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It was 1862 that Alexander Parkes introduced the world’s first ever manmade plastic,at
the London International Exhibition.”Parkesine”,as it was called,was marketed as an
alternative to ivory and horn that parks discovered while trying to develop a synthetic
substitute for shellac for waterproofing.

Though the product was not a commercial success Parekesine represented an important
first step in the development of man-made plastic.The material didn’t start to truly show its
potential value and diversity of applications until John Wesly Hyatt in Abany,New york
discovered a way to manufacture an improved version of parkesine most commonly known
as celluloid.

Today,plastics are renowned for their sustainability,strength and design flexibility,finding

unique and innovative applications in sectors ranging from healthcare and
medicine,consumer technology,automotive,packaging,aerospace,building and construction
and everything in between.


Harmful chemicals are released by seepage in the groundwater and in the ecosystem
especially soil from plastics.Polymer and nylon degrading bacteria like pseudonas,nylon-
eating bacteria and flayobacteria contribute to the release of methane gas from the
breakdown of nylon which conributes towards greenhouse gas and global warming.


Plastics contaminates the water bodies and oceans by storm-water runoff,flowing into
watercourses or directly discharged into coastal waters.This pollution enters the food chain
thereby causing hazardous longterm carcinogenic effect to fishes,animals and human beings
due to the release of diethylexyl phthalate,lead,mercury and cadmium.Oceans are generally
contaminated from microplastic debris which floats on the water surface.


Getting stuck in plastic can have horrible consequences for the animals such as reduced
mobility,starvation,drowning or suffocation.It can lead infections,growths or amputation of
limbs.Animals stuck in plastic becomes less capable of finding food and become also easy
victims to predators.For whales,entanglement in plastic is a greater threat than wailing.The
sharp threads of nets can cut into their flesh,causing whales to nlose fins or tails.Other whales
must swim with the fishing nets in which they are entangled.Marine mammals such as sea
lions,dolphins, and seals are regularly the victims of their own curiousity and turtles are
known for getting easily stuck in plastic too.They swim right up to plastic objects and play
with them.These species have not yet learned that these objects are not fun but dangerous.


Birds can be entangled in the plastic derived from balloons which can wrap around their
legs or head.It is indeed a festive sight to release balloons.But it is horrible to see birds
wearing balloon ribbons.After their flight,balloons do come down somewhere,if that is at the
sea,there is a chance that they wash up on land,and animals get stuck in the plastic ribbons.A
lot of balloon remnants are always found on beaches.

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