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“Attitudes of British teachers of British Council in Vietnam upon the news of the

latest British Prime Minister”.


1.1. Background of the research

In the current economic crisis, inflation is happening at a dizzying rate. “Despite the
softening of the economy, last week's economic data showed the possibility of
inflation continuing to seep into the money,” said Benjamin Nabarro, senior global
strategist and macro expert at Citigroup. wages and prices will accelerate even more.”
It is likely that inflation will peak at a much higher rate than the 13% forecast given
by the Bank of England in August 2022, so we think the BoE would draw the
conclusion that the probability of persistently high inflation has been dramatically

The race for the leadership of the Conservative Party has been heating up since Ms.
Truss announced her resignation on October 20 and became the shortest Prime
Minister in office in the UK, just six weeks. Her economic plan, also known as the
"compact budget", caused economic turmoil and damaged the Conservative Party's
credibility. The debt-based tax cuts that Ms. Truss offered did not reverse the
economic predicament facing Britain. Ms. Truss' economic strategy has pushed the
pound to a 37-year low against the dollar, while also pushing up borrowing costs and
government mortgage rates.

So as a matter of course, criticism and repressive pressure forced her to resign. Four
days after her resignation, on October 24, 2022, former British finance minister Rishi
Sunak won the race for leadership of the country's conservative party. On October 25,
2022 (local time), after meeting King Charles III on the morning of the same day, Mr.
Sunak, 42, officially became Britain's third Prime Minister in less than two months.
and the first black Prime Minister, the first Asian Prime Minister of the UK, and the
youngest Prime Minister in "fog country" in more than 200 years.

A big question now is how people in Britain react to the sudden change in their
country's leaders. Therefore, my study will focus on British people working at the
British Council and living in Hanoi, Vietnam reacting to the above information. This
research paper will not only show the thoughts and opinions of British people in the
British Council in Vietnam but also aims to show the interest of British people living
and working in Vietnam. away from home of the political situation of the home

1.2. Rationale
England is divided into 650 constituencies. People will vote to choose the candidate
representing their locality to become a member of the National Assembly. The party
that holds the majority of seats in the National Assembly will form the government,
and the leader of that party will automatically become the prime minister. Therefore,
the appointment of the former Prime Minister Liz Truss or choosing a successor to
Rishi Sunak is not in the hands of the British public but only by members of the ruling
Conservative Party. Therefore, this study will help people better understand the views,
thoughts, and attitudes of the British people and more specifically living in Vietnam
towards the new British Prime Minister and his policies. On the other hand, this study
also helps Vietnamese students who are interested in the politics of the UK to expand
their knowledge, helping them, especially students who want to study abroad, have a
better, deeper perspective on British politics and British people.
1.3. Purposes of the research
This research paper aims to identify the attitude of British people working at the
British Council in Hanoi, Vietnam.
1.4. Research questions
The present study attempts to find answers to the following research questions:
1. How do British people feel about not being able to directly vote to elect the
British prime minister?
2. What is the reaction of the British people working at the British Council in
Vietnam to the British political situation?
3. How do British people working at the British Council in Vietnam react to the
new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak?

1.5. Scope of the research

This study was conducted on 20 participants including British teachers who teach or
work in offices at the British Council in Hanoi, Vietnam. To create the complete
analysis, I did it in 12 weeks with the guidance of Ms. Kieu Lan and the support of
IBD friends.

1.6. Tentative structure of the research

The study has five main parts: Introduction, Literature Review, Research
Methodology, Findings and Discussion, and Conclusion. First, the introduction gives
the reader an overview of the political situation in England. Second, the document
review will talk about the differences between the two presidents Liz Truss and Rishi
Sunak. Third, Research Methods aim to illustrate the research process, participants,
and tools and to describe in detail the methods of carrying out this research. Fourth,
Findings and Discussions include the main parts that the study needs to clarify, such
as British people's attitudes in Vietnam about the political situation in the UK.
Besides, it shows the influence of the British people when their country is going
through an economic crisis. Last but not least, the conclusion is the study summary. It
also shows the limits of research - the exploration of British culture and politics.

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