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27 JUN 1945
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Office of the Assft A. O. of S., G-2
c.. .. .
" APO 101 U. S. AFMY

28 May 1945

- The Allied Armies over-running Germany have tUf,drJ

one by one, the closely guarded secrets of~he Nazi Regim
horrors of the concentration camps, the eagll talk~of t
great, the view of the country at cl>se-hand,'have Wiuced
mantic Super-Race mystics to the simple, matter-of-fact

that they are.

Perhaps the most closel~ guarded or-all • •
Berchtesgaden, the home of the , Fuhrer, the cente ~ f the
Redoubt", the mountain fastness to which Hitle r . ld ret
"twilight of the Gods", to take his place among "lte legendary
man heroes . It didn't happen that way. The mountain retreat
without him and turned out to be a far more ordinary plaoe
rumor and Nazi propaganda had made i{. Their pretentions
seen for what they were, the attempts of very weak and morta ~
to satisfy their dreams of greatness. ~ ~

The dreams have crumbled. Invading Ame r ican t ~s

discove r ed some of the facts ~bout Berchtesgaden . Not all the •

That picture is indeed an interesting 4l!r'

story is told but enough ha s been learned to make the pictu r e ear.

• •


Ever since news of Adolph Hitler's mountain The Ke»iaj~i~n~s e mountain top was named
refuge, his Eagle's Nest, on the 6,000-footsu=it of the by the Germans, fIll~mtarils r ep resented, a "Nest" or
Kehlstein, came out of Nazi Germany, ~he world has been refuge where Der--IlUn rer or t he Super-Race withd rew for
curious about Der Fuhrer's lonely mountain perch. This inspiration or solitary contemplation. In f act, Hitler
curiosity, deliberately stimulated by the Nazis them­ went up to h is lonely lodge on only four occasions and on
selves to brighten the aur~ of mystery built around Der t hose r ema ine d fo r only two or three hours. He did not
Fuhrer, made the name of !!~rGht'esgaden, the little town at like t he altitude and complained that it bothered his heart.
its foot, a symbol for what. tne' Na:zis billed as "the
ho ly mountain" 0 '" Der Fuh rer's last visit to his mountain lodge
Was in the autumn of 1943 with Oount Oiano, Mussolini's
The glamour scaled off, however, When life at son-in-law : ' Hi S visits to his more pretentious Ob e rsalz­
the Nest and on the Obersa'l:ybrg l .evel, half-way up the berg house, ma de famous by its enormous f ront Window, be­
mountainside, came to light. ' The'"mountain fastness, came progressively fewer and shorter a s German reverses
Obersalzberg colony and Eagle's Nest, which Nazi propa­ grew in numbe r and magnitude. And when he left 10 July
ganda pictured as the nerve-center ofihe so-called 1944, it WaS neve r to return again. Othe r Nazi big-wigs
If Redoubt Area lf Was taken on 4 May 194.5 without serious went to t he Obersalzberg colony le ss and less frequently
resistance by the XV Oorps' Third Division. It Was the du ring t he last two years of the war.
mission of the XXI Oorps to take Berchtesgaden and the
mountain but, as the rapidly changing situation developed,
it Was more expedient to have the Third Division move on
the town and accordingly 7th Army Headquarters so directed.

Subsequently Berchtesgaden WaS assigned to Major ,

General Milburn's XXI Oorps se'ctor. On 9 May 1945 Oolonel
Vance Batchelor, Oorps G-2, sent a Target Fqrce to Berch­
tesgaden to secure certain targets and "to f,ind uut as much
as possible about the life that the Nazi hierarchy led
there. •. •

- - ~ ~,.,
- -"-'­ ...
~ -----.....--­

That i s what Berchtesgaden towns people said.

They were pretty su re when Hit ler was on the mountain and
when he left, at least, in h is hey- day . Hi s visits were
almost always pre ceded by purchasing agents who bought up
every delicacy and almost everything else edible in town .

His specia l train would always be standing in

the railroad ya r ds in the morning and would lie in waiting
until as sec retly as it came in the night it would dis­
appear in the night, signalling his arrival and departure.
But despite 88 Troops, Gestapo and in forme rs, the g rape­
vine telegraph never failed to give them such vital local
news .

From time to time certain guests selected with

calculated intent for the propaganda values, were "pe r­
mi tted" to visit the Eagle's Nest amidst panoply designed
to impress with Nazi ac hievements. It worked because
visiting dignita ri es were duly impressed and the name
Berchtesgaden sp read far and wide .

Hermann Goe ring and Heinrich Hi mmler eaoh went

up twice and Goebbels on l y once. Whether they were to­
gether on any of these occasions is a question. But
Martin Bormann, Rei chs l eiter or leader of t he Nazi Party
for Hitler, Was a f requent visitor.

, ' .




This information Was supplied by George Mehr,

who operated and maintained the elevator.

Mehr denied that Mussolini ever went to the

Eagle's Nest with Hitler.

None of the visitors Were ever known to stay over

night. Indeed, no f a cilities, such as beds, were found in From Hitler's house, and also Goering's,
the lodge. On only one occasion as far as can be deter­ there Was a small railed path with an asphalt surface
mined Was a party thrown. That Was a wedding feast for the that followod the contour of the mountain to the lower
sister of Eva Braun, Hitler's friend. part of the western side. This Was a two-mile walk ending
in a secluded little tea house.
During Hitler's visits, however, no one Was per­
mitted to smoke or drink, according to most reliable re­ This Was Hitler's Lovers' Lane, the path he

ports. These added that Hitler himself ate only vegetables liked to wander down for tea, with his friend, Eva

and drank only water, fruit juices or Apollinaris water, . Braun. Servants said he wa s also in the habit of walking.
quantities of which Were found in the cellar along with down to the tea house every day for exercise and being
supplies of dried vegetables. • driven back to the Berghof by his guards.

It Was a myth that the area Was a redoubt at all.

The elaborate system of tunnels which honeycombed the moun­
tain was not completed. They had ventilating "lys.tems, hot
and cold running water, and electric light and heat but
they were neither adequately armed nor stocked with suffi­
cient foodstuff to withstand effectively any kind of a pro­
tracted modern siege. One attack of three Waves by the
RAF on 25 April 1945 was enough to reduce the Obe rsalzberg
....9-Q.lony.-4;o- llnambl: es, although failin g - tn~ th a
direct hit - even to crack the tunnels. The Eagles NeBt, ­
however, escap ed any damage.
The labyrinthine tunnels, with every copvenience
The mystery of whether secret tunnels existed
for living comfortably during a sustained air attack, gave
remained des pite a systematic and extensive search in
plenty of room for suspicion that somewhere in t he depths
those whose surf ace openin gs were apparent. Every tunnel
of that mountain Nazi big-Wigs, even Hitler himself, mi ght
' visited showed signs of ha ving b~en ransacked by troops be sheltered pending a propitious moment for escape. There
who scattered everything far and wide in their search for Were long incompleted passageways on which half-filled stone
secret panels leading to apartments where t hose with high Cara still remained on t heir tracks and deep shafts whose
priority on the list of Nazi "Wanted" mi ght be eluding inky blackness GI flashlights could not penetrate and whose
Allied •.. depths returned only delayed and hollow echoes to GI shouts •



• ".B\lt the ,b Lgj oQ ws, s the .£ linking of an e l evato r

shaft ' th~~'ugh more,:than400 ·fee"t'io ( r;c\i •. " This
r equ ired the cutt ing of anothe r tunne l, a l a r ge spacious
vau lt ed affai r, f o,r aq.o,ui;: 500, feet frOll) ,t he entran ce on
the side of the mounta in to the b.a~e ,of the, shs,,ft.

The Tea Hous e Was built on a r ocky.. pra g 1, 822

mete r s , or 6, 013 'fee t, ab ove sea l eve l. . Thi s Was 205
fee t be low the hi ghest point on the mounta in but offered
a bett e r vi ew o f. the su rroun ding peaks. and va ll eys.
The r e WaS a pre c ipito us dr op f ro m the li ving room win­
doWS t o the va ll ey f l oor.



.t The idea of bui ldi ng on the Keh l ste in, WaS not
Hit l e r' s . It was Bormann ' s . I t was Bormann 'who suggested

buildin g the r e the Teehaus, o r Tea House , wi th Nazi Pa rty
funds as p gift to De r Fuh r e r and rt Was not until Hi t l er
gave the OK on his gift that the p re li mi~a ry wo r k on the
ro ads and tunnels Was started in 1936 . The Ea gle ' s. Nest ,
a monument that the worke r s were t ol d Was designed to l ast
1,000 years, WaS n ot compl eted until June of 1939 . Du r i ng
i ts construction Bormann li te~al ly haun ted the j ob.

The pr oject of r eaching the Kehlstein involved the

construction of a two - lane, black t0P road hewn fo r almost
four mi les from the ro cky sides of the mounta i n, with f i ve
tunnels and innumerable r etaining wa l ls to pr event land­
s l ides . The T Force found t hat , despite the l atte r , at
least three lands l ides had comp l ete l y ob lite r ated t he road
during the winte r. In addit ion, another r oad f or the hau l­
i ng of materials and supp l ies WaS also built.



A gravelled and fenced path led from the Tea From the windows Hitler had a 180 degree pano­
House 1,000 yards across the summit of the ridge to the rama of the surrounding mountain peaks and the valleys
top-most crag. This little promenade which gave one the Which dropped so precipitously. The room itself, with
feeling of walking on the roof of the wo rld had little its windows cut through the six-foot walls, Was the last
appeai to Hitler. His attendants said he walked only a word in luxuriou s l y finished accoutrements. In all, it
short distance out on the path on one visit and nervously contained 18 large upholstered chair~, three Wicker deck
turned around and returned. chairs witn-pads and pillows, six marble topped table~,
one ra dio and one combination r adio-phonograph .
From Berchtesgaden and to those toiling up the
mountain the most striking feature of the Kehlsteinhaus The fl oor was of selected flagstone l a id on
was what appeared to be the octagonal shaped front, facing concrete. The ceiling height Was 14 feet. Two 14 x 18
Northwest. That Was the living room which Was actually inc h Wooden beams supported 8 x 8 inch cross beams, all
circular inside and flat on the side joined with the re st beautifully burnished g raine d wood. The room Was devoid
of the building. The structure WaS so well designed that of decoration, except perhaps the beautiful brass candel­
it blended in lihe and color with the rock in which it WaS
abra on the walls and the magnificent red marble fireplace.
rooted. There Were seven clusters of candelabra, five with six
beeswax candles and two with four. Hidden in the base of
This effect held true for t he building from the each Was an electric li ght . It WaS reporte d that an old
vantage point o f the highe r crag on the mountain, except tapes try or painting hun g over the fireplace.
that the Tea House , as the very mountain i ts'elf, tended
to lose its pa rticularity in the' vastness of the surround­

The Nest it se lf Was 8, lonE; , low and subs tantial

structure. It Was a lo dge, not hing more and nothing less,
with proportions commensurate with the magnitu de of its
setting, most of the g ranite walls measuring more than six
feet in thickness. Its roof Was in the style of a Swiss THE EAGLE'S NEST AS IT LOOKED. TO THOSE
chalet wit~ wide overhanging eaves. Its lines we re hori­ CLIMBING THE KEHLSTEIN PEAK.
zontal, not verticaL Just as Hitler h im self reached out
and not up.

Most i mp re ssive feature o f this re t reat Was the

huge living room, 45 feet in diameter, Whose six enormous
Windows were opened by being lo ~ ered by chains to the
cellar below . It had only two outlets, one up six steps to
the dinin g room and the other down e i ght to the tea room.
The ,w hole room gave a definite impression of sheer massive­
ness and austere simplicity.



The mantle of the fireplace Was one block of The automatic selection buttons of the radio
marble fourteen feet long. In the back of the firebox did not include London, although the panel did indicate
Was the only ' sculpture in the room, two wrought iron that the Fuhrer could. get the BBe and even New York, if
plates with bas relief figures of two nude women riding he cared to turn the dials. The places .for which there
horses. The fireplace WaS raised about a foot and a half were automatic selection buttons were Konigsburg, Bres­
above the floor level on a granite stone. In front of it lau, Hamburg, Berlin, Leipzig, Munich, Koln, Stuttgart
Was a semi-circular davenport sixteen feet long flanked and Deutschland Sender.
by two massive stuffed armchairs.
The chestnut-panelled dining hall had ~qually
In the' center of the room WaS a circular table simple lines. Its long table seated thirteen persons on
ten feet in diame~er. And in keeping with the horizon­ each side and two at the ends, a total of thirty. On
r tal lines of the room it Was only two feet high. The, one side of the room Was a stained cupboard, and on the
floor Was covered with a soft rug approximately 25 x 35 other, double-paned windows looking down on a walk bor­
] feet, obviously hand-woven. Its rich colors abounded dered by five large granite arches with a view to the
in shades of - green, gray, blue and brown. West. The room WaS carpeted with a heavy rUg 15 x 40
feet with an infinite variety of shades in which red

The kitchen Was complete with everything

imaginable for the preparation of food. Everything
NUMBER PLEASE? Was electric. The walls Were white tile and the floor
selected flagstone. The chinaware, a numbered set, WaS
Telephone directories for the Obersalzberg decorated with a beautiful red and gold flying dragon
colony found in a guesthouse near the Berghof, Hitler's pattern.
house, listed two numbers for Der Fuhrer. uFuhrer
Arbeitszimrner u, which means "Leader's Workroom", Was The only edibles found in the kitchen, how­
501 and "Fuhrer Schlafzimmer", or uLeader's Bedroom", ever, Were dried vegetables and cereals, cane of baby
601. beets, carrots and spinach and jare of' preserv9d cher­
ries and other fruits. There Wae plenty of' sugar,
about f'orty pounds, and some real coffee, contraeting
Ubiquitous GIs tried to put through a call with the scarcity of the latter in the reet of' Germany.
and found that the Wires were out. The last of the
143 numbers listed WaS 609 for Hitler's workroom at the Despite Hitler's own total abstinence - of'
Eagle's Nest. It WaS preceded by Reichsmarshall Goering's which there Was abundant testimony from servante - cup­
number, 608. boards throughout the lodge had been stocked with choice
Wines and liqueurs. They Were replete with Napoleon
brandy and othere of rare vintage. In the cell~r, how­
ever, were large reserves of Apollinaris water and de­
licious bottled fruit juices.



Obersalzberg workers had definite opinions

The little tea room down from the living room
about t he ir maste rs and showed no hesitancy in express­
WaS finished in knotted pine. On one side it looked out
ing them to the T Force interpreters.
on the mountains to the west. Through this room one could
reach the arch-bordered walk which paralleled the dining
Most of them spoke of Hitler with obvious rev­
hall. erence in their voices but two "Stammerbeiter", or reg­
Hitler's study and lounge which adj·Qined the ular employees, cha racterized him along with Himmler and
dining hall in the rear WaS simply decorated with dark Bo rmann as "mean".
stained wainscoating. It Was rather dark and sombre,
They declared that When Hitler flew into a
light coming in from only one side.
rage he would chew on a rug or anything he could get h i's
teeth into and sometimes beat hi·s dog.
The lodge WaS conspicuous for its absence of
books and recreational facilities. Other than the radios,
George Mehr, elevator operator at the Ea g le's
phonograph and scenery there Were none. Several large
pads of expensive sketching paper Were found in the liv­ Nest, spoke we ll of Hitler and Goering but evi denced
ing room,which Were probably there for the convenience keen dislike for Bormann. He said that on several oc­
of Hitler's once frustrated aspirations. casions Bormann telephoned to him at 2:30 o'clock in the
morning to say· that he and his family would ascend to
Everything Was new, brand new, and even the fur­ the Keh lsteinhaus to see the sunrise and on each occasion
niture gave the appearance of having just come from the failed · to show up.
manufacturer. It looked as though it needed living and
the warmth that human living could give it. A telephone technician named Loder told of
Bormann's forcing Frau Bormann and the children out of
EVen the cables of the elevator showed little their Obersalzburg hou se at five o'clock in the morning
Wear. Workmen found in the. village explained that the and forcing them to flee to Munich. He added that Bor­
elevator WaS never satisfactory in cold weather in that mann got along very well, however, with screen actresses
altitude. Whom he invited to the mountain frequently.

The basement consisted of a room with two beds Loder also said that Bo·rmann Was a heavy
for the guards, storage rooms with refrigerators and eater and drinker. His favorite drink Was cognac and
more toilets. In the guard's room Were found tw~ 20­ he Was known to lock himself up in his room for extended
pfennig pulp romance magazines and incompleted cross­ sprees.
word puzzles. On the wall Was the Crass of Lorraine,
crudely carved by visiting French soldiers. After having dinner with Hitler, a strict
vegetarian, Loder declared Bormann returned to his oWn
home to gorge himself with roast and cognac.

Mrs. Zynchski, Goering's housekeeper, reported

that Goering disliked both Himmler and Bormann. Bormann
WaS heard by others to declare that he "made" Himmler.·




Kitchen St"dY~ 010'0. He II

--_." . -~-- .....­ Li ving R oom




Investigation revealed that the elevator which Bags of sand, bits of wood and other objects easily ob­
WaS found suspended slightly above the shaft Was intact tained which had been tossed down by capricLous soldiers
except fo r minor repair. A heavy steel bar which had had damaged other parts, none seriously. Engineers esti­
been dropped down the concrete encased shaft to immobilize mated that it could be restored in go od working order in
the ap pa ratus had broken a panel from the roof of the cab. about two weeks.


The elaborate electrical machinery with intri­ This section Was a plain gray painted box without any
cate wiring, the generators and diesel engines housed seats that Was used for servants and the transportation of
deep in the mountain were all in good c on~ition, needing supplies. Above it and actually a part of the two­
only the normal adjustments and overhauling that a winter compartment cage Was the section reserved fo r Hitler,
in the cold of the high altitude would necessitate. Party guests and their friends.

No one had been able to enter the bottom of the The formal show section of the lift whi ch accom­
shaft. The outer pair of the locked doub le sets of heavy modated 15 persons Was finished in bronze panels. It Was
bronze doors had been sprung by a l a r ge rock wedged be­ not elaborate or luxurious - rather its lines Were severe
tween the top of one door and a great snow drift that and rich. In the center of the nine-foot hi gh ceiling were
almost completely covered the portal. eight plain unshaded frosted electric light bulbs in a
circular pattern. On the side opposite the only door Was a
Entry Was effected by b urrowing through the snow mirror two feet in diameter.
to another tunnel about 150 feet to t he right of the grand
entrance which WaS known to Mehr, the elevato r operator. The door which opene d from the middle, each half
It Was through this unp retentio us passageway that the sliding into the sides, Was al s o of heavy bronze with small
heavy machinery for the operation of the lift Was brought plate g lass panels, about 3 x 4 i nches, in the upper two-t hirds
and set up in large rooms hollowed out of the stone. portion. Around three sides of the cab, except for the oper­
ating panel on the ri ght where Mehr stood, were plain leather
To reac h the e levato r it s el f f rom the engine benches. In the dull emergency li ghting which still worked it
room it WaS nec es sary to crawl through a low pipe and wire Was difficult to determine whether their color Was olive drab
conduit. The lift WaS within easy climbing distance and or g reen.
Was reached t h rou gh a trap doo r in the lower compartment.



The. elevator operating panel contained the same The base of the elevator opened ' out into a rotunda
thirteen push button lights that gave . rise to considerable 22 feet in diameter constructed of unpolished .granite blocks.
speculation when they Were observed in the foyer of the Normally it Was lighted by four sets of electric candelabra
Eagle's Nest. It Was thought when the Kehlstein Was first of three sticks each. Along the sides on the left and right
taken over that those lights might i .u dicate stops for con­ of the entrance to this rotunda were two semi-circular
cealed landings where Nazi secrets had been hidden. The benches. Even in the sepulchral light of candles and GI
fact that a spring returned them to position when pressure flashlights the place Was truly impreSsive. From the ro­
Was relieved tended to excite suspicion. tunda a spacious arched corridor led straight for 500 feet
to the bronze doore of the' entran~e and the built-up plaza
Mehr explained that the springs behind the little which had accommodations for automobiles of a large retinue.
round pieces of glass Were there merely to proteot them by
absorbing the shock. The lights on the panel, he continued,
Were to indicate the lift's progress by lighting every 10
meters. This Was confirmed by an officer of the T Force
Who climbed down the steel ladder of the shaft .and back
again without seeing any breaks in the shaft wall.


, '
One of the stories brought out WaS that of The last will and testament of Adolph Hitler
Hermann Goering's last visit to his Ob e rsalzberg home. Was supposed to have been read at this meeting.
His housekeeper, a Mrs. Zynchski, WaS found with her fam~
ily occupying the ser vants' quarters in Goering's house Two hours after the meeting broke up, Goering,
just as though the capture of Obersalzberg meant merely his family, his servants and his adjutants were all placed
a change in bosses. She related the incidents to. the T under house arrest by t he SS, Mrs. Zynchski declared. She
Force i nterpreter. explained that they Were told this mea sure WaS taken be­
cause Goe-ring had proposed capitulating to the Western
General Koller, head of the Luftwaffe, came to Powers.
s ee Go ering at. his Obersalzberg home on 23 April 1945.
And a short time later Dr. Lammers, Reichsminister and On 25 April t he Goering crew Was still under
head of the Ohancellory also arrived. arrest in the ho use When the first Wave of Allied planes
bombarded it.
Subsequently a meeting Was held which Was
attended by Goering, Koller, Lammers, the head of the The Qoering prisoners escaped the first Wave
Obersalzberg SS and Goering's adjutants. Mrs. Zynchski and in the half hour interval before the second everyone took
reported that Dr. Lammers had brought word from Hitler shelter in the tunnel apartments. The House Was wrecked in
that Goering Was to take over the government of Germany t he second and t hird Waves of t he hour-long raid, Mrs.
and rule from Obersalzberg. Zynchski said. Two days later t he SS took Goering and his
adjutants to Goering's estate in Mauterndorf, Austria.




There Was some question, in Berchtesgaden at own part - to prevent records and other items of possible
least, of the secruty of the foundation on which the Nazis interest f~lling into Allied hands.
had established the Eagle's Nest monument on their "Holy l'
mountain and thei.r Obersalzberg colony. At the foot of The main room, approximately 45 x 70 feet, waS an
the mountain there Was a salt mine and part of the moun­ empty black shell. The 17 x 25-foot window in front of
tain settled as a result of that activity. A local engi­ which Hitler delighted in having himself photographed was
neer in charge of many of the construction projects said scattered in innumerable broken and melted pieceS of plate
that fact Was pointed out to Hitler before he started glass. Lying here and there were the springs of upholstered
building. Nonetheless in the opinion of the engineer the chairs. In another place were several of them all joined
foundations of all the buildings on the Obersalzberg level together - probably a davenport. The remnants of several
and particularly the Kehlstein Tea House were sunk so deep radios were discovered inthe ashes. The places where two
that there Was little likelihood of their being affected. chandeliers hung from the ceiling were still evident. All
He deni~d rumor that cracks had become evident in some of that Was left of the red marble pedestals of statuary was
ths Obersalzberg buildings before the bombing. bleached and broken stone.

The Berghof, as Hi tler"s Oberealzberg house was The mantle of the 10-foot red marble fireplace waS
called, was all but completely destroyed. What little waS white and hanging together somehow despite numerous breaks.
left after the aerial bombardment WaS wrecked by the fire The fire had been so hot that it melt-ed and twisted the '
which was set by the SS - after careful looting on their grates in the fire-box. But the bas-relief figures on its



wrought iron panels were still clear. The left panel, The basement consisted of supply and storage
dated 1928, represented a sower casting seed. Opposite rooms and the machinery re quired to run the establishment.
on the right WaS one dated 19)6 with a man with a scythe. A passageway led down a long flight of stairs to Hitler's
In the center panel Were three uniformed figures bearing shelter tunnel wh ich had another opening near the house.
a standard.
The Berghof g rew by remo deling and additions
The room on the second floor above this main out of the Haus Wachenf ield, which Was one of the two
room Was probably Hitler's bedroom. It Was a shambles es t ates on the mountain when the Nazis moved in. The fact
with nothing to identify it as Hitler's except its size. that the terrain Was no t suitable for farming explained
There Were a great number of smaller rooms in which noth­ why the mountain had been s o sparsely settled.
ing remained but simple iron beds, twisted by the heat
into fantastic shapes. Both Goering's and Bormann's houses were also
demolished by the air attack . In contrast with Bormann's '
The dining room on the right of the main room house, Goering 's, except fo r Frau Goering's room, Wa s
Was in ruins but the principal part o f the equipment in rathe r simple. The bric-a-brac in the house, however,
the kitchens Was recogni zab le. It was ev ident from the Was rare and valuable, hav i ng been collected f rom the ends
facilities, all electric and modern, that Hitler's of Europe.
chefs were not hurting for anything .
The SS Kaserne, or ba rracks, conta ine d only 100
The left wing of the house suffered a direct men b efore the War but was later inc rease d t o 400 or 500 .
hit which left nothing but dust, brick and boards. In There Was also a
contingent of 50 ss women in the barrack s,
that wing were the apartments of members of Hitler's en­ who, together with othe r women who worked there, provided
tourage, his adjutants and other flunkies. Their apa rt­ companionship at the orgies r epo r ted to ha ve gone on the re
ments, as far as could be determined from those at the by all workers on the mounta in. Foo d and drink f or the
west end which escaped the full force of the blast, were elite SS was a pparent l y plentiful.
simply but comfortably designed.
A German telephone techni c ian named Lo de r r e­
late d a sto ry that Hitle r wante d t he SS barracks to be
used as a rest and conva l escent cente r fo r wounded SS men
THE FAMOUS WINDOW IN THE BERGHOF and had so in f ormed Bormann . Al though Bormann did nothing
a bout it, Lo de r said he arranged to have the SS chief send
a Wire t o Hitler in 1942 to the effect that his wi sh had
been carried out . And, Lode r a dded , Hitler n eve r checked .

On the evenin g o f 11 May whil e the T Force was

at Obe r salzbe rg the main wing o f t he SS Ka se rne caught fi re
f ro m an undetermined ori gin and bu rned out comp l etely, de­
st ro ying any pos s i bili ty o f r ecove ri ng any of i ts r eco r ds .

In addi t i on t o tte SS t r oope rs gua r ding the colony

t here was a g roup o f what is popu la rl y re f e rre d to as the RS D,



. ,. or ReichBicherheitBdienBt . TheBe were Hitler'B Bpecia l

Sec r et Service men . ,. .;"'j •~ '~

.;I- -. '

, :', .~; i: ~ lj.:i \ ! ,

• I
Shortly before" the ' coBa'pBe o f the German annieB
a bo ut 200 women Were brough t to the mountain to operate
the Bmoke mac h ines that were Rlaced along the roadB, Bome
a B c lo se aB every 200 feet . The idea of protecting the
mount ain Banctuary by t h is device did not work out, how­
eve r, bec a use aerial destruction of Nazi tranBpo r t p r e ­
vented the con tin uouB supply of the n ecesB~~ c~emicals .

All o f this Obersa l zberg life WaB ' p~edicated on

an d ma de pOBs i b l e by ,t he sweat, .toi l and miBery of hundredB
of Pol es , OzechB , S'lovaks a n d RuBBian B he r ded at the en d
o f each da y ' B f orced l ab o r i ntp a camp o,£' wretched Bhanti eB . " i .

About t h e ohl y BpOt t i nged wi th, human k i ndneBB

WaB a hospit a l wh i c~ accomo dated 500 Bick' an d bombed o ut
ch il d ren. .It Wa B c'ompo Bed of 5 0 we ll-built b ri ck buildingB .
( .









All Lights in Vapor-Proof Bulbs

----6" Brick a Concrete Tunnel Wall


o Dental
o Showers
o Bed Room Living Room
15'x 17' Storage
~ 15'x 17'
Oak Floor Oak Floor
a a
Pane led Sidewalls

Mirror Bui It- in Wa" Cabinets

Excellent a
Furniture a
Machine Gun N est at each
Turn of Corridor
2 Guns 8 Peep Holes



There Wae a medical clinic fully equipped with

Each houee had a playroom, bedroom and bath.
In each WaS childrens' furniture. And everywhere there an operating room adjoining.• Nearby ,WaS the dental clinic
were pictures of Hitler in various poses, so that no child with b rand neW equipmj3I1t. And under the SS Kaserne WaS a
could pOseibly forget his benefactor. complete barberehop~

Unfortunately the hospital Was struck in the In addition Hitler had a library of a large but
bombardment. Although none of the children Were killed, undetermined number of books. A.t the far end Were arranged
nurses said that ~ome Were wounded before they could be lounge chairs and reading lamps. Most of the books were
evacuat~d to the tunnels. They Were subsequently removed concerned with art, architecture, photography ,and histories
elsewhere before Obersalzberg Was taken. of campaigns and Ware. A hasty inspection of the scattered
books showed that it Was noticeably lacking in literature
All of the Obersalzberg buildings had air raid and almost entirely devoid of drama and poetry.
eheltera, to which there were entrances either in the base­
IIeIlt of the buildings or nearby. These consisted of a There Were many books illustrating types of archi­
" lI&ze of arched connecting tunnels going deep into the rock tecture throughout the world, one treating the early domestic
heart of the mountain, serving as corridors to commodious architecture of PennsylVania and another of American public
apartments. buildings.

These shelters were not mere emergency refuges

Emanual Kant's Oritiques were there ' as well as '
with the usual benches 0 r bunk£., ~he type that Was common
Machiavelli's "The Prince". One of the few American authors
in Germany and other parts of Europe where those seeking
represented WaS Harry Elmer Barne's "The Genesis of the World·
protection could reet while sweating out an air-raid.
War"' •
They were modem apartments provided with every conven­

ience for "normal" living.

A big folio size book printed in heavy Gothic
type outlined Hitler's geneology and a note penned on the
The tunnel from Hitler's house Was a case in fly-leaf showed that it Was worked out and presented by an
point. There Were apartments for the ,comfort of all of admirer.
his staff. These Were dry, electrically heated and lighted
and comfortably furniShed. Many of the books bore Hitler's bookplate, "Ex
Libris Adolph Hitler". This consisted of a black engraved
This tunnel system Was in itself a community
eagle with outstretched wings carrying the SWastika in his
underground. There Was a telephone room with a 6O-plug
local SWitchboard, another with a long distance panel and

a third, the exchange with intricate wiring and roW upon

None of the books examined gave the appearance
row of storage batteries.
of extensive use. They had no marginal notes or under­
There lIere storage chambers with stacks pf elec­
tric light bulbs, inhalators, hand-painted china, vacuum In the same room were filed close to 4,000
cleaners, extra furniture, Wines, and even Ohristmas tree phonograph records. Every record had a duplicate and
decorations. A 10-foot telescope lay in its opened shipping carried a iittle paper sticker showing that it WaS reserved
box in the corridor, the pedestal near by. for the Berghof.



• Wagner and Beethoven . records far outnumbered Hitler's tunnel WaS connected with Goering's,

those of other composers. Of the Wagner selections and the two Were in tum connected with the one under the

Tannhauser Was apparently Hitler's favorite. Five SS barracks. Bags of rice, wheat, dried peas, and com as

pages of the index Were devoted to listing the orches­ well as loose ammlmition, such as small anns cartridges

tras in various parts of the world whose renditions of and potato mas~ers, Were stacked in the tlmnel corridor

the opera were carried in stock for Hitler's convenience. under the SS barracks.

Other composers, whose chief works the musical librart

carried almost complete, were· Mozart, Handel, and The living quarters of each tunnel Were pro­
Johann and R1.chard strauss. tected by a series of concrete chambers, Imdergrolmd pill­
boxes, with poSitions for two and three machine guns.
The most pretentious apartment leading off These commanded the 50-foot or more stretch of corridor
front the Hitler ttmnel was that of his friend, Eva leading into the tlmnel and each of the right angle tums
iralm. At least it Was assumed it WaS Eva Braun's be­ that the ttmnels made before reaohing the interior main
cause books indicating that they Were given to her as seotion.
presents Were found there and rugs on the floor bore
her name. Within a short distance of the apartment in Hit

ler's tlmnel further construction int"o the mOlmtain Was

The living room had oak floors and polished being pushed.. Shafts Were being sunk to lower levels,

ou .o abinets built in the walls which contained books, t .u nnels were being ·d riven and chambers carved out. At

knitting woola,dishes and a large glass punch bowl these points it WaS possible to observe the construction

and ladle. The walls Were painted in light yellow methods and materials used.

cream color. In the· center of the floor Was a hand­

Woven Ng. This involved the blasting of a hole roughly

17 x 20 feet. The jagged sides were then covered over

The bedroom had a single bed whose frame WaS With an espeoially s.trong concrete.. Four inches of brick

covered with blue chintz. A reading lamp WaS fi~d to Were laid inside this and a quarter inch mat of water­

the head of the bed. On the floor WaS an expensive proofing material Was cemented to it • . Another 12 inches

wall tapestry used as a Ng. The walls were paneled of brick Was added and finished over with a half inch of

half-way up with a. cream-blue enamelled wood. Built­ .plaster cement and a thin coat of whitened oement. A

in closets lined the Sides. A d.ressing table With a concrete floor, 16 x 18 inches thick Was laid separating

three-sided mirror Was a.c ross from the bed. On the the main ttmnelfrom the lower section where pipes and

door leading to the bath was a full-length mirror. Wires were laid.

~ few doors down the corridor from Eva The main corridor of each tunnel When finished was
Braun's apartment Was a storage room for paintings approxiJ!l8.tely 6 x 8 feet with vaporproof electric fixtures.
with racks for about thirty large canvases and about
one hundred small ones. Beoause cif the nature -and number of ttmnels
the qUestion of what other ' sec r.e ts the BlOlmtain may hold
What apartment WaS Hitler's remained a ques­ . is one that Dlustawait careful engineering studies and
tion inasmuch as EVa Bralm's Was the only one that WaS painstaking inve.8t:\.gations ove1" a long period of tim~ ..
dfstinguished from the others by any pretens8 of lux­




~4' Rubber, Cemented Fill

to Bricks for
Waterproof i n 9 4" Brick

12" Brick I" Cement

1/4" Wh ite

~ ' , ~ ' , ~ ,:" TUNNEL Numerous Small

16" Rein forced
, ~ ' ,, ~ ', '4 '
Concrete Floor Lad der Openings
6' With Concrete lids

12" to 16" Concrete


{.I,,: ,:.,



. <.


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