Grim Hollow Wyrm

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The following are examples of possible level

Wyrm milestones for the Wyrm:

Mounds of treasure lie beneath the slumbering
• Taking possession of a great treasure.
bodies of the majestic Wyrms. Be grateful that
these hoards are enough to occupy their mind and
• Killing a great being in order to attain its treasure
keep them satisfied, for if these great dreamers or defend your treasure against horrific and
stretched out their thieving paws, all would powerful enemies.
quickly fall before their wrath. The Wyrms sit on
their throne on top of the world, observing all that • Gaining control of your animalistic urges or
belongs to them, because to the King of the unleashing the beast within and losing your
Immortals, all of creation came to be to obey his humanity.
every whim. Ones who will accept their role as
eternal servants will be granted a life of peace, and • Live longer than a thousand years.
those, who dare think of laying their unworthy
hands on one of the treasures, awaits eternal
Transformation level 1
oblivion. Starting at 1st level, you gain the following
Transformation Boons and this level’s
Becoming a Wyrm Transformation Flaw.
Everyone has heard of the Wyrms from history or Transformation Boon: Draconic Nature
old legends, but only a lucky few could brag of
seeing a dragon and living to tell the tale and no Your Charisma and Constitution score increases
one knows for sure how these great beasts by 2 (up to 22 max.). You become a Dragon in
originated. Your greed for treasure, an ancient addition to any other creature types you are.
curse or wish led you to become a Wyrm, you Spells and abilities that state effects or conditions
should discuss with your GM what type of Wyrm specifically regarding Dragon of a specific CR
you would like to become, and how this can be have no effect on you. You have darkvision with
implemented in the campaign. a range of «30 * your curse level» feet.

Transformation Features Transformation Boon: Hybrid form

A Wyrm has the following transformation As an action, you may transform into a half-
features: Wyrm hybrid. While in your hybrid form, the
following rules apply:
• Your stats remain the same as in your humanoid
Ability Scores: Constitution 16 and Charisma 16. form and you can choose at least one of the
following changes to your appearance to occur
Roleplay: You must get the curse of becoming a
during your transformation: your hands become
Wyrm. This usually comes from the greatest of
sharp dragon claws, you grow a tail, your pupils
spells or a will that transcends reality itself.
become dragon-like, you grow a pair of wings or
Discuss with your GM how you can achieve this
your teeth get longer and become extremely
in-game. Some of your abilities require your
sharp. As a bonus action, you can change into
target to make a saving throw to resist their
your dragon form (read above).
effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as
follows: • While transformed and not wearing any armor
or using a shield, your AC equals «10 + curse
Transformation save DC = 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Charisma modifier level + your Constitution modifier + your
Dexterity modifier».
Level Milestones
• While transformed you can use weapons and • If there is a treasure within 5 feet of you and you
equipment as normal, unless specified otherwise. have not used your action, you must make a grab
action it.
• You get wings that provide a flight speed equal
to your «normal speed * your curse level» and the • If there is a creature, which poses a danger to
climb speed is equal yours (or 10 ft., if you do not your treasure, and you have not used your action
have it) *your curse level». and bonus action, you must protect your treasure
or succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom throw to give it
• You roll the «your curse level/2 (minimum of 1)
away willingly.
* d6 + your Strength modifier» in place of the
normal damage for your unarmed strikes. Attacks Transformation level 2
using your claws deal slashing damage instead of
bludgeoning damage. You are one step closer to becoming a true Wyrm.
You gain the ability to breathe underwater if your
• When doing the attack action, you may dragon species is able to breathe underwater. You
substitute one attack for a bite attack. If the attack have blindsight with a range of «15 *your curse
hits, you deal piercing damage equal to «your level» feet. Also, you gain proficiency in stealth.
curse level/2 (minimum of 1) * 1d10 + your
Strength modifier». If you make a bite attack, you When you are not in your hybrid form, you gain
cannot make another until the beginning of your resistance to a selected damage type, and while
next turn. you are in your dragon form, you become immune
to that damage type.
• If you made the attack action, as a bonus action
you may make a tail attack, the reach of which is Transformation Boon: Chromatic
equal to « your curse level * 5». If the attack hits, Transformation
you deal bludgeoning damage equal to «your
curse level/2 (minimum of 1) * 1d8 + your Choose one of the following types: black (acid),
Strength modifier». blue (lighting), green (poison), white (cold), red
(fire). Your dragon attacks (bite, unarmed strikes,
• Your hybrid form lasts for a number of hours claw and tail attacks) now equal «your curse level
equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of * selected attack roll (1d10 for bite, 1d8 for tail
1) and ends early if you are knocked unconscious and 1d6 for unarmed or claw attacks) + your
or reduced to 0 hit points. You can end your Strength modifier». You also add your strength
Hybrid Form by using an action on your turn. modifier to your weapon damage (in addition to
your previous modifier).
Transformation Flaw: Natural Predator
Dragon Breath (recharge 5–6). You exhale dragon
Discuss with your GM a treasure which your
breath in a «30 * your curse level» foot cone or a
character will collect and defend. If you look at
«30 * your curse level» foot line that is «5 * your
that treasure, you must succeed on a DC 15 saving
curse level» wide for lighting. Each creature in
Wisdom throw at the beginning of each turn
that area must make a DC Dexterity saving throw,
which you look at treasure for your character. If
taking «8d8 * your curse level» of the selected
you fail this saving throw, you are subjected to the
damage type on a failed save, or half as much
following until you succeed:
damage on a successful one.
• You must move toward the most desired treasure
you can see, which does not belong to you. If you Transformation Boon: Metallic
end your movement and there is no treasure Transformation
within 5 feet of you, then you must use your Choose one of the following type: brass (fire),
action to dash toward one. bronze (lighting), green (poison), silver (cold),
gold (fire).
While you are in your hybrid form and not • Gaining the unconscious condition.
wearing any armor or using a shield, your AC
• Choosing to reveal your true self. In events of
equals «10 + your curse level *2 + your
extreme emotional or physical stress, a GM may
Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier».
call for a Constitution saving throw with a DC of
You can substitute your Strength modifier for
their choosing to see if you maintain your
your dragon attacks and weapons for your
humanoid form.
Dexterity modifier.
Dragon Breath (recharge 5–6). You exhale dragon Transformation level 3
breath in «20 * your curse level» foot cone or a You can make each creature of your choice that is
«20 * your curse level» foot line that is «5 * your within «30 * your curse level » feet of you and
curse level/2» wide for lighting. Each creature in aware of it must succeed on a DC Wisdom saving
that area must make a DC Dexterity saving throw, throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
taking «4d10 * your curse level» of the selected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
damage type on a failed save, or half as much each turn, ending the effect on itself on a success.
damage on a successful one.
If a creature's saving throw is successful or the
Transformation Boon: Gem effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your
frightful presence for the next 24 hours.
Your maximum for all scores is now 30.
Choose one of the following type: sapphire
(thunder), emerald (psychic), topaz (necrotic), Also you can also absorb damage of your type for
amethyst (force), crystal (radiant). a number of times equal to your constitution
modifier (minimum 1) to restore hit points or
You are considered one magic class higher than
you really are for each curse level, but you do not
get any abilities from your class, and your spell As an action, you can transform yourself into a
save DC and spell attack bonus are increased by Dragon instead of your half-form. Your size is
the curse level. Huge for 3 level’s curse and you also get all the
benefits of your hybrid dragon form.
Dragon Breath (Recharge 5–6). You exhale
dragon breath in «30 *your curse level » foot cone When you are in your Dragon or half-dragon
or «30 * your curse level» foot line that is «5 * form, you gain legendary actions like tail attack
your curse level/2» wide for lighting. Each and wing attack and also 3 legendary actions. You
creature in that area must make a DC Dexterity regain spent legendary actions at the start of your
saving throw, taking «6d6 * your curse level» of turn.
the selected damage type on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful one. Tail attack: you make a tail attack as described
Transformation Flaw: Hideous
Wing attack (costs 2 legendary actions): You beat
Appearance your wings. Each creature within 10 feet of you
Your appearance has greatly altered from its must succeed on a DC Dexterity saving throw or
original features. The first signs were the fangs take «your curse level/2 * d6 + your Strength
that started to protrude. Dragon scales have modifier» bludgeoning damage (for gem and
started to cover your body and pupils look like metallic dragons) or «your curse level* d6 + your
that of a reptile even when you are not using your Strength modifier» bludgeoning damage (for
hybrid form. You can control your form and hide chromatic dragons) and be knocked prone. You
your true appearance, but the following situations can then fly up to half your flying speed.
can reveal your true nature: Detect: the dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception)
• Concentrating on a spell. check.
Transformation Boon: Becoming a You need to build your Lair where you can store
Chromatic Dragon and hide your treasure. You must defend your
Lair when it`s is being invaded or you need to
Prerequisite: Chromatic Transformation succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom throw to leave your
Lair and treasure to enemies. You cannot leave
You gain the legendary resistances, the number of
your Lair if you cannot return within one month.
which is equal to your curse level, but you cannot
You must always know about the state of your
use them to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
lair. Every 12 hours you are not in your Lair and
from your Transformation Flaws.
cannot observe it you need to succeed on a DC 20
You can add your Constitution modifier for Wisdom throw or you must use the fastest method
damage roll on any dragon or weapon attacks. that is available to you to get to your lair and make
sure that everything is okay. You can take long
Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by
rests only at your lair
4, but not above 30.
If your Lair was destroyed, you must build a new
Transformation Boon: Becoming a one immediately.
Metallic Dragon
Prerequisite: Metallic Transformation
Transformation level 4
As an action, you can transform yourself into a
You gain the ability to use legendary resistances,
Wyrm instead of your half-dragon form. Your
the number of which is equal to your curse level *
size is Gargantuan for 4 level’s curse and you also
1.5 (round down), but you cannot use them to
get all the benefits of your hybrid Wyrm form.
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw from your
Transformation Flaws. Also you gain the second You regain 30 hit points at the start of your turn.
type of dragon breath which depends on your
Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the
type. Take the effect from the bestiary, otherwise
Purpose of overcoming Resistance and immunity
it is defined as your normal breath except for no
to nonmagical attacks and damage.
damage, unless otherwise specified in the
bestiary. Your hit dice from now is d20 for any classes you
Transformation Boon: Becoming a Gem
Dragon Transformation Boon: Becoming a
Prerequisite: Gem Transformation
Chromatic Wyrm
Prerequisite: Becoming a Chromatic Dragon
You gain the ability to use legendary resistances,
the number of which is equal to your curse level, You gain 5 legendary actions. Also you can use
but you cannot use them to succeed on a Wisdom your Wyrm breath as a legendary action (costs 2
saving throw from your Transformation Flaws. legendary actions, does not require a recharge).
When you cast a spell that deals damage typical You can add your proficiency bonus to damage
to your Wyrm type, you can add your Charisma roll for any Wyrm or weapon attacks.
modifier to all of that spell's damage rolls.
You can attack four times using your Wyrm
You can change acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, attacks.
thunder, psychic, necrotic, force and radiant
damage to the damage which you chose when Any time you are targeted by a magic missile
reaching second level of curse. spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged
attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, you are
Transformation Flaw: Lair unaffected. On a 6, you are unaffected, and the
effect is reflected back at the caster as though it
originated from you, turning the caster into the If you realize that someone stole your treasure,
target. you must succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom throw with
disadvantage, otherwise your rage cannot be
Transformation Boon: Becoming a stopped by any means other than retrieving the
Metallic Wyrm stolen treasure, slaying the thief or until your rage
has destroyed the entire world.
Prerequisite: Becoming a Metallic Dragon
While you are enraged, in addition you gain
You gain immunities to such conditions like
immunities to such conditions like blinded,
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, poisoned
charmed, deafened, frightened, grappled,
and stunned and immunities to bludgeoning,
incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
restrained, stunned and resistance to all types of
Also you gain resistance to any magical damage.
You gain a truesight for «30 * your curse level »
Optional rule: Wyrms have an innate ability for
Your darkvision from now on is calculated as «60
sorcery, and can learn new spells with age using
* your curse level» feet, and your blindsight from
this optional rule.
now on is «30 * your curse level» feet.
Wyrms can cast a number of spells equal to their
Whenever you roll a saving throw, you can add
Charisma modifier. Each spell can only be cast
your proficiency bonus to any saving throw.
once per day, requiring no material components,
When you are subjected to an effect that allows and the level of a spell cannot exceed a third of
you to make a saving throw to take only half the Wyrm's hazard rating (rounded down). The
damage, you instead take no damage if you Wyrm's spell attack hit bonus is equal to its
succeed on the saving throw, and only half mastery bonus + its Charisma bonus.
damage if you fail.
The DC for saving throws against Wyrm spells is
Transformation Boon: Becoming a Gem 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier.
Prerequisite: Becoming a Gem Dragon
You gain immunity to all types of damage that
gem Wyrms have (thunder, psychic, necrotic,
force, radiant), and resistance to all types of
damage that other Wyrms have (lighting, poison,
cold, fire, acid).
The spells you cast and inflict the type of damage
you chosen at the second level of that curse,
reduce immunity to resistance or ignore
resistance, and if targets have no immunity or
resistance, they are vulnerable to damage.
You are immune to spells of 7th level or lower and
you gain advantage on saving throws against all
other spells and magical effects and you cannot
lose concentration on any spell.

Transformation Flaw: Wrath of a Wyrm

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