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Class Rules

Introduction | Class Rules

Class Rules

Lecture Attendance (5%)

Homework/Classwork (35%)
Final Exam (10%)

Please create a Temporary Telegram (Closed Prepare your Laptops,

Group) to disseminates lecture information Smartphone or Tablets
and will be deleted in the of semester.

Drink and Eat Snacks in

the class are allowed.

Introduction | Class Rules

Communication Rules

Please contact me :
 Office hour: Monday to Friday | 9.00 am – 12.00 am
 For Asisstances, meeting will be scheduled on Monday 3 PM (or by appointment)
 Phone call and SMS will be rejected/ignored (except emergency call)
 Communication only accepted by TELEGRAM bennsoevedia

All course materials will be published/uploaded in

Introduction | Class Rules

Course Contents
 Chapter 1 - Introduction of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
 History and General definition in CAD
 Introduction of AutoCAD Software

 Chapter 2 - Basic Engineering Drawings

 Introduction of engineering drawing Standard
 Drawing Unit
 Coordinates
 Drawing Object
 Chapter 3 - 2D Object Modification
 Chapter 4 - 2D Object Formatting
 Chapter 5 - Layout
 Chapter 6 - Plotting

Note : Will be mixed with “Manual Drawings contents”.

Introduction | Class Rules

Course Contents

Due to time limitation, we need “GASSPOLL Strategy” to finish the all of

course contents before Mid-Term Examination

Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Describing any object/information diagrammatically

Engineering Drawing
Graphical means of expression of technical detail without the
barriers of a language.

Engineering Drawing is
Universal Language for Engineers

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

If you want to build building like

this, can you describe the details
of this construction?
Impossible to describe the
detail of it. You need a drawing
to explain it!

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

It will be easy to describes if you have a drawing.

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Taipei 101 (臺北國際金融中心) is the highest building in the world Year 2004 – 2010.
It has very complex structural design and earthquake and Typhoon proof.

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

What Architect
What People see

This is actually
Civil Engineer see

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Processes of Burj

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Architectural Drawing Structural Drawing

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Structural Drawing
 Shop Drawing
Shop drawings are the detailed versions of these components and help identify how they will fit into the building
structure. More importantly, the shop drawings are made before the start of a construction project.

Function :
Shop drawing berperan sebagai media komunikasi antara perencanaan dan pelaksanaan, berisi tentang detail dari
pembuatan komponen konstruksi dan digunakan pada proses instalasi untuk mempermudah proses pemasangan.

 As Built Drawing
As-Built drawings are made after the building has been constructed. They depict how the building has been
constructed on paper. It can be said that the as-built drawings are needed to compare what was originally planned
and what has been made in the end.

Function :
As-built drawing berfungsi untuk menunjukkan adanya perubahan yang terjadi antara gambar rencana, shop
drawing, dan realisasinya. As-built drawing berguna untuk pengelolaan fisik suatu proyek setelah pelaksanaan
konstruksi diselesaikan. Pembuatan as-built drawing akan mempermudah kontraktor dalam merekap semua
perubahan yang terjadi sebagai amandemen terhadap dokumen kontrak asli.

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Manual Drawing Computerized Drawing

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Civil Engineer’s Life before CAD

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Computerized Drawing
 Fast
 Better precision level
 No need large spaces
 Easy to edit
 Can draw with drinking coffe

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Computerized Drawing Softwares

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Computerized Drawing Softwares

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Computer Aided Design

AutoCAD is a CAD software for 2D and 3D drawings which developed by Autodesk.

This software is the popular CAD software in the world.
This software mostly used by engineers, architecs, mechanical engineers, interior designers, etc.

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Computer Aided Design

Title Bar
Main Menu
Toolbar Drawing Area

Status Line Command

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

AutoCAD Software Interface

Main Toolbar of AutoCAD

DrawingToolbar of AutoCAD (Rotated figure)

ModifyToolbar of AutoCAD (Rotated figure)

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Taipei 101

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Bridges

Steel Truss Bridge Cable Stayed Bridge Suspended Arch Bridge

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Bridges

Site Plan of Cable Stayed Bridge

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Bridges

Bridge Girder Cross Section

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Steel Connection

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – H Beam Connection Detail

H Beam Connection Detail

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Example of Engineering (Structural Drawing) – Complete House

Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

Let’s watch these video below

Video 1
Being a Civil Engineer Vs. an Architect

Video 2
Structural Engineer vs Architect - Design Meeting


Introduction | Introduction of Engineering Drawings

 Please install an AutoCAD software (ACAD 2010 or above are recommended) and try it.
 Please, find the Single-Storey house design (choose any type)
 Write an article about Civil Engineering (do by a group with 5 maximum members)

Deadline :
 November 25th, 2020
 Submit on  choose online submission
 Late submission will get reducing grades, 10 points each day.

Thank You – Terima Kasih – Xie xie


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