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Everyone knows that many of us love to eat biscuits and cake.So as a biscuits businessman I want
to sell biscuit in Malaysia.This cookies has amazing and delicious taste.These cookies can be eaten
regardless of age.

Prepared by:Muhammad Zakwan bin Azizan.


No 45,Taman Jerai Height,08300,Gurun,Kedah Darul Aman.

Date of submission:18 February 2020


I’m thankful that this 4 semester I learned about entrepreneurship.This entrepreneurial subject can
improve my life in the future. Alhamdullilah, I most grateful to ALLAH S.W.T for the
compilation of this Business Plan as one of the requirement that need to be accomplish in the work
assessment for the code MPU 22012. Special thanks to our parent in supporting us to complete
this business plan. This business plan has been prepare with the cooperation and support from
many people. Besides, not to be forgotten to our lecturer which Ts Dr. Mazita Binti Mat Ali and
her kindness in helping during the process of completion of this project work and give me a
reference to finish the business plan successfully. Without her, I would not to be complete the
business plan. Through these problem we manage ti become more organize and mature in dealing
with problems that occur during our research. This business plan cover organization, marketing,
operational, financial and training plan and any other information needed by a new entrepreneur
as a guide to start this business. Lastly, to those who had involved and contributed directly or
indirectly to this business plans, we are very grateful to them effort initiative that they have shown
on our project until we successfully complete your business plan.I hope the entrepreneurship can
will be hobby for me.

Muhammad Zakwan Bin Azizan,
Electrical Engineering Department,
Polytecnic Sultan Abdul Halim Mu ‘adzam Shah,
06000 Jitra,
Kedah Darul Aman. 30 February 2020

Ts Dr Mazita Binti Mat Ali,

Lecturer of Entrepreneurship,
06000 Jitra,
Kedah Darul Aman.

According to the title above , we would like to submit our business plan on behalf of the
ZAKWAN.TFN.BROWNIE Sdn.Bhd doing business in Aneka,Gurun,Kedah.
2.The main purpose of doing this business is to sell cookies to customers who love cookies.I will
offer discounted rates to all student and to customers who buy large quantities of cookies and
cake with 30 percentages discount.
3.Before starting this business plan.I researched the product,the revenue and the benefits of doing
this business.I hope you agree to this letter so that I can continue this business of cookies.I’m
sure the sales of these cookies will increase dramatically.
I am very grateful for your concern for reading this business planning letter. If you have any
questions about the business of this plan, you can call me from an electrical engineering course.
My name is Muhammad Zakwan Bin Azizan with registration number is 03DET18F1025.



General Manager.


The business plan discusses business products to be promoted at ZAKWAN.TFNBROWNIE Sdn

Bhd in area Gurun,Kedah Darul Aman.Expecting this product to grow exponentially and with
increasing profits over time.
Business ideas biscuits cookies was created when me investigated how many customer who will
buy this cookies sale and get a lot of attention.I find where the area is a strategic place to market
the business.
This business also provide online order that we code just area Gurun,Kedah.We also have products
commitment plan to aggressive build our brand through newspaper,ads and signboard or
We expect this ZAKWAN.TFNBROWNIE to work well if we work to improve it.Therefore,it
making it easy for customers to find cookies in the vicinity.These cookies and cake are also a viral
cookies today now.

No Item Page
1.1 Name of the business 5
1.2 Nature of business 5
1.3 Industry profile 5
1.4 Location of the business
1.5 Date of commencement 5
1.6 Factors in selecting proposed venture 6
1.7 Future prospects of the business 6
2.1 Analyze and evaluate the viability of the proposed venture 7
2.2 Apply for loans for financing facilities from the relevant institutions 7
2.3 Provide guidance in managing the business 8
2.4 Allocate business resources effectively 8
3.1 Name of the company 9
3.2 Business address 9
3.3 Correspondence address 9
3.3 Telephone number Fax number E-main address 9
3.4 Fax number 9
3.5 E-mail address 9
3.6 Form of business ownership 9
3.7 Core business activities 9
3.8 Main business activities 9
3.9 Date of commencement 9
3.10 Date of registration 9
3.11 Initial capital 9
3.12 Name of the bank 9
3.13 Account number 9
4.1 Name of owner 10
4.2 Identify card number 10
4.3 Permanent address of the company 10
4.4 Correspondence address 10
4.5 Website address 10
4.6 E-mail address 10
4.7 Telephone number 10
4.8 Date of births 10
4.9 Age 10
4.10 Marital status 10
4.11 Academic qualifications 10
4.12 Courses attended 10
4.13 Skills 10
4.14 Experience 10
4.15 Present occupation 10
4.16 Previous business experience 10
4.17 Capital contribution 10
5.1 Physical location 11
5.2 Advantages of location in helping business to archieve objectives 11
5.3 Availability of manpower 11
5.4 Transportation facilities 11
5.5 Basic aminities 12
6.1 Organization mission vision and objectives 13
6.2 Organizational chart 13
6.3 Manpower planning 14
6.4 Schedule of task and responsibilities 14-15
6.5 Remuneration plan 16
6.6 List of office equipment and supplies 17
6.7 Administrative budget 17
7.1 Description of product or service 17
7.2 Target market 17
7.3 Market size 18
7.4 Competitors 18
7.5 Sales forecast 18
7.6 Marketing strategy 18
7.6.1 Products of services 18
7.6.2 Distribution strategy 18
7.6.3 Promotion strategy 19
7.7 Marketing budget 19
8.1 Process flow chart 19
8.2 Material requirement 20
8.3 Manpower planning 20
8.4 Schedule of tasks and responsibilities 20
8.5 Remuneration plan 20
8.6 Operation layout plan 21
8.7 Operational budget 21
9.1 Project implementation cost schedule 22
9.2 Schedule of financial sources 23
9.3 Fixed assets depreciate table 23
1.1 Name of the company
The name business company I want to build is the Zakwan.Tfn.Brownie Sdn Bhd
company.Before I opened the company bigger.I had a small shop at the Gurun,Kedah.Many
customer came to my shop to buy biscuits and cake.That why it inspided me to build a bigger and
better cookies shop

1.2 Nature of business

The business is related to the sale of the product, which is cookies.We offer low-cost deals to
customers who buy large quantities of cookies and cake.We also sell chocolate and milk in addition
to delicious cookies and cake.We also provide catering services of large scale catering.

1.3 Industry profile

The business that want to further enhance the quality of nutrition in Malaysia.Nutrition should
be a priority for customers.For those who are not good at making cookies.So they just need to
contact us or come to our place to buy the cookies.

1.4 Location of the business

Business cookies will open only in the area of Aneka,Gurun,Kedah.This business is fully
focused for customer regardless of age limit and we offer low prices to costomer many purchases.I
rented the place because it was a shopping center selling a variety of items.So every day many
customers will come there.

1.5 Date of commencement

This business cookies has been registered on 20 September 2019.Our business start to move
on 3 February 2020 and this date are same as our campany date of commencement.

1.6 Factor in selecting the proposed venture
Factor in selecting the proposed venture is I know many of us who love cookies especially
children.I also know that not many people can make delicious cookies cookies.So the ingredient
for making cookies are quite expensive.So with my opening of this biscuit business I can help
them buy only biscuits here for a reasonable price without having to make it.

1.7 Future prospects of the business

Our future prospects of the business is want my shop to grow and succeed over time.If my shop
is well known,I would also like to do a new product for instance cake for customer with many
flavours.I also want to open a lot of companies overseas to make this ZAKWAN.TFN BROWNIE
shop can become famous and popular in Malaysia.

My business plan is prepared by TFN.BROWNIE Sdn.Bhd for the purpose of obtaining a
working capital loan from Bank Islam Berhad for an amount of RM50,000. My business plan is
also prepare as a guidline for managing the proposed venture.It also ease me into financial trouble.

2.1 Analyze and evaluate the viability of the proposed venture.

We as business should have analyze and evaluate the viability of the proposed venture.Everyone
in the company business plan, wether to set performance targets, guide decision making with
regard to on going operation or access personnel performance in term of their ability to meet
objectives set forth in business plan.A company’s as me TFN.BROWNIE performed and progress
can measured within a planned goal involving sales , expenditures time frame and strategic

2.2 Apply for loans or financing facilities from the relevant financial institutions.
The business plan shows the financial strength of the company especially when applying for
loan and to convince the investors towards providing funds or other financial institution. The
investor or financial institutions will evaluate a company’s ability to handle more debt and in some
cases, equity financing. The business plan documents the company’s cash flow requirement and
provides a detailed description of its assets, capitalization, and projected financial performance. It
provides potential lenders and investor with verifiable facts about a company’ performance so that
risks can be accurately identified and evaluated. If the company has good business planning , they
will be interested in investing in the company. For the financial institutions, they will be more
confident in lending to the company to finance the company’s business activities. So, the good
business plan will plays an important role to the company to get their fund for financing the
business activities.

2.3 Provide guidance in managing the business
The business plan is guide line for organization in setting, planning, managing, handling and
controlling our business for day to day management, budget financial forecast strategies, target
market and even long term goal. A successful business leader knows that a well-written business
plan can provide day to day operational assistance. It can help business leader stay focused on
business growth mission and organization’s goals.

2.4 Allocate business resources effectively

The business plan plays a key role in allocating resources throughout a business so that the
company can meet the organizations objectives. The company can use business plan as a
roadmap for help business leader stay focused on business growth. If particular department in
company has given a target, the business plan should be allocated enough resource to achieve it.


3.1 Name of the company : ZAKWAN.TFNBROWNIE Sdn.Bhd

3.2 Business address : Jerai Plaza Maju 1,Jalan Jerai Maju ,08300 Gurun,Kedah Darul Aman
3.3 Correspondence address : No 45,Taman Jerai Height,08300,Gurun,Kedah Darul Aman.
3.4 Telephone number : 019-2546128
3.5 Fax number : 04-4576853
3.6 E-mail address :
3.7 Form of business ownership : Private Limited Company
3.8 Core business activities : Cookie sell & reservation
3.9 Date of commentcement : 3 February 2020
3.10 Date of registration : 20 September 2019
3.11 Initial (own) capital : RM 4500
3.12 Name of bank : Bank Islamic
3.13 Bank account number : 136264301051


4.1 Name of owner/partners/director : Muhammad Zakwan Bin Azizan

4.2 Identify card number : 001121-10-0773
4.3 Permanent address of the company : No 45,Taman Jerai Height,08300,Gurun,Kedah
Darul Aman.
4.4 Correspondence address : No 45,Taman Jerai Height,08300,Gurun,Kedah Darul Aman.
4.5 Website address :
4.6 E-mail address :
4.7 Telephone number : 017-4210400
4.8 Date of birth : 21 November 2000
4.9 Age : 20 years old
4.10 Marital status : Single
4.11 Academic qualifications : Diploma in Electrical Engineering
4.12 Courses attended : Entrepreneurship
4.13 Skills : Communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and English
4.14 Experience : ever joined the special cookies in high school
4.15 Present occupation : Cookies sells & reservation
4.16 Previous business experience : Manager
4.17 Capital contribution : RM 4500

5.1 Physical address
Address of business – Area Jerai Plaza No 1,Taman Jerai Maju ,08300 Gurun ,Kedah Darul

5.2 Advantage of location in helping business to achieve objectives.

In my advantages our company located at Gurun , Kedah to run our business because it is the
target location for developing our business. Moreover, our location is such a strategic location to
run our business because it is near with the residential area and the place is a shopping centre
(supermarkets). So, that it help us to reach our customers because it is the centre of our target
location.We also choose this location because it has a shop house near the supermarket area.Im
sure this place is the good strategic and the best for customer.I know many families will visit this
cookies shop.
5.3 Avaibility of manpower.
Besides, the business cookies and cake required wise and innovative workers, we should look for
workers to retain the number of workers in the first year and look for more staff from local training
5.4 Transportation facilities.
Customers can call or personal message with given number phone us only if they need help and
we will be at their place to provide the service.For instance delivery of cookies or cake order.

5.5 Basic amenities (electrical, water, telephone facilities).
The basic facility in this company is electricity supply.This is so that the workers who make cakes
or cookies can be more convenient and efficient during processing.

6.1 Organization’s mission, vision and objective.

Mission Everyone knows that many of us love to eat

biscuits and cake.So as a biscuits businessman
I want to sell biscuit in Malaysia.This cookies
has amazing and delicious taste.These cookies
can be eaten regardless of age.
Vision We will be the best sales cookies and cakes
centre in Gurun.Kedah Darul Aman.

Objectives  Offers a fair price on every purchase.

 Always accept suggestions for the type
of biscuits and cakes requested
 To make business cookies and cakes in
area Gurun.

6.2 Organizational chart.

The company is divided into Administration, Marketing, Operational and Finance departments.
It is also suitable for TFN.BROWNIE Sdn Bhd as this organization emphasizes functional
specialties to perform task.

6.3 Manpower planning
Manpower planning has five partners and they manage , contract , and execute the of the
operation of the business.This is details of manpower planning shown in table.

6.4 Schedule of tasks and responsibilities

Every manager has responsibilities to execute the operations of the business. It is very important
to every manager to know the job task and responsibilities as it will guide them in accomplishing
their job.
Positions Main task and responsibilities

General Manager  To plan, implement and control the

overall management of the business.
 To plan and monitor the strategic
progress of the business.
 To be accountable for the overall
performance of the business

Administrative manager  Carry out operations for
administrative departments and staff.
 Developing, reviewing, and improving
administrative systems, policies, and
Operational Manager  To produce products of the company.
 Responsible for the product being
Marketing manager  Managing the company and marketing
Finance manager  To plan and oversee the accounting
functions and financial resources.
 To calculate the company’s budget.
 To make forecasts and accounts for
the company.

Administrative clerk  Perform administrative duties

 Assist and support administrative
 Assist administrative manager in
handling administrative operations.
Marketing clerk  Devoloping marketing strategies.
Operational clerk  Division of duties within the
Finance clerks  To ensure that financial data is kept
 Supporting monetary transactions.

6.5 Remuneration plan
In my company, we have chosen the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) scheme to be given to all
employees. EPF is a compulsory savings for employees so that they will have money to support
themselves once they retire. As a general guideline, employers are required to contribute at least
15% of an employee’s basic salary. TFN.BROWNIE Sdn Bhd also provides Social Security
Organization (SOCSO) to ensure that the employees receive compensation in situation of work-
related accidents or illness. Contribution made to SOCSO is on an average of 1.5% for
employees with a monthly salary of below RM950.
Position Number of Monthly Contribution Contribution Total
employees salary EPF(12%)(RM) SOSCO(2.5%)(RM) (RM)
General 1 2500.00 400.00 - 2900.00
Administrative 1 1500.00 350.00 60.00 1910.00
Marketing 1 1500.00 350.00 60.00 1910.00
Operational 1 1500.00 350.00 60.00 1910.00
Finance 1 1500.00 350.00 60.00 1910.00
Administrative 1 900.00 90.00 35.00 1025.00
Marketing 1 900.00 90.00 35.00 1025.00
Operational 1 950.00 132.00 32.00 1114.00
Finance clerk 1 1300.00 115.00 30.00 1445.00
Total 9 12550.00 2227.00 372 15149.00

6.6 List of shop equipment and supplies.
Items Quantity Price/unit (RM) Total cost (RM)
Shop furniture 2 set 500.00 1000
Kitchen 1 10000.00 10000.00
Machine storage 1 5000.00 5000.00
Renovation cost - - 12400.00
Total - - RM 28400.00

6.7 Administrative budget.

Item Fixed asset cost (RM) Monthly expense Other expense (RM)
Worker salary 19500.00 -
Premis rent 200.00 -
Water bill - 250.00
Electricity bill - 250.00
Telephone bill - 150.00
Wifi - 450.00
Transportation - - 7000.00
Promotion cost 300 -
Total RM20000.00 RM1100 RM7000.00

7.0 Marketing plan/analysis

7.1 Description of products or services:
 Accepting public orders
 Accepting all the people suggestions for making cookies and cakes.

7.2 Target market

To ensure that marketing effort full customers’ needs and wants as well as being profits, we have
taken steps to identity and focus our effort on a selected groups of customers. This is ensure that
the marketing effort taken are within our scopes and capabilities of our business. Target market is
defined as the group of customer with need and wants that can be satisfied by business through
supply goods and services. With a dearly defines audience, it is a much easier to determined where
and how to market our products. After much discussion and planning, we have a specific target
market. That being said, it doesn’t mean we only focus on this group of people and ignore others
that are not in our target market, as the other group is our secondary market and could also bring
income to our business and successfully the business.

7.3 Market size
 Taman Ria Mesra
 Factory NAZA Sdn.Bhd
 Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah

7.4 Competitor
Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and
weakness of current and potential competitors.

7.5 Sale forecast

Year Month Sales forecast (RM)
1 1 3000.00
2 3000.00
3 5000.00
4 6000.00
5 7000.00
6 7000.00
7 8000.00
8 15000.00
9 15000.00
10 15000.00
11 20000.00
12 25000.00
2 36000.00
3 60000.00
4 72000.00
5 150000.00

7.6.0 Marketing strategy

7.6.1 Cookies and cake:
 Type of name cake and cookies:We have to label the types of cookies.
 Attrative to customer:We sell extra chocolates and flavor to customers who want to add
some flavor.
7.6.2 Distrubution strategy
(Manufactured cookies and cake – company- customer)
7.6.3 Promotion strategy
 Sales promotion:To customers who buy in large quantities and festive days get discount
 Public relations and publicity:Using advertisements and pasting posters in need areas
7.7 Marketing budget (COD)
Items Fixed assets Monthly Other expenses (RM)
cost(RM) expense(RM)
Vehicle 3000.00 - -
Travelling expense - 1000.00 -
Vehicle maintenance - 1500.00 -
Promotion expense - 2000.00 -
Vehicle insurance - - 1500.00
Total 3000.00 4500.00 1500.00

8.0 Operational plan/production strategy

8.1 Process flow chart.

Customer have trouble making cakes

and cookies.

Identify a need for service provided or No


Customers make comparisons and N0

Customer come to the shop



8.2 Material requirement
Items Price per unit Quantity Total
(RM) purchase(RM)
Oven 150.00 6 900.00
Electric mixer 90.00 10 900.00
Towel 35.00 6 210.00
Loosen tin 60.00 6 360.00
Rolling pin 15.00 15 225.00
Digital scale 45.00 4 180.00
Ordinary baking 70.00 5 350.00
Spring form 50.00 7 350.00
Spoon syrup 15.00 13 195.00
Egg whip 25.00 13 325.00
Refrigerator 400.00 3 1200.00

8.3 Manpower planning

Positions Number of employees
Operation manager 1
Assistant 1

8.4 Schedule of task and responsibilities

Position Main task and responsibilities
Operation manager -Monitor work activities
Assistant -To help operation manager and do extra
work and extra result.

8.5 Remuneration plan

Positions Number of Monthly Contribution Contribution Total (RM)
employees salary (RM) EPF(12%)(RM) SOCSO
Operation 1 RM 4500 RM 440 RM 85 RM 5025
Assistant 1 RM 1200 RM 130 RM 28.50 RM 1358.50
Total 2 RM 5700 RM 6383.50

8.6 Operation layout
Items Monthly expense (RM)
Electricity and water RM 4500
Machine maintenance RM 1000
Vechicle maintenance RM 1000
Total RM 6500

8.7 Operational budget

Items Fixed assets cost Monthly expenses Other expenses (RM)
(RM) (RM)
Machinery 3000.00 - -
Direct material costs - 2500.00 -
Indirect material - 4000.00 -
Salary - 30000.00 -
Overhead costs - 5550.00 -
Total - 42050.00 -

9.0 Financial plan/strategy/analysis
9.1 Project implementation cost schedule
Project Implementation Cost Schedule

Items Fixed Monthly Other Contingency Total

Assets expenses expenses costs
(RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM)
Fixed Assets (Capital - - - -
Land and building - 1,400 - - -
Machinery 300 - 300
Equipments - 2500.00 - - 2500.00
Furniture and fittings - 3400 - 3400
Vehicle – Car - 600 - - 600
Renovation costs - 500 - - 500
Monthly Expenses (Working - - -
Administrative budget - - -
Salary - 3500 - - 3500
Rental - 3000 - - 3000
Utilities - 500 - - 500
Office supplies - 9000 - 9000
Vehicle maintenance 500 - - - 500
Promotional costs 3000 - - - 3000
Operational budget - - - -
Indirect material costs - 3000 - - 3000
Salary - - -
Overhead costs - - - -
Other Expenses - - - -
Pre-operating cost - - - -
Rental deposits - - - -
Utilities deposits - 400 - - 400
Vehicle insurance & - 600 - - 600
road tax
Contingency cost (5 – 10% of
monthly expenses)
Total Project 30800.00
Implementation Cost

9.2 Schedule of financial sources
Source Amount (RM)
Equity contribution
Cash 80k
Asset (Land and building)
External sources
Hire Purchase 50k
Bank loan 70k
Other -
Total 200k

9.3 Fixed assets depreciation table:

Type of asset : Car and van

Original cost : RM50,000.00

Economic life : 4 years

Depreciation rate : 40% pa

Scrap value : RM2,000.00

Method : Straight line

Year Annual Depreciation Accumulated Book value (RM)
(RM) Depreciation
0 0.00 0.00 45000.000

1 5000.00 10,000.00 30000.00

2 10000.00 10000.00 35000.00

3 10000.00 15000.00 32,000.00

4 12000.00 13000.00 17000.00

5 12000.00 10000.00 12000.00

10.0 Conclusion/summary and recommendation
I am very excited to finish this business pla in semester 4.I have gone through lots of new
experiences and it is very beneficial for all of us in participating in this business. I hope that our
business will be progressed smoothly in the future. I target is that we want achieve high profit in
the involvement of this business even though there are many rivals exist. Unfortunately, with the
good cooperation with all the subordinates we manage to compete with the rivals as fair and
square.I hope the purposed business will run more smoothly.I am also prepared for the risks
involved in running this business.I hope my business cookies and cakes popular in Gurun,
Malaysia.We will provide full responsibility and commitment.There is no doubt that will achieve
all these things.I also encouraged to take any chance that directly.Goodluck TFN.BROWNIE


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