (sometimes) 4 Paul doesn't Isten to music in the evening. (usually) 5 The children help with the housework. (rarely) 6 Must you play your music so loud? (always) 7 Shella can park her car properly. (never) Put the verbs in brackets into the presen simple or the present continuous. Charlie Foster 1) ..wworks... (Work) at a bakery. He 2 (iways/get up) ver (start early because He 8)... sn a ‘work at four o'clock every morning. Chattie 4) (notibe) at work this morning. A (pack) « the moment he 5) sulicase because he 6) i (@0) on holisay today. Charlie 7) (Sing) to himself. He's very happy. Right now he 8) ... (look for) his aeroplane tickets Where are they? He can’t find them. There they are; unde his bod! Charlie 9) (call) a tax row. His plane 10) (toave in an hour, Where 11) (Chartie/g0)? To Hawaii! p Answers Do you get up early? Yos, Uwe do. No, lie don't, Does hejshe/t..?- Yes, he/sheit does. No, he/she doesnt. Do they. Note: In short answers, adverbs of frequency always go before the auxiliary verb. eg. Do you match horror films on 1V? Yes, | offen do. | No, | never do. Yes, they do. No, they don’. Look at the text in ex. 10 again, then, in pairs, ask and answer questions about Charlie Foster, as in the examples. 1. Charlie / work / at a bank? SA: Does Charlie work ata bank? $B: No, he doesn't. He works at a bakery, 2. Chatlie / pack / a suitcase / at the moment? SA: le Charlie packing a suitcase at the moment? $B: Yes, he lo. Charlie / start work / at 4 o'clock every morning? Charlie / go on holiday / next week? Charlie / sing to himself? Charlie / look tor his tickets / right now? the plane / leave / in an hour? Chartie / go / Tahiti? @veuse Present Continuous - Preset © The present simple is used for permanent states, for repeated actions and daily routines. Wi Chae Bryan works 2s a socrtan She starts work at eight o'clock every day. ‘She types Mr Moore's letters. Look at the pictures and write sentences, as in the examples. Present Sthiple Veisue Fresent Conithucte Preeent continuone, * The present continuous is used for temporary actions happening at or around the moment of Its nine o'clock. Claire is stil at home because she is il. She is wearing her pyjamas and she is sitting on her bed. She isn’t working today, 1 tax driver / drive a taxl / wash the taxi What: docs the taxi driver do? He drivee a taxi. Is he driving a taxi now? No, he isn't. He's washing the taxi. 2. nurse / look after patients / read a book 9 maid / clean the house / talk on the phone 4 vet / treat animals / listen to music 5 mechanic / repair cars / eat a sandwich 6 waiter / serve customers / read a newspaper ontinvous - Present Simple fpereen \ Wen ee Ve Va SRS CUS ——— ‘Some vers do not have continuous tenses. ‘These include: * Verbs of the senses: see, hear, feel, taste, smell. e.g, This cake tastes delicious. (NOT: Frioakoveecting-dotiotou,) © Verbs of perception: know, remember, forget, recognise, understand, notice, realise, seem, Sound, think, etc. 2.9. / don't know his ame. © Verbs which express likes and dislikes: love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy, etc. 49, Shirley foves jazz music. Other verbs: include, matter, need, belong, cost, refer, mean, own, appear, believe, want, have (=possess), etc. €.g. That jacket casts a fot of money. (NOI. Frat yaokatys-o0sting-2 oF oF mancy., Read the following dialogue between a hotel owner and the receptionist. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Good moming, Catherine. A special guest 1) ./2 coming... (come) to our hotel today. Realy! 2)... (know) who it is? (thin) you do. He (Gtai) in the TV series, "Rootiop’, at the moment (be) Paul Roberts, isn't? When 6) (he/come)? | can't wait to meet him in person! ‘A’ o'clock this afternoon. But there area few things you7) ssvunune (Ned) 10 KNOW. First of all, Ne B) (love) flowers. He also 9) . (enjoy) having his breakfast in the dining-room, not in his room, Wry 10) cvsmsanenns (he/stay) at our hotel? Because he 11) ‘ (want) some peace and quist and he 12) (noifike) to be disturbed by reporters. 1's¢0. Wel, la's hope that everything wil bo okay while he 13) (Giay) here. Put the verbs in brackets into the present ‘simple or the present continuous. wis not coring. (ratioome) with us this evening, 2 wat, (this sign/meany? 3 We. (usually/meet) al the sports centre every Wednesday atternoon. 4 Greg (rain) for the next Olympic Games. 5. Michael Burns is very rich, He (own) a department store. 6 John and Mary chess at the moment. 7 Peter {not/usually/have) eggs for breakfast. 8 My tather (buy) @ newspaper every day 9 Mrand Mrs Doan a ih (nov/go) to Mexico tomorrow. 10° (Pierre/speak) English? (speak) French, (play) ‘No, buthe Put the vorbs in brackets into the resent simple or the present continuous. Dear Martin, How are you and Sally? 11) ...hope... thope) you're well. 12 (write) to give you some good news (‘have got a summer job for the holidays! 13) . swe (repair) telephone lines for a telephone company 14) snows (usually ride) my bicycle to work beccuse its only a ten minute ride from home. We 5) (start) work at 8:30. We 8 = Ginish) at 4:30 on Mondays to Thursdays, but at 2:30 on Fridays, so !7) (have) long weekends, 18) (work) very hard at the moment, To tell you the truth, | 9) (be) abit nervous because my boss 10) (eave) for Scotiand on business next week, so I'll be ‘on my own. Lizzie says | 11) (worry) about it too much. She's probably right! Please write with your news. Say hello to Sally for me. Best wishes, Richard Present Continuous - Present GB, correct the mista Steve goes fishing tomoctow. Rebecca wash her hair every day. 11am visiting my grandparents overy week Tim doesn't wanis to do his homework He sits on the floor at the moment. Do you watch TV in the evenings always? Sarah is drinking coltee every moming. ‘They don't go usually on holiday in May. Doas she work late? No, she does never. Peter looks for a new house at the moment. Searousuns Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the correct form of the Present simple or present continuous. cost, feave, be, snow, like Yor. always ) YOUR the toon! books on Activity Look at picture A and say what the Hendorsons usually do on Saturday morning, as in the example. Then, look at picture B and say what they are doing this Saturday ‘moming. Every Saturday Look at the Oral Activity and write about what the Hendersons usually do on Saturday mornings and what. they are doing this Saturday morning. Start like this: (On Saturday mornings Mr Henderson usually reads his newspaper. Mrs Henderson... . This Saturday morning the Hendersons are in the ‘countryside. Mr Henderson is taking pictures. Mrs Henderson... .

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