Baria - BSAIS-101 - 03 Activity 5

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Baria, Raizel


Readings in Philippine History

03 Activity 5

1. Summarize one (1) learning resource in 03 Readings: Jose Rizal's Retraction.

The story of Jose Rizal’s retractions has been told and retold numerous times, creating enormous
ambiguities in our national history regarding the credibility of our national hero. It has been told that
before his death on December 30, 1896, Rizal signed a paper withdrawing all the claims he had done
against the Spanish government, friars, and church. Therefore, on the day of his execution, Rizal was
held alone in a room. Señor Tavielde Andrade and the Jesuit priest Vila Clara escorted him. After several
hours, an Assistant of the Plaza, Señor Maure, asked Rizal if he needed anything. Afterward, Rizal
requested a prayer book, which was delivered by a father named March. Later that morning, Fr. Vicente
Balaguer, a priest who was present at the execution, testified that he saw Rizal have several rude
awakenings; confessed, celebrated mass, received Communion, and prayed the Rosary four times. After
Senior Andrade left, Rizal spent some time discussing religious matters with the Jesuit fathers, March
and Vila Clara. It is said that the two offered Rizal a retraction letter in order to withdraw all of his
claims, but he refused to sign. They argued about it, but then Rizal asked the two to leave so he could
write for a long time by himself. In the afternoon, Father March entered the chapel, and Rizal handed
him the manuscript. The firing squad chief, Señordel Fresno, and the Plaza Assistant, Señor Maure,
were immediately notified. They entered the death row and, along with Rizal, signed the document
written by the accused.

2. State the viewpoint/s or argument/s in this resource.

Arguments that support Rizal’s Retraction

- Fr. Vicente Balaguer’s testimonies

- The Retraction “Document” found in 1935

- Eyewitnesses that were closely associated with the events

Arguments that oppose Rizal's Retraction

- The Retraction letter itself is not authentic according to historians

- Josephine Bracken, the wife of Jose Rizal herself remains unmarried

3. What particular viewpoint do you NOT believe in that resource? Explain why you do not
believe in this viewpoint.

- Fr. Vicente Balaguer's point of view is one that I disagree with. In his testimony, he stated that he
witnessed the reasonable Rizal having several rude awakenings: confessing, celebrating mass, receiving
Communion, and praying the Rosary four (4) times. As a result, he is a primary witness and is associated
with the retraction. However, according to the Cuerpo de Vigilancia, Spanish spies present on the day
of the execution recorded every person who entered Rizal's cell, and shockingly, no Fr. Vicente
Balaguer was present that day. a conclusion reached by Fr. Balaguer, who is a secondary source. Fr.
Vila Clara and Mr. March to make up for lost time.

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