03 Oscillations 2022 2023 v1

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The aim: “To find the free-fall acceleration (g, m/s²) and spring constant (k, N/m).”

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 1

Davidovits, P. Physics in biology and
Relevant reading medicine. Amsterdam: Academic Press,
an imprint of Elsevier. Chapter 4:
Angular motion.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 2

oscillations, types of oscillations, the law
of conservation of energy, simple
harmonic motion (SHM), amplitude,

#keywords period, frequency, phase, phase

difference, displacement, velocity,
acceleration, simple pendulum, spring
pendulum simple harmonic oscillator,
resonance, gait, respiratory rate, heart
rate, vocal folds, arterial resonance.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 3

Types of Oscillations
Nature of the oscillator:
• mechanical,
• electromagnetic.

What type of oscillations is in an

LC circuit?

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Types of Oscillations
The characteristics of motion:
• translation oscillations,
• rotational oscillations.

What type of oscillations is a mass

attached to a spring?

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Types of Oscillations
The characteristics of external factors:
• free oscillations,
• forced oscillations.

What type of oscillations is the


MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 6

If the frequency of the driving force
matches the natural frequency of self-
oscillations, then resonance or a
rapid increase in the amplitude of
oscillations occurs.

Why does the amplitude increase?

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 7

Conservation of the energy
of oscillations
• Undamped oscillations:
the internal energy remains constant
(black object in animation).

• Damped oscillations:
energy dissipates e.g. due to frictional
force (blue object in animation).

How can the amplitude change over time?

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 8

Simple harmonic oscillator

Oscillations of a mass m attached to Hooke’s law

an elastic spring (k is spring constant)

Natural frequency: 𝜔=

Period: 𝑇=

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 9

Simple pendulum
Oscillations of a mass m attached to an
inelastic string with length L.

Natural frequency: 𝜔= free fall
Period: 𝑇=

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Math and trigonometry behind oscillations
Complex oscillations can be reduced to
a sum of sinusoids

“Simple harmonic motion” – one simple

sine (or cosine) wave.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022
Equation for harmonic oscillations

angular initial
frequency time phase

(maximum deviation from
the equilibrium position)

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What are those “angles” in oscillations?
ω0 (omega) – angular frequency (also angular speed):
• units - radians/second [rad/s]
(how fast the “angle” changes)
• number of oscillations (f - frequency in Hertz [Hz]) in
2π (6,28) seconds

t – time since oscillations have begun

• units - second [s]:
(multiplying time with angular frequency the result is
angle) .

T – period: time for one full oscillation (seconds).

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Position against the ground

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The meaning of phase
• Angle (in radians),
• During one full oscillation the phase
by 2π radians (360 degrees).

Phase difference:
• If two or more oscillations are compared,
• Difference Δφ of the angles φ.

Image credit:
MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Simple_harmonic_motion_animation_2.gif 15
Medicine related examples

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 16

Gait Abstract
A model based on a harmonic oscillator describing human
walking and balance with the sinusoidal trajectory of the
center of mass of a subject during gait is presented. This
model allows overcoming the traditional drift due to the
double integration of raw acceleration data. The protocol
uses a single 3D accelerometer worn at the pelvis level.
The system computes the spatiotemporal gait and balance
parameters when the subject is walking with or without
aids. An incremental methodological approach is proposed
and followed in the implementation and accuracy
assessment. Eleven healthy subjects have participated to
the study performing 6 trials over a fixed linear walking
path at a self-selected speed. For reference, the protocol
has imposed the execution of 52 steps whose length has
been fixed at 60 cm. Different processing methods have
been implemented and tested. The model identifies steps,
walking time, and stepping frequency with an excellent
reliability (absolute percentage accuracy error < 5%). When
the information about the expected step length is given to
the model, the percentage error in the measure of walking
distance and speed is 3.25%. Without this input, this error
rises to 4.95%, while for the anthropometric method is

Fusca, M., Perego, P., & Andreoni, G. (2018). Method for wearable kinematic gait analysis using a harmonic oscillator
17 applied to
MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022
the center of mass. Journal of Sensors, 2018. DOI: 10.1155/2018/4548396
Respiratory Rate Abstract I
Breathing rhythm and chest movement provide key
information on a patient’s condition. The fourth article
in this five-part series on respiratory rate expands on
the procedure to measure respiratory rate outlined in
part 3 and provides a guide to the assessment of
respiratory rhythm and chest movement.

Abstract II
The respiratory rate is a vital sign with an
underappreciated significance that can, in acute
situations, prognosticate patients’ mortality rate and
need for invasive ventilation. In addition, identifying
abnormal breathing
patterns can localize disorders within the respiratory
system and help refine the differential diagnosis.
Understanding how to properly measure and interpret
the respiratory rate is a valuable clinical skill.

(2018) Respiratory rate 4: breathing rhythm and chest movement. Nursing Times; 114: 9, 49-50.
MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 18
Yuan, G., Drost, N. A., & McIvor, R. A. (2013). Respiratory rate and breathing pattern. McMaster Univ. Med. J, 10(1), 23-28.
Heart Rate Signal Overview
The heart is made up of a specialized tissue - the
cardiac muscle, giving rise to an intrinsic, regular
heartbeat. Although the heart beats
spontaneously (requires no external stimulation),
it receives continuous input from the sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Sympathetic nerves increase both rate and force
of contraction. Parasympathetic effects are
essentially opposite.

A measured heart rate - derived from ECG,

Blood Pressure, or another pulsatile
measurement indicating a heart contraction - can
be used as a simple indicator of the acute or
chronic condition of a subject, or in-vitro isolated
heart. Because of its simple derivation and
overall utility, it is one of the most common
signals recorded in physiological research.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 19

Heart rate. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2021, from https://www.adinstruments.com/signal/heart-rate-hrv
Vocal Folds
The sound source of a voice is produced by the self-excited oscillation of the vocal folds. In
modal voice production, a drastic increase in transglottal pressure after vocal fold closure works
as a driving force that develops self-excitation. Another type of vocal fold oscillation with less
pronounced glottal closure observed in falsetto voice production has been accounted for by the
mucosal wave theory. The classical theory assumes a quasi-steady flow, and the expected
driving force onto the vocal folds under wavelike motion is derived from the Bernoulli effect.
However, wavelike motion is not always observed during falsetto voice production. More
importantly, the application of the quasi-steady assumption to a falsetto voice with a
fundamental frequency of several hundred hertz is unsupported by experiments. These
considerations suggested that the mechanism of falsetto voice onset may be essentially
different from that explained by the mucosal wave theory. In this paper, an alternative
mechanism is submitted that explains how self-excitation reminiscent of the falsetto voice could
be produced independent of the glottal closure and wavelike motion. This new explanation is
derived through analytical procedures by employing only general unsteady equations of motion
for flow and solids. The analysis demonstrated that a convective acceleration of a flow induced
by rapid wall movement functions as a negative damping force, leading to the self-excitation of
the vocal folds. The critical subglottal pressure and volume flow are expressed as functions of
vocal fold biomechanical properties, geometry, and voice fundamental frequency. The
analytically derived conditions are qualitatively and quantitatively reasonable in view of reported
measurement data of the thresholds required for falsetto voice onset.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 Deguchi, S. (2011). Mechanism of and threshold biomechanical conditions for falsetto voice onset.
20PLoS One, 6(3),
e17503. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0017503
Vocal Folds
Understanding of the voice onset mechanism
and the explicit mathematical descriptions of
thresholds would be beneficial for the diagnosis
and treatment of voice diseases and the
development of artificial vocal folds.

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 Deguchi, S. (2011). Mechanism of and threshold biomechanical conditions for falsetto voice onset.
21PLoS One, 6(3),
e17503. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0017503
Arterial Resonance
At an irregular point in an artery, a pulse wave is reflected, generating a
characteristic impedance. An arterial branch is a major origin of such reflection
waves. It may be possible to make an artery resonate by using an artificial heart
which is carefully controlled to generate the appropriate frequency for the target
point. In this report, arterial impedance was studied in animal experiments. Total
cardiopulmonary bypasses were performed using a vibrating flow pump
generating a 10–40-Hz oscillating blood flow. It was found that the value of
arterial impedance at around 30 Hz was increased compared with that at other
driving frequencies. Blood flow distribution was also changed at 30 Hz; the left
common carotid arterial blood flow rate underwent a relative increase with a 30-
Hz oscillating blood flow. These results indicate that 30 Hz is a point of
significance in determining the frequency characteristics of this artery. It is
postulated that resonance of the artery caused a reflection wave from the aortic
arch at 30 Hz. The power generated by pulsatile flow is the product of mean flow
and amplitude. It may be important to study the hemodynamics from the
viewpoint of alternating current theory, i.e., considering arterial impedance, as
well as direct current theory. Arterial resonance may become an important factor
in the management of the artificial circulation of blood.

Kobayashi, S., Nitta, S., Yambe, T., Sonobe, T., & Hashimoto, H. (1998). Arterial resonance inferred from analysis of arterial impedanc
MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 In Heart Replacement (pp. 484-486). Springer, Tokyo. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-65921-1_79
Measurements 𝑇=
Simple pendulum:
Plot scatter graph for Period T (s) vs Displacement x (m)
Mass m (g) and Length L (cm) are constant
4𝜋 2
𝑔= 2
Plot scatter graph for Period T (s) vs Mass m (g) 𝑇
Displacement x (cm) and Length L (cm) are constant;

Plot scatter graph for Period squared T2 (s2) vs free fall 𝑔

acceleration calculations. 𝜔=
Displacement x (cm) and Mass m (g) are constant; 𝐿
Simple harmonic oscillator (spring)
Calculate the period of a spring pendulum and the spring 𝑘
constant k. 𝜔=
Units for Length L (m) and T (s), 𝛑=3.14; 𝑚
MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 23
Tasks 1. The simple pendulum (displacement, cm).
2. The simple pendulum (mass, g).

and workflow 3. The simple pendulum (length, m).

4. The spring pendulum.
Labwork steps 5. SHM equation (displacent = f (time)).

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 https://youtu.be/wdJumh_vmMI 24

• Nature of the oscillator: mechanical,
• The characteristics of motion: translation
oscillations; rotational oscillations.
• The characteristics of external factors: free
oscillations; forced oscillations.

Wrap up
• Resonance: If the frequency of the driving force
matches the natural frequency of self-oscillations,
then resonance or a rapid increase in the
amplitude of oscillations occurs.
• Undamped oscillations:the internal energy
remains constant.
Damped oscillations: energy dissipates e.g. due
to frictional force.
• Phase: Angle (in radians). During one full
oscillation the phase changes by 2π radians (360

MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 25

To estimate, how accurate is the
measurements, please compare your
average g value with a theoretical 9.81 m/s2.

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Backup slides

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Where are those “angles” in swings?
φ0 (phi) – initial phase:
• units - radians [rad]
Initial position of “angle” (angle+angle=angle)

A – Amplitude:
• a parameter that gives units to the oscillation.
• number of oscilations completed in one second or
• Symbols – f [ef], ν [nu:]
• Unit - Hz (Hertz).

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Velocity during oscillations
• Displacement over time
• The rate of change of displacement
• Take the derivative by time.

The result:

Maximum velocity is:

2 MF Fizikas katedra@RSU 2022 29

Acceleration during oscillations


The rate of change:

The result:

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for simple pendulum

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