497-1646977059032-FC6W51ES - MS - Coursework - FIRST WEEK LEARNING LOG

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FC6W51 Work Related Learning II

2021-2022 Autumn/Spring/Summersemesters
First-sit Coursework

Component one: Work Related Learning Portfolio and

Presentation with Evidence (100%)

The module enables students to undertake an appropriate short period of professional

activity, related to their course at level 6, with a business or community organisation and
to gain credit for their achievements. The activity can be a professional training, a
volunteering activity, employment activity, an activity within the School of Computing and
Digital Media Virtual Business Environment (VBE), placement or business start-up
For the purpose of this module – the VBE will be also be recognised as ‘the employer’.
It is expected student should work for 150 hours which should be recorded clearly (in a
learning log for instance) in the portfolio. The 150 hours can be completed in 25 working
days in a FT mode, or spread over a semester in a PT mode.
Students should register with the module leader to be briefed on the module, undergo
induction and Work Based Learning planning and to have the Work Based Learning
approved, before they take up the opportunity. It is essential that students are made
aware that both the “Work Based Learning agreement” and relevant “health and safety
checklist” where applicable need to be approved before starting the learning activity.
The module aims to provide students with the opportunity to:
• gain a useful experience of the working environment and the career opportunities
available on graduation.
• undertake a work-based project appropriate to their academic level.
• enhance and extend their learning experience by applying and building on their
academic skills and abilities by tackling real life problems in the workplace.
• enhance professional and personal development.

Students will be accessed by Work Related Learning Portfolio with Evidence and an oral
presentation (100%).

The following is the step takes to complete this module:

Step 1 Enrolment to the module.

Step 2 Attend a WRL introduction session.
Step 3 Work Search.
Step 4 Complete and email the WRL form to your academic tutor for approval.
Step 5 Once your WRL form is approved, you can go ahead to carry out the WRL
Step 6: The Work: Carry out the WRL activities. Make sure you:

Achieve all the learning outcomes proposed in the WRL form.
Attendance: Email the weekly learning log to your WRL tutor by mid night Friday
each week. Your tutor provides feedback and registers your attendance.
Attend training programmes such as the monthly Student Enterprise Workshops.
Step 7: Within one week of the start of your placement, if your WRL is being carried out
externally, please email the “Health & Safety Student Induction Checklist" to your academic
Step 8: Visit: If your WRL is being carried out externally, please arrange for your academic
tutor to visit you before its completion.
Step 9: Assessments:

Work Related Learning portfolio should have no less than 3000 words. It should includea
report, all the weekly learning logs, employer feedback and any other evidence to
support your achievements.


This section contains advice on writing your report.

General Advice

Before you start to write up your report you should sit down and plan what it is you are
trying to achieve. Try to think about:
 Purpose
 Audience
 Context

A common practice when planning a piece of written work is to brainstorm all of the
aspects of the topic that come into mind when you are thinking about the assignment.
You produce a first draft and then go back and think about how it best fits with the
purpose, audience and context. This is where the step of ‘review and rewrite’ comes in,
and you should go back over your work and produce further drafts until you are happy
with the assignment.

 You will be expected to pay close attention to your spelling and grammar throughout
your assessment.

 If you are dyslexic please but sure to attach your yellow stickers to each copy of your
assessment that you hand in

It is not always necessary to use third person narrative when writing. The report is
designed to allow you to express your opinion, to self-reflect and to give critical analysis.
Therefore it is acceptable to use expressions such as;
 I did…
 I thought…
 I understood…

This is particularly appropriate when discussing your own personal development, at

times when you are discussing the work completed the third person narrative may be
more appropriate.

The report should be sectioned and each section should use headings and a numbering
system. It is usual to indent the section headings and then to double indent the individual
parts within the section, like this :

1.0 Section One

1.1 First part of section one
1.2 Second part of section one

The following structure and headings are suggested for your report;

1.0 Introduction

This could include

 Background to the placement
 Information on the structure and role of the company
 Details of the specific department worked in

2.0 Review of Activities

This is a summary of the tasks, work and activities carried out on the placement; try to
reference these to the agreed learning outcomes in the agreed WRL form.
 Summarise & Evaluate

3.0 Academic Context

The section should discuss how your placement relates to your course and vice versa.
You should reflect on how your studies prepared you for your placement, and what effect
your placement has had on your future plans.
You will need to comment on which elements of your academic theory you have seen to
be applied in the workplace.
 Be reflective
 Cite theories where applicable
 This is an important part of your report

4.0 Abilities Evaluation

In this section you should summarise and evaluate your ability and skills development,
including a reflection on your learning outcomes* that you set at the start of your
 Be reflective and use your own thoughts
 Do not just quote capability vocabulary – be analytical
 This is also an important part of your report.

5.0 Challenges

You should comment on any challenges or problems that you encountered during your
placement and how you dealt with them.
 Challenges are not weaknesses
 Make sure – have said how you dealt with the challenge
 Make sure – have you said what you learnt from the challenge

6.0 Conclusion

This section should draw together and close your report. You should also comment on
what the experience meant as a whole, and how to take it forward.
 This section is typically hurried – take your time
 It should summarise the report and the experience
 Take the opportunity to note future action points

PLEASE NOTE: Students on scientific placements should include a section on the

results of their experimentation before their conclusion.

You should include a copy of your WRL form in your report. It should be attached
as the first appendix.

You may wish to include;

 Flow charts
 Organisational diagrams
 Photographs
 Examples of work completed

Please do not include large sections of supplementary information in the main body of
the report, these should be in an appendix.

You may supplement your report with applicable and referenced appendices where
necessary, which may include examples of your work; authored/designed web pages on
disc, articles written, questionnaires etc.

You should send the draft report to your academic supervisor to comment at least 2
weeks before the submission deadline.

The following is a template of your weekly learning log. You should complete it and email it to
your academic tutor by mid night every Friday.




YOUR ID: E026406

YOUR NAME: Fathima Reema Mubarak

YOUR COURSE: Work Related Learning II

YOUR WRL TUTOR: Prof. Ruvan Abeysekara

PLACE OF WORK: HealthRecon Connect


21st March 2022 to 26th March 2022

For the period 03/21/2022 (date) to 03/26/2022 (date)

What have I done? (relate tasks to Learning Outcomes)

LO1 -

As per the training given from the lead completing the production day by day with
quality and updating it with the supervisor and getting the feedback of the completed

What I did well (refer to skills used)

Completing the production in an accurate manner and updating the daily production
report and having a good audit report from the supervisor with minimum errors.

What I could improve on (i.e. skills I want to improve)

Focusing on delivering the outcomes within the deadline period and being more
efficient when it comes to deliverables.

Action I can take to improve my skills and learning (make these “SMART”):

Understanding the deliverables thoroughly and have backup plans on those when it is
going to reach the deadline and also understanding an easy way to clear out the
deliverables in an efficient and an accurate manner.


Purpose of Learning Log

Your Learning Log involves recording what you’ve done during your work placement and
encourages you to carry out self-assessment and reflection on how effectively you’ve
performed tasks.

It will help you to monitor your progress in working towards your learning outcomes and to
identify skills you’ve used and developed during the placement. You should attach a copy of
your Learning Agreement and the Skills Audit to the Learning Log.

Along with a written report, the Learning Log will form part of the assessment for the module.
For some courses, you will also deliver an oral presentation. In such cases, the Learning Log
will help you in preparing these by reminding you of task you were involved with and what
you learned from them.

When to complete the Learning Log

You should complete it and email a weekly log to your academic tutor by mid night every

How to complete the Learning Log

What have I done? (relate tasks to Learning Outcomes)

Against each task you record, you should show which learning outcome (LO) it relates to. It
isn’t necessary to write out the whole LO. Referring to your Learning Agreement, number
each Learning Outcome consecutively (LO1, LO2, LO3, etc). You can then use the
numbering to identify the relevant LO in your Learning Log e.g. Met with the Head of Human
Resources to find out about the organisational structure and the remit and functions of
different departments (LO3).

What I did well (refer to skills)

Look at the skills audit you completed during your PWP Induction Workshop and use these
as prompts for the possible skills you may be developing on your work placement.

Note down things you feel went well and what you did to achieve this. This means that, in
addition to saying what you think you did well, you also need to say why it went well – what
was it that you did to secure a positive result?

Communication and interpersonal – in asking the Head of HR for a meeting, I introduced
myself and was clear about what I wanted to know. I took detailed notes of the meeting and
wrote them up into a summary immediately after the meeting whilst the information was
fresh in my mind.

What I could improve on (i.e. skills I want to improve)

Here, try to identify any tasks you feel you might have done better or where you felt
uncertain or unconfident about something. Again, you may find it helpful to think of this in
terms of skills, so use your skills audit for ideas.

“Initiative and problem-solving – I sometimes lack confidence about approaching people I
haven’t met before. As a result, I put off doing some things like arranging a meeting and this
can then cause problems with meeting deadlines”.

Action I can take to improve my skills and learning (make these “SMART”)
In this section and using your reflection so far, set yourself goals for the coming period (e.g.
for the next week). These are likely to be about tasks which relate directly to one of your
Learning Outcomes and/or which address skills you want to improve.

Make them SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) as this will
help you to clearly identify your actions and goals for the next period.

Following on from the example above:
“To improve my confidence in approaching people, I’ll plan in advance what I want to say
and write out a short script for myself. I’ll do this first thing next Monday (give date).

To make sure I don’t miss deadlines, I’ll work out and write down a schedule of what I need
to do by when and then I’ll use this to identify tasks and what I need to achieve on a daily
basis. I’ll have the schedule completed by the end of Monday next week (give date)”.

Or, you might prefer to separate out the stages and write in note form, for example,

Goal - to improve my confidence in approaching people

Action - plan in advance what I want to say; write a script
Timing - first thing Monday (give date).

Students are required to carry out a piece of work related work approved by the
academic tutors. The work has to last 25 days or 150 working hours. The work can be a
placement, or any other types of real life work approved by the academic tutors.
Students will be accessed by Work Related Learning Portfolio with Evidence and
avideoor face-to-face presentation (100%).

The following is the step takes to complete this module:

Step 1 Enrolment to the module.

Step 2 Attend a WRL introduction session.
Step 3 Work Search.
Step 4 Complete and email the WRL form to your academic tutor for approval.
Step 5 Once your WRL form is approved, you can go ahead to carry out the WRL

Step 6: The Work: Carry out the WRL activities. Make sure you:
Achieve all the learning outcomes proposed in the WRL form.
Attendance: Email the weekly learning log to your WRL tutor by mid night Friday
each week. Your tutor provides feedback and registers your attendance.
Attend training programmes such as the monthly Student Enterprise Workshops.
Step 7: Within one week of the start of your work, if your WRL is being carried out externally,
please email the “Health & Safety Student Induction Checklist" to your academic tutor.
Step 8: Visit: If your WRL is being carried out externally, please arrange for your academic
tutor to visit you before its completion.
Step 9: Assessments:

Students are required to produce a Powerpoint presentation and a small video

presentation to address the following:

 Introduction: who you are (ID, name, course, supervisor), where you did the work.(1
 A summary of what do you do, what’s your role or position in this company or in the
project? (1 slide)
 What are the learning outcomes agreed in your WRL form? (1 slide)
 Explain how you have achieved these learning outcomes one by one with evidence.
(5 slide)
 Problems you encountered?(1 slide)
 What you enjoyed?(1 slide)
 Future career plan? (1 slide)

The presentation should last around 5 minutes. The video files should not be bigger than

Please note: if you have a learning difficulty or disability that may affect the production
of the video presentation, please discuss this with the Employability Unit as soon as
possible. We can help to arrange reasonable adjustments that will allow you to complete
your assessment successfully and without stress.

An oral presentation should last for about 5 minutes, and you should make use Power
Point slides to support your presentation.

FC6W51 Work Related Learning II Marking Sheet 2019-2020 Autumn/Spring/Summer
Student’s ID: Name: Place of work:

First marker: Internal moderator: Date of internal moderation:

Component one: Work Related Learning Portfolio and Presentation with Evidence (100%)
Please put a percentage (out of 100%) which best describes the student’s performance on the following stated outcomes:

Maximum Very Good Good Average Poor Very Poor

mark (70-80%, A) (60-69%, B) (50-59%, C) (40-49%, D) (below
40%, F)

Evidence of log filled in thoroughly and reported to the WRL tutor 10

Learning Logs

prove an understanding of social and professional aspects in the work

related activities.
Description of tasks undertaken and assessment of task content, and
their relevance to the learning outcomes in the approved WRL form.

evaluate critically her/his performance and abilities and plan for their 10
improvement (e.g. personal and technical development)

Quality of Log presentation, use of language, grammar, spelling 5

Demonstrate ability to communicate appropriately with colleagues and 10
superiors. (Evidence can be obtained from source such as employer’s
Demonstrate s/he can operate effectively as an independent learner 10
in a supervised work environment, including the selection and
application of appropriate methods and procedures to required tasks.

Describe and evaluate the structure, major activities and 30

responsibilities of the organisation, and show an understanding of
commercial and economic issues within the context.

demonstrate his/her analytical and advanced problem solving skills

related to the subject.
Report presentation; structure, logical flow, English, spelling, 5
punctuation, grammar
Quality of the Powerpointpresentation, its structure, logical flow, 10

English, spelling, punctuation, grammar

Quality of the video presentation, Language; clarity, speech 10

(audibility), appropriate level for audience
The achievement of the learning outcomes in the approved WRL form 10
with convincing evidence.
Reflection, lessons learned and future career plans 5
Total 100

General comments (please continue over page if necessary):


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