Pre-Submission Report (PROJECT NO 8)

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Python mini project

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of

B. Tech (Computer Science Engineering)





Chundi. Harsha vardhan Reddy

Registration no.: 12107150

Nitish Kumar
Registration no.: 12107722
Major modules in System For parking management system project: -
1.Parking management system.
3.login page.
4.parking Request.
1) parking management system: -

• this in module if you are a user already you just need to login.
• If you are a new user, you should create an account to get access from our services
• There is another option you can check available parking blocks without creating an

2)Register Module: -
One should complete the 4 parameters for sure to access our services.
• NAME – user must enter his full name in capital letters.
• Reg. no. – user must enter his unique registration number.
• Hostel/Block – user must enter their Hostel/Block name.
• GENDER – select respective gender.
• MOBILE NO – enter your 10-digit mobile number.
• EMAIL ID – enter your email id.
• After filling these details press “submit” button.

3)Login page Module: -

• in this module as previously mentioned if you are an old user just login with
your perspective details. enter your “user name” and “password” and press
“login now” button.
• If you are a new user, you can create a new account by pressing the
“New user” button at the bottom of the page.

4)parking request Module: -

To book the slot in the parking lot you should fill the following details.
• You should enter your working 10-digit mobile number.
• Enter the day when you are going to go park your car.
• Enter the time to going to go park your car.
• The charges will be shown to you right after entering the above details.
• After press “book” button you will be redirected to another page then there
it will show you the status of booking.
Role and Responsibility of respective students are: -
➢ Chundi. Harsha vardhan Reddy:
- Two modules of coding and implementation.
- Testing of all the modules(codes).
➢ Nitish Kumar:
- The remaining two modules of coding and implementation.
- Testing of all the modules(codes).
At last, we two members will complete it with minimal errors as possible as we can and
create a report file for this parking management system project.


Coding 7 days

Testing 2 days

Implementation 1 day

execution 2 days

Final preparation 1 day

Total 13 days

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