MHL Brendovi

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-Grupu je osnovao John Willard Marriott zajedno sa svojom ženom Alice Marriott 1927. Godine
kada su otvorili štamd s a pivom u Vašingtonu. 
-Nekoliko godina kasnije su osnovali lanac Hot Shoppes restorana, a ubrzo nakon toga su proširil
isvoju delatnsot I otvoren je prvi hotel. 
-Hot Shoppes je 1967. Godine preimenovan u Marriott Corporation.
-1995. Marriott Corporation je bio prva hotelska grupa koja je omogućila online rezervacije.
-1997. su preuzeli Renaissance I Ramada brendove
-1998. je preuzeo Ritz Carlton,
-2016. Godine je preuzeo Starwood I postao najveći hotelski lanac na svetu.

Program lojalnosti se zove Marriott Bonvoy. Nastao je kombinovanjem programa lojalnosti
lanaca Ritz Carlton, Marriott (Marriott Rewards iz 1983. Godine) I Starwood. Marriott Bonvoy je
nastao 2019. godine I obuhvata niz pogodnosti za svoje članove. Članovi su kategorisani u 6
nivoa Member Elite, Silver Elite, Gold Elite, Platinum Elite, Titanium Elite I Ambasador Elite.
Članovima se određuje rang na osnovu broja noćenja, a u okviru svakog ranga ostvaruju
određene pogodnosti poput late C/I, early C/O, poklon dobrodošlice, upgrade u apartman, itd.


Jin Jiang International (Holdings) Co., Ltd. is a Chinese state-owned tourism and hospitality company
headquartered in Shanghai, China. The group operates Shanghai's Jinjiang Hotel, Peace Hotel, Park
Hotel, and Metropole Hotel. Other chains operated by the group include the Jinjiang Inn[zh 1] and
Bestay Hotel Express,[zh 2][1] and Magnotel.[zh 3][2]

In January 2015, Jin Jiang International Hotels Development Co. acquired Europe's Groupe du Louvre for
1.21 billion euros from U.S. investment firm Starwood Capital Group.[3] In September 2015, Jin Jiang
International Hotels Development Co. acquired 81% of Keystone Lodging Holding, which owns Plateno
Hotels Group, 7 Days Inn and ZMAX, creating one of the world's largest hotel groups.

The group has successively acquired the French Louvre Hotel Group, Plateno Group, Vienna Hotel Group
and strategically invested in the French Accor Hotel Group.

As of the end of 2020, the Group has invested and managed more than 10,000 hotels with 1 million
rooms, with "J", "Rock Garden", "Jin Jiang", "Kunlun", "Radisson", "Tulip Golden Tulip", "Jinjiang
Metropolis", "Cambodia" There are more than 40 high-end, mid-end and economical brands such as
Campanile, Lavande, and Vienna, which are distributed in 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous
regions) in China and more than 120 countries in the world, with more than 150 million members,
ranking among the top 300 hotel groups in the world 2nd place.

Shanghai Jin Jiang Hotel
Shanghai Peace Hotel
Shanghai Jin Jiang Tower
Shanghai Jin Jiang Tomson Hotel
Shanghai Yangtze Hotel
Beijing Kunlun Hotel
Wuhan Jin Jiang International Hotel

Shanghai Park Hotel
Shanghai Jian Guo Hotel
Shanghai Rainbow Hotel
Shanghai Cypress Hotel
Shanghai Hotel
Shanghai Jing An Hotel
Shanghai Sofitel Hotel
Holiday Inn Downtown Shanghai
Wuxi Jin Jiang Grand Hotel
Kunming Jin Jiang Hotel
West Capital International Hotel
Jiangsu Nanjing Hotel

Shanghai Pacific Hotel
225 Zemalja
6.412 Hotela
1.02 mil. soba
Hilton je osnovao Conrad Hilton, a prvi hotel je otvorio 1919. Godine u Teksasu. Narednih
nekoliko godina je nastavio da otvara hotele po Teksasu. Hilton u Waco-u je bio prvi hotel sa
tekućom vodom I ventilacijom. 1947. Roosevelt Hilton u NY je prvi hotel sa televizorima u
sobama. Prvi značajan napredak grupa je naprarvila otvaranjem Hiltona na SanFrancisco
aerodromu 1959. 1973. Godine je implementovan centralni rezervacioni system, a 1987.godine
je uveden program lojalnosti HIltonHonors.

HILTON HHONORS: Kada se vrši rezervacija usluga putem Hiltonovih sistema za rezervaciju
garantuje se klijentima da će uvek dobiti najnižu cenu. U koliko već izvrše rezervaciju ili pre nego
je izvrše, a sami pronađu neki jeftiniji smeštaj dobijaju 25% popusta za isti smeštaj i uslove koje
je rezervisao. Svaki novi gost tj. klijent dobija 10 bodova za svaki potrošen $1 u Hilton hotelima.
Sto duže ostaješ-više zarađuješ (moguce je cak i do 20 bodova po $1).



5000 hotela
744.000 soba
100 zemalja
Grupa nastaje 1777. Godine kada William Bass otvara pivaru u UK. Osnivač Pan American
Airways je želeo da otvori hotel na kraju svake rute letova njegove aviokompanije I tako je prvi
InterContinental otvoren 1947. Godine u Brazilu. Pozadina prvog IHG hotela je ipak vezana za
politiku. Ruzvelt I osnivać PanAm-a su napravili plan kako će privući turiste I poslovne ljude tako
što će im ponuditi luksuzne hotele u velikim gradovima. 1952. Kemons Willson otvara prvi
HolidayInn., a 1965. Godine nastaje Holidex, rezervacioni system. 1972 otvaraju liniju hotele
srednje cenovne klase – Forum Hotels. 1984. Godine je kreiran prvi program lojalnosti Priority
Club. 1998. Godina Bass kupuje InterContinental. 2004. Godine nastaje INDIGO brend.

Prvi InterContinental hotel je osnovan 1949. godine u Brazilu, dok se prvi Holiday Inn, jedan od
najvećih brednova u IHG-u otvara 1952. u Memfisu. Holiday Inn je prvi hotelski brend koji dalje
franšizu 1954. godine. IHG kao grupacija rođen je 2003. godine.

PROGRAM LOJALNOSTI: IHG Rewards je program lojalnosti koji se koristi, takođe postoji i
aplikacija za korisnike koja daje određene pogodnosti i olakšice (IHG Concerto). Program
lojalnosti IHG je unapređen 2013. godine. Bazično, funkcioniše po principu zarade bodova, gde
konzumiranje usluga u hotelu određenog cenovnog ranga donosi određen broj bodova.
Sarađuju sa brojnim spoljnim servisima poput dostave hranje, rent-a-car-a, brojnih aktivnosti na
svakoj destinaciji i slično. IHG rewards je povezan sa programima lojalnosti pojedinačnih
brendova, u određenoj meri. Postoji i kreditna kartica ove grupacije. Pogodnosti koje se nude
najčešće su: besplatno noćenje, kupovina određenog loyality statusa za drugu osobu, vazdušne
milje, besplatni obroci, wellness sadržaji, Wi-Fi i slično.


8900 hotela
800.000 soba
95 zemalja
Wyndham brend je nastao 1981 u Dallasu, Texasu. Bio je deo Blackstone grupe do 2005, kada je
Cendant kupio Wyndham brend od Blackstone grupe. 2010 Wyndham je preuzeo Tryp brend od
Sol Melia Hotels i proširio se na tržište Španije.

The Wyndham Rewards program caters to leisure and business travelers who visit popular
destinations in the United States, Europe, Mexico, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. As a
Wyndham Rewards member, you'll earn points when you stay in any of Wyndham Hotels &
Resorts' more than 9,000 properties across several distinctive brands, including Days Inn by
Wyndham, Dolce Hotels and Resorts by Wyndham, La Quinta by Wyndham, Ramada by
Wyndham and Wyndham Grand. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts' alliance with Amtrak and
numerous air carriers – such as American Airlines and United Airlines – also allows you to earn
miles or points with those rewards programs on Wyndham hotel stays. You can earn points on
car rentals, too, thanks to Wyndham's partnerships with Avis and Budget. Wyndham Rewards
also introduced a partnership with Caesars Entertainment's Caesars Rewards program in 2017,
allowing members to link accounts, match status and earn and redeem points at Caesars
properties. Additionally, you can earn rewards points on hotel and everyday purchases if you
have one of three Wyndham Rewards Earner Visa credit cards. Earned points can be used for
hotel stays, vacation rentals, flights, tours and activities, gift cards and retail purchases.

5200 hotela
762.100 soba
110 zemalja
ISTORIJAT: 1967. godine Paul Dubrule i Gerard Pelisson su osnovali hotelsku grupu pod imanom
Socite d“Investissement et d exploitation hoteliers-SIEH i otvorili su prvi Novotel na domak Lila u
severnoj Francuskoj. ACCOR pod današnjim imenom je nastao tek 1983. godine kada se Novotel-
SIEH spojio sa grupom Jaques Borel International kako bi formirali novu hotelsku grupu ACCOR.
1972- pri Novotel u inostranstvu, otvoren u Neuchatel-u u Švajcarskoj
1974 – prvi Ibis u Bordou, to je bio prvi ekonomski hotel
1975- akvizicija hotelskog lanca sa 3*, Mercure, otvaranje prvog Novotela u Kamerunu u Africi
1980 – preuzimanje hotelskog brenda Sofitel, tada je imao 4 zvezdice i 43 hotela
1983 – Kreacija ACCOR hotelske grupe, novi entitet sa 440 hotela
2000 –nastaje online rezervacioni sajt grupe
2014 – strateško partnerstvo između ACCOR-a i Huazhu
2016 – akvizicija OneFineStay, Fairmont, Raffles i Swissotel.
2019 – ALL program lojalnosti, postaju partneri i sponzori za dresove Paris Saint Germain
PROGRAM LOJALNOSTI: ACCOR program lojalnosti je akronim ALL, od Accor Live Limitless. Ovaj
program lojalnosti povezujje hotele, restorane, spa i wellness centre i sve ostale sadržaje koje
nudi Accor, takoda članovi nisu ograničeni na pogodnosi koje su vezane samo za smeštaj.
Članovi prikupljaju poene koje dobijaju kada odsedaju u hotelima, kada jedu u restoranima, pa
čak i kada kupuju preko e-butika, kupuju brendove sa kojima Accor ima partnerstvo.


7200 hotela
41 zemlja
597.000 soba
Kompanija je osnovana 1939. godine kao lanac od 7 nezavisnih motela na Floridi koji su se
udružili. 1940 grupa formalizuje svoj odnos i stvara Quality Courts United, prvi lanac hotela u
SAD. 1949 godine postaju prvi koji nude tepihe od zida do zida, room service 24/7, svakodnevnu
zamenu posteljine i sobne telefone. 1972 menjaju ime u Quality Inns International i šre se na
međunarodna tržišta. Nakon toga su se spojili sa Manor Care, zdravstvenom kompanoijom što
im je dalo finansijski podsticaj. Ubrzo nakon toga postaju prvi koji su uveli strategiju
segmentacije i stvaraju brendove Quality Royale, Quality Inn i Comfort Inn. Promenili su ime u
Choice Hotels 1990. Comfort brend su kreirali 1981.

Програм лојалоности
Choice-a погодује породицама и пословним путницима који воле да путују светом са
ограниченим буџетом. У програму учествује више од 7.000 хотела широм света.
Choice заузима 4. место у програмима лојалности хотелских група.
Choice награђује бодовима сваки пут кад се одседне у неком од хотела у оквиру хотелског
ланца, плати кредитном картицом Visa Signature или купите нешто у партнерима Choice-а.
Укупно у 2019. Години је било 44 милиона чланова програма лојалности.

The Choice Privileges program подељен је на четири нивоа: основни, Gold, Platinum и
Diamond. Предности укључују:
Могућност зараде и коришћењe бодова
Приоритетна пријава /одјава
Бесплатни садржаји
Попуст за чланове



8. OYO
Kompanija je osnovana u Indiji, 2013. godine. 2016. su se proširili na Maleziju, prvu teritoriju
vam Indije.2017. su kreirali brend OYO Townhouse na odabranim destiancijama. 2018. su se
proširili i u UK i novi brend OYO life. Već 2019. godine je kreirano 26 instituta za trening širom
Indije i proširili se na Evropu i Bliski Istok. To je najveća hotelska grupa u Jugo-istočnoj Aziji

It was previously known in English as China Lodging Group Limited. The China
Lodging/Hanting Inns business was established in 2005. The original company, Powerhill,
was established in 2005, and the current Huazhu company was established in 2007. Ji Qi
the founder, stated that he got the idea to start the chain by reading a book discussing  Accor
Hotels. As of 2012, the company had four brands and about 1,000 properties in China.
In 2017, Huazhu Hotel Group acquired Crystal Orange Hotel Group for CNY3.65 billion. In
January 2016, Huazhu and Accor Hotels finalize their strategic alliance. On November 4,
2019, it was announced that the company; through one of their subsidiaries has
purchased Deutsche Hospitality for 700 million Euro.


HanTing Hotel Ji Mercure Grand Mercure

Hi Inn Orange Select Crystal Orange VUE

Orange Hotel Citi GO Manxin Joya

Elan Hotel Starway Novotel

Ibis Styles


Premium Hotel
On February 28, 1998 - Beijing Tourism Group Co., Ltd. was established on the basis of 33
wholly-owned and controlled enterprises affiliated to Beijing Municipal Tourism Administration.

In 2014, BTG acquired private enterprises such as Yakeyi Yijia and Ningbo Nanyuan. In 2016,
Beijing BTG Hotels (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BTG Hotels), a subsidiary of BTG
Group, acquired Home Inns [4] . Previously, in October 2006, “Home Inn Chain” landed on the
Nasdaq market in the United States.

There are many companies under the BTG Group. Beijing BTG Jianguo Hotel Management Co.,
Ltd. is one of the group's hotel management brands.

Hotel industry: The total number of hotels invested and managed by BTG Group exceeds 100.
Including nearly ten five-star hotels managed by Beijing Hotel , Beijing VIP Building Hotel ,
Kempinski and other brands, dozens of three- and four-star hotels managed by BTG Jianguo as
the brand, Home Inns, Xinyandu Nearly 100 budget hotels managed by the brand .

BTG was established in February 1998.

In 2004 it merged with Beijing New Yansha Group (the developer of the Golden Resources Mall),
restaurant operators Quanjude and Donglaishun, and the Antique City Group

In 2015 BTG bought the Home Inn hotel chain for 11 billion RMB.

In 2016 it had RMB 73 billion in assets and RMB 44 billion in revenue.

In 2017, China launched the World Tourism Alliance with the support of the BTG.
Best Western began in the years following World War II. At the time, most hotels were either large
urban properties or smaller family-owned roadside hotels. The "referral system" consisted of phone calls
between one desk operator and another. This small and informal network eventually grew into the
modern Best Western hotel brand founded by M.K. Guertin in 1946. By 1962, Best Western had the only
hospitality reservations service covering the entire United States, and in 1963, was the largest motel
brand in the industry. Best Western had a marketing partnership with Quality Courts, the forerunner of
the chain known today as Quality Inns, This partnership made sense geographically, but was not successful
in the long run, and was eventually abandoned. The name "Best Western" originated from the fact that most
of the chain's original operators were west of the Mississippi River in the United States. 


The Best Western Rewards program is geared toward budget-minded business and family travelers. Best
Western Rewards members can earn and redeem points at 4,700 Best Western hotels in nearly 100
countries, including the United States and Canada. Members can also earn points by using Best Western
partner services (which range from car rentals to flower deliveries) and by making everyday purchases
using a Best Western Rewards Premium Mastercard or by converting Diners Club Rewards to Best
Western Rewards points. These points can be put toward future stays at Best Western hotels. Members
can also redeem points for members-only experiences (such as a walking tour of Quebec City and an
aerial tour of the Grand Canyon) through the Experiences by Best Western Rewards program. And
because Best Western partners with airlines like Southwest Airlines, American Airlines and Alaska
Airlines, members can redeem points for miles to use in select frequent flyer programs.


The first Hyatt House opened in 1954 by entrepreneurs Hyatt Robert von Dehn and Jack Dyer Crouch as
a motel near Los Angeles International Airport. In 1957, the hotel was purchased by entrepreneur Jay
Pritzker. In 1967, the company opened their Regency Hyatt House in Atlanta, Georgia (today the Hyatt
Regency Atlanta). It featured a massive indoor atrium, which soon became a distinctive feature of many
Hyatt properties. The Hyatt Regency brand is the oldest brand in the company, with the Grand Hyatt and
Park Hyatt brands being introduced in 1980. In 2004, all of the hospitality assets owned by Pritzker
family business interests, including Hyatt Corporation and Hyatt International Corporation, were
consolidated under a single entity called Global Hyatt Corp. On June 30, 2009, Global Hyatt Corporation
changed its name to Hyatt Hotels Corporation. In December 2005, Hyatt acquired limited service
company Summerfield Suites from the Blackstone Group. Blackstone had inherited Summerfield Suites
from its purchase of Wyndhaml. In 2015, Hyatt announced that they were in advanced talks to acquire
Starwood Hotels in a cash and stock transaction. Starwood was acquired by Marriott International

WORLD OF HYATT: The World of Hyatt program is geared toward leisure and business travelers who
visit major cities within the US, Canada, Europe, Mexico and Asia. The Hyatt portfolio comprises more
than 1,000 properties worldwide, with hotels concentrated in major U.S. destinations like Atlanta,
Chicago, New York City and San Francisco. As a World of Hyatt member, you will accumulate points to
use for free nights, room upgrades, FIND experiences, airline miles, car rentals, dining and Exhale spa
and fitness services.

Timeless portfolio-Hyatt's classic brands

Park Hyatt – top-tier luxury brand, offering residential-style luxury
Miraval – luxury wellness resorts
Grand Hyatt – large luxury hotels with fine dining and expansive meeting facilities
Hyatt Regency – Hyatt's signature, upper-upscale brand
Hyatt – Hyatt's brand of modern hotels
Hyatt Ziva – all-inclusive family resorts
Hyatt Zilara – all-inclusive adults-only resorts
Hyatt Place – mid-tier brand offering large rooms
Hyatt House – extended-stay properties
Hyatt Residence Club – timeshare and vacation rental resorts
UrCove by Hyatt – Hyatt's new brand targeted to Chinese travelers,

Boundless portfolio-lifestyle brands

Andaz – art-and-design-focused luxury lifestyle hotels
Alila Hotels and Resorts – luxury boutique hotels built around sustainable practices
Thompson Hotels – luxury boutique hotels
Hyatt Centric – upscale lifestyle properties
Caption by Hyatt – select-service lifestyle brand with smaller rooms and lively public spaces

Independent collections- soft-branded independent properties

The Unbound Collection by Hyatt – a collection of independent, upper-upscale and luxury hotels
Destination by Hyatt – formerly Destination Hotels, luxury independent properties
JdV by Hyatt – formerly Joie de Vivre Hotels, a collection of independent properties designed around
their immediate neighborhoods

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