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ME340: Mechatronics

Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

Homework Assignment #6 Homework Due: 10/21/2022

Signature (required)
I/We have followed the rules in completing this

Question Points Total

HA 1 20
HA 2 20
HA 3 15
HA 4 15
HA 5 15
HA 6 15

1. You are to work alone and are not to discuss the solutions with anyone other than the TAs or
the instructor.
3. It is open book, notes, and web. But you should cite any references you consult.
4. Unless I say otherwise in class, it is due before the start of class on the due date mentioned in
the Assignment.
6. Sign and append this score sheet as the first sheet of your assignment.
7. Remember to submit your assignment in Canvas.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

1. Solve for the node voltages shown in Figure.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

2. Obtain an expression for each of the four (clockwise) mesh currents for the circuit of Figure if 𝑣1
= 133 𝑐𝑜𝑠(14𝑡 + 77°) V and 𝑣2 = 55 𝑐𝑜𝑠(14𝑡 + 22°) V.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

3. With regard to the circuit depicted in Figure, (a) calculate the Thévenin equivalent seen looking
into the terminals marked a and b; (b) determine the Norton equivalent seen looking into the
terminals marked a and b; (c) compute the current flowing from a to b if a (7 – j2) Ω impedance
is connected across them.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

4. Solve for the transfer function 𝐻(𝑓 ) = 𝐕𝑜𝑢𝑡/𝐕𝑖𝑛.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

5. Solve for the mesh currents shown in the figure.

ME340: Mechatronics
Prof. Farshid Alambeigi, Fall 2022

6. Consider the circuit shown in the figure. Find the phasors 𝐕S , 𝐈, 𝐕𝐿 , 𝐕𝑅 and 𝐕𝑐 . Compare the
peak value of v𝐿(𝑡) with the peak value of v𝑠(𝑡).

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