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Summer Vacation Holidays’ Homework


Session: 2022-23

General Instructions:

 All the questions of the holidays’ homework must be done on separate assignment sheets.
 Holiday homework should be your authentic creative work. Credit will be awarded to original
photographs/ drawings, illustrations and innovative ideas.
 Separate instructions are given for different subjects and questions.(if any)
 Internal assessment marks will be allotted for the projects/activities.
 Schedule your time for activities so that there is no piling up for the last moment.
 Holidays’ homework needs to be submitted on 1 July, 2022.
 In case of Power Point Presentation/Project, work must be presented in the following order:
a) Cover page / First slide should have the student information (Name, class, section, roll no., school
and academic year), subject, topic/chapter/poem and name of the teacher to which the work has to be
b) Index -List of contents with page numbers.
c) The last page should have Bibliography/Sources of information from where you have collected
your information.

Subject Holidays’ Homework

English  Choose any author of your choice and read any of his or her works. Prepare a
review of the book you have chosen to read. The book review will be verbally
presented before the class after the summer break, in July. You may speak for a
minute. (10 marks)
 Make a PPT on any topic done in the class in the month of April/May. Make at
least 10-15 slides. Also write about the life history of the author and the theme of
the story. Make your projects interesting by including pictures. (10 marks)
Rubrics: Content-4 , Accuracy-3 and Presentation (Graphics, Sound and
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the explanation of Poem 1 done in the
class. Explain ‘Figures of Speech’ with examples to be taken from the poem.
There should be approximately 10-12 slides. (10 marks)
Rubrics: Content-4 , Accuracy-3 and Presentation (Graphics, Sound and
 Revise the syllabus covered till 31 May.
 Revise the sheets of ‘Essential Words’ of April and May.
 Do the following Art Integration activity: (10 marks)
(Chapter-2 ‘THE TIGER KING’, Vistas book)
a) Design a poster (in not more than 50 words) on ‘Stop Killing Animals’. (3
Rubrics: Format-1 Mark, Content-1 Mark, Expression-1 Mark
b) Write an article in 100-120 words on the ‘Ways to Prevent Killing of Animals’.
(3 Marks)
Rubrics: Format-1, Content-2 Mark, Expression-1 Mark
c) Make a newspaper report in 100-120 words on an incident based on the cruelty
towards animals in Andhra Pradesh. (4 Marks )
Rubrics: Format-1 Mark, Content-2 Marks, Expression-1 Mark

Economics Guidelines for the project work:

 Learners will complete only ONE project
 Project should be of 3,500-4,000 words (excluding diagrams & graphs),
preferably hand-written
 It will be an independent, self-directed piece of study
List of Projects:

 Micro and Small Scale Industries  Food Supply Channel in India

 Contemporary Employment situation  Disinvestment policy of the
in India government
 Goods and Services Tax Act and its  (Health Expenditure (of any state)
Impact on GDP
 Human Development Index  Inclusive Growth Strategy
 Self-help group  Trends in Credit availability in India
 Monetary policy committee and its  Role of RBI in Control of Credit
 Government Budget & its Components  Trends in budgetary condition of India
 Exchange Rate determination –  Currency War – reasons and
Methods and Techniques repercussions
 Livestock – Backbone of Rural India  Alternate fuel – types and importance
 Sarwa Siksha Abhiyan – Cost Ratio  Golden Quadrilateral- Cost ratio
Benefits benefit
 Minimum Support Prices  Relation between Stock Price
Index and Economic Health of
 Waste Management in India –  Minimum Wage Rate –
Need of the hour approach and Application
 Digital India- Step towards the future  Rain Water Harvesting – a solution
to water crises
 Vertical Farming – an alternate way  Silk Route- Revival of the past
 Make in India – The way ahead  Bumper Production- Boon or
Bane for the farmer
 Rise of Concrete Jungle- Trend  Organic Farming – Back to the Nature
 Any other newspaper article and  Any other topic
its evaluation on basis of
economic principles
 Introduction of topic/title
 Identifying the causes, consequences and/or remedies
 Various stakeholders and effect on each of them
 Advantages and disadvantages of situations or issues identified
 Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies
suggested in the course of research
 Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for
research work and for presentation in the project file
 Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
 Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes,
resources section, bibliography etc

Rubrics and Marking Scheme :Marks are suggested to be given as:

1. Relevance of the topic: 3 marks

2. Content/ Research Work: 6 marks

3. Presentation Technique : 3 marks

4. Viva : 8 marks
Accountancy Fundamentals of Partnership

Topic: Partnership deed.

Make a PPT (10-15 slides) highlighting meaning and importance of Partnership deed.
Also paste two partnership deeds (Photo copies) in a scrap book. (10 marks)
Rubrics and Marking Scheme: Content- 4 Marks, Authenticity-3 Marks, and
Expression-3 Marks,
Business Studies Guidelines for the project work:
 Learners will complete only ONE project
 The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.
 The project report should be developed in the following sequence:

Project 1 : Elements of Business Environment

1. Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic

 The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates

being used in place of wooden crates, etc. Reasons for above changes.
 Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetra-pack
and through vending machines.
 Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture.
 The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth.
 Brown paper bags packing to recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags.
 Re use of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products.
 The concept of pyramid packaging for milk.
 Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer.
 Packaging used as means of advertisements.

2. The reasons behind changes in the following:

 Coca – Cola and Fanta in the seventies to Thumbs up and Campa Cola in the
eighties to Pepsi and Coke in nineties.

The students are required to enquire about:

o Reasons of stopping the manufacturing of the above mentioned drinks in

India .
o The introduction of Thums up and Campa cola range.
o Re-entry of Coke and introduction of Pepsi in the Indian market.
o Factors responsible for the change.
o Other linkages with the above.
o Leading brands and the company having the highest market share.
o Different local brands venturing in the Indian market.
o The rating of the above brands in the market.
o The survival and reasons of failure in competition with the international
o Other observations made by the students

3. Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear
families, women as a bread earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of
mixers, washing machines, micro wave and standard of living.

4. The changes in the pattern of import and export of different products.

5. The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings.

6. A study on child labor laws, its implementation and consequences.

7. The state of ‘anti plastic campaign,’ the law, its effects and implementation.

8. The laws of mining /setting up of industries, rules and regulations, licenses required
for running that business.

9. Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product. (Dish

washer, Atta maker, etc.)

10. What has the effect of change in environment on the types of goods and services?

The students can take examples like:

 Washing machines, micro waves, mixers and grinder.

 Need for crèche, day care center for young and old.
 Ready to eat food, eating food outside, and tiffin centers.

11. Change in the man-machine ratio with technological advances resulting in change of
cost structure.

12. Effect of changes in technological environment on the behavior of employee.

Project 2: Principles of Management Project

The students are required to visit any one of the following:

 A departmental store.
 An Industrial unit.
 A fast food outlet.
 Any other organization approved by the teacher.

They are required to observe the application of the general principles of management
advocated by Fayol.


They may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques by F.W.
Taylor in the unit visited

Project 3: Stock Exchange

The students are to:

 Develop a brief report on History of Stock Exchanges in India.

 Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.
 To make an imaginary portfolio totaling a sum of INR 50,000 equally in any of
the 5 companies of their choice listed above over a period of twenty working

The students are required to report the prices of the stocks on daily basis and present it
diagrammatically on the graph paper. During this period of recording students are
supposed to distinctively record the daily and starting and closing prices of the week
other days under the negotiable instrument act so that they acquire knowledge about
closing and opening prices.

The students may conclude by identifying the causes in the fluctuations of prices. The
students are expected to find the value of their investments and accordingly rearrange
their portfolio. The project work should cover the following aspects;

 Graphical presentation of the share prices of different companies on different

 Change in market value of shares due to change of seasons, festivals, natural and
human disasters.
 Change in market value of shares due to change in political environment/ policies
of various countries/crisis in developed countries or any other reasons
 Identify the top ten companies out of the 25 selected on the basis of their market
value of shares. (It does not matter if they have made profits or losses.)

Project 4: Marketing project

To begin with, the students must choose a product/service. The chosen product/service
should not be one whose consumption/use is discouraged by the society and government.


Air conditioners , Soap, Bike , Butter, Camera, Car , Chocolate , Coffee, Crockery ,
Crayons, DTH, Cycle , Eraser , Fairness Cream, Fans , Furniture , Hair Dye , Hair Oil ,
Jams, Jewellery , Footwear , Ladies Bag , Fruit Candy , Ice-Cream , Inverter , Lipstick ,
Noodles , Mobile , Microwave oven etc.

Now the students are required to make a project on the identified product/service
keeping in mind the following:

 Why have they selected this product/service?

 Find out ‘5’ competitive brands that exist in the market.
 What permission and licenses would be required to make the product?
 What are your competitors Unique Selling Proposition? [U.S.P.]
 Does your product have any range give details?
 What is the name of your product?
 Enlist its features.
 Draw the ‘Label’ of your product.
 Draw a logo for your product.
 Draft a tag line.
 What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
o Selling price to consumer
o Selling price to retailer
o Selling price to wholesaler
o What is the profit margin in percentage to the Manufacturer, Wholesaler,
and Retailer?
o How will your product be packaged?
o Which channel of distribution are you going to use? Give reasons for
o Decisions related to warehousing, state reasons.
o What is going to be your selling price?
 To consumer
 To retailer
 To wholesaler
 List 5 ways of promoting your product.
 Any schemes for
 The wholesaler
 The retailer
 The consumer
 What is going to be your ‘U.S.P?
 What means of transport you will use and why?
 Draft a social message for your label.
 What cost effective techniques will you follow for your
 What cost effective techniques will you follow for your
promotion plan


 Cover page should include the title of the project, student information, school and
year followed by the list of contents
 Acknowledgements and Preface (acknowledging the institution, the places
visited and the persons who have helped)
 Introduction, topic with suitable heading, planning and activities done during the
project, if any, observations
 Findings
 Conclusions and Suggestions
 Appendix, teacher’s observation, and signatures of the teachers.

 Assessment will be based on the basis of following rubrics

Allocation of Marks =20

 Content- 2 marks
 Creativity in presentation – 2 marks
 Research work – 4 marks
 Analysis of situations- 4 marks
 Viva- 8 marks

I.P Do the following in your Practical File

a. Minimum 15 Programs based on Pandas including Data Frames and Series with
proper Question, Coding and Output.
b. Add border and Page No. on every page
c. Make Index with following fields : , Activity, Page No., Signature
Rubrics for assessment: Timely submission-2 Marks, Content- 4 Marks, Presentation- 4

Physical Prepare practical files on the following topics:

 Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test - 06
 Proficiency in Games and Sports
 Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice-07 marks
 Yogic Practices 07
1. Content accuracy and originality 3 Marks
2. Presentation and creativity 3 Marks
3. Viva 4 Marks
Mathematics Write the following activities in the separate note book :
1To draw the graph of sin-1 , using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of
mirror reflection.
2.To sketch the graph of ax and loga x, a , and to examine that they are mirror images
of each other.
3. To find analytically the limit of a function f(x) at x=c and also to check the continuity
of the function at that point.
# Do art integration on Matrices.
For reference:
Total marks will be allotted over the different aspects of the project Work in the
following manner:
1. Content accuracy and originality 3 Mark
2. Presentation and creativity 3 Mark
4. Viva 4 Mark

Fine Arts Make two paintings, one on market scene and another on bus stop scene .Use half sized
Ivory sheet with poster colours.

Rubrics- Neatness & Presentation : 5 Marks

Colour Scheme : 5 Marks

Music Prepare practical file on the following topics:

-Rupak Taal, Raag Bhairav

-Definitions:- Alankar, Kan, Meend, Alaap

Rubrics- File Content & Expression- 5 Marks, Viva -5 Marks

Psychology Activity I. Critically analyze Saavedra and Silverman's Button phobia research.
Here, you must cover a basic summary of the research (your understanding) ,
highlighting main concepts in the background and putting forward strengths and
weaknesses of the study. Also, do put forward what can be the areas of further research
in the respective study.
Assessment (5 marks)
a. Timely submission (July1, 2022): 2 marks
b. The underlying meaning of the article: 2 marks
c. Writing expression: 1mark
Key: Excellent, Good, Developing, Emerging
Activity II. Prepare a case profile of an individual who has excelled in areas like
sports, academics, music, etc. or having special needs like learning disability, autism,
Down’s syndrome, etc. or those with interpersonal social problems, i.e. poor body
image, obesity, temper tantrums, substance abuse, not getting along with peers,
withdrawn, etc.
Note: Refer Page 199 of Psychology textbook for Suggested Format for Preparing a
Case Profile

Class Presentation and Task submission: 10 marks

a. Class Presentation and Active participation in discussion (July 5-6): 5 marks
b. Proper format and relevance of the content: 5 marks
c. Creative expression and Timely submission in written (July14, 2022): 5 marks
Key: Excellent, Good, Developing, Emerging
Activity III. Building Emotional Awareness It’s your chance to really get to know
your emotions.
Noticing and understanding emotions in oneself is considered one of the four key
ingredients of emotional intelligence (Davies, Stankov & Roberts, 1998). According to
Charoensukmongkol (2015), mindfulness can help one develop emotional intelligence,
by increasing people’s understanding of their own emotions. Mindfulness has been
found to be positively correlated with increased clarity of feelings, attention to feelings,
and lower distraction. Just as intellectual intelligence is manifested through reading and
learning, emotional intelligence can be fostered through mindfully attending to current
emotional states.
By simply practicing emotional awareness in this way, you can build your emotional
Step 1: Emotional awareness meditation script
1. Find a comfortable seated position. Either sitting on a cushion on the floor, or in a
chair. Allow your spine to be straight and long, and let your shoulders drop. Gently
close your eyes, or, if you’d prefer, simply gaze down in front of you with a soft focus.
2. As you sit here, notice where your body is making contact: your feet touching the
floor, perhaps your back on the ground, your sit bones on a chair...
3. Notice your breath. For the next five or so breaths, follow each inhale and exhale,
feeling or imagining the breath flowing into and out of the body.
4. Now, shift your awareness from your breath to your body, and begin to scan through
the body slowly from head to toe, observing any feelings or emotions that are present.
5. You might detect numerous feelings or emotions throughout the body. For the
purpose of this exercise, choose one feeling or emotion to focus on for now.
6. Notice where in your body this emotion located... so what part of the body is holding
this feeling?
7. How big or small is the feeling?
8. Where are its edges? Are these edges sharp or soft?
9. Does the feeling have a color? And if so, is the color changing or remaining the same?
10. Is the feeling heavy, or light?
11. Is the feeling moving, or still?
12. Is the feeling hard or soft? Is it rough or smooth? If I could touch this feeling with
my hand, what would its texture be like?
13. Now, if you were to give a name to this feeling or emotion, what would it be? Can
you identify it? Can you give it a label?
14. If a name for this feeling doesn’t come to mind, that’s OK. Be kind to yourself, and
continue to observe the feeling in the body with curiosity and without judgment, until
the nature of this emotion becomes clearer to you.
15. Continue to get to know this emotion for another five or so minutes. When you feel
that you have reached a level of comfort with and understanding of this feeling, gently
open your eyes and bring your attention back to the room you are in.
Step 2: Reflection
Write about your experience in Step 1 in as much detail as possible. Writing and sharing
about your experience of this emotion will enhance your understanding and familiarity
with it.

Fashion Studies Select any one designer from the period or between the world wars.
Find pictures of his /her designs from reference books and paste the pictures in your
project file relating them to the textual information.
Rubrics: Neatness- 5 Marks
Presentation and Creativity – 5 Marks



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