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Lesson 12

Week 1
1. Why does the prophet criticize worship and festivals?
Prophet criticizes worship and festivals because people were focusing only on the
festivals, religious offerings and worship. They were not following righteous and
fair practices among themselves. God looks for justice and righteousness among
2. Do you think that worship, festivals and other representations should be
the message of divine righteousness and love? Discuss
Yes, all out practices of faith and religion should be a reflection of our Godly
values like righteousness, love, kindness and compassion. If we are engaged in all
such representations but do not have love and righteousness towards our
brethren, then all our practices have no meaning.
3. The prophet emphasizes that God recognizes only the worship of a society
based on God’s righteousness and justice. All other symbols, practices and
customs are mere idols. God is not please with it. Why?
It is easy to practice elaborate customs and follow symbols and practices in our
lives. But if we are not able to lend a helping hand to our fellow-beings, then
there is no meaning in our worship and festivals. God sees our heart, and wants
to see righteousness and justice among his people. As ambassadors of Christ we
have to be channels of His justice and righteousness.
1. Compare and contrast the lives of the rich man and Lazarus
Rich Man Lazarus
Luxury Poverty
Costly purple and fine linen Bare minimum, rags
Plentiful rich food Shortage of food
Healthy Unhealthy, full of sores
Comfort, pleasure Sorrow, pain
Has companionship Deserted, despised, companionship of dogs
2. Why does not God approve of a society where there is great disparity/
inequality? Discuss
God gives and blesses people with resources so that we share it with the people
who are less fortunate than we are.
3. What was wrong with the rich man?
The rich man used his resources for himself. He did not believe in accountability
or heaven. Nor did he bother to uplift the poor who was at his door.

Week 2
2. What do you know about child labor and cruelty to children? Discuss.
Children who are supposed to protected and taken care of in families end up
working in restaurants and other hazardous places like firecracker industries,
matchbox making industries etc. Their childhood which is supposed to be spent in
enjoying the beauty of the world and gaining knowledge through education is
spent in unhealthy and inhumane conditions. Since they mostly work in
unorganized sector as unskilled labor, they do not gain the skills needed for a
healthy productive adult life.

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