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4 fea Sine Regular \Verbs) Last summer, Julie and Brian visited Australia. They stayed at a lovely hotel in Syaney. They visited the Syciney Opera House and they walked ‘across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Did they enjoy thernseives? Yes, they oid. ‘We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding -ed to the main verb. e.g. Sho watched TV last night. ‘We form questions and negations with the auxiliary verb did/did not (didn’t), the subject and the main verb without -ed. 2.9. Did she wateh TV last night? She did notididn’t watch TV last night 1 He/She/it You/We/They } finished. ple-Used to Verbs ending in -e take only -d. dance - danced ‘ Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the y and take -led. try - tried Verbs ending in a vowel + y, take -ed. play - played, stay - stayed ' Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant and take -ed. plan - planned but open - opened Verbs ending in -1, double the | and take -ed. travel - travelled, quarrel - quarrelled Write the past simple of the verbs in the list in the correct box. laugh, study, travel, pray, stop, close, cry, rob, call, love, tidy, dance, miss, drop, phone, enjoy, try, live, refer, look, carry +ed +d laughed -¥= led double consonant +o Make sentences using the prompts below as in the example. 1. Olivia's room is clean now. (clean ivan hour ago) She cleaned it. an hour ago. Helen isn't watching TV. (tur it offhalf an hour ago) ‘Steve doesn't go to the gym any more, (stop/six months ago) Mary is eating the cake. (bake ithaif an hour ago) Kim is having a party today. (arrango ittwo weoks ago) ob doesn't live here any more. (movelthres days ago) Peter's house is tidy. (tidy two hours ago) en soo The suffix -ed is pronounced: © [1d / when the verb ends ina/t/or/d/ sound. posted, succeeded © /t/ when the verb ends in a/k/,/8/,/ U1 /, IL i/f/0r/ p / sound. cooked, kissed, touched, wishad, laughed, stepped /d/when the verb ends in any other sound. arrived, prepared, showed, robbed Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct box, then read them alou want, open, wash, work, arrest, help, cary, visit, cook, clean, need, finish, foad, live, watch, accept, laugh, stay, pass, type, persuade, arrange, rub wanted It) is Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. 1A: Sorry Mum, but I .dropped... (drop) the glass on the floor. B: Never mind. Just be careful next time. 2k (youswatch) the horror film last night? B: Yos, but | {notlenjoy) it ak {your neighbours/move) house yesterday? B: Yes, we . {hejp) them move their boxes REI one (rash) lastnight B: | know. Luckily, all he passengers v=: (Survive). 5A: Susan (notiplay) tennis yesterday, B: | know. She's playing today instead. 6A - (you/see) Kate yesterday? B: Yes. We (have} lunch together. Past Simple = Post Sthypel (ltveguler Vets) Jae aes eee Julie and Brian went swimming every day. They saw some kangaroos, but they didn't see any ‘crocodiles. They had a lot of fun. Irregular verbs do not form the past simple by adding -ed. e.g. leave-left, cu-cut, swim-swam (See list of irregular verbs on page 152.) ‘They form questions and negations with did/did not (didn't) and the root form (infinitive) of the verb. eg. They left - Did they leave? - They didn't leave. Neston You/We/They Did he/shejit } leave? Long form | Short form He/Sheilt YouWe/They didnot didn't } leave je-Used to We use the past simple: © ‘for actions which happened at a definite or stated time in the past; thet is, we know when they happened. — w They graduated | four years ago. (When did they graduate? Four years ago. We know the time.) ® for actions which happened repeatedly in the past but don't happen any more. In this case \we can use adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually, ete.). He often played football with his dad when he was five. (But he doesn't play football with his dad ary more) for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past. They cooked the ‘meal first. © 0 talk about people who are no longer alive. Then they ato with their friends. Princess Diana visited a fot of schools. Mime Expressions Time expressions used with the past simple include: yesterday, last night!week/month/year/Monday, etc., two days/wecks/months/years ago, then, when, in 1992, etc. Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct form of the past simple. What use of the past simple does each sentence show? 1 Mother cleaned... (clean) the windows twice last week. (definite/stated ti 2 They .. (notigo) on holiday to Spain last year 3 Tina. (not/sing) in the school concert yesterday. 4 Paul often (fight) with his brother when they were young. 5 Mother Teresa... (nelp) the poor people of India, 6 Her sister (bake) this beautiful cake on Monday. 7 (Sam/enjoy) his tip to Wales last weekend? 8 John (fall) and (hurt) his knee, Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. A Lesiey 1) ..bought... (buy) her house two months ago. It is a beautiful cottage in the countryside. However, when Lesley 2) (decide) to buy it, it 3) . sean (Need) allot of work. First, She A) on sn (decorate) allthe rooms. Then, she 5) w-« (plant) lots of flowers in the garden. ‘ter that, she 6) (make) ‘new curtains for all the windows. When it was ready, she 7) snes (MOVE) in. That was last week. Now, Lesiey is very happy. B_ Claude Monet 1) ...wae... (be) a famous artist. He 2) (paint) lots of beautiful pictures in his lifetime. He often 3) «enn (take) his paints and a canvas into the countryside. He 4) (love) to paint trees and rivers during the different seasons of the year. Monet 5) : (create) a new kind of art called Impressionism. He 6) (die) in 1926, but many people still Visit museums and gallerias to look at his pictures. Shen rote 2.9. Did you buy a gift for your mother? Yes, | did. Didyou..? Yes, we did. No, Uwe dc. Dad heisheft 2 Yes, he/sheft cid. No, he/shest air. Dathey..? Yes, they dio, No, they didn't Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Oy sentir Magan 1.20. (65) 2 Portuguese sailor who2) = (eaont) 0 sail round the world. Emperor Charles V of Spain 3 ee fim five ships and two unr five Spanish sailors. They 4 ) Spd on 2008 1519 and 3) (éegin) their Cong ‘and dangerous journey, On the journey, Magellan 6). wicca (discover the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, he and as of Weslo) =e) in atte on or 41521. Afer that, a Spanish sailor 8) _ (take) crtrol ofthe ships and). ett eta comple te ge Onion stip pi ‘men 10) ve (suretve) the journey. They 11) oun (arrive) back i ‘Spin on th September 3 They FA) isin (eit nt i, 1. Ferdinand Magellan / be / a Portuguase sailor? SA: Was Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese sailor? SB: Yes, he wae. 2 the Emperor of Spain / give him /fiteen ships? SA’ Did the Emperor of Spain give him fifteen ships? SB: No, he didn't. He gave him five ships. they / leave / Spain / 1619? the journey / be / long and dangerous? Magellan / discover / the Pacific Ocean? Magellan / die / with soldiers / in battle? ‘a Spanish sailor / complete / voyage? the remaining ship / reach / Spain / 1523 eyes Past Simple Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. What 1) .....did you do... (youldo) last summer? Br 12) on (work) in a fast food restaurant, A: What kind of work 3) (you/do)? B: 14) (take) orders from customers. 5), iit (you/earn) much money? B: Yes, but !6) .. .-- (spend) most of it. What 7) . (youspend) it on? (0) on holiday to the Greek islands, .. (youlhave) a good timo? (be) wonderful! Yes, it 10) You have just come back from a holiday. Your friend is asking you somo questions. Look at the prompts and, in pairs, ask and answer ‘questions giving your own answers. 1 whore / go? SA: Where did you go? SB: | wert to Spain. 2. who J go with? 3 have /a good time? 4 stay ata camp-site? 5 the weather / good? © wnat /do every day? 7 eat at restaurants? 8 go/the beach? 7: ple-Used to Peopie used to dress diiferently in the past. Women used to wear long dresses. Did they use to carry parasols with them? Yes, they did They didn’t use to go ‘out alone at night. ° Used to Is used to talk about past habits or things that do not happen any more. it has the same form in all persons, singular and plural. It Is followed by infinitive. e.g. Peler used to eat a lot of sweets. (=Peter doesn't eat many sweets any more.) We form questions and negations with the auxili ary verb did/did not (didn’), the subject and the verb “use” without -d. e.g. Did Peter use to eat mary sweets? Mary didn't use to stay out late We can use the past simple instead of “used to” with no difference in meaning. 2.9. She used to Ive in the countryside. = She lived in the countysice. ° j ae He/Shert You/We/They wave. Ineiecuive \ ois heisheit use to you/welthey si 1 He/Sherlt YouWe/they use to did not travel. didn't Peter Gordon won a lot of money on the lottery last year. Look at the pictures and ‘Say what Peter used fo do and what he does now. 0g. Feter used to live in 2 small house, but now he lives In a big house. live/small house live/big house {90 to work/ i, 490 to work’ . py bus ae cer | 4 Ss watch/TV gofthe o> theatre | a ‘ spend/his: | holidays/at a spend/his| camp-site holidays! travelling @ Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets. 1 I ..didn't use te watch... (not/watch) the news, but now | watch it every day 2 My aunt (drink) a lot of coffee, but now she prefers to drink tea 3 We (ive) in a fat, but we lve in a big house now 4 (youlgo) to school on foot? 5 We (not/like) each other, but now we're good friends 61 (cot/eat) vegetables. Now I oat them every day, 7 Mysister (olay) the piano, but now she doesn't. 8 They. (spend) their woekends in the countryside. They don't any more. Shor Answers es — 8.9. Did you use to go out often? Yes, I didL/No, I dint Did you ..? Yas, Ywe did. No, we didn. Did he/sheit ..? Yes, holshe/t did. No, he(she/t didn't Didthey..? Yes. they did. No, they in’, In pairs, ask and answor questions using the prompts as in the example. @ $A: Did you use to play with your friends when you were five? 8B: Yeo, | did. / No, | didn't. 1. play with your friends? 6 listen to fairy tales? 2 watch many cartoons? 7 have a bath every day? 9. go to bed late? 8 drink milk? 4 cry alot? 9 dress yourselt? 5 make your bed? 10. get pocket money? GB choose the comect answer 1) Jacques Cousteau ....8.... the oceans. A explores B explored C is expioting 2 Toby a bicycle, but now he drives a car. A isriding B usedtoride — rides 3 an interesting book at the moment. A dontread = B read C am reading 4 He... home early yesterday because he fell, A went B isgoing used to go BMP JoneS enn DUE NE does Now. A used to travel B didn't use to travel € travelled 6 a noise, so | went to see what it was, A heard B hear ¢ am hearing 7 .~- how to use a computer at present. B isleamng — C learns 8 My paronts ... to a party tonight. A usedto go B goes © are going 9 The ferry boat every day at quarter past two. A leaves B leave is leaving ww! getting up early in the morning, A kes B dontike C doesn'tlike Past Simple- vw SBAL YY, Activity Look at the pictures below. Picture A shows what peo- ple used to do in their tree time sixty years ago and Picture B what they do nowadays. In poirs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below as in the example. 2g. SA: Did people use to watch TV sixty years ago? $B: No, they dint. watch TV - dress differently - spend more time together - talk to each other a lot - go out at night much - read more a VRITING, Activity Now, using the pictures and the notes from the Oral Activity, complete the text below. Life was different sixty years ago. People 1). ~- (n@Vnave) the things we have nowadays. First of all, they 2) . ~_ (potiwatch) TV and they 3) «.(talk) 10 each other a lot Nowadays, peosle 4) . (nottak) to each other much because they 5) (spend) a lot of time watching TV. Sit years ago, people 8) verrrn rns (t€88) differently. For example, women 7) ‘ (wear) longer dresses and men usually 8) .. (wean) a suit and a tie on Sundays ae 9

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