Daily Routine

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Daily Routine 

I wake up at 6 o’clock. I get up at 6.50. I make a cup of tea and iron my clothes. I have
a shower and get dressed. I usually wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or cardigan and
boots in the winter, or a skirt and blouse in the summer. I brush my hair, put on my
make-up. I pack my bag with all my teaching materials. I then put on my coat and
leave the house. I walk to the bus stop. I catch the bus at 8.15, and then I pay my fare
and sit down. It takes about 45 minutes to get to my destination three miles away. I get
off the bus and walk to the school where I teach English. I have to sign in and get the
key. Class starts at 9.25 and ends at 11.25.
I have lunch at 12. I eat a baguette or sandwich at the local café. I sometimes do some
shopping before I walk back to school. I do some photocopying and go back to my
classroom. I teach in the afternoon from 1 to 3pm. I then catch the bus back home and
spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook dinner.

My son goes to work shortly after I come home. Sometimes he cooks dinner before I
get home, and sometimes I cook. I like to eat rice or pasta with a sauce. I chop the
onions, fry them and then mix them with garlic, tomatoes, carrots, spinach and chilies.
I boil the rice and then add the sauce. After dinner I wash up, sweep the floor, and tidy
up a bit.

Then I make phone calls, mark my students’ work, do the laundry. Then I go on
Facebook, or watch TV until about 10.30 when my son comes home. We catch up on
our day, and at about 11 o’clock I go to bed.

Other days I get up early, go downstairs, put on my computer and teach on EF
English Live for three hours. Then I have a break, eat dinner with my son, have a
walk or go shopping before returning to work and teaching again for another three
hours. Working at home can be very convenient and I love being able to talk to people
around the world. It is also nice working in a school and seeing people on a regular
basis and working in a team. So I feel I have the best of both worlds.

So there you have a daily routine. There are lots of different types of English
constructions used in describing a day, including many phrasal verbs like: ‘tidy up’,
‘wash up’, and ‘get up’. There are also lots of sentences with supporting verbs such
as: “I have lunch”, or “I get dressed”, rather than “I lunch”. Notice the range of ways
of saying the time too. See if you can describe your day using the same language

Daily Routine :

Daily Activities at Home

What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?
I wake up at 7am every morning.
I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the
alarm and get up.
I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while
I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I
like to have a shower before I get dressed.
My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair. How do
you do your hair in the morning?
It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up on. 
After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make
dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.
After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I chill out on
the sofa and watch television. 
On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to take the
rubbish out, or wash the dishes. 
Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to go to
the bathroom too. 
If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and set
the alarm so I wake up in the morning. 
The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.
It doesn't take me long to fall asleep.

Daily Activities at Work

What are some daily activities that you do at work?
I go to work at 8.45am every morning.
I usually drive to work.
I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to them
I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus because it is
too slow. 
When I am at my desk I usually work on the computer, even during morning tea.
At 1pm most days I have lunch.
At 3pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat cake. 
When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important for you
to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to organise your
When I work I have to make telephone calls. If an important issue happens I ask my
secretary to organise a meeting. 
Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your boss more
often. I usually write a documentthat my boss can read
Daily Routine :
Other Daily Activities
What are some other daily activities that you do?
I exercise at least three times a week.
I usually go to the gym before work, but sometimes I go after work.
I meditate every morning so that I feel less stressed during the day.

Weekly Activities
What are some weekly activities that you do?
I go grocery shopping once a week at the local supermarket.
My family does the housework together every Saturday morning.
I usually do the washing on Sunday morning and when the machine is finished
I hang the clothes out to dry.
On Sunday morning we go to church, and if there is lots of noise coming from next
door, sometimes we fight with the neighbour.
On Saturday night my parents stay at home and I go out with friends.
Even my friends that live at home call their parents each week. 
Every evening, I water the garden. 
I usually pay someone to wash the car, but my partner says I should do it, so
sometimes I argue with my partnerabout that. 
If we are angry at the neighbour, we seek vengeance by annoying his dogs.  
I work in an important office, so I have to shine my shoes each day. 
Sometimes we hire a movie, because we don't like to illegally download music and
films. I make sure that I synchronise my iPod so I always have new music on it.
To get our shopping, we go to the mall in the car. 
Last week I forgot to recharge my travel card, and I had to argue with a bus
driver. I couldn't call the office because I forgot to recharge my cellphone!
Daily Routine :

Daily routine: in the morning

Let’s take a look at the basic activities people do in the morning. Which ones apply to
your daily life? What is your daily routine? Take a look at some daily routine

I drink a cup of
I wake up at 6 am. I take a taxi/an Uber/the bus/the subway/the tram.

I press the snooze button

twice before I turn my alarm I read the newspaper. My mom/dad/husband/wife gives me a ride to work/school.

I check my social
I get up around 6:30 am. I answer my emails.

I make my bed. I check my emails. I attend meetings.

I take a shower.  I walk my dog.  I have a snack around 10 am.

I get dressed. I go to the gym. I have lunch at home/at the cafeteria/on the go.

I do my hair and makeup. I go to work/school. I go home and make lunch.

I brush my teeth. I work from home. I wash/do the dishes.

I make breakfast.  I wait for the bus. I put the dishes away.

I eat/have breakfast. I drive to work/school. I take a nap after lunch.

Read about the daily routine of a student: Joanna’s morning routine

Here is one way to describe your daily routine using simple present tense:

Hi! My name is Joanna, I’m 24 and I live in Oslo, Norway. I usually wake up at 7 am,
but I get up only half an hour later. Then, I take a shower and get dressed. After that I
do my hair and makeup and then make my bed. I hate making my bed, but I like the
feeling of completing that first task right after waking up. I don’t have breakfast, but I
always drink a cup of coffee. Then I wait for the bus to take me to college. While I’m
on the bus, I check my social media and my emails. 

Let’s practice writing about our own routine. Write a my daily routine paragraph in
English. You should aim to write 10 sentences about your daily routine, okay?
Daily Routine :
In your text, you can also mention if you are a morning person or not. A morning
person is someone who likes doing things in the morning, someone who is more
productive in the first hours of the day rather than in any other time of the day. Other
expressions for morning person are early bird and early riser. If that’s not your case,
maybe you are a night owl. We use this expression to refer to someone who likes to
do things or is more productive at night. If you are not sure if you are a morning
person or a night owl.
Daily Routine :

Daily routine: in the evening

Let’s take a look at basic activities people do in the evening. Which ones apply to
your daily life? Take a look at some daily routine phrases:

I buy groceries after work. I brush my teeth. I take off my makeup.

I get home from work/college/school at 5 pm. I put on my pajamas. I set the alarm clock.

I clean up the house.  I plan the next day. I charge my phone.

I make dinner. I check the weather. I put my phone away.

I order dinner.  I watch Netflix. I meditate.

I take out the trash after dinner.  I listen to music. I turn off the lights.

I feed my dog/cat. I read a book before bed. I go to bed.

I take my medication.  I lock the doors. I fall asleep.

I take a warm bath. I tuck my kids in.  I sleepwalk.

Exercise: Brandon’s evening routine

Hi! My name is Brandon, I’m 36 and I live in San Francisco. I work as a
marketing director. I’m married and I have one son, Charlie, and two cats. I
usually finish work around 6 pm. Then, I go to the supermarket to buy
groceries. I get home around 7 pm and then I make dinner. My wife loves pasta,
so that’s something I make quite often. After having dinner, I wash the dishes
and my wife feeds our cats, Milk, and Honey. Then, I take a shower. After that,
I brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. I usually watch an episode of my
favorite sitcom before bed. Then, I check the locks of the house, set my alarm
clock, and put my phone away to charge. I tuck my son in and then I go to bed. I
fall asleep shortly after my wife turns off the lights. 

Now, write 10 lines using some of my daily routine sentences. What do you do? Do
you plan the next day? Do you meditate? Tell us more in the comment section below. 

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