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Q1. I hardly think jeans are appropriate ----------- for a wedding.

A. adhere
B. attire
C. inspection
D. policy
Q2. There are serious penalties for failure to ---------- with the
A. form
B. immediately
C. comply
D. code
Q3. We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will
make an -----------
A. attire
B. revise
C. arrangements
D. exception
Q4. Parents have to give their ----------- for their children to go on school
A. access (n) quyen truy cap

B. adhere (v) bam sat, tuan thu

C. permission (n) su cho phep
D. concern (n) su lo lang, moi quan ngai
Q5. His publishers made him ---------- his manuscript three times.
A. revise (v) sua doi,thay the
B. severely
C. exception
D. comply

Q6. Under the new -------------, spending on office equipment will be
strictly controlled.
A. attire
B. regulations
C. code
D. approaches (n) cach tiep can, pp xu ly
Q7. Clinics will be subject to a new ----------- of conduct and stronger
controls by local authorities.
(adv) 1 cach ky luong, triet de
A. thoroughly
B. arrangements (n) su sap xep, sap dat
C. regulations
D. code
Q8. It is too difficult for anyone using a wheelchair to ----------- the
A. access
B. approval
C. adhere
D. attire
Q9. They failed to --------- to the terms of the agreement
A. concern
B. adhere
C. revise
D. code
Q10. Please --------- from talking during the lecture.
A. form
B. refrain
C. severely
D. exception

Q11. They believe that Europe needs a common foreign and security
A. exception
B. policy
C. concern
D. adhere
Q12. He showed his ----------- by smiling broadly
A. approval
B. refrain
C. arrangements
D. immediately
Q13. They'd made all the ------------ for the party.
A. comply
B. revise
C. permission
D. arrangements
Q14. Swimming is the best ----------- of exercise
A. form
B. code
C. attire
D. adhere
Q15. We went through the report ------------- but couldn't find the
information anywhere.
A. comply
B. immediately
C. thoroughly
D. revise
Q16. Their daughter was ----------- injured in a car accident
A. thoroughly
B. severely
C. refrain
D. policy

Q17. There's a lot of public ----------- about dangerous toxins recently
found in food
A. access
B. concern
C. revise
D. comply
Q18. He made an ----------- of the elevators in the building.
A. regulation quy dinh
B. permission su cho phep
Su kiem tra, thanh tra
C. inspection cach tiep can, pp xu ly
D. approach
Q19. A stranger ------------- and asks to have her picture taken with
A. approaches
B. code
C. approvals
D. exceptions
Q20. We really ought to leave -----------
A. immediately
B. severely
C. thoroughly
D. form

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