Delay Management For Programmable VSP Processors

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Delay Management for Programmable Video Signal Processors

M.L.G. Smeets E.H.L. Aarts G. Essink E.A. de Kock

Philips Research, Prof. Holstlaan 4,5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Abstract life-time of intermediate data, i.e., the time between pro-

duction and consumption, is related to the time assign-
We consider the problem of memory allocation for inter- ment of the operations. As a consequence, the time assign-
mediate data in the mapping of video algorithms onto pro- ment determines the storage requirement for intermediate
grammable video signal processors. The corresponding data. The available storage capacity is divided into several
delay management problem is proved to be NP-hard. We memories and memory types. In the delay management
present a solution strategy that decomposes the delay man- step, one determines the type and the amount of memory
agement problem into a delay minimization problem fol- for the storage of the intermediate data by computing a pre-
lowed by a delay assignment problem. The delay minimiz- liminary time assignment.
ation problem is solved with network Jlow techniques. The The delay management problem resembles problems
delay assignment problem is handled by a constructive ap- that arise in the field of life-time analysis of variables [Denk
proach. The performance of the combinedapproach is ana- & Parhi, 19941, and pipelined IC design [Hu, Bass & Har-
lyzed by means of a benchmark set of industrially relevant ber, 19941. It is closely related to register allocation prob-
video algorithms. lems. The problem we discuss differs from those presented
Key words. Real-time video signal processing; combin- in the literature by the fact that we have to deal with a fixed
atorial optimization; retiming; life-time analysis of vari- architecture that contains multiple types of memories that
ables; network pow; stream processing. can be used to store intermediate data. So, the delay man-
agement problem is in fact a feasibility problem rather than
an optimization problem. Furthermore, the delay manage-
1 Introduction ment problem contains an additional type assignment prob-
At Philips Research programmable video signal pro- We present a solution approach to the delay manage-
cessors (VSPs) have been developed for real-time pro- ment problem that relaxes certain constraints and decom-
cessing of digital video signals [Veendrick et al., 19941. poses it into two subproblems. The first subproblem called
The programming of a VSP system is done by mapping a the delay minimization problem is solved efficiently using
specification of a video algorithm given by a multirate sig- network flow techniques. The second subproblem called
nal flow graph (SFG) onto a network of VSPs. The map- the delay assignment problem is handled using construct-
ping of an SFG onto a VSP network can be viewed as a ive heuristics.
feasibility problem in which operations must be assigned to The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec-
processing elements (PEs) and execution intervals such that tion 2 we present the concepts and a mathematical model
a set of timing, processor, and communication constraints is of the delay management problem. In Section 3 we prove
met [Essink et al., 1991a]. that the delay management problem is NP-hard. In Sec-
We aim at fully automatic mapping with real-time exe- tion 4 we present our decomposition strategy and discuss
cution imposed by static scheduling. The mapping problem how the delay minimization and delay assignment problem
is NP-hard and cannot be solved in its entirety [Van Don- are handled. In Section 5 we present preliminary results. In
gen, 19901. We have adopted a decomposition into the fol- Section 6 we conclude with some final remarks.
lowing three subproblems: delay management, partition-
ing, and scheduling. In this paper we concentrate on the
delay management problem. Detailed discussions of the 2 Delay Management
other problems are given by De Kock et al. (1995) for par-
titioning, and Essink et al. (1991b) for scheduling. A detailed discussion of VSP chips and the mapping of
Delay management refers to the problem of allocating video algorithms onto systems of VSPs is presented by Vis-
memory resources for the storage of intermediate data. The sers et al. (1995), and the reader is referred to this work for

1066-1409/97$10.00 0 1997 IEEE

Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
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the details. Here we restrict ourselves to a brief summary of more information about compact silos the reader is referred
VSP concepts that are relevant for the description of delay to Dijkstra et al. (1989).
management. Many existing video signal processing architectures
make use of random access memory or FIFOs [Lee & Bier,
2.1 Architecture 19901 to store intermediate data. Silos and compact silos
are more flexible than FIFOs and have an advantage over
In Figure 1 the VSP architecture is depicted graphically. the use of random access memories by the fact that memory
A VSP contains a number of pipelined processing elements addresses do not have to be specified by the programmer.
(PEs): ALES, MES, BES, and OES. ALES execute arithmetic
and logic operations, MES contain a random access memory 2.3 Signal Flow Graphs
on which they execute read and write operations. BES ex-
ecute buffer operations, and OEs execute communication SFGs consists of operations and data precedences. In
operations. All PEs are fully interconnected by means of a this paper an SFG is denoted by a pair (0, R) where 0 de-
switch matrix. Circular buffers called silos are positioned notes a set of operations and R a set of data precedences.
between the outputs of the switch matrix and the inputs of Each operation has a period and an execution time. The
the PEs. period indicates how often the operation is executed, e.g., a
period of 4 denotes that an operation needs to be executed
exactly every 4 clock cycles. This corresponds with a rate
of 13.5 MHz for a clock frequency of 54 MHz. The period
of an operation o is given by p(o) E Z+. The execution time
of an operation o is given by e(o) E Zf.
Data precedences are represented by 3-tuples r =
(o,o’, (p, b, b’)) with o,o’ E 0, p E Z+, and b,b’ E Z such
that p is a multiple of p(o) and of ~(0’). A data pre-
cedence r specifies that the data sample generated in the
(kp/p(o) + b)th execution of operation o is consumed in
the (kp/p(o’) + b’)th execution of operation o’, for all in-
tegers k.
Figure 1: VSP Architecture. In the mapping trajectory, each execution of each opera-
tion in an SFG must be assigned to a time. The time assign-
ments are restricted by requiring that each execution of an
2.2 Delay Elements. operation o is processed on the same processing element.
As a result of this assumption and the assumption of strict
Typical of signal processing is the production and con- periodicity, the assignments only have to be found for the
sumption of intermediate streams of data samples. These first execution of each operation. For reasons of conveni-
intermediate data samples are stored temporarily in delay ence we use completion times to denote the time assign-
elements. VSPs contain two types of programmable delay ment of an operation. This is represented by the function
elements that we call silos and compact silos. 0:O--+Z.
Silos contain a random access memory of 32 words and To model the use of compact silos, we associate a
additional address calculation logic. This logic generates delay with each operation. This delay indicates how many
the write address and cyclically increments it in each clock samples the output of an operation is delayed in a compact
cycle. The read address is generated by the program of the silo. Formally, the delay assignment is represented by the
corresponding PE. As a result, data samples can be delayed function T : 0 + I+?.Consequently, if 7(o) = 0 then opera-
1 up to 31 clock cycles. tion o must be executed on an ALE, BE or OE. If Z(o) > 0
Compact silos are a feature of the MES. Each ME con- then operation o must be executed on an ME.
tains additional address generation logic in order to use part
of the available random access memory in a way that is 2.4 Problem Statement
similar to the functionality of silos. One can implement
multiple FIFOs, each having its own length and through- We consider the number of clock cycles that the data
put rate, in a single compact silo. The length of a compact samples of data precedence r reside in a silo. Let p(r) E Z
silo is equal to the smallest power of two that is greater or indicate the first time a data sample of r is read from the
equal to the sum of the lengths of the FIFOs. The additional silo, and let w(r) E Z indicate the first time a data sample is
logic generates the addresses to implement the FIFOs. For written into the silo. The difference p(r) -o(r) is the delay


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
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d(r), and is the time between consumption and production iii. The ME storage resources.
of the data samples of r. This is modeled by three resource types p, m, and s, for i, ii,
Definition 1 (Delay). The delay d : R t Z is defined as and iii, respectively. Each resource type t has a capacity C,
d(r) = p(r) - a(r), where p(r) = o(d) + b/p(d) - e(d) and requirement Rr. Then the capacity constraints are for-
and O(r) = O(O) + (b +~(o))p(o). Cl mulated as
Definition 2 (Feasible time assignment). A time assign- R, 5 C, A R, 5 C, A R, 5 C,. (1)
ment 0 : 0 -+ Z is called feasible if and only if it satisfies
0 < d(r) < 32 for all r E R. Cl For a given VSP network the capacities are fixed, i.e., C,
equals the number of PEs of type ALE, BE, and OE, Cm
An example of an infeasible time assignment is given in equals the number of MES, and C, equals the storage capa-
Figure 2. Here, the data samples of r cannot be delayed city of the MES. The requirements for all resource types are
given by

R,= c 1 R,= c -?L- Rs = z: ~(0)

oco P(O)’ oEO P(O)’ OEO
I I I j clock T(0)= 0 T(0)> 0
0 10 20 30 40
Definition 3 (Feasible delay assignment). A delay assign-
Figure 2: Example of an SFG with a time assignment that ment is feasible if and only if it satisfies (1). cl
is infeasible since the difference between the time of con- The delay management problem now can be stated as fol-
sumption and the time of production of the samples of data lows.
precedence r exceeds the maximum storage time of one silo.
Definition 4 (Delay management problem). Given are a
VSP network N and an SFG A. Find an SFG extension A’ of
A and a feasible delay assignment such that a feasible time
assignment exists for all operations in A’. 0

0 IO 20 30
3 Complexity
Figure 3: The example from Figure 2 in which the SFG is The following theorem presents a result on the complex-
extended with an extra operation 0” and data precedences ity of the delay management problem.
I-’and r” such that the time assignment is feasible.
Theorem 1. The delay managementproblem is NP-hard in
sufficiently long since it requires more cycles than one silo the ordinary sense. 0
can provide. If this is the case, either the time assignment
must be changed or the SFG must be extended. Figure 3 Proof (Sketch) The reduction is from bin packing with a
shows an extension which is obtained from the SFG of Fig- fixed number of bins, which is NP-hard [Garey & Johnson,
ure 2 by replacing r with a delay operation 0” and two data 19791. We restrict ourselves to a variant of delay manage-
precedences 4 and r”. For this extended SFG the same time ment in which only delay operations with period 1 are in-
assignment is feasible since the total delay of precedence r serted into the SFG, which is, from a complexity point of
is now distributed over two precedence IJ and r” and the view, easier than the delay management problem without
two resulting delays each fit into one silo. Moreover, oper- this restriction.
ation 0” can be mapped onto a compact silo which delays The restricted delay management problem is formalized
its time of production. Several other SFG extension are per- as follows: Given a set U of sets VI,. . . V,, consisting of 3-
mitted, but we do not present them here since they are not tuples (6,, 6,) 6,) E @ . Each Vk corresponds to a delay that
relevant for the discussion. needs to be implemented. If a delay is implemented using
The insertion of delay operations does not alter the func- a set of operations 0, then
tionality of an SFG, but may possibly violate capacity con-
6, = c 1, &n = c 1, 6, = c r(0).
straints since they increase the utilization of the PEs. There OEO 060 OEO
are three resources under consideration: T(O)= 0 T(O)> 0
i. The ALE, BE, and OE resources. Hence, a 3-tuple (6,, 6,, 6 s) corresponds to the additional
ii. The ME access resources. requirement for the resource types p, m, and s, respectively,


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
when implementing a delay corresponding with V,, with 6, minimization and delay assignment. As a result of this de-
operations with period 1 on ALE, BE, or OE, 6, operations composition, we restrict the solution space. To present our
with period 1 on ME, and 6, memory requirement. As a solution strategy we need the following definitions and res-
consequence, we have ults.
Definition 5 (Surplus delay). The surplus delay d’ :
6, 5 6, A (6, > 0 G- s, > O), (2)
R 3 Z is defined as d’(r) = max(O, F), where r =
for all 3-tuples (6,, &,,, 6,) E Vk, where 1 5 k 5 n). Fur- (w’,W,b’N. 0
thermore, we are given the initial requirements Zp,Z,,,,ZsE Q Hence, the surplus delay represents the storage requirement
of resources p, m, and s respectively, and three constants for intermediate data that does not fit into one silo with a
C,,C,, and C,, which denote the capacities. The question given time assignment.
is: does there exist a corresponding set V’ that contains ex-
actly one element from each V, and for which the total re- Theorem 2. Given is an SFG (0, R). A time assignment
quirement does not exceed the capacity of each resource, Q : 0 + Z is calledfeasible if and only ifit satisfies
v& 0 < d(r) A c d’(r) = 0.
h+ c n(u,k) L G, k E {p,m,s). I-ER
Here, R : @ x {p,m,s} -+ Q is a projection operator
defined as Proofi By the definition of d’. 0

n((a,b,c),p) = a, n((a,b,c),m) = b, Jc((a,b,c),s) = c. Theorem 3. Given are an SFG A = (0, R) and a time as-
signment d such that &Rd’(r) > 0. Then an SFG ex-
A reduction from bin packing with three bins can be made. tension A’ = (Ot, R’) of A can be constructed for which a
The bin packing problem is defined as follows: Given are a time assignment d : 0’ -+ Z exists such that &R/ d’(r) <
set of items I = { il ,...,i,}andsizeslss(i,)<B,where &a‘f(‘-). cl
s(im) E Zf and B E Z+ is the bin size. Can the items be
packed in three bins Tl , T2 and T3, such that Pro05 Let k = l{r E R 1 d’(r) > O}l, let J =
c s(i) L 4 k E {1,2,3}? Define 0’ = 0 U lJl<i<n Oi and
iETk --

Next, we show that every instance of bin packing with three R’=R\{Jl u((o,o1,(~,b,O)),(onio’,(~,O,b’))) u
bins can be written as an instance of our restricted delay U (Oi,Oi+l2 (P,O,O)).
management problem. To this end we take Zp= Z, = Z, = 0,
C, = B, C, = B + n, and C, = (n + 1) . B. Furthermore, we We now define a time assignment CJ’for A’ as follows. Let
take U = {VI,. . , V,,}, where each Vk is defined as CT’= o U Ul<i<nd(oi), where O’(oi) = G(O) + bp(o) -
e(o) + 32i ford1 0 5 i 5 n. Assuming that the executions
vk = {(sh), l,B), (0~1 +S(ik),B), (0,1,B+s(ik)& times of all operations are smaller than 32, it can easily be
checked that
It can be verified that all 3-tuples in any vk satisfy (2).
The 3-tuples correspond with implementations of delays of 0 < d(ol) - e(o1) -a’(o) - bp(o) < 32, (3)
length s(i,&) + 1 + B. It is straightforward to determine the
bin to which they are assigned. This completes the proof. vl<i<n 0 < d(oi+l) - e(oi+l) - G’(oi) < 3% and (4)
cl 0 < ~‘(0’) + b’p(o’) - e(o’) - d(on) < 32. (5)

As a result, for all r E R’\ R holds d’(r) = 0. Since the delay

of the precedences r E R \ {r’} has not changed, we have
4 Solution strategy
I{Y E R’ I d’(r) > 0} I = k - 1 and that the sum of surplus
delay decreases. 0
We have shown that the delay management problem is
NP-complete. As a result, no polynomial time algorithm Theorem 3 states that it is always possible to decrease
is believed to exist that solves each instance of the prob- the sum of surplus delays as long as the sum is larger than
lem. Therefore, we use a heuristic approach in which we zero. We can calculate a time assignment (J yielding a min-
transform the delay management problem into an optimiz- imal sum of surplus delay. Then, on account of Theorem 3,
ation problem. The resulting optimization problem is sub- CJcan be used to reduce the sum of surplus delay of the
sequently decomposed into two subproblems called delay SFG. The last mentioned step can be repeated, until the sum


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
of surplus delays equals zero. The repetition terminates on
account of Theorem 2, The combination of these theorems
guarantees that only a finite number of operations need to
be added for the existence of a feasible time assignment.
This strategy is efficient if the problem of finding a time
assignment yielding a minimal sum of surplus delays can be
solved in polynomial time. In the next subsection we show
that this is indeed the case. The problem of finding such
a time assignment is referred to as the delay minimization
problem. The problem of finding an SFG extension with re-
duced sum of surplus delays is referred to as the delay as- Figure 5: Linear and piece-wise linear cost func-
signmentproblem. This decomposition leads to two altern- tion for a precedence r = (0, o’, (p, b, b’)) with a
ative solution strategies. In the first strategy we try to find delay d(r).
a solution to the delay minimization problem and then re-
peatedly try to find solutions to the delay assignment prob-
ible time assignment. With a piece-wise linear cost func-
lem, until all surplus delays are zero. In the second strategy
tion the second time assignment is twice as expensive as
we repeatedly try to find solutions to the delay minimiz-
the first time assignment. An important disadvantage of a
ation problem followed by the delay assignment problem
piece-wise linear cost function is that no polynomial time
until all surplus delays are zero. The second strategy im-
algorithm is known that solves the problem.
plies more computational work, but the following example
shows that the increase in resource requirements as a con-
sequence of delay management can be lower if the second
4.1 Delay Minimization
strategy is chosen.
Figure 4 shows an SFG with operations o, o’ and o”, The goal of the delay minimization is to find a time as-
among others. The path between o and 0” forces ~$0”) = signment that minimizes the sum of the surplus delay. In or-
a(o) + 64. A time assignment CTthat yields minimal sum der to minize the storage requirement for intermediate data,
we do not store copies of the data. To this end, we classify
(O,O”.f1,640/) the consumers into numbered groups.
Definition 6 (Group). The set G(o,i) of precedences of
group i of operation o is defined as
a I I,* , ..

Figure 4: Example of an SFG. G(o,i) = {(o,o’,(p,b,b’)) E R 1b E i (mod -!!- .

P(O) )I
of surplus delay is, for instance, o(o) = 0, ~$0’) = 32, and 0
~(0”) = 64, yielding a sum of surplus delay of 2. For this
For each producing operation o, the number of consuming
time assignment, two delays have to be implemented. One
groups is equal to
between o and o’, and one between o’ and 0”. If only one
delay is implemented, a new time assignment yielding a
q(0) = lcm{ J- o,o’,(p,kb’)) E RI,
sum of surplus delay equal to zero can be computed. P( 0 )‘(
On account of the example, the strategy is to repeatedly
solve delay minimization and delay assignment problems by the definition of the precedences and groups.
in an alternating way. If one would choose the alternative The delay minimization problem can be formally stated
strategy and aim at a minimum increase in PE utilization, as follows
one would need a piece-wise linear cost function rather than Definition 7 (Delay minimization problem). Given is an
a linear cost function; see Figure 5. In the example two dif- SFG (0, R). Find a time assignment o : 0 + Z such that
ferent time assignments can be found. One for which one
data precedence has a delay 62, and another for which two c c max{d’(r) 1 r E G(o,i})
precedences have a delay equal to 32. In the first case the ONO<i<q(o)
sum of the delays larger than 31 is much larger than in the
second case, 31 as opposed to 2. But only one additional is minimal, and 0 < d(r) for all r E R. cl
operation is needed to guarantee the existence of a feasible Next, we show that this problem can be rewritten as the
time assignment, whereas in the second case two additional dual of the minimum cost flow problem, for which there
operations are needed to guarantee the existence of a feas- exist efficient solution strategies [Ahuja and Orlin, 19891.


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
To this end, we introduce a linearization of the cost func- flow graph. By looking at the first summation in (9) we
tion by introducing additional operations. For each group would like to conclude b, = h. However, b, must be an
an additional operation is introduced. This operation does integer. To correct this, all b,s are multiplied by a suitable
not need to be mapped onto a PE, but is merely used to constant <. If the additional operations of group i belonging
compute a preliminary time assignment. The time assign- to operation o are denoted by iii, we obtain for each o E 0
ment of an additional operation belonging to operation o and for each 0 < i < q(o)
and group labeled b is denoted by Q(O). We require that
Q,(O) is such that n$~‘,~~~~’is
’ the largest amount of surplus bo=&j,
delay needed for all data precedences in group b excedent b, = -5
P(O)Yl(O) ’
from o, with period p, i.e., % = c(o),
7cfii= Tli(o), and
‘~~~~q~~~) = max{d’(r) 1r E G(o,b)}. 6 = lcm(p(0) ‘q(o) 10 E O}.

The variables 6ij and cij are weights on edges connecting i

With this definition, a new cost function and constraints can
and j in the network flow problem. To let the second sum-
be derived, resulting in a new formulation of the delay min-
mation in (10) be zero, we demand all 6ij to be zero. Since
imization problem.
we already chose 6 and K, we may only vary c when map-
Definition 8 (Delay minimization problem reformulated)). ping the constraints in the delay minimization problem to
Given is an SFG (0, R). Find a time assignment o : 0 --+ Z the constraints of the minimum cost flow problem. This
such that is done by adding edges (i, j) with weights Cij to the net-
work flow graph. For the constraints of (6) we add edges
ogo5b~q(o) P(O)! q(0) . @lb(O) - O(O)) (o,o’) with weights d(r) - o(o’) +(3(o) - 1 to the network
flow graph. For the constraints of (7), we add edges (o,&,)
is minimal, and with weights 0. Finally, for constraints of (8) we add edges
(o’,Ob) with weights 31 -d(r).
0 -c d(r), (6) To solve the dual of the minimum cost flow problem we
use the algorithm of Ford [ 19621.
~(0) 5 TIN, and (7)
No) + d(r) - 32 < 7jd4, (8) 4.2 Delay Assignment
for all o E 0, for all 0 5 b < q(o), and for all r =
Given the delays obtained from the solution of the delay
(o,o’,(p,O’) E R. 0
minimization problem it is possible to identify the preced-
Note that the cost function can be rewritten to the following ences with surplus delay. During delay assignment opera-
expression that must be maximized: tions are inserted on a group of precedences with surplus
delay greater than zero. Selection of the group is done by
c -.w+c
p(o) oEO(-J<b<q(o)
P(oz(o) .%(O). (9)
using a simple heuristic; the group with the largest surplus
delay is chosen. For this group additional operations will
be inserted in the SFG. This heuristic is chosen to allow
The dual of the minimum cost flow problem is formally the SFG to be extended with operations that have a large
stated as follows. delay. The period of the extra operations is determined by
Definition 9 (Dual of the minimum cost flow problem). the period of the operation o producing the data samples
Given are c, u E $ b E Z, and A E Z2. Find TC,6 E Z such and equals p(o) . q(o). The delay assignment problem can
that be defined as follows.
Definition 10 (Delay assignment problem). Given are an
C bixi - C uij6;,j is maximal, subject to:
iEN (i.j)Ed
SFG A = (0, R) and a group of precedences G(o, i), where
6i.i > 0 A 7Ci- 7Cj - 6i.j < Ci,j for all (i, j) E A. o E 0 and 0 5 i < q(o). Find an extension A’ = (0’, R’) of
A by inserting a set of delay operations on the data preced-
0 ences in G(o, i), and a feasible delay assignment r : 0’ + N,
Mapping the variables of the dual of the minimum cost such that a feasible time assignment exists for the opera-
flow problem onto variables in the delay minimization tions in 0’. 0
problem is a straightforward task. First we construct the In general, non-zero surplus delays can be implemented
variables n and b associated with the nodes of the network using more than one operation. A non-zero surplus delay


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
of d cycles that must be implemented using operations with
Table 1: Delay management results for eight video al-
period p, can be implemented by a combination of S, op-
gorithms. (p), (m), and (s): resources affected by delay
erations with a delay of 0, and 6, operations with a total
management. (D) solution to delay management problem
delay of 6, if and only if 6,, &,, and 6, satisfy (2) and
found. (M) solution to mapping problem found.
r Requirement before Requirement after D M Capacities
1(6,+6,) Id-p& < 31(6,+&). (11)
Conuast 4256 3.E.3 12;68 4350 7.: 12b2 Y Y 1El : 491s52
(2) states that using operations with a positive delay re- Contour 1.72 0.78 2700 8.22 0.78 2700 Y Y 24 4 8192
ColorConv 8.50 0.00 0 9.50 0.00 0 Y Y 24 4 8192
quires storage capacity and that each such operation uses at HorCompr 2.50 0.50 2048 2.59 0.50 2048 Y Y 24 4 8192
least one word. (11) states that the data samples are stored MWN 8.97 1.75 3424 9.31 1.75 3424 Y Y 24 4 8192
in a silo for a period of time that is between 1 and 3 1 clock vidiwall 9.34 1.47 4696 9.81 1.47 4696 Y N 24 4 8192
GiUMlZ3 6.03 1.00 1264 6.72 1.06 1331 Y Y 24 4 8192
cycles. Furthermore, we demand that we do not use more Panorama 6.53 2.25 6144 7.72 2.25 6144 Y Y 24 4 8192
resources than required. This can be formally expressed by
requireing that 6,) 6,) and 6, satisfy
In order to indicate the extra resource requirements by
31.max(0,$,+6,- 1) <d-p&, delay management, we have compared the requirement be-
31(6,+&J cd-p.max(O,&- 1). (12) fore and after delay management. The results of this com-
parison are also shown in Table 1. Delay management
By implementing a non-zero surplus delay of size d by us- causes only a small increase in resource requirements. As a
ing 6, operations with period p on ALE, BE, or OE, &, op- result, the complexity of subsequent scheduling task hardly
erations with period p on ME, and 6, storage requirement in increases.
total, increases R, with 2, R, with %, and R, with 6,. All algorithms in Table 1 could be handled within ten
We assume that after delay management, the probabil- seconds. Although this does not cause any problems, the
ity of finding a feasible schedule for the resulting SFG is speed of the program could be further increased by choos-
maximal if the PE utilization per type is balanced. If 6, op- ing other implementations of the algorithm for solving the
erations on ALE, BE, or OE, and 6, operations on ME with dual of the minimum cost flow problem, which is the per-
6, words of memory are inserted, all with period p, then we formance bottleneck.
choose Zi,, 6,, and 6, such that the balance index defined as

6 Conclusion

The solution strategy presented in Section 4 extends ef-

is minimal, where Z,,Z,,,, and 1, denote the initial require- fectively and efficiently a given SFG in such a way that
ments for type p, m, and s. This choice implies that the dif- there exists a feasible time assignment. They also show that
ference in utilization degree for all resource types is min- the resulting increase of the PE utilization is very limited.
imal. The choice for 6,, 6,, and 6, when implementing The results indicate the proposed decomposition strategy
delay for data precedence r is restricted by requiring that handles the delay management problem effectively and ef-
it satisfies (2), (1 l), and (12), with d = d(r) - 3 1. ficiently. The decomposition strategy is very flexible since
Within one group with multiple consumers with differ- it can easily handle more types of memories by changing
ent delays, we handle the smallest delay first since this the heuristics of the delay assignment step.
delay can be shared among all consumers of the group. Furthermore, we conclude that we can often success-
fully complete the scheduling step using only the memory
that was allocated in the delay management step. This sug-
5 Results gest that the total decomposition of the mapping problem
into delay management, partitioning, and scheduling is ef-
The approach presented in Section 4 was implemented fective. In each step, necessary conditions for the next step
in C++ and was tested in the VSP mapping tools. We are satisfied using lower bound estimations in order not
have used eight industrially relevant video algorithms. The to restrict the solution space. This is nicely illustrated by
results are presented in Table 1. For each of the tested the handling of the PE utilization in the delay management
video algorithms a feasible solution to the delay manage- problem.
ment problem was found. Furthermore, for all tested video Further research concentrates on improvement of the
algorithms except ‘Vidiwall’ a feasible schedule was found scheduling techniques and the interaction between the sub-
after delay management and partitioning. problems.


Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE
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Proceedings of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED&TC '97)
1066-1409/97 $10.00 © 1997 IEEE

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