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so regular that most of them are arranged as verse by Professor

City. He died at Lucerne, Switzerland, on the 2nd of September

supply to the person receiving the same a notice, by a label

zur Geschichte des grieschischen Alphabets (4th ed. 1887); or

for the administration of the votes they compile, it is their

kind usual at the time. Under the title of Saqt uz-Zand they

1894). Among the numerous less authoritative biographies

the old glasses. In uniting three colours an ``achromatism

Shiites. Abu-Bekr had scarcely assumed his new position

also A. Gray, Absolute Measurements in Electricity

and ``fatherly incouragements.', The worldly maintenance

level and contains several settlement centres, the largest

showed their sympathy by signing the Declaration of the

passing with the current, and sulphuric acid against the

the low resistance gives the true value of the current passing

of Nyasa, and Eiassi and Manyara in the system of the eastern

The geometrical interpretation of imaginary quantities had a

ALEXANDER BALAS (i.e. ``lord''), ruler of the Greek kingdom

ABU UBAIDA [Ma,mar ibn ul-Muthanna] (728-825), Arabian

one of the British representatives at the congress of

being reduced to the corresponding orthoamino compound, which

form of s, viz. @, is probably derived. The confusion

thus laying the foundation of his country's empire in the

was, as is usual with German princes, to a great extent

formulated and there Athanasius, the great opponent of both

conqueror. The first book deals with his birth and early

with an agitating arrangement. This may consist of a steam

the lower town--separated by irregular plantations of date

of its tributaries to discover traces of former Portuguese

land. The substantial education supplied by the parish

Cardinal Ferrari's death there is more doubt; he probably

of October 1523. His work entitled Dies Geniales appeared

nor does he distinguish between different wars during this

generally recognized by competent authorities. As a ruler

divisions, and others, vary only in details and nomenclature.

one of the few told by E, and significantly teaches that human

Gaussian theory, however, is only true so long as the angles

Mittheil. d. deutsch. Inst. Athens, xii. (1887),

ram. A naval battle was fought on the 5th of May 1864, in

was out of all proportion to the losses inflicted on the

the death of his son Rudolph weakened his position in eastern

in the same manner as the primary chromatid errors do.

tour in northern Europe. Returning to France, he delivered

intestate or leaving a will to which no executors are appointed,

throughout the United States. The usual grounds for the

Dionysia. The existence of this decree, mentioned in the

that the patient's head be raised well above the level of the

formed. It is a liquid, which boils at 183 deg. C., and is

133, 442; Ency. Bib., ``Serpent,''

of Israel--now manifest (as foretold by Israel's own prophets)

gradually passed towards the anus for discharge from the body.

with one John Ainsworth, who abjured the Anglican for the Roman
word (earlier akerne, and acharn) is well discussed in the

per person employed from $286.82 to $454.37, or 58.4%.

leaves. In the compact thalli a secondary development

great career in America; as the vehicle of use, books, journals,

by Marshal Macmahon, duc de Magenta (September 1864 to July

on other land will bring you more than that grown on your own.''

Hagia, Triada, Tiryns, Phylakope, Palaikastro and Gournia.

War, when the tsar supported the cabinet of Berlin and the

drained eastward by the I,urna affluent of the Tapti and its

once round from the base to the apex of a long slender cone).

refractis'e index of a transparent body, V=C/m; thus it

more hostile attitude, and even then he confined himself to

session laws. American courts are often given power by

The Alcaic ode is composed of several strophes, each

battles against Christian or Moor), he was married to Urraca,

kings--curtailed his prerogative, and generally endeavoured

10 Years 30.85 33.28 20.35 27.68 26.24 4.84

1898 222,694,920

Michel, La question d'Ethiopie (Paris, 1905). (F. R. C.)

population in 1901 was 5,540,702, showing a decrease of 4% in the

24th. The next day the troops were disembarked, only to be

and early English poets, may consult an exhaustive essay

A.A. Aes alienum, Ante audita, Apud agrum, Aurum argentum.

1888. Albert Lea is a railway and manufacturing centre of

of their independence, but accepted without opposition the

this side of the district well-water is not found except at

pounds. Ambergris, when taken from the intestinal canal of

metals, state that the first to speak of the science of the

valves. With preheating this is avoided, and the amount

ABGAR, a name or title borne by a line of kings or

Diatomaceae, Peridiniaceae and Protococcaceae are best

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