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review article Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 18: 333–347, 2016.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Comparative review of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors
and sulphonylureas
C. F. Deacon1 & H. E. Lebovitz2
1 Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen N, Denmark
2 State University of New York Health Science Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a progressive disease, and pharmacotherapy with a single agent does not generally provide durable glycaemic control over
the long term. Sulphonylurea (SU) drugs have a history stretching back over 60 years, and have traditionally been the mainstay choice as second-line
agents to be added to metformin once glycaemic control with metformin monotherapy deteriorates; however, they are associated with undesirable side
effects, including increased hypoglycaemia risk and weight gain. Dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors are, by comparison, more recent, with the first
compound being launched in 2006, but the class now globally encompasses at least 11 different compounds. DPP-4 inhibitors improve glycaemic control
with similar efficacy to SUs, but do not usually provoke hypoglycaemia or weight gain, are relatively free from adverse side effects, and have recently been
shown not to increase cardiovascular risk in large prospective safety trials. Because of these factors, DPP-4 inhibitors have become an established therapy
for T2DM and are increasingly being positioned earlier in treatment algorithms. The present article reviews these two classes of oral antidiabetic drugs
(DPP-4 inhibitors and SUs), highlighting differences and similarities between members of the same class, as well as discussing the potential advantages
and disadvantages of the two drug classes. While both classes have their merits, the choice of which to use depends on the characteristics of each
individual patient; however, for the majority of patients, DPP-4 inhibitors are now the preferred choice.
Keywords: alogliptin, anagliptin, antidiabetic drug, diabetes mellitus, evogliptin, gemigliptin, glibenclamide, gliclazide, glipizide, glimepiride, GLP-1,
glyburide, glycaemic control, incretin, linagliptin, omarigliptin, saxagliptin, sitagliptin, teneligliptin, trelagliptin, vildagliptin

Date submitted 8 September 2015; date of first decision 13 October 2015; date of final acceptance 18 November 2015

Introduction Since its introduction in the 1950s, metformin has become

the preferred choice for initial pharmacotherapy (together
It is 20 years since the idea of inhibiting dipeptidyl pepti-
with lifestyle intervention) for most patients. Sulphonylureas
dase (DPP)-4 was proposed as a potential new therapy for
(SUs) have traditionally been the next option, based partly
type 2 diabetes (T2DM) [1], and at least 11 DPP-4 inhibitors
on extensive clinical experience with these compounds (also
have now been approved. The rationale behind using DPP-4
stretching back over ∼60 years), and their low costs (like met-
inhibition to treat T2DM is that by inhibiting degradation
formin, generic drugs are widely available); however, DPP-4
of the incretin hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1),
inhibitors are increasingly being positioned earlier in treatment
its beneficial effects on glucose homeostasis (which include
paradigms, either as monotherapy when metformin is unsuit-
both potentiation of glucose-induced insulin and suppression
able, or as second-line agents once glycaemic control is unsat-
of glucagon secretion [2,3]) will be enhanced [1,4]. This has
isfactory with metformin alone. This is driven partly by their
now been demonstrated in numerous studies, which show
lack of side effects; in particular, their glucose-dependent action
that DPP-4 inhibitors reduce glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c)
is advantageous for individuals where minimizing the risk of
levels with broadly similar efficacy to other oral antidia-
hypoglycaemia is important (e.g. because of their occupations),
betic drugs, but without the adverse effects (hypoglycaemia,
for elderly vulnerable patients or for those already at higher risk
weight gain, gastrointestinal side effects) typically associated
of hypoglycaemia (e.g. those with renal disease). Indeed, sev-
with other agents. DPP-4 inhibitors are now included in
eral guidelines, including consensus statements from the AACE
guidelines and treatment algorithms for controlling hyper-
[6,7] and the Latin American Diabetes Association [8], place
glycaemia in individuals with T2DM (e.g. the American
DPP-4 inhibitors ahead of SUs because of their lower hypogly-
Diabetes Association/European Association for the Study of
caemia risk and weight neutrality.
Diabetes (ADA/EASD) position statement [5], the American
Association of Clinical Endocrinologists/American College
of Endocrinology (AACE/ACE) diabetes algorithm [6,7] and Dipeptidyl Pepitidase-4 Inhibitors
numerous national guidelines). Dipeptidyl pepitidase-4 inhibitors were one of the first classes
of oral antidiabetic drugs to be prospectively designed as
anti-hyperglycaemic agents, in contrast to some of the more tra-
Correspondence to: Carolyn F. Deacon, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of
Copenhagen, Panum Institute, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. ditional agents, whose glucose-lowering effects were discovered
E-mail: serendipitously. The beneficial effects of GLP-1 on 𝛼- and 𝛽-cell
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secretion, 𝛽-cell function, gastric emptying and appetite were Table 1. In vitro selectivity of dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4 inhibitors
well known, while the role of DPP-4 in metabolism of GLP-1 (expressed as fold selectivity relative to selectivity for DPP-4).
was understood, giving the rationale for inhibiting the enzyme
to enhance incretin hormones concentrations and improve glu- QPP/
cose tolerance [1,4]. Drug DPP II PEP FAP𝛼 DPP-8 DPP-9
The first DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin, was launched in 2006, Alogliptin [34] >14 000 >14 000 >14 000 >14 000 >14 000
with new members continuing to be approved (anagliptin, Anagliptin [19] n.r. n.r. n.r. >16 000 >15 000
gemigliptin, teneligliptin in 2012; evogliptin, omarigliptin and Evogliptin [20] >20 000 n.r. >20 000 6 000 6 000
trelagliptin in 2015), and the class is now an established ther- Gemigliptin [21] >25 000 n.r. n.r. 10 560 2 940
apy; five inhibitors are globally available [alogliptin, linagliptin, Linagliptin [34] >100 000 >100 000 89 40 000 >10 000
saxagliptin, sitagliptin, vildagliptin (although vildagliptin Omarigliptin [23] >41 000 >41 000 >41 000 >41 000 >41 000
Saxagliptin [34] >50 000 n.r. >4 000 390 77
is not marketed in the USA/Canada)], while others have a
Sitagliptin [34] >5 550 >5 550 >5 550 >2 660 >5 550
more limited geographic distribution (anagliptin, evogliptin, Teneligliptin [25] n.r. n.r. >11 000 700 1 500
gemigliptin, omarigliptin, teneligliptin, trelagliptin, presently Vildagliptin [34] >100 000 60 000 285 270 32
only available in Japan and/or Korea).
QPP, quiescent cell proline dipeptidase; PEP, prolylendopeptidase; FAP𝛼,
fibroblast activation protein-𝛼; n.r., not reported.
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Dipeptidyl pepitidase-4 was first described in 1966[9], and by as ‘dissociating slowly’ from the enzyme or having ‘tight
the early 1990s, much was known about its kinetic proper- binding kinetics’. In practice, this means that despite having
ties and substrate specificity [10]. This knowledge provided half-lives of <5 h, saxagliptin can still be used once daily,
the basis for the DPP-4 inhibitor concept [1], and was used while twice-daily administration is sufficient for anagliptin
in developing several DPP-4 inhibitors which were identi- and vildagliptin. Accordingly, despite different pharmacoki-
fied in drug discovery programmes based on structure-activity netic half-lives, direct comparison reveals that saxagliptin,
profiling (e.g. saxagliptin [11] and vildagliptin [12]). At the sitagliptin and vildagliptin give similar peak DPP-4 inhi-
turn of the century, the DPP-4 crystal structure was pub- bition [43]. Trough levels are similar with sitagliptin and
lished [13], and other novel, closely related, members of the vildagliptin, and greater than those of saxagliptin when the
DPP-4 enzyme family were discovered, notably DPP-8 [14] inhibitors are used at their therapeutic doses, but when
and DPP-9 [15]. Some prototype DPP-4 inhibitors had been vildagliptin is used once daily, as recommended when
associated with preclinical toxicities, and it was later sug- co-administered with SU, trough DPP-4 inhibition is markedly
gested that off-target inhibition of DPP-8 and/or -9 may have reduced [43].
been responsible [16]. Although this viewpoint has been ques- The DPP-4 inhibitors also differ in their elimination path-
tioned [17], further optimization resulted in compounds with ways (Table 2), which can influence their clinical usage.
improved selectivity for DPP-4 (alogliptin [18], anagliptin [19], Alogliptin, linagliptin, omarigliptin, sitagliptin and trelagliptin
evogliptin [20], gemigliptin [21], linagliptin [22], omarigliptin are not appreciably metabolized, and are eliminated pre-
[23], sitagliptin [24] and teneligliptin [25]); however, although dominantly unchanged [34,37,39]. Gemigliptin undergoes
differences in enzyme selectivity between DPP-4 inhibitors modest hepatic metabolism to form an active metabolite
clearly exist in in vitro studies (Table 1), there is currently no which makes up ∼10% of the circulating material but which
evidence for adverse effects related to off-target inhibition when is twice as potent as the parent inhibitor [36,44]. In contrast,
they are used therapeutically; numerous analyses of clinical trial the other inhibitors are metabolized more extensively. Hep-
and healthcare provider databases [26–30], and recent large atic metabolism of saxagliptin generates an active metabolite
prospective cardiovascular safety trials including thousands of (5-hydroxy saxagliptin) which is half as potent as the parent
patients [31–33] consistently indicate that DPP-4 inhibitors compound; after administration, ∼25% circulates as intact
have a benign adverse event profile resembling placebo. saxagliptin and ∼50% as the metabolite [34]. Evogliptin
The DPP-4 inhibitors differ widely in their chemistry [35] and teneligliptin [38] are also hepatically metabolized
and pharmacokinetic properties [34] (Table 2). Some have to form major metabolites which account for around half
intrinsically long-half-lives (alogliptin, evogliptin, gemigliptin, of the circulating material. It is not reported whether the
linagliptin, omarigliptin, sitagliptin, teneligliptin and tre- evogliptin metabolite retains any activity, but the teneligliptin
lagliptin) [34–39], giving sustained DPP-4 inhibition which metabolite is active, albeit less potent [45]. Both anagliptin and
allows once-daily or, for omarigliptin and trelagliptin, vildagliptin undergo cytochrome P450 (CYP)-independent
once-weekly dosing. Others have much shorter half-lives hydrolysis. For anagliptin, ∼45% circulates as the parent and
(anagliptin, saxagliptin and vildagliptin) [34,40]; however, <20% as the metabolite [40], but whether the metabolite pos-
whereas the aforementioned inhibitors interact non-covalently sesses inhibitory activity is not reported. Vildagliptin appears
with the enzyme, the cyanopyrrolide moiety in anagliptin, to be more sensitive to hydrolysis; one fifth circulates as the
saxagliptin and vildagliptin promotes covalent binding, result- parent inhibitor, with the resultant metabolite being pharma-
ing in these inhibitors remaining bound to the enzyme for cologically inactive [34]. Recent data indicate that DPP-4 itself
longer than predicted from their short half-lives [41,42]. Sub- accounts for ∼60% of this metabolism of vildagliptin [46]. The
sequent hydrolysis breaks the covalent bonds, releasing the kidneys are important in the final elimination of most of the
drug, and these inhibitors are therefore sometimes described inhibitors, with glomerular filtration and active secretion being

334 Deacon and Lebovitz Volume 18 No. 4 April 2016

Table 2. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic characteristics of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.

DPP-4 inhibition
Drug Chemistry Metabolism Elimination route Half-life 24-h post-dose Dose*

Volume 18 No. 4 April 2016

Alogliptin [34,47] Modified Minimal Predominantly renal ∼21 h ∼75% 25 mg once daily
Anagliptin [40] Cyanopyrrolidine Metabolite (hydrolysis) Metabolism (parent) ∼4.5 h (parent) ∼60% 100 mg twice daily
Renal (parent 10 h (metabolite) Can be increased to 200 mg
+ metabolite) twice daily
Evogliptin [20,35] Piperazine derivative Metabolite (hepatic via CYP3A4) Metabolism (parent) ∼33 h >80% 5 mg once daily
Renal (parent

+ metabolite)
Gemigliptin [36,44] 𝛽-amino acid based Active metabolite (2x potency of Metabolism (parent) ∼30 h ∼70% 50 mg once daily
(pyrimidinopiperidine parent) (hepatic via CYP 3A4) Renal (parent
derivative) + metabolite)
Linagliptin [34,49] Methyl xanthine Minimal Predominantly biliary ∼12 (effective) >80% 5 mg once daily
derivative (<6% renal) >100 h (terminal)
Omarigliptin [37,51] Tetrahydropyran Minimal Predominantly renal ∼63 h >95% 25 mg once weekly
analogue (steady-state
after 2–3 weeks)
Saxagliptin [34,50] Cyanopyrrolidine Active metabolite ( 1∕2 potency of Metabolism (parent) ∼2 1∕2 h (parent) ∼70% 5 mg once daily
parent) (hepatic via Renal (parent ∼3 h (metabolite)
CYP3A4/5) + metabolite)
Sitagliptin [34,52] 𝛽-amino acid based Minimal Predominantly renal ∼12 1∕2 h >80% 100 mg once daily
Teneligliptin [38,45] L-prolylthiazolidine Active metabolite (hepatic via Metabolism (parent) ∼20 h (parent) >60% 20 mg once daily
CYP3A4 and FMO3) Renal (parent ∼10 h (metabolite) Can be increased to 40 mg
+ metabolite) once daily
Trelagliptin [39] Pyrimidinedione-based Minimal (hepatic, via CYP 2D6) Predominantly renal 54 h Average inhibition 100 mg once weekly
Vildagliptin [34,55] Cyanopyrrolidine Inactive metabolite Metabolism (parent) ∼2 h <40% (∼80% 12 h 50 mg twice daily
(CYP-independent hydrolysis) Renal (parent post-dose)
+ metabolite)

CYP, cytochrome P450; DPP, dipeptidyl peptidase; FMO, flavine-containing mono-oxygenase.

*Dose may vary in some countries.

doi:10.1111/dom.12610 335
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involved. Compounds such as alogliptin and sitagliptin rely DPP-4 inhibitors can therefore be used at the normal thera-
almost exclusively on the kidneys for clearance of the active peutic dose in subjects with hepatic impairment. An associa-
inhibitor molecules, whereas, as discussed above, metabolism tion between vildagliptin and elevated liver enzymes has been
is involved for several of the other compounds, although reported, but despite this not appearing to be associated with
ultimately, both parent and metabolite are still predominantly any increase in actual hepatic adverse effects [60], vildagliptin
cleared renally [34–38,40]. In contrast, the main elimination is currently contraindicated in subjects with any degree of hep-
route for linagliptin is biliary excretion; at its therapeutic dose, atic impairment, including those with pretreatment elevated
linagliptin is mostly protein-bound, which minimizes its renal transaminase levels [55].
clearance (to <6%) [34]. Drug–drug interactions between DPP-4 inhibitors and
These different clearance mechanisms influence, to some other medications are minimal and, for most combinations,
extent, the way in which different DPP-4 inhibitors are used do not necessitate dose adjustment of either agent; however,
therapeutically [35,47–55]. All can be used in subjects with because of its hepatic metabolism, exposure to saxagliptin can
renal impairment, but declining renal function will increase be increased if used concomitantly with strong CYP3A4/5
exposure to those drugs which are eliminated primarily by the inhibitors (Table 3), so that dose reduction of saxagliptin
kidneys; thus, to maintain plasma inhibitor concentrations at is recommended [50]. Gemigliptin also undergoes hepatic
similar levels to those in subjects with normal renal function metabolism by CYP3A4, and dose adjustment may be neces-
requires larger dose reductions for alogliptin and sitagliptin sary when used with drugs which alter CYP3A4 activity [44].
than for inhibitors, such as saxagliptin and vildagliptin, whose Although linagliptin is only minimally metabolized, expo-
clearance also involves metabolism (Table 3). For linagliptin, sure may be reduced to sub-therapeutic levels if linagliptin
whose clearance is largely independent of the kidney, expo- is co-administered with CYP3A4 inducers (e.g. rifampicin),
sure is unaffected by changes in renal function and no dose which may reduce maximum efficacy [49].
adjustment is necessary. Accordingly, prescribing information
for renally eliminated inhibitors recommends monitoring renal Efficacy
function to allow appropriate dose selection, although this
The therapeutic effects of DPP-4 inhibitors are not attributable
should not be regarded as a distinguishing feature, because
to direct actions of the drugs themselves at target tissues,
renal function should be monitored routinely as a part of stan-
but are mediated by enhanced levels of the substrates they
dard care for all patients [56]. It is worth mentioning that dose
protect, with GLP-1 probably being the most important for
reductions are not for safety reasons, but are based solely on
the anti-hyperglycaemic effects [3]; thus, it follows that if
pharmacokinetics, with a lower clearance simply meaning that
DPP-4 activity is inhibited to a similar extent, the efficacy
less drug is needed to reach the same plasma concentration.
of DPP-4 inhibitors should also be similar, and accordingly,
Nevertheless, it is doubtful that any accumulation would lead to
meta-analyses reveal no major differences between them with
unfavourable outcomes if normal therapeutic doses were inad-
regard to improvements in glycaemic control [61]. A few large
vertently used in subjects with impaired renal function because
direct head-to-head comparisons (duration ≥18 weeks) have
of the wide therapeutic window. Moreover, adverse effects are
shown non-inferiority for HbA1c -lowering for anagliptin [62],
unlikely to occur based on the mechanism of action, since the
gemigliptin [63] and saxagliptin [64] compared with sitagliptin
DPP-4 inhibitor itself has no direct effects on glucose home-
as add-on to metformin, although in the latter study, effects of
ostasis. Rather, effects are secondary to inhibition of DPP-4,
sitagliptin on fasting plasma glucose appeared to be modestly
and because the enzyme is already maximally inhibited, any
greater than those of saxagliptin (95% confidence interval
increased exposure to the drug will have no further effect.
excluded zero)[64]; whether this might be related to differ-
Indeed, a number of safety analyses and large clinical trials in
ences in the extent of DPP-4 inhibition seen 24 h post-dose
patients with T2DM and kidney disease, including end-stage
[43] requires further investigation. Sitagliptin and vildagliptin
renal disease and those undergoing dialysis, all indicate that
had similar effects on glucose homeostasis in several small
DPP-4 inhibitors are well tolerated [57].
12-week studies [65–67], with similar conclusions being drawn
Most currently available DPP-4 inhibitors are suitable for from a larger 24-week study in subjects with T2DM and severe
patients with mild/moderate liver insufficiency, although rec- renal impairment [68]. Non-inferiority for HbA1c-lowering
ommendations for their use in severe hepatic impairment vary efficacy has also been shown in 24-week studies comparing
(Table 3), largely because of relatively limited clinical expe- once-daily alogliptin with once-weekly trelagliptin [69], and
rience in such patients. Although saxagliptin is metabolized sitagliptin with the once-weekly compound omarigliptin [70].
by the liver, even severe hepatic impairment only modestly It remains to be established whether once-weekly dosing may
increases exposure to the drug, most likely because of the kid- help improve patient compliance and potentially give improved
neys’ role in the final elimination pathway [58]. Also notewor- glycaemic control in the ‘real-world’ setting.
thy, given its biliary route of elimination, hepatic impairment
does not alter exposure to linagliptin in a clinically meaningful
way. It has been suggested that the biliary excretion pathway is Safety
largely independent of the liver’s metabolizing function, mean- In general, DPP-4 inhibitors have good tolerability, with
ing that even patients with severe hepatic impairment probably placebo-like adverse event profiles [30]. Thanks to their
retain sufficient residual hepatic function to maintain elimi- glucose-dependent insulinotropic and glucagonostatic effects,
nation of linagliptin and prevent its accumulation [59]. Most the frequency and severity of hypoglycaemia is low, particularly

336 Deacon and Lebovitz Volume 18 No. 4 April 2016

Table 3. Prescribing characteristics of commonly used dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (data taken from prescribing information of the individual inhibitors; precise indications may vary by country).

Use in renal impairment Use in hepatic impairment

Renal Moderate
function Mild (CrCl ≥30- Severe/ESRD Liver function Use with

Volume 18 No. 4 April 2016

Drug monitoring (CrCl ≥50 ml/min) <50 ml/min) (CrCl <30 ml/min) monitoring Mild/moderate Severe§ other drugs†
Alogliptin [47] Yes Yes Yes, with dose adjustment Yes, with dose adjustment No Yes Not recom- —
(12.5 mg once daily) (6.25 mg once daily) mended
Anagliptin [48] (Yes) Yes Yes Yes, with dose reduction — Yes Yes —
(100 mg once daily)
Evogliptin [35] No Yes Yes Yes — — — —
Gemigliptin Yes Yes Yes, with caution Yes, with caution — Presently not Presently not May require dose

recom- recom- reduction when used

mended mended with drugs which alter
CYP3A4 activity
Linagliptin [49] No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Efficacy may be reduced if
used with CYP3A4
inducer (e.g. rifampin)
Omarigliptin [50] (Yes) Yes Yes Yes, with care; dose No Yes Yes —
adjustment (12.5 mg once
Saxagliptin [51] Yes Yes Yes, with dose adjustment Yes, with dose adjustment No Yes Yes Dose reduction (2.5 mg
(2.5 mg once daily) (2.5 mg once daily) once daily) when used
with strong CYP3A4/5
inhibitors (e.g.
Sitagliptin [52] Yes Yes Yes, with dose adjustment Yes, with dose adjustment No Yes Not studied —
(50 mg once daily) (25 mg once daily)
Teneligliptin [53] No Yes Yes Yes — Yes Yes, with care —
Trelagliptin [54] Yes Yes Yes, with dose reduction No — Yes Yes —
(50 mg once weekly)
Vildagliptin [55] Yes Yes Yes, with dose adjustment Yes, with dose adjustment Yes No* No* Dose reduction (50 mg
(50 mg once daily) (50 mg once daily) once daily) when used
with sulphonylurea

CrCl, creatinine clearance; CYP, cytochrome P450; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; (Yes), not specifically recommended, but will be required to allow for appropriate dose selection.
*Including those with transaminase levels ≥3 times upper limit of normal.
†Dose reduction of sulphonylureas or insulin may be recommended when used together with a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor.
§Studies in severe hepatic impairment are lacking.

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when they are used in monotherapy or in combination with trials being treated to the same glycaemic targets. Reassuringly,
other agents which are not known to provoke hypoglycaemia the first three to report their results [the EXAMINE (5400
(e.g. metformin and thiazolidinediones) [30]; however, when patients with recent acute coronary syndrome, mean follow-up
used with SUs or insulin, the risk of hypoglycaemia may be 1.5 years), SAVOR-TIMI (16 500 patients with pre-existing
increased because of the inherent glucose-lowering properties cardiovascular disease or multiple risk factors, mean follow-up
of these other agents, and accordingly, prescribing information 2.1 years) and TECOS (14 600 patients with established cardio-
recommends reducing SU or insulin doses in this situation vascular disease, mean follow-up 3.0 years) trials] all met their
[47–55]. When vildagliptin is used concomitantly with SU, the primary endpoints, showing conclusively that major adverse
vildagliptin dose should also be halved to 50 mg, administered cardiovascular events were not higher in number [31–33]. In
in the morning [55]. As with any drug, however, occasional contrast to earlier pooled safety analyses and meta-analyses,
findings and isolated post-marketing observations occur. These however, which suggested a potential risk reduction [76], there
have focused primarily on pancreatic safety and, more recently, was no indication of cardiovascular benefit associated with
on hospitalization for heart failure. DPP-4 inhibitors treatment in the EXAMINE, SAVOR-TIMI
Regarding pancreatic safety, there has been much debate or TECOS trials [31–33]. Differences in patient populations,
concerning acute pancreatitis with incretin-based therapies, with phase III studies generally including younger subjects at
including DPP-4 inhibitors, and although some conflicting lower cardiovascular risk than those recruited to the cardiovas-
opinions remain, the balance of data does not appear to indicate cular safety trials, together with the fact that subjects in both
a significantly increased incidence [71]. Regulatory authorities arms of the cardiovascular safety trials were well treated with
in the USA and the European Union have carried out inde- respect to their comorbidities (75–90% on statins, aspirin and
pendent reviews of all data [72], finding no evidence to sup- antihypertensive medications) provide the most likely expla-
port a causal relationship between incretin therapies and pan- nations for this difference. Unexpectedly, however, saxagliptin
creatitis, while major diabetes societies (the ADA, EASD and was associated with a small, but statistically significant increase
International Diabetes Federation) have not modified current in hospitalization for heart failure (one component of the sec-
treatment recommendations [73]. Pancreatitis and pancreatic ondary endpoint) compared with placebo (absolute incidence,
cancer were included as adjudicated events in the large cardio- 3.5 vs 2.8%; relative risk 27%), although this was not associated
vascular safety trials with incretin therapies, which also had with any increase in mortality [32]. This increased risk of
longer follow-up than most phase III studies. Recent results hospitalization with saxagliptin was more evident during the
from the first three trials with DPP-4 inhibitors confirmed the first 12 months of therapy, and was greater in those patients at
low incidence of acute pancreatitis; there were, however, small higher risk of heart failure; i.e. those with pre-existing heart
non-statistically significant imbalances in the number of events, failure, elevated baseline B-type natriuretic peptide levels or
being numerically higher with DPP-4 inhibitors than placebo chronic kidney disease [77]. A retrospective post hoc analysis
[31,33,74]. Event rates for pancreatic cancer were even lower, of the EXAMINE data showed a similar, albeit non-significant,
and numerically lower in DPP-4 inhibitor recipients [31,33,74]. trend (3.1 vs 2.9%), but alogliptin was not associated with
A pooled analysis of phase III studies and the first two of these any increase in new hospital admissions for heart failure or
safety trials confirmed the low event rate for acute pancreatitis with poorer outcomes for patients with pre-existing heart
(1.3 vs. 1.2 events per 1000 patient-years of exposure for DPP-4 failure [78]. There was no indication of any increase in heart
inhibitors and comparators, respectively)[75]. It cannot, how- failure-related hospitalizations in TECOS, with the incidence
ever, be fully excluded that a minor increase in the incidence of being identical in both arms (3.1%; hazard ratio of 1.00) [33].
acute pancreatitis may exist in susceptible patients, albeit that Currently, there are no plausible mechanistic explanations for
the absolute risk is small, and should be evaluated for the indi- the increased incidence observed in the SAVOR-TIMI trial. It
vidual patient based on a risk–benefit judgement. seems unlikely to be causally related to inhibition of DPP-4 per
The incretin-based therapies are probably the first classes of se, given the results of the EXAMINE and TECOS trials, both
antihyperglycaemic therapies to undergo comprehensive inves- of which used highly selective DPP-4 inhibitors (Table 1) and
tigation of their cardiovascular safety, with large safety outcome may simply be a chance finding; however, the possibility cannot
trials underway or completed: the EXAMINE (NCT00968708; be fully excluded that it could be related to differences in the
alogliptin), CARMELINA (NCT01897532; linagliptin), recruited patients between trials, or to some property of the
OMNEON (NCT01703208; omarigliptin), SAVOR-TIMI saxagliptin molecule. Further studies, also including patients
(NCT01107886; saxagliptin) and TECOS (NCT00790205; at high cardiovascular risk with a history of poor glycaemic
sitagliptin) trials compare DPP-4 inhibition against placebo control, are required to explore these possibilities.
and CAROLINA (NCT01243424; linagliptin) with glimepiride
as the active comparator. There are no large cardiovascular
outcome trials with inhibitors, including vildagliptin, which Sulphonylureas
are not, or will not, be marketed in the USA. The outcome trials Unlike DPP-4 inhibitors, which were rationally designed, the
were designed to examine cardiovascular safety, rather than SU effects on glucose homeostasis were discovered serendip-
cardiovascular efficacy; in other words, they seek to show that itously, and it required >50 years to elucidate their mecha-
cardiovascular adverse events are not higher when compared nism of action. Chance observations in the early 1940s, that
with the comparator (i.e. non-inferiority) in the absence of sulphonamide antibiotics caused symptoms typically associ-
any difference in glycaemic control, with both arms in the ated with hypoglycaemia, initiated research into the effect

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Table 4. Characteristics of commonly used sulphonylureas.

Elimination Duration Exposure in renal Use in renal Use in

Drug Half-life Metabolites route of action impairment impairment ESRD + dialysis
Glibenclamide/ 8–10 h Active 50% bile, 50% Long (12 to >24 h) Increased Yes if GFR No
Glyburide [80,87] renal ≥60 ml/min
Gliclazide [80,88] 10–12 h Inactive Predominantly Intermediate No change Yes with caution Yes with
renal (12–24 h) caution
Glimepiride [80,89] 5–8 h Active Predominantly Intermediate Increased Yes if GFR No
renal (12–24 h) ≥60 ml/min
Glipizide [80,90] 2–4 h Inactive Predominantly Short (<12–24 h) No change Yes Yes

ESRD, end-stage renal disease.

of these compounds on glucose regulation [79], and ulti- glimepiride), the metabolites retain hypoglycaemic activity,
mately led to the development of SU drugs. First generation while for others (glipizide and gliclazide) they have little or
SUs (e.g. tolbutamide and chlorpropamide), introduced dur- no hypoglycaemic activity [86] (Table 4). The duration of SU
ing the early 1960s, are now infrequently used in current clin- action therefore varies not only with the rapidity of absorption,
ical practice [80]. They were followed by second generation but also with the rate of hepatic metabolism and the hypogly-
SUs [e.g. glibenclamide (glyburide in the USA), glipizide, gli- caemic activity of the metabolites. Hypoglycaemic effects are
clazide and glimepiride] in the late 1960s/1970s and 1980s [80]. increased in significant hepatic impairment, and can be either
Just as DPP-4 inhibitors are a heterogeneous group, so too increased or decreased by drugs that modify CYP450 enzymes.
do SUs vary in their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic The kidney is important for final elimination of both parent
characteristics [80]. and metabolite molecules, and renal impairment increases the
Sulphonylyreas work by binding to the sulphonylurea hypoglycaemic effects of SUs, particularly those with active
receptor (SUR)-1 subunit of pancreatic 𝛽-cell ATP-sensitive metabolites [80,86]. Accordingly, SUs are contraindicated in
potassium (KATP ) channels, leading to their closure; the patients with severe hepatic insufficiency, and used with great
resultant membrane depolarization opens voltage-dependent caution in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment
calcium channels, causing intracellular calcium concentrations [80,87–90]. SUs are normally extensively protein-bound, so
to increase, with subsequent release of insulin [81,82]. KATP the concomitant use of other drugs which displace them
channels are present in many other tissues, such as neurons, from plasma proteins will also increase their hypoglycaemic
myocardium and vascular smooth muscle cells [83]. They effects [80,86]. Moreover, co-administered medications which
are physiologically regulated by the ATP/ADP ratio through themselves possess inherent effects on glucose homeostasis by,
nucleotide binding sites on the KATP channels [82]. SUR for example, affecting gluconeogenesis, insulin secretion or
subunits exist in different isoforms (SUR-1, SUR-2A and counter-regulatory mechanisms, will either enhance or reduce
SUR-2B) depending on the tissue, with different isoforms SU efficacy [86]. Accordingly, the risk of hypoglycaemia can
having different binding affinities for SU drugs [83]; this affects be increased when SUs are used together with drugs such as
whether a particular SU will have any extra-pancreatic effects. salicylates, warfarin, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and alco-
SUR-1, which is present in pancreatic 𝛽-cells and neurons, hol, while with glucocorticoids and 𝛽-2 adrenergic agonists,
has two unique binding sites, one of which recognizes the hyperglycaemia may result [80].
SU moiety and another the meglitinide moiety [84]. Bind-
ing to either site will close the channel which, in pancreatic Efficacy
𝛽-cells, increases insulin secretion. Some SUs bind to the SU
site (glipizide and gliclazide), some to the meglitinide site The effect of SUs is the result of the timing and magnitude of
(repaglinide), and some to both sites (glibenclamide/glyburide their insulin secretion and its independence on ambient glu-
and glimepiride)[85]. SUR-2A and SUR-2B have significantly cose concentrations. They do not correct the delay in first-phase
lower binding affinities for SU than SUR-1 [80]. The char- insulin secretion, but primarily increase second-phase insulin
acteristics of the SU structure and the affinity of the SUR secretion [80]. This, plus the independence of their stimulation
binding sites thus determine the activity and side effects of of insulin secretion on glucose concentrations, are the cause of
each SU drug. the frequently associated hypoglycaemia and weight gain. The
intrinsic activity of each SU differs depending on the binding
characteristics of each to the SUR-1 isoform [84,91]. Therapeu-
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics tically, this is compensated for by increasing the dose admin-
Sulphonylureas are absorbed rapidly, although this can be istered. Long-acting SUs with high binding affinities, such as
slowed by formulations that delay their release (e.g. gli- glibenclamide/glyburide and glimepiride, are administered 1
clazide modified-release). All SUs are metabolized by the to 8–10 mg daily, while glipizide is usually given in doses of
liver through oxidative pathways involving CYP450 enzymes 10–25 mg daily and gliclazide modified release 30–120 mg daily
and glucuronidation. For some (glibenclamide/glyburide and [80].

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Safety effect [108]. Ischaemic preconditioning is a mechanism by

Sulphonylureas are associated with significant risks of hypogly- which a short episode of ischaemia reduces the detrimental
caemia and modest weight gain, both of which are attributable effects of a subsequent longer period of ischaemia [109], and
to the non-physiological and unregulated release of insulin some evidence suggests that cardiomyocyte KATP channel
[92]. Numerous studies comparing relative risks of hypo- opening plays a role in this phenomenon. Some observational
glycaemia between different SUs consistently show gliben- studies indicate that not all SUs are associated with the same
clamide/glyburide to have the highest risk, an intermediate risk cardiovascular risk [110–112], with several suggesting that
with glimepiride and glipizide, and the least risk with gliclazide gliclazide may potentially pose less risk than other members of
[80,93–95]. The risk of SU-mediated hypoglycaemia is greatest the class, but whether any SU directly increases cardiovascular
in patients with T2DM who are elderly, poorly nourished, or adverse events remains an unanswered question.
who have cardiovascular or renal disease [80]. As discussed, the
risk of hypoglycaemia increases when SUs are used in combina-
DPP-4 Inhibitors versus Sulphonylureas
tion with certain other drugs. SU-mediated hypoglycaemia is a
relatively frequent occurrence and has been shown to be a cause T2DM is a progressive disease and pharmacotherapy with a
of significant use of emergency services, emergency ward visits single agent is unlikely to offer durable glycaemic control over
and hospitalizations [96,97]. Severe hypoglycaemia tends to be the long-term. SUs were the archetypal next choice to add
relatively resistant to acute glucose administration and may be to metformin, but now DPP-4 inhibitors are a viable alterna-
recurrent for 12–72 h. Such episodes generally require medical tive. Second-line agents should provide efficacious – and ide-
treatment for several days [80]. ally, durable – glycaemic control without increasing the risk
Sulphonylureas are implicated with adverse effects related of hypoglycaemia or weight gain. They should be safe, pos-
to the increased risk of hypoglycaemia. Episodes of hypogly- ing no undue risks regardless of patient comorbidities. Ide-
caemia correlate with periods of ventricular arrhythmias in ally, they should have complementary mechanisms of action, be
subjects with T2DM [98,99], and one or more episodes of ‘user-friendly’ in order to improve adherence, and be cost effec-
severe hypoglycaemia have been linked to an increased risk of tive. In many of these respects, DPP-4 inhibitors can match, or
long-term adverse clinical outcomes and death [100]. Whether even better, the traditional choice of SUs (Table 5).
SUs have direct effects to adversely affect cardiovascular out-
comes, however, is a matter of some controversy [101,102] and,
Efficacy: HbA1c-Lowering vs Risk of Hypoglycaemia
unlike for the newer diabetes therapies, there is no random-
ized, placebo-controlled cardiovascular safety trial with any There is a misconception that SUs are more efficacious in reduc-
SU. Results from the UK Prospective Diabetes Study [103] have ing HbA1c than DPP-4 inhibitors, with it commonly being
been used to argue the case that SUs do not adversely affect held that typical reductions of ∼1.5% can be obtained with
cardiovascular events, although it can be questioned whether SUs whereas DPP-4 inhibitors ‘only’ lower levels by 0.5–0.9%
the newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve population, which was [113]. This belief persists, with the newest ADA/EASD posi-
poorly treated by today’s standards with respect to both gly- tion statement still referring to SU efficacy as ‘high’ while
caemic control and cardiovascular risk factors, is representative DPP-4 inhibitors efficacy is classified as ‘intermediate’ [5],
of patients of the last two decades. Many retrospective or obser- even though this is not supported by evidence. It has been
vational studies have shown that SU use is associated with a pointed out that comparisons based on ‘average reductions’
higher risk of cardiovascular events compared with metformin are misleading because they do not take into account differ-
[104–106]. Similar conclusions were drawn from a small, ences in baseline HbA1c levels between studies [114]; patient
probably under-powered, prospective study comparing 3 years populations in many of the earlier SU trials (baseline HbA1c
treatment with metformin and glipizide over a follow-up period often ≥9%) were very different from those enrolled in the
of 5 years [107]. In all these studies, whether the difference is more modern trials with DPP-4 inhibitors (baseline HbA1c
attributable to an adverse effect of the SU, a beneficial effect of ∼7.5–8.5%), reflecting ongoing improvements in glycaemic
metformin, or a combination of both, cannot be determined. control. Indeed, when HbA1c reductions are expressed relative
Attempts have been made to postulate an increase in adverse to baseline levels, the apparent difference in efficacy between
cardiovascular outcomes of some SUs through their ability DPP-4 inhibitors and SUs disappears [114]. Valid compar-
to interact with the SUR isoforms present in myocardial isons can only be made in head-to-head, randomized studies
cells (SUR-2A) and/or coronary artery smooth muscle cells comparing both drug classes in the same population. Such
(SUR-2B)[84]. SUs have higher affinity for SUR-1, but can studies uniformly show equivalent HbA1c-lowering by DPP-4
nevertheless, to varying extents, also interact with SUR-2 inhibitors and SUs, irrespective of which DPP-4 inhibitor or SU
subunits. When used at their therapeutic doses, gliclazide is used (e.g. sitagliptin/glipizide [115], vildagliptin/gliclazide
and glipizide appear to be selective for SUR-1 only, whereas [116], linagliptin/glimepiride [117], sitagliptin vs gliben-
glibenclamide/glyburide and glimepiride which bind both clamide/glyburide [118]), with subgroup analyses showing
to the benzimido and SU binding sites, may be less selective that this holds true across the entire range of baseline HbA1c
and bind to some degree to SUR-2 subunits [80]. It has been levels [119]. Moreover, while there may be a widely held belief
suggested that these differences explain preclinical and clinical that the glucose-lowering effect of SUs is more immediate
data showing that glibenclamide/glyburide blocks ischaemic than that of DPP-4 inhibitors, inspection of time courses for
preconditioning, whereas glimepiride and gliclazide have no HbA1c reductions generally shows this is not the case; indeed,

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Table 5. Comparison of clinically relevant characteristics of sulphonlyureas and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.

Drug characteristics Sulphonylurea DPP-4 inhibitor

Efficacy Yes Yes
Durability Poor (secondary failure) Too soon to tell
No hypoglycaemia No Yes
No weight gain No Yes
Few adverse events (including low cardiovascular risk) (No) (increased cardiovascular risk with some) Yes (includes prospective
cardiovascular safety trials)
Address islet cell dysfunction
Insulin insufficiency Yes (glucose-independent) Yes (glucose-dependent)
Glucagon excess No Yes (glucose dependent)
User friendly (compliance)
No injection Yes Yes
No titration No Yes
Administration independent of meals No Yes
No glucose monitoring No (regular monitoring) Yes (less frequent monitoring)
Cost Cheap Relatively expensive

DPP, dipeptidyl peptidase.

Bold font indicates desirable attributes, italic font less desirable attributes, underlined font undesirable attributes.

a reduction in fasting plasma glucose is already evident within than therapy with either metformin or thiazolidinediones
3 days after initiation of a DPP-4 inhibitor [120]. [129,130]. While it is currently too soon to know whether
It is notable, nevertheless, that even though HbA1c levels DPP-4 inhibitors might affect the progressive deterioration
are similarly improved, there are marked reductions in both in glycaemic control, there are some encouraging data from
the incidence and severity of hypoglycaemia with the DPP-4 short- to mid-term studies. In the SAVOR-TIMI trial (median
inhibitors, although, as expected, the absolute incidence with follow-up 2.1 years), 𝛽-cell function was improved and the
SU varies according to which drug is used [115–118]. This is times to initiation of insulin or increases in antihypergly-
seen across the full range of HbA1c levels, with the risk of hypo- caemic medications were reduced with saxagliptin compared
glycaemia being greater with SUs even in subjects with higher with placebo [131]. Similarly, in TECOS (median follow-up
HbA1c levels, and the difference becoming progressively larger 3.0 years), fewer sitagliptin-treated patients required additional
as HbA1c is brought closer to target level. In contrast, the risk of antihyperglycaemic agents or initiated long-term insulin ther-
hypoglycaemia with DPP-4 inhibitors is consistently low, even apy [33]. In a ‘real-world’ setting, the ODYSSEE observational
in subjects with HbA1c levels of ≤7% [121–123]. The differ- study suggested that treatment maintenance of dual therapy
ence in risk between SU and DPP-4 inhibitors is not limited with metformin plus sitagliptin was longer than with met-
to a comparison only with those patients on the higher SU formin plus SU (43.2 vs 20.2 months) [132]. Similarly, in a
doses, but is seen consistently across all doses of SU [122,123]. retrospective cohort study of electronic medical records, fewer
These findings from randomized clinical trials have been con- sitagliptin users initiated insulin therapy compared with SU
firmed in prospective registry studies, also showing that DPP-4 users over 6 years (26.6 vs 34.1%), when both drugs were used
inhibitors provide similar glycaemic control to that of SUs, but as add-on therapy to metformin [133].
with a lower hypoglycaemia risk when used with metformin in
a more ‘real-world’ setting [124]. The ability to improve gly- Cardiovascular Safety
caemic control without increasing hypoglycaemia is particu- As already discussed, the cardiovascular safety of DPP-4
larly relevant for those with a history of hypoglycaemic events, inhibitors has been demonstrated in purpose-designed safety
and for elderly or frail patients, in whom the consequences of studies [31–33], whereas the question of whether SUs adversely
hypoglycaemia can be more severe and occur with greater fre- affect cardiovascular outcomes remains unresolved [102].
quency [125,126]. Indeed, the above observations in the general Nevertheless, both retrospective meta-analyses and obser-
population with T2DM have been reproduced in trials specifi- vational registry studies uniformly suggest that SUs might
cally recruiting elderly subjects [127,128]. Accordingly, DPP-4 be associated with greater all-cause mortality and increased
inhibitors may be preferred to SUs when hypoglycaemia could cardiovascular risk and mortality than DPP-4 inhibitors
be particularly problematic, including not only in the elderly, [134–137]. For example, a recent large (n = 346476) retro-
but also in those not necessarily with elevated hypoglycaemia spective cohort study from Korea indicated that the incidence
rates but who have high-risk professions. DPP-4 inhibitors may of total cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction and
also be preferable for others, such as ordinary driving licence ischaemic stroke events were significantly higher in subjects
holders, where repeated episodes of severe hypoglycaemia can treated with SU plus metformin than in those treated with
result in licence withdrawal. DPP-4 inhibitors plus metformin (hazard ratios of 1.20, 1.14
and 1.51, respectively) [137]. The CAROLINA study, a large
Durability prospective cardiovascular safety trial comparing linagliptin
Therapy with SUs is associated with both a gradual loss of with glimepiride [138], may be expected to shed further light
glycaemic control over time, and a greater rate of failure on this issue; results are expected in 2018.

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Impact on Disease Pathology elderly, frail or vulnerable patients, and those with reduced
Whereas metformin acts as an insulin sensitizer, both DPP-4 renal function, including those on dialysis, or with hepatic
inhibitors and SUs target the inadequate 𝛽-cell secretion of impairment. Because they do not cause hypoglycaemia, they
insulin that characterizes T2DM; together, therefore, the com- do not require dose titration and can be taken at any time
bination of metformin with either a DPP-4 inhibitor or an of day, independently of meal times. They are also generally
SU addresses two of the key pathological defects of T2DM; free of drug–drug interactions and can mostly be used with
however, whereas the effect of DPP-4 inhibitors is strictly other medications without the need for dose adjustment of
glucose-dependent, SUs stimulate insulin secretion even when either agent. Neither the pharmacokinetic profiles of nor expo-
plasma glucose levels are low, and as discussed, this difference sure to other commonly used medications, including drugs
confers a lower hypoglycaemia risk to the DPP-4 inhibitors. which alter the activity of the CYP system [e.g. ketocona-
Given that SUs and DPP-4 inhibitors release insulin through zole, rifampicin (rifampin) and ritonavir] or the P-glycoprotein
different mechanisms, however, in some instances SUs can be transporter (e.g. cyclosporine) are affected in a clinically rele-
cautiously added to DPP-4 inhibitors to increase insulin secre- vant manner by DPP-4 inhibitors [152]. DPP-4 inhibitors may,
tion [139]. Another major effect of DPP-4 inhibitors is to tar- therefore, be useful in conditions such as tuberculosis or HIV,
get the 𝛼-cell defects, by reducing the hyperglucagonaemia of which often present with diabetes as a side effect of the disease
T2DM in a glucose-dependent manner, leading to reductions itself or its treatment. Likewise, the pharmacokinetics of DPP-4
in the exaggerated endogenous glucose production character- inhibitors are also generally unaffected by concomitantly used
istic of T2DM [140,141]. KATP channels are present on 𝛼-cells, medications [152]; however, as discussed, because of their
but SUs are generally reported to have little effect on glucagon route of metabolism, exposure to gemigliptin and saxagliptin
levels in subjects with T2DM [142]. However, in patients with is increased if used with strong CYP 3A4/5 inhibitors, such
T1DM and no residual 𝛽-cell function, where the restraining as ketoconazole or ritonavir, but if the dose is inadvertently
effect of insulin on the 𝛼-cell is lost, SUs may be associated not reduced, hypoglycaemia is unlikely to occur because of the
with increased glucagon secretion [143]; whether this is also glucose-dependent mechanism of action of DPP-4 inhibitors.
the case in subjects with T2DM and treatment failure to SU is When DPP-4 inhibitors are used with an SU or insulin, a lower
presently unknown. Also of interest is the observation that the SU/insulin dose is usually recommended.
combination of DPP-4 inhibitors with metformin may interact By contrast, SUs require more factors to be taken into
favourably on the incretin system. Metformin is associated with account. Because of their inherent hypoglycaemic action, which
increased total GLP-1 levels which, in the presence of a DPP-4 is largely independent of prevailing blood glucose levels, both
inhibitor, results in further enhancement of active GLP-1 con- dose titration and dose timing (with meals) are important. They
centrations [144]. Indeed, the combination of metformin plus are not suitable for all patients, particularly those in whom
DPP-4 inhibitors has been shown to have additive effects to the risk of hypoglycaemia is already increased or when it is
improve HbA1c levels [145]. Finally, modest weight gain is typ- especially important to minimize that risk. SUs are specifi-
ically associated with SUs, whereas DPP-4 inhibitors are usually cally contraindicated in severe renal or hepatic insufficiency
considered to be weight-neutral in effect, although small reduc- since, unlike DPP-4 inhibitors, any increase in exposure will
tions of 1–2 kg have been seen in some studies [146]. be associated with increased glucose-lowering, irrespective of
concurrent blood glucose concentrations. Moreover, as dis-
Unique Aspects of Sulphonylurea Action cussed above, the hypoglycaemic effects of SUs can be influ-
Sulphonylurea treatment is unique in that it will stimulate enced by a number of other drugs. Thus, while only a few
insulin secretion when glucose metabolism, and hence ATP combinations may be absolutely contraindicated or inadvis-
production, within the 𝛽-cell is impaired or there is a defect able, precautions are required if SUs are used concomitantly
in the ability of ATP to close the KATP channel. Although not with a considerable number of other medications, including
common, such abnormalities are seen in genetic mutations of some which may be commonly co-prescribed. For example,
the glucose metabolism pathway or of the SUR-1 or Kir 6.2 sub- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and salicylates may
units of the KATP channel [147], and in either instance, insulin potentiate the glucose-lowering effects, while corticosteroids
secretion is blunted or blocked. In these disease states, such and sympathomimetics have the opposite effect, and 𝛽-blockers
as the various forms of neonatal diabetes, MODY-3 (HNF-1𝛼) may mask some of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia. The addi-
mutations [148], or some polymorphisms of Transcription Fac- tion or withdrawal of some of these other medications may,
tor 7-like 2 [149], SUs are the therapeutic agents of choice. therefore, result in either hypo- or hyperglycaemia if blood glu-
Moreover, some patients with T2DM have mutations in the cose levels are not monitored to allow appropriate SU dose
genes coding for the Kir 6.2 or SUR1 subunit, which provide adjustment.
an increase in SU responsiveness [150,151], while, because of
their different mechanisms of action, SUs may be useful for
those patients who have primary treatment failure to DPP-4 Conclusions
inhibitors (and vice versa). Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and SUs each belong to drug
classes in which members of the class can be differentiated from
Clinical Utility/Ease of Use one another on the basis of their pharmacokinetic and pharma-
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors are relatively easy to use and, codynamics characteristics; these in turn have implications for
with few exceptions, can be used in all patients, including the way in which individual drugs are used in clinical practice.

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