IJCHMIndian Restaurants Article

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Tandoori tastes: Perceptions of Indian restaurants in America

Article  in  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management · January 2004

DOI: 10.1108/09596110410516525


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2 authors, including:

Bharath M Josiam
University of North Texas


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Introduction and literature review
Tandoori tastes: The USA is increasingly becoming more
perceptions of Indian ethnically and culturally diverse as a society.
restaurants in America Recent immigrants have brought their cultures
and cuisines to the USA just like earlier
immigrants, and those flavors have found favor
Bharath M. Josiam and in the US marketplace. Many ethnic cuisines
Prema A. Monteiro have moved beyond the phase of being merely
trendy and have made a permanent mark on the
US menu. Papadopoulos (1997) reports that
The authors Italian, Mexican, and Chinese cuisines
Bharath M. Josiam is Associate Professor at the School of dominate the ethnic-food market. These
Merchandising and Hospitality Management, University of ‘‘traditional’’ ethnic cuisines enjoy the highest
North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA. popularity among consumers because they have
Prema A. Monteiro is a Lecturer in the Department of become ingrained in US culture and are served
Hospitality & Tourism, University of Wisconsin-Stout, at restaurants nation-wide. Consumer interest
Menomonie, Wisconsin, USA. in and acceptance of ethnic foods continue to
expand, and reflect the increasingly pluralistic
composition of contemporary US society
(CREST, 1997).
Ethnic groups, Asian studies, Customer satisfaction, In the past decade, ethnic foods have become
Food and drink, Perception, United States of America widely available and increasingly popular in
Western food markets. Many consumers desire
Abstract alternatives to old food habits. The increase in
The USA is culturally and ethnically diverse and becoming diversity of populations within individual
more so. This diversity is reflected in the variety of cuisines nations has fueled consumer demand for more
available both in stores and in restaurants. Trends show a culturally diverse foods. Increased interest in
movement towards trying out new and exotic foods, increasing ethnic foods may be a reflection of the changing
interest in vegetarian items, as well as a growing use of spices, cultures of consumers, as a result of individuals
herbs, and hot peppers. Asian foods are getting more popular from different cultural backgrounds being in
with cuisines from China, Thailand, and Japan in the lead. continuous contact (Iqbal, 1996).
Indian cuisine is hot, spicy, flavored with herbs, and offers By the 1980s, ethnic restaurants constituted
many vegetarian options. This study examines the perceptions 10 percent of all restaurants in the USA
of White Americans, South Asians, and those of other ethnic (Gabaccia, 1998). The NRA (2000a, b)
origins in their perceptions of the food and service in Indian restaurant industry eating-place trends forecast
restaurants in the USA. The findings of this study suggest that discusses the impact of immigration on the
there are universal likes/dislikes as well as differential restaurant industry in the last decade. An
perceptions between ethnic groups. Implications for industry report on ethnic cuisines reiterates
researchers and operators of Indian restaurants are provided. many of the trends mentioned earlier. Notable
is a shift in consumer attitudes toward ethnic
Electronic access cuisines, in that consumers do not feel as
strongly about ethnic cuisines, because such
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at
foods have become more commonplace. In
particular, Indian and Korean cuisines are
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is described as appealing to adventurous diners
available at and those with a penchant for spicy foods
www.emeraldinsight.com/0959-6119.htm (Mills, 2000).
Papadopoulos (1997) summarizes her
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
findings on food trends in the USA, based on a
Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . pp. 18-26
# Emerald Group Publishing Limited . ISSN 0959-6119 survey of 180 professional chefs. According to
DOI 10.1108/09596110410516525 the NRA’s (2000b) survey, today’s ‘‘hot’’ and
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

trendy items tend to fall into two categories: in recent years two Indian restaurants in the
ethnic-oriented items: ethnic cuisines, UK, Tamarind and Zaika, have been listed in
hot-and-spicy foods; and healthy alternatives: the prestigious Guide Michelin and awarded one
lower-fat items and vegetarian entrées. Aged star each (Menu Magazine, 2003).
balsamic vinegar, hot chilli peppers, exotic While the UK is a very small country in
mushrooms, ginger, hot sauce and roasted comparison with the USA and the Atlantic
garlic are among the 20 most fashionable food Ocean separates these two countries, there is
trends, which, coincidentally, are the principal very little ‘‘cultural distance’’ between them
ingredients in those ethnic cuisines that are (Hofstede, 1983). Given the cultural
growing in popularity. Use of these ingredients similarities between the two countries and the
creates a certain flavor intensity, another growing interest in ethnic, spicy, and vegetarian
component of the trend towards ethnic food. foods in the USA, it appears that there is
The inclusion of hotter, spicier food is growing tremendous potential for growth in the
in importance at approximately two out of five popularity of Indian cuisine in the USA.
table service operations, according to the However, there is a distinct paucity of
NRA’s Tableservice Restaurant Trends – 1995 information on the popularity and acceptance of
(2000b). This reflects consumers’ growing Indian food. This can be attributed to three
interest in spicy and ethnic foods. Again, the reasons. First, due to the immigration policies of
same NRA Survey (2000a, b) confirms the the USA, Asian-Indians are among the most
rising popularity of meatless/vegetarian highly educated, English-language proficient,
entrées. More than three out of ten menus and wealthy immigrant groups. Furthermore,
offered a meatless entrée in 1995, compared they are largely voluntary immigrants who have
with less than one-quarter of the menus in come in search of opportunities to develop their
1990. The USA’s interest in international professional careers. In these circumstances,
cuisine should come as no surprise, since, unlike many other immigrants who open ethnic
demographically, the USA is more diverse grocery stores, restaurants, and so on,
today than ever before, and cuisines of Asian-Indians are mainly employed in highly
minority populations are making a bigger skilled professions (Bacon, 1996, p. 7). Second is
impact on the tastes of the nation (NRA, the difficulty of securing qualified and trained
2000b). The growing cultural diversity of the legal immigrants who can prepare and serve
USA is certainly influencing Americans’ taste Indian food. Third, the children of restaurant
for ethnic foods (Papadopoulos, 1997). owners and operators in the UK and the USA
In the USA, interest in Asian ethnic food has are keen on moving into professional occupations
been strongest in Chinese food, while Japanese such as medicine, law or engineering, thus
Sushi and Thai food are slowly reaching a resulting in a loss of professional expertise
broader audience (NRA, 2000b). However, (Tandoori Magazine, 1998).
Indian food did not even figure in the list of There are two consequences of these issues.
‘‘some less well-known cuisines’’ in the NRA First, that any entrepreneur seeking to open an
study in the USA (NRA, 2000b). Indian restaurant faces significant barriers in
With estimates of over 7,500 Indian hiring professionals. Second, that many new
restaurants in the UK, Indian cuisine is the Indian restaurants tend to be opened and
most popular cuisine there (The Economist, staffed by non-hospitality/culinary professionals
1999). It should be noted that the links between and end up serving bad food in an
India and the UK go back to the imperial era of unprofessional manner. The net result is a
the late 1800s and early to mid-1900s. The comparatively lower number of Indian
Indian restaurant business in the UK is quite restaurants in the USA.
mature. Establishments range from the
mundane and predictable to the exciting and
contemporary. Among the oldest Indian Need for the study
restaurants in the UK, the renowned
Veeraswamy’s was established in 1926 and is The restaurant industry is highly competitive
still in business (British Library, 2003). Indeed, and, to attract and retain customers, it is
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

essential that restaurant operators have a deep Methodology

understanding of the wants, needs, and
perceptions of customers who will be most
The data for this research were collected
likely to choose their establishment (Gregoire
through the use of a survey questionnaire,
et al., 1995). Because of the changes that are
which was given to patrons of five selected
taking place in the hospitality industry, such
Indian restaurants in the Minneapolis/St Paul
as heightened competitive pressures and
metro area in Minnesota, USA. The
increased consumer expectations, there is a
questionnaire was developed based on the
growing need for a better understanding of
literature, issues identified in the National
how to develop and maintain customer
Restaurant Association’s ‘‘Customer attitude
satisfaction and loyalty (Sundaram et al.,
questionnaire’’ (Reid, 1983); a research study
1997). The purpose of this study is to enable
on perceptions of Chinese restaurants in the
Indian restaurant operators to better
USA (Qu, 1997); and the objectives of this
understand consumer needs and attitudes
study. The SPSS software package was used for
towards Indian restaurants, so that they can
data analysis. Basic descriptive statistics,
be well positioned to take advantage of this
crosstabs, and multivariate analysis of variance
growing trend towards eating ethnic foods
were computed.
in the USA.
The questionnaire was developed for the
From an academic perspective, despite the
purpose of collecting data on the factors that
increasing interest in ethnic foods, there is very
influence the decision of patrons to dine at
little research in this area of customer
selected Indian restaurants in the twin cities.
perceptions of food and service in ethnic
The survey comprised five parts:
restaurants, and the implications of these
(1) demographic data;
perceptions for restaurant operators. Other
(2) comparison of frequency of dining at other
than Qu’s (1997) study of Chinese restaurants,
similar ethnic restaurants using a five-point
the researchers could find no studies in major
Likert scale;
publications addressing this issue.
(3) the importance of various factors when
Furthermore, there was not even a single study
making a decision to dine out, using a
of customer perceptions of food and service in
five-point Likert scale;
Indian restaurants. This study addresses this
(4) the factors that influence the decision to
gap in the literature.
dine at an Indian restaurant, using a
five-point Likert scale; and
(5) open-ended questions.
Objectives of the study
The points on the Likert scale were:
This study researched the factors that 1 = unimportant; 2 = somewhat important;
influence the decision of patrons to dine at 3 = important; 4 = more/very important; and
selected Indian restaurants in the twin cities of 5 = extremely important.
the Minneapolis/St Paul metro area in
Minnesota, USA. The research objectives Data collection
were to: The researcher conducted surveys at five Indian
. determine the demographic profile of restaurants in the Minneapolis-St Paul metro
patrons of Indian restaurants; area, Minnesota, USA. These restaurants were
. identify factors that influence all patrons’ selected because of their urban and suburban
decision to dine at Indian restaurants; locations, similar type of food served, and
. determine differences in influential similar price range of $12 to $18 per person per
factors, between patrons of South Asian meal. The operators consented to have the
origin, and those of other ethnic origin, researcher conduct the survey on the premises
when they dine at Indian restaurants; during meal times.
and It was decided to obtain 100 completed
. identify the role of South Asians as surveys from each restaurant for a total of 500
‘‘gatekeepers’’ for Indian restaurants. surveys. This would give a sample large enough
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

for robust statistical analysis, while more affluent people are more likely to have
compensating for the convenience sampling sampled different cuisines, traveled widely, and
utilized. to be adventurous.
A pilot test was conducted to test for Since many of the objectives of this study
reliability and consumer acceptance at one of are focused on ethnic differences, respondents
the five Indian restaurants. On completion of were asked to identify their ethnicity with five
the pilot study, the survey was updated and sub-categories of ‘‘American’’ such as White,
improved. Black, Hispanic. Similarly, South Asians were
The surveys were conducted during June asked to self-identify whether they were from
2000 during the lunch and dinner services, at India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, or
the restaurants. Restaurant patrons were Nepal. For purposes of meaningful statistical
approached by the researcher, requested to
analysis, these sub-categories were collapsed
complete the survey, and told that their
into three categories of White American, South
individual responses were anonymous and
Asian, and other. Furthermore, for multivariate
confidential. No compensation was provided to
analysis, these were additionally collapsed into
the respondents.
just two categories of ‘‘South Asian’’ and ‘‘other
ethnic origin.’’
The results are provided in Table I. Given
Findings and discussion that ‘‘White Americans’’ dominate the sample,
it should be noted that averages would be
Findings are presented in tables and discussed
in the context of the literature in the same skewed by their perceptions.
sub-section. Statistical findings are supported
by discussions of the responses from Customer perceptions of importance of
open-ended questions on the survey. While not influential factors
all respondents gave open-ended statements, To address the second objective of the study,
those that did apparently felt strongly enough respondents were asked to score, on the Likert
about certain issues to supplement their scale, the importance of each of the 15 given
responses to the closed-ended questions. characteristics when deciding to dine at an
Indian restaurant. The findings are presented in
Demographics Tables II and III. Table II shows the score on
The sample size selected was 500. A total of the importance of restaurant characteristics,
489 usable responses were obtained. There while Table III focuses on the importance of
were an almost equal number of females various influences on respondents.
(51 percent) and males (49 percent). The Taken together, Tables II and III show that
average respondent was 32 years old and the most important factors for the entire sample
White-American (75 percent). Many were quality of food, taste of the food, and
respondents had Bachelor’s degrees (44 hygiene and cleanliness, in descending order.
percent), and one third (33 percent) had Availability of vegetarian choices, availability of
postgraduate degrees. Over half the new items, and cultural familiarity were rated
respondents were ‘‘professionals’’ (50.6 the lowest as important factors for the whole
percent). Total household income was well sample. However, it is noteworthy that even the
distributed across the given choices. lowest rated factors such as ‘‘price’’ were scored
These demographics are consistent with the
demographic profile of the population of the Table I Demographic profile of respondents by
Minneapolis/St Paul metro area, in terms of ethnic origin
age, gender, and particularly the predominance Ethnic categories n Percent
of White Americans (Demographics USA,
White American 361 75
1999). It appears that the patrons of Indian
South Asian 57 12
restaurants are more educated and more
Other 63 13
affluent than the average population. This is not
Total 481 100
surprising, since more highly educated and
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

Table II Mean of importance of restaurant characteristics Table IV Analysis of variance of restaurant characteristics by ethnic origin
to respondents South Asian Other ethnic
Restaurant characteristics Mean for total sample Characteristic mean mean F
Quality of food 4.69 Hygiene and cleanliness 4.49 4.21 6.343
Hygiene and cleanliness 4.25 Cleanliness of rest-rooms 4.18 3.78 5.538
Authentic cuisine 4.08 Employee friendliness 3.95 3.70 4.043
Cleanliness of rest-rooms 3.83 Efficient service 3.91 3.47 13.800
Employee friendliness 3.74 Quality of food 4.51 4.72 7.708
Menu variety offered 3.65 Availability of new items 3.19 2.58 16.640
Value for money 3.64 Vegetarian choices 3.33 2.94 3.967
Atmosphere 3.54 Value for money 3.91 3.60 7.490
Efficient service 3.52 Atmosphere 3.80 3.49 6.809
Reputation/word of mouth 3.29
No significant differences
Cannot prepare at home 3.11
Reputation/word of mouth 3.21 3.30 0.094
Convenience of location 3.06
Cannot prepare at home 2.82 3.15 1.843
Portion size 3.03
Convenience of location 3.09 3.06 0.043
Vegetarian choices 3.00
Portion size 3.25 3.00 3.077
Availability of new items 2.66
Menu variety offered 3.75 3.64 1.011
Authentic cuisine 4.11 4.08 0.000
Table III Mean scores of importance of various influences Note: F is significant if p < 0.05
on respondents
Food attributes Mean for total sample Table V Analysis of variance of food attributes by ethnic origin
Taste of food 4.61 South Asian Other ethnic
Aroma/smell 3.80 Characteristic mean mean F
Personal preference 3.66
Taste of the food 4.46 4.63 4.077
Appearance of the food 3.56
Spicy food 3.82 3.38 7.804
Spicy food 3.44
Cultural familiarity 3.19 2.46 19.367
Price 3.25
Price 3.58 3.21 6.797
Cultural familiarity 2.56
No significant differences
by respondents as more than ‘‘important’’ and Appearance 3.63 3.54 0.243
not inconsequential in decision making. Aroma/smell 3.93 3.77 1.523
These findings are consistent with national Personal preference 3.68 3.65 0.075
studies of restaurant patronage. ‘‘Food quality’’ Note: F is significant if p < 0.05
and ‘‘cleanliness/hygiene’’ are consistently rated
among the most important factors in selecting expectations than those of South Asian origin.
restaurants (Reid, 1983; Dulen, 1999). South Asians had significantly higher
expectations than those of other ethnic origin
Ethnic differences in customer perceptions on the following factors:
and influences . hygiene and cleanliness;
To address the objective of measuring . cleanliness of rest-rooms;
differences of perceptions of ethnic groups, . employee friendliness;
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted. . value for money;
The results are shown in Tables IV and V. . efficient service;
Significant differences were found in several . spicy food;
influential factors, between respondents of . atmosphere;
South Asian origin, and those of ‘‘other’’ ethnic . price;
origin. Quality of food and taste of the food . vegetarian choices;
were the only two significant factors on which . availability of new items; and
respondents of other ethnic origin had higher . cultural familiarity.
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

Perceptions of hygiene/cleanliness Perceptions of hot and spicy food

It would appear that South Asians are more South Asians tend to like hot, pungent food,
demanding customers than customers of other and therefore their mean score for the
ethnic groups. It may be that, as a culturally importance of spicy food was higher than the
distinct group, South Asians have a perception mean rating by the ‘‘all other ethnic origin’’
that Indian restaurants need to improve their group. Consistent with these scores, in the
standards of hygiene and cleanliness, and open-ended questions, some South Asians
cleanliness of restaurant rest-rooms. They may indicated that they would eat more often at
be more critical of the hygiene and sanitation Indian restaurants if the food were spicier. Moy
standards in Indian restaurants than of those and Witzel (1998) state that Indians embraced
maintained in other restaurants. Independent of the chilli pepper, although it was not a native
ethnicity, poor sanitary conditions were close to Indian plant. South Asians and some other
the top of the list of reasons for consumer cultures have a higher tolerance for spicier food,
dissatisfaction in an NRA consumer survey since they are accustomed to it (Dulen, 1999).
(Reid, 1983). It was a greater source of
Perceptions of taste of food
annoyance as income increased.
The lower score for taste of the food by South
Perceptions of service standards and quality Asians may well be because they take the taste
South Asian respondents had significantly for granted. It is not very exotic for them, in
higher mean scores on ‘‘efficient service’’, and comparison with the view of the ‘‘other ethnic
‘‘employee friendliness.’’ In the familiar cultural origin’’ group. They may also feel that the taste
setting of an Indian restaurant South Asians may not be quite as they want it, or are
may indeed have a higher expectation for accustomed to, but is an acceptable substitute.
efficient service and friendliness of employees On the other hand, the ‘‘other ethnic origin’’
than other ethnic groups. Unfortunately, it group probably does not have any other
appears that these high expectations were not yardstick by which to measure or compare the
met in many instances. As mentioned in some food.
of the open-ended questions, by both South
Perceptions of vegetarian options
Asians and respondents of other ethnic origin,
South Asians reported a significantly higher
there was unequal treatment or service given to
mean for vegetarian choices. This is because
South Asians. Furthermore, some South Asian
Indians have a high percentage of the
respondents indicated that they dislike the
population that is vegetarian. Religion has
service in Indian restaurants; that service
affected the diets of Indians. Over 80 percent of
personnel exhibit the attitude of ‘‘familiarity
Indians are Hindus. Vegetarianism is part of
breeds contempt;’’ and that Indian restaurants
Hindu philosophy, although some Hindus do
do not realize that the restaurant business is a
eat chicken, fish, goat, or lamb. Buddhists and
service business first.
Jains avoid meat altogether (Moy and Witzel,
Perceptions of price and value 1998).
South Asians gave a significantly higher score to
Perceptions of menu choice
‘‘value for money’’ and ‘‘price.’’ This suggests
While the ‘‘all other ethnic origin’’ group
that South Asians are more price-sensitive, as a
perceives that the items on the menu offer a lot
group. Many of the open-ended responses from
of choice, South Asians probably make many of
South Asians indicated that they felt that Indian
the items at home. Therefore, they seek new
restaurants were overcharging and serving small
items, and/or something different.
portions. A consumer’s relative perception of
value must be considered when establishing Perceptions of atmosphere/ambience
menu prices (Reid, 1983). The concept of value Atmosphere or ambience refers to the internal
for money is related to price. Although larger environment of a restaurant. It is a fairly
portions do not always equate to better value in important decision factor when people go out to
the minds of all consumers, larger portions do restaurants. Sight, sound, smell, and touch all
enhance perceived value for customers combine to create the stage setting for the
(Grindy, 1999). dining experience (Marvin, 1992). For many
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

South Asian respondents, atmosphere in an Respondents were asked about the role of
Indian restaurant is very important. It is likely other South Asians in selecting this restaurant.
that they see it as an extension of themselves, All three ethnic groups were significantly
and as a show-case for their culture. They are influenced by the recommendation of South
generally knowledgeable about South Asian Asians. While the scores for White Americans
(i.e. their own) culture and are therefore better (26 percent) and others (31 percent) are not
able to rate Indian restaurants than those who surprising, South Asians (43 percent) were
are unfamiliar with the culture. Such feelings influenced the most! Restaurant operators
were often mentioned in the responses to the would do well to heed these results.
open-ended questions. Unfortunately, some South Asians complained
about being at the receiving end of
Perceptions of cultural familiarity discriminatory treatment, suggesting that some
It is only natural that there would be a operators are antagonizing this important
significant difference on the mean scores of segment at their own peril.
cultural familiarity. While respondents in the all
other ethnic origin group go to an Indian
restaurant for what they consider a cultural
experience (as stated by many in the
open-ended questions), South Asians Indian restaurants in the USA are serving a
probably view the dining experience as an diverse clientele, with at least two distinct
integral part of who they are. Their comments ethnic market segments of White Americans
in the open-ended questions reflect this: ‘‘I and South Asians. Both ethnic groups are
really like the element of cultural familiarity in interested in high quality food and service.
Indian restaurants’’; ‘‘I really like the Indian Despite the fact that South Asians are a smaller
atmosphere’’; ‘‘Availability of food prepared in segment, they do play the role of both patrons
the style of my country’’; ‘‘Nice people and feel and gatekeepers; hence their perceptions need
at home,’’ were some of the many comments. to be addressed also.
These reflect a cultural familiarity with Patrons of Indian restaurants in the USA
reference not only to the food and its perceived a lack of consistency and
preparation, but also the atmosphere of the professionalism in both the food and the service
restaurant. The comments of respondents of areas. This is a significant barrier to positive
‘‘other’’ ethnic origin mentioned that ‘‘It is word of mouth as well as repeat and referral
interesting to me, since I am not a part of the patronage. Operators need to address this issue
culture’’; and ‘‘How interested some people are on a priority basis. Perhaps they can take a cue
in their culture.’’ from their compatriots in the lodging industry.
One of the primary objectives of the
Role of South Asians as ‘‘gatekeepers’’ Asian-American Hotel Owners Association is to
It appears that South Asians are more critical of professionalize, educate, and train Indians who
the Indian restaurant experience across the own hotels. Furthermore, one of their new
board. Given their cultural and culinary initiatives is to induct the second generation of
familiarity, this is not surprising. Perhaps it is Indian hoteliers into the business, so that the
fortunate for Indian restaurant owners that they expertise and wealth are retained in the
constitute a comparatively small percentage of community (AAHOA, 2003).
their clientele. However, Indian restaurant Finally, it must be acknowledged that Indian
owners should also be aware of the restaurants in the USA are coming of age too,
‘‘gatekeeper’’ power of their customers of South with the emergence of differentiated restaurants
Asian origin. ‘‘Gatekeepers’’ are people who breaking new ground. Examples are Tabla in
have the power to prevent sellers or information New York (New York, 1999) or Indique in
from reaching members of a buying center Washington, DC (Washingtonian, 2003). The
(Kotler et al., 1999). For example, often former features Goan Spiced Maine Crab cake,
non-South Asians ask a South Asian to while the latter offers Tandoori Quail – indeed a
recommend a ‘‘good Indian restaurant.’’ far cry from the standard Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori tastes: perceptions of Indian restaurants in America International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Bharath M. Josiam and Prema A. Monteiro Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2004 . 18-26

and Pork Vindaloo of yore! Such menus, with performed to identify similarities and
cocktails and ambience to match, leave food differences between the various segments.
critics searching for terms such as ‘‘Nouvelle . In locations with a large South Asian
Delhi’’ to describe the cuisine (New York, population, comparative studies can be
1999). Nevertheless, the recommendations that undertaken between acculturated South
flow from this study offer opportunities to Asians and recent immigrants.
broaden the market for Indian cuisine in the
Recommendations for Indian restaurant
operators AAHOA (2003), Asian-American Hotel Owners Association,
This study provides information which available at: www.aahoa.com (accessed 12 August).
facilitates a better understanding of customers Bacon, J.L. (1996), Lifelines: Community, Family and
and their needs, and systems that can be Assimilation among Asian-Indian Immigrants,
Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY.
implemented to improve customer satisfaction.
British Library (2003), available at: www.bl.uk/collections/
The following recommendations can be made britasian/britasiastudents.html (accessed 12 August).
for Indian restaurateurs: Consumer Reports on Eating Share Trends (CREST) (1997),
(1) Improve hygienic practices in all restaurant ``Dining out: a matter of taste’’, Restaurants USA,
areas, including the rest-rooms. Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 44-5.
(2) Staff should be properly trained to deliver Demographics USA (1999), Trade Dimensions, country ed.,
Demographics USA, Wilton, CT.
quality service. Performance standards
Dulen, J. (1999), ``Quality control’’, Restaurants and
should be set and staff trained on the
Institutions, Vol. 109 No. 5, pp. 38-41.
following dimensions: (The) Economist (1999), ``In the pink’’, The Economist,
. Describing menu items. Vol. 352 No. 8131, p. 46.
. Delivering prompt and efficient service Gabaccia, D.R. (1998), We Are What We Eat: Ethnic Food
consistently. and the Making of Americans, Harvard University
. Being sensitive to the differing needs of Press, Cambridge, MA.
Gregoire, M.B., Shanklin, C.W., Greathouse, K.R. and Tripp,
first-time versus regular customers.
C. (1995), ``Factors influencing restaurant selection by
. Communication skills – language, travelers who stop at visitor information centers’’,
speech, and accent issues. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 4 No. 2,
(3) Improve restaurant ambience – use the pp. 41-9.
services of a professional interior designer. Grindy, B. (1999), ``Food service trends’’, Restaurants USA,
(4) Control quality of food – train kitchen staff Vol. 19 No. 8, pp. 38-43.
in the importance of standardization of Hofstede, G. (1983), ``National culture in four dimensions:
research-based theory of cultural differences among
each dish, and maintenance of quality
nations’’, International Studies of Management
control standards. Organizations, Vol. 8, Spring/Summer, pp. 46-74.
(5) Set reasonable prices after researching price Iqbal, S. (1996), ``Ethnic foods ± the allure for the
sensitivity of customers. consumer’’, Foodinfo, IFIS Newsletter, p. 7.
(6) Serve larger portions for the same price. Kotler, P., Bowen, J. and Makens, J. (1999), Marketing for
Hospitality and Tourism, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle
Recommendations for further studies River, NJ.
Marvin, B. (1992), Restaurant Basics: Why Guests Don’t
The researchers have the following suggestions
Come Back . . . and What You Can Do about It,
for future studies: John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.
. Similar studies can be conducted with other Menu Magazine (2003), ``Tamarind and Zaika retain stars’’,
ethnic restaurants. available at: www.menumagazine.co.uk/archive/
. National and international research can be michstarsjan03.html (accessed 12 August).
undertaken in cities world-wide with a large Michelin Guides, Michelin, London.
Mills, S. (2000), ``Food service trends’’, Restaurants USA,
number of Indian restaurants and/or a large
Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 39-43.
population of South Asians such as Sydney, Moy, A.L. and Witzel, M. (1998), Influences in Modern
Australia or London, UK. Indian Cooking, available at: http://2028.harvard.net/
. Where market segmentation exists among people/alycem/work/icooking.html (accessed 6 June
Indian restaurants, studies can be 2000).
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National Restaurant Association (2000a), 2000 Restaurant Sundaram, D.S., Jurowski, C. and Webster, C. (1997),
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(accessed 10 April). Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 20 No. 3, pp. 137-49.
National Restaurant Association (2000b), ``New research Tandoori Magazine (1998), ``Too few chefs’’, available at:
reveals that restaurants are increasingly meeting or www.imakecontent.net/fewcooks.htm (accessed
exceeding consumer expectations’’, Press Releases: 12 August 2003).
Announcements from the Association, available at: Washingtonian (2003), Review: Indique Restaurant,
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indique.htm (accessed 12 August).
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New York (1999), Review: Tabla Restaurant, available at:
restaurant/369/ (accessed 12 August 2003). Further reading
Papadopoulos, H. (1997), ``Trendy tastes’’, Restaurants USA,
Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 41-4. National Restaurant Association (1989), The Marketing of
Qu, H. (1997), ``Determinant factors and choice intention for Ethnic Foods, National Restaurant Association, Research
Chinese restaurant dining: a multivariate approach’’, and Information Department, Washington, DC.
Journal of Restaurant & Food Service Marketing, National Restaurant Association (1999), ``Food trends’’, 1999
Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 35-49. Restaurant Industry Forecast Food Trends, available
Reid, R.D. (1983), Foodservice and Restaurant Marketing, at: www.restaurant.org/research/forecast/fc99-10.htm
CBI Publishing Company, Inc., Boston, MA. (accessed 11 June).


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