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Expanded Spell List for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 4th Edition

by /u/stingybean

Contains mostly spells from 2nd Edition which have been revised for 4e’s ruleset and
mechanical changes, and prettied up, expanded upon or rebalanced.

¡! Work in progress ¡!

Some spells may be over/under-powered and/or poorly explained. Add a comment or

something and I’ll do my best to address it.

A highlighted spell indicates a spell that has been added to WHRP 4thE through an
official expansion, such as Sullasara’s Spells of Unrivaled Utility, or one that has been
made redundant through a mechanic added in such an expansion.


Lore of Beasts

Lore of Death

Lore of Fire

Lore of Heavens

Lore of Metal

Lore of Life

Lore of Light

Lore of Shadows

High Magic (WIP)

Witch Magic
Petty Magic (Hag) Spells
Petty Magic (Ice) Spells
Expanded Arcane Magic Spells

Lore of the Hags

Lore of Ice

Chaos Magic
Petty Magic (Chaos) Spells
Arcane Magic (Chaos) Spells

Lore of Chaos Undivided

Lore of Nurgle
Expanded disease list: Neiglish Rot

Lore of Slaanesh

Lore of Tzeentch
Expanded bestiary: Pink Horror of Tzeentch

Lore of Necromancy
Lore of Beasts

“Ghur is known as a savage Wind, the antithesis of civilisation and

domestication, as primal and unreasoning as it is devoid of malice.”

The Beast Broken

CN: 2
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You break the wild spirit of a single animal (that can be domesticated) within range.
These animals include horses, dogs, and some birds of prey. It does not include
normally wild animals like wolves, bears, snakes, and so on. The target animal
attempts a Willpower test to shrug off the effects of the spell. On a failed test, it
remains docile towards Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, and Halflings forever, though it is still
likely to be afraid—and rightly so—of creatures like Greenskins, Skaven, and those
tainted by Chaos.

The Beast Made Well

CN: 3
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You touch an injured animal, healing a number of Wounds equal to your Willpower
Bonus. Only natural animals may be healed by this spell; magical creatures (including
familiars, even if animalistic) and monsters of Chaos are unaffected.

The Beast, Unleashed

CN: 6
Range: 2d10 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Instant
You unleash the primal savagery of your allies. Any friendly character within the area
of effect of the spell goes into Frenzy, as per the talent of that name. If a character
wants to resist the spell’s effects, it must attempt an opposed Willpower test against
the spell’s caster.

The Boar’s Hide

CN: 5
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your skin becomes as tough as a wild boar’s. For the spell’s duration, you are immune
to the effects of any Critical Wounds inflicted upon you. Due to the rigidity of your
hide, however, you take a –10 penalty to your Agility score.

Cowering Beasts
CN: 7
Range: 2d10 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Instant
You thunderously rebuke your foes, comparing them to base animals that had best
cower before their master. This panics your foes within range, starting with those
closest to you, and they gain Fear (3) towards you. Alternately, you may focus the
effects of this spell on one target, who must make a Difficult (–10) Willpower test or
suffer the Broken condition.
Cruelty’s Desserts
CN: 1
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus days
You cast this spell while touching an animal, wild or domestic. Any intelligent creature
who harms or is otherwise cruel to that particular animal before the spell ends takes a
–20 penalty on all Fellowship tests until the next full moon.

CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You touch a character, creature, or animal and all leather goods they are carrying or
wearing—belts, pouches, straps, scabbards, and even armour—shrivel immediately
and turn to dust.

Repugnant Transformation
CN: 10
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You channel a mighty flow of magic, transforming your target into its basest form,
revealing its true character. Unless the victim succeeds on a Difficult (–10) Willpower
Test, they undergo a terrible transformation, sprouting hair all over their body, losing
the capacity for speech, and behaving in strange and inexplicable ways. On the victim’s
turn, they must roll 1d10 to see what they do for the round.
Roll Result

1 Subject finds something interesting in his nostril and

spends a round digging for it.

2 Subject defecates noisily, weeping for the force of the


3 Subject screams for no reason and runs in a random

direction, possibly into an obstacle.

4 Subject cackles wildly and attacks the closest living


5 Subject loses a lowing noise and tries to embrace the

nearest object.

6 Subject curls into a ball, giggling madly.

7 Subject dances a jig while waving their weapon (or

hands about) over his head.

8 Subject acts normally for this round.

9 Subject stands mute.

10 Subject brays like a mule, forcing all allies within 8

yards (4 squares) to make Fear Tests.

This is a permanent condition unless you successfully cast the spell on the target
again, which reverses it, or dispel the spell completely.

Winter’s Long Slumber

CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: See description
You touch a willing character, creature, or animal, causing it to immediately fall into a
deep sleep akin to a bear’s hibernation. This state persists for many months, until the
solstice or equinox after the next (that is, the remainder of the current season, plus
the full season after that). During this period of slumber, the character need not eat or
drink. Due to the magical nature of the hibernation, any diseases, poisons, or other
similar afflictions the character endures are interrupted. No further damage or
symptoms accrue from them, though any penalties or other maladies already in effect
continue while the character hibernates. (A penalty to Willpower Tests from some
poison would affect the hibernating character, for example, but a progressive poison
would not continue to get worse.) Natural healing, however, does occur. The recipient
of this spell cannot be woken by normal means; the caster must will a premature
awakening. You may also cast this spell on yourself. In the event that you do, you
may—at your option—designate one other individual, who must be present when you
cast the spell, who may wake you before the spell’s expiration with a free action.
Lore of Death

“Shyish is said to be formed by the realisation of the transience of life, of

reminiscences of days gone by, of mortal acceptance of the day currently lived.
It blows from the past and into the future.”

Acceptance of Fate
CN: 5
Range: 12 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus minutes
This spell causes your allies to temporarily put aside their fear of death. For the spell’s
duration, you and all your allies within range are immune to the effects of Fear and

Animus Imprisoned
CN: 14
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You imprison the soul of your victim, sealing it in a durable vessel of your choosing
such as a bottle, vial, or pouch. While the soul is so imprisoned, the victim’s body lives
as a vegetable, carrying on the barest functions of life—breathing, swallowing,
excreting— without initiative or awareness. Though technically living, this husk cannot
shuffle around or even sit up on its own and must be fed by others or die of thirst or
starvation. Damage, diseases, poisons, and other sources of harm affect it normally. It
similarly heals over time and can be healed as usual by magic or the Heal skill. You can
restore the imprisoned soul to its body at any time by opening the sealed vessel in the
presence of its body. Any Priest of Morr or any other Amethyst Wizard who knows this
spell, can do likewise. If the bottle is opened away from its body or is opened by one
who does not know the proper rituals, the soul becomes lost in the world, wandering
and damned to become a Ghost. If the soul is lost, the body can be maintained in its
state, but there is little point.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “Due
to the disruption caused in the fabric of life and death by the nature of this
conjuration, all Wizards in a 5-mile radius are aware of the disturbance in the Aethyr
that this spell causes. The Lords of the Amethyst Order do not look kindly on those
who use such powerful magic without appropriate cause.”

Death’s Door
CN: 8
Range: 24 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Your power over death is such that you can briefly delay the inevitable. Those affected,
if slain during the spell’s duration, can take an action on their normal Initiative before
dying. As soon as the action is resolved, death beckons.

Death’s Messenger
CN: 2
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute
You infuse yourself with Shyish, emanating an aura of menace. You gain a +10 bonus
on Intimidate Tests; a bonus of +10 is granted for every SL over the spell’s casting
Death’s Release
CN: 7
Range: 12 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1
Duration: Instant
You conjure forth the Purple Wind of Magic to swirl about a creature with the Ethereal
trait within range. The target must succeed on a Willpower Test or be forced to
confront its state. This imposes a –10 penalty to all Weapon Skill tests attempted by
the target, and the target can only move half its movement on its next turn. On the
following round, the target may attempt another Willpower test to throw off the
effects of Death’s Release. Targets who fail three tests in a row are released from the
mortal world, and into the waiting arms of Morr.

CN: 1
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus hours
For the duration, you can see spirits and souls that are normally invisible to the naked
eye. When living beings die, you can see their souls leaving their bodies.

Grip of Death
CN: 7
Range: 8 yards
Target: AoE
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You use the icy tendrils of Shyish to bind enemies within a target area within 48 yards
(24 squares) of you. Those affected must make a successful Willpower Test or gain 2
Stunned conditions.

Knocks of the Departed

CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You ask and can receive an answer to one question you ask of a specific deceased
individual, as long as that question can be answered with a number of audible knocks
other than zero (“How many robbers came into your house on the night you were
beaten to death?”), or answered with a yes or no (“Would it please you for us to bring
your body on our pilgrimage to Altdorf?”). In the case of yes/no questions, the spirit of
the deceased knocks once for “yes,” and twice for “no.” No matter the question, the
spirit is not compelled to answer at all and has no knowledge beyond that which they
had in life. The act of answering is neither inherently pleasant nor odious to the
deceased, though it may well be emotionally painful because of the living who are
present or due to the nature of the question. This spell must be cast in the presence of
either the deceased’s body or the presence of one of their living descendants. It is said
the dead answer by knocking on the gates of Morr’s realm.

Life’s End
CN: 14
Range: 12 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You forcibly expel the soul from your target, killing them immediately and horribly
shrivelling their earthly remains to a husk unless they succeed in an opposed
Willpower test against you, in which case the spell fails with no further effects.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “Due
to the disruption caused in the fabric of life and death by the nature of this
conjuration, all Wizards in a 5-mile radius are aware of the disturbance in the Aethyr
that casting Life’s End causes. The Lords of the Amethyst Order do not look kindly on
those who use such powerful magic lightly.”

CN: 11
Range: 24 plus willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You deaden one limb—arm or leg—of a single target within range. You may choose
which exact limb of the target to affect, and it becomes utterly useless for the
duration. While the effect persists, the target suffers the effects of either a Lost Arm or
Lost Leg, and loses all sensation in the affected limb. The target regains normal use of
the limb when the spell ends.

Tide of Years
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You cause one non-magical item with an Encumbrance of 3 or less to age and decay.
Items with the Shoddy or Unreliable Flaws turn to dust. Items sporting positive
qualities (Durable, Fine, Lightweight, and Practical only.) lose one level in one present
quality. Common items gain the Shoddy flaw if targeted by Tide of Years.

Tomb Robber’s Curse

CN: 2
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 year
You cast this spell in the presence of a corpse or at a tomb or gravesite. Anyone who
desecrates the dead body or site any time during the spell’s duration feels the effects
of the curse, and suffers a –10 penalty on all Willpower, Intelligence, and Fellowship
tests for one week.

Wind of Death
CN: 12
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
You call down a lethal wind of Shyish anywhere within 48 yards. The wind affects an
area four feet wide, ten feet tall, and travels twenty feet before dissipating. The wind is
dispersed by walls, but can pass over small obstacles. Those within the area of effect,
be they friend or foe, lose 14 Wounds, regardless of Toughness Bonus or armour.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “Due
to the cataclysmic nature of this conjuration, all Wizards within a 5-mile radius are
aware of the disturbance in the Aethyr that casting Wind of Death causes. The Lords of
the Amethyst Order have many cruel and unusual punishments for those that tarry
with this spell needlessly, or too often.”
Youth’s Bane
CN: 10
Range: 12 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You cause one character within range to age years in a matter of seconds. The target
must make a successful Willpower test or permanently lose 10 points from his
Strength and Toughness Characteristics. While it affects animals, Youth’s Bane has no
effect on Daemons and the Undead. Similarly, it has no effect on items and natural
materials such as food, plants, leather etc.
Lore of Fire

“Aqshy is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an

expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state
of high emotion.”

Boiling Blood
CN: 8
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You cause a target who fails on a Hard (–20) Toughness test to suffer excruciating pain
as its blood boils. Every round for the duration, the target suffers an amount of
damage equal to your Willpower bonus as it cooks from the inside out. This bypasses
armour. In addition, while under the effects of this spell, the target suffers a –20
penalty to all Perception Tests due to hallucinations and pain. Targets killed by Boiling
Blood explode into a fountain of superheated blood that deals 6 damage to all
creatures within 4 yards of the victim.

Burning Vengeance
CN: 12
Range: See description
Target: A person you have met within the last week
Duration: 1 year and 1 day
You cause the target of this spell to have a burning desire for vengeance against
another character. You must name both the target and the object of the vendetta
during the casting of the spell, and you must have met them both face-to-face in the
last week for the spell to take hold. If the target fails a Difficult (–10) Willpower test,
they become obsessed with getting revenge on the named character. They can’t
articulate why; all they know is that their enemy is a betrayer and deserving only of
death. The spell lasts for one year and one day, or until vengeance is taken. Each
month the target can make another Willpower test to try to shake the spell, but these
subsequent tests are Very Hard (–30). Burning Vengeance, once ignited, is hard to
extinguish; the target’s quest for revenge can often lead them into trouble with those
close to them or the law, who will surely notice their unusual new obsession.

CN: 4
Range: 12 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
A target you designate within range must succeed on an opposed Willpower test
against you or become irate towards another target you designate. If the target fails
the test by -2 SL or more, it attacks the designated target. Each round, the target may
attempt a new Willpower test to shrug off the effects of this spell.

Conflagration of Doom
CN: 16
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: See description
The most destructive spell in the Bright Wizard’s arsenal, Conflagration of Doom is a
terrifying display of Aqshy’s destructive potential. When you call down a Conflagration
of Doom, a fiery inferno engulfs a target area you can see within range. This area is an
AoE with a radius of 12 yards starting from the chosen point. Those affected, friend or
foe, take Willpower bonus x 4 damage per round while inside the vortex. Additionally,
affected targets gain 2 Ablaze conditions. The spell lasts until nothing in the area is left
alive, and all available fuel has been consumed.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “As
this is such a violent and powerful conjuration, all Wizards within a 5-mile radius are
aware of the disturbance in the Aethyr that this spell causes. Bright Order Battle
Wizards often seek out those using this spell in a careless way to talk about limiting its
use in a rather pointed fashion.”

Consuming Wrath
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You cause a target to become overwhelmed with burning hate. The target must
succeed on a Difficult (–10) Willpower test to resist the effects of this spell. On a failed
test, the target gains a +10 bonus to its Weapon Skill and Toughness characteristics;
however, each round, the target takes 1 Wound from the consuming fires of rage
within them, ignoring any armour and Toughness. The target attacks the nearest
creature, regardless if they are an ally or enemy. They can break free from this spell by
succeeding on a Difficult (–10) Willpower test— a free action they may take at the end
of each turn.

CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You may either instantaneously cook one serving of food to your liking or cause one
liter or less of water (or a similar liquid) to immediately come to a furious boil. This is a
touch spell.

Persistent Flame
CN: 4
Range: 12 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus days
You render any single fire, up to the size of a campfire, within range completely
inextinguishable by wind or water, whether magical or natural. In addition to being
inextinguishable, the fire consumes no fuel while the spell persists. If the spell’s fuel is
scattered, the flame continues burning on the smaller pieces; an inextinguishable
campfire kicked apart, for example, continues to burn as component logs. After the
spell expires, the fire continues burning naturally until its fuel is consumed or some
force puts it out.

Ruin and Destruction

CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You cause a non-living, non-magical object to instantaneously be destroyed as if by
fire. Depending on your SL over the spell’s CN, you can affect different ranges of
objects; at +0 to +1, you can affect items up to Encumbrance 1 (items that will
generally fit in the palm of your hand), with +2 you can affect items up to
Encumbrance 2 (items that can comfortably be supported with one arm), with +3 items
up to Encumbrance 3 or 4 (items that can be lifted off the ground with relative ease),
and with +4 up to items that can be hauled or dragged by a horse. The precise remains
of the object after the spell is cast depend on its nature and are left to the GM to
decide on a case-by-base basis. A sheaf of papers would be reduced to ash. A sturdy
wooden chair would be reduced to a collection of charred bits of wood. A sword would
be charred black and its leather wrappings destroyed, but the sword itself would be
largely intact. The overall rule is any object that would be essentially destroyed by a
prolonged fire is essentially destroyed by Ruin and Destruction. After the spell is over,
the object is left cold to the touch and safe to handle.

Taste of Fire
CN: 3
Range: 12 plus Willpower yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You impart one batch of food or drink with a fiery potency. This makes food spicy and
imparts the burning flavour and effect of alcoholic spirits to beverages of any kind. A
“batch” of food consists of a plate of food served to you, a common serving container
of one dish (a whole stewpot, for example), or a single container of some beverage up
to and including a whole barrel of water or keg of ale. Beverages which were already
alcoholic have their potency increased to that of spirits. The effect of spicy food on
those unaccustomed to it—the caster is always considered accustomed—causes
intestinal distress for several hours unless a Toughness test is passed.
Lore of Heavens

“Azyr has few temporal boundaries and supposedly reaches into all the possible
futures as readily as it floats across physical distances.”

CN: 2
Range: Earshot
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You can speak and understand the language of birds for the duration of the spell.
However, this does not force birds to talk to you or answer your questions. Cunning
birds may even lie or demand favours in return for their knowledge. A bird’s opinion of
you will be based on the way you appear and act. You do, however, by virtue of this
spell, gain insight into the customs and behaviour of birds, understanding, for
example, why a flock of birds is behaving in some particular way, or why a given nest
might have been abandoned.

Clear Sky
CN: 4
Range: Caster’s vision
Target: The sky within range
Duration: Instant
You clear a single cloud from the sky, or, in the event of a completely overcast sky,
clear a shaft roughly 100 yards in diameter through the cloud cover. Clouds continue
to blow and form naturally in the aftermath of this spell, so the amount of time you
have an uninterrupted view of the sky above depends on the weather. When cast in
the rain, this spell also stops precipitation, though it is hard to stop precipitation over
a given point on the ground, as the winds drive falling rain in ways that are difficult to
perceive and predict.

CN: 6
Range: 24 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You curse one opponent within range, cutting them off from the strings of fortune and
fate. For the spell’s duration, the target suffers a –10 penalty on all tests and all attacks
against them gain a +1 bonus to damage. A target can only be the subject of one curse
at a time.

Fate of Doom
CN: 14
Range: 1 mile
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You use the mightiest of magic to alter the course of fate itself. Before you can cast
Fate of Doom, you must acquire a lock of hair or drop of blood from the intended
target. With this in hand, you can attempt to doom your victim. You must be within 1
mile of the target for Fate of Doom to be effective. If you cast this spell successfully,
your opponent must pass a Very Hard (–30) Willpower test or be forced to treat the
next Critical Hit suffered as if it had a Critical Value of 100.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “As
this is such an awesome conjuration, all Wizards within a 5-mile radius are aware of
the disturbance in the Aethyr that this spell causes. Elder Astromancers teach that this
spell is reserved for the most heinous of foes.”
Finding Divination
CN: 8
Range: Functionally unlimited
Target: Any item you have good knowledge of
Duration: Instant
You follow signs in the sky in order to locate some item that has been lost or hidden
from you. You can either attempt to find a general item (“a source of clean water,” for
example, or “My kingdom for a horse!”) or some specific thing (“my purse,” or “the
stolen sword of my companion Karl”). Upon casting the spell, you gain a strong sense
of which direction the thing you’ve specified can be found in, though you get no sense
of the distance to it. When searching for a general item, the direction to the closest
exemplar of that type of thing is gleaned. In order to look for a specific thing, you must
be familiar with it, either from having examined it or having had it described to you in
great detail. Multiple Finding Divinations are generally required to triangulate and zero
in on the target of your search. Finding Divination does not respect the difficulty of
traversing barriers like bodies of water, castle walls, and the like.

Lens on the Sky

CN: 2
Range: See description
Target: An empty point of space in front of you
Duration: 2 plus Willpower bonus minutes
You create a disc that floats in the air before you and magnifies everything behind it
that is far away. This gives you a +20 bonus on all attempts to perceive such things
where the only difficulty is distance, or it gives you a +10 bonus where there are other
impediments, such as clouds or fog. Astromancers typically use this spell to gain a
clear perspective on stars and other features of the heavens, but it can also be used to
view faraway land features, structures, and even individuals
Lightning Storm
CN: 8
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point within range
Duration: Instant
You summon a storm of lightning anywhere you can see within range. This is an
Aethyric storm summoned from the Realm of Chaos and may appear anywhere, from
the deepest sewer to the wildest heath. Lightning Storm is an area of effect that has a
radius of 12 yards, and appears at the highest point available in the area in which it
has been cast. Those within the AoE take Willpower bonus damage, and gain 2
Stunned conditions.

CN: 1
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Instant
You can divine the future in a limited way by reading the stars. Due to the nature of
the spell, the caster must have a clear view of the night sky; otherwise, the spell fails
automatically. When you cast Omen, you can attempt to discover if the timing is
favourable or unfavourable for an action you specify. The GM should secretly roll an
Intelligence Test for you. If it’s a success, the result of the omen (favourable or
unfavourable) is true. If it’s a failure, the result of the omen is false, but you think it’s
true (this is why the GM rolls instead of you). In either case, the GM should also
secretly roll 2d10; this is the number of hours for which the omen holds true. Beyond
that time, results are too difficult to calculate. The GM must determine, to the best of
their knowledge, the true answer when adjudicating this spell.
Polish, Clean, and Gleam
CN: 0
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
Any piece of equipment related to perception— telescopes, mirrors, windows, and so
on—is cleaned to spotlessness. Young Wizards in the College of Celestial Magic often
surreptitiously use this spell to clean and polish the astronomy equipment of their
elders (surreptitiously, because circumventing chores with magic is grounds for
punishment). Many apprentices use Polish, Clean, and Gleam, then purposely
introduce subtle smudges in order to disguise their magical handiwork, which
surpasses what most people can accomplish with rag and brush.

Project Spirit
CN: 7
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You loosen your spirit so it slips free from your body. While in spirit form, you are
invisible, but you can see and hear normally. While you can go anywhere you like, you
are still limited by the laws of the mortal world. Thus, you cannot fly, move through
walls or doors, and because you are bodiless, you cannot manipulate solid objects.
You can will yourself to move through openings that you could ordinarily slip through,
such as an open window or slipping in behind a guard when he opens a door, for
example. Before the spell ends, you must re-enter your body. If you are somehow
prevented from doing so, your consciousness returns to your body, but you must
succeed on a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or gain 3 Corruption points as the Realm of
Chaos beckons your unprotected, errant soul. You may not cast this spell on others.
Signs in the Stars
CN: 8
Range: See description
Target: A patch of night sky you can see
Duration: Instant
You manipulate the Wind of Azyr to write a subtle message in the stars. The message is
not detailed and can only serve to communicate complex ideas if you and the one you
intend to receive the message have discussed the signs you intend to send in advance
(“One if by land, two if by sea,” for example). In order to recognize and interpret the
sign in the stars you inscribe, those searching for it must make a successful Academic
Knowledge (Astronomy) Test. In fact, anyone who looks at the sky can make such a test
to realize a sign in the stars has been inscribed. Without knowledge of what you intend
to communicate, however, the meaning cannot easily be divined. That said, there is
something of a “language” of signs in the stars known to Celestial Wizards and others
who study the heavens. By placing signs in the stars in or near certain constellations or
regions of the sky at certain times, it is possible to communicate danger, opportunity,
and similar concepts, and to associate them with certain regions of the world, certain
Gods, or certain races. It would be possible to communicate “There is doom for men
this day,” for example, or “Fate will smile on Sigmar’s followers when the sun rises.”
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “The
Wizard Lords of the Celestial College frown upon those who scribe signs in the stars
unnecessarily and mete out unpleasant punishments on those they believe used this
powerful magic lightly or pointlessly.”

CN: 8
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You channel the light of the stars. The area around you is illuminated by a soft light
that reveals all that is hidden. Darkness (both magical and mundane) is banished, the
invisible is made visible, hidden or disguised characters are exposed, and secret areas
(doors, chambers, etc.) are revealed. Starshine lasts for a number of minutes equal to
your Willpower bonus.

Wind Blast
CN: 6
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You call down raging winds from the planet’s atmosphere to blow your opponents
over. Wind Blast is a cone AoE that is 2 feet wide at its narrowest point, 8 feet wide at
its widest point, and can be up to 10 feet long. Those within the AoE, be they friend or
foe, are knocked down (unless they are of Enormous size or larger) and must make a
Toughness test or gain the Stunned condition. While in the area of effect, characters
cannot fire missile weapons (or be targeted by them) and must make a successful
Strength test in order to move. Melee attacks can be made but with a –2 SL penalty.
Lore of Metal

“Along with its tendency to gather in and coil around earthly metals, Chamon
represents the reality of logic, the desire to quantify, the desire and need to
learn and instruct, and the wish to implement learning to practical or tangible

Breach the Unknown

CN: 10
Range: 6 feet
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
This spell allows you to unlock all secrets of an object, learning the material
composition as well as any mundane special properties it might contain. For instance,
a Gold Wizard using Breach the Unknown could learn the medicinal character of the
toadstone (see Old World Armoury page 74). In addition to the normal effects of this
spell, you may make a special Difficult (–10) Channelling test to discern a magic item’s
special properties. For each success level over +1, you learn one of the magic item’s
features. In the case of cursed, tainted, or otherwise spoilt items, you uncover the
dangerous properties last.

Curse of Rust
CN: 8
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You rust and corrode one non-magical metal object within range, making it pitted and
worn. You can affect an object with an Encumbrance of 2 or less. Objects affected by
Curse of Rust are considered to have the Shoddy and Undamaging qualities, if

Fault of Form
CN: 4
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You subtly alter the composition and characteristics of any single weapon within
range. The weapon temporarily loses the effects of any beneficial Weapon Quality for
the spell’s duration, and its wielder suffers a –10 Weapon Skill penalty when using it.
Weapon Flaws are made worse by Fault of Form: Dangerous weapons fumble on rolls
of 80–00, Slow weapons impart a +20 bonus to enemy parries and dodges, Tiring
weapons never give an Impact or Damaging bonus, and Undamaging weapons cause
no damage when striking an area with more than two points of armour.

CN: 2
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: Instant
By passing your hand over any metallic surface, you cause an inscription to appear
indelibly in the object. The inscription may be of any length that will reasonably fit on
the object in question, though every dozen words past the first twelve increase the
casting time by an additional action. The inscription appears in your own handwriting,
so others who are familiar with your hand may be able to identify you as the originator
of the inscription.

Law of Age
CN: 6
Range: 2 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 object within range
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus minutes
You cause a solid, inanimate object to become brittle, making it shatter easily. Its
weight and feel is unchanged. Typically, this results in a reduced difficulty to break an
object, such as kicking through a door or window, bursting bindings, breaking bars and
so on.

Law of Form
CN: 2
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus minutes
You transmute a solid, inanimate object, making it harden like steel. It gains the weight
and feel of solid metal, though its appearance remains unchanged. Typically, this
results in an increased Encumbrance for the object, increases the difficulty for
Strength tests to burst through doors or other barriers (including glass windows),
strengthens rope bindings, prevents torches from igniting it, and so on.

Law of Lead
CN: 8
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You enshroud a magic item within range in strands of Chamon, suppressing its special

Law of Logic
CN: 4
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 5 minutes
You use the magic of logic to aid one Skill or Characteristic test. You must cast this
spell before the test is taken. If cast successfully, law of logic provides a +20 bonus on
the relevant Skill or Characteristic Test.

Rigidity of Body and Mind

CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Your body and mind take on the properties of metal that make them strong, resistant,
and immutable. You gain the equivalent of one Armour Point in all locations
(cumulative with other armour to a maximum of 5 APs) and a +10 bonus to your
Willpower. You further find that you are resistant to changing your mind during the
spell’s duration; this effect is not enforced with statistics but must be roleplayed to the
GM’s satisfaction.

Secret Rune
CN: 5
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: Instant
This spell can be cast in two ways: to record a secret message or to view a secret
message so recorded. The former is cast in the same way as Inscription, but rather
than being visible for all to see, the message is invisible to all, even upon close
examination of the item. In order to see a message inscribed by secret rune, the spell
is cast in the second way, rendering the message visible. Gold Wizards frequently use
this spell to communicate with one another. They commonly cast Secret Rune on an
item again once its message is read, to keep the contents safe from prying eyes.

Stoke the Forge

CN: 2
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus hours
You cause an already-burning fire in any forge, fireplace, or other man-made housing
where heat and flame are bent to Human purpose to burn as hotly as is naturally
possible and without consuming additional fuel for the duration.

Tale of Metal
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: You touch a metal object and look into its past, seeing the circumstances of
its forging and creation as if you were there. Later, you can try to recall a specific fact
about what you saw with a successful Intelligence test.

Trial and Error

CN: 6
Range: 12 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: 1 turn
You use magic to guide the efforts of all allies within range of the spell. Until your next
turn, each affected character is allowed to re-roll exactly one test or damage roll. The
second roll is final.
Lore of Life

“Ghyran’s energy is particularly attracted to water and saturates the earth with
its life-giving power. It is drawn up through the roots of all plants it comes into
contact with, feeding all living things, and encouraging their growth.”

Curse of Thorns
CN: 6
Range: 36 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You cause thorns to grow inside the body of one character within range, wracking
them with excruciating pain. While under the effect of this spell, the target must make
a successful Willpower test or lose 1 Wound (regardless of Toughness or armour) and
suffer a –20 penalty on all tests for that round.

CN: 1
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 24 hours
You convert an amount of liquid (enough to sustain a dozen people for a day), no
matter how foul or brackish, into a mildly fermented beverage of your choice (ale,
beer, wine, mead, and so on).

Flesh of Clay
CN: 8
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Your skin hardens until it becomes as dense and unyielding as the earth itself. Your
Strength and Toughness are doubled, but your Agility and Movement are halved
(rounded down).

CN: 8
Range: 24 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
You cause a geyser of water to shoot up from an area of natural earth within range.
This area is an AoE with a radius of 4 yards. Those within the area take Willpower
bonus damage and are knocked 8 yards (4 squares) in the direction of your choice by
the erupting water. Enormous or larger creatures are not moved, but take damage
regardless. Further, any fires within 4 yards of the AoE are extinguished by the burst of
water. Additionally, anyone caught within 2 yards of the initial blast gains 1 Stunned
condition. After the initial burst, a stream of slowly bubbling water forms in the area of
the initial AoE until the next hour, after which the flow stops completely.

Leaf Fall
CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You conjure a swirling vortex of leaves to spin about you. While concealed by the
spinning leaves, all Ballistic Skill tests made against you suffer a –20 penalty, though
you yourself are not affected. You may only cast this spell on yourself.
River’s Whisper
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You commune with the spirit of a river. To cast this spell, you must be at least waist
deep in the river in question. As your magic and indeed a part of yourself flow into the
water, you can ask questions of events surrounding the river. You can ask about
anything that happened on or in the river over the past 24 hours and up to 1 mile up
or downstream. Answers are quite general. You could find out, for instance, that two
boats had passed downriver and that one of them was especially large. You could not
find out the names of the boats or their passengers. You might find out that Orcs
attacked one of the boats, but not what tribe the Orcs came from.

Spring Bloom
CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You concentrate the power of Ghyran into one area or being. You can affect either a
plot of land the size of a farmer’s field or one living being of any race. A field will
literally burst with life, and the next harvest is guaranteed to be abundant. If cast on a
living being, conception will occur within a month if all other normal conditions (i.e.
breeding) are met.

Summer Heat
CN: 6
Range: 12 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You cause a small area to burn with the heat of summer. Summer Heat is an AoE with
a radius of 6 yards. Those in the affected area sweat profusely and feel incredibly
fatigued, as if they had been working all day under the hot sun; they suffer a –20
penalty on all tests for the spell’s duration.

Track’s Tale Told

CN: 2
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You listen for subtle signs of earth and branch, giving you a +20 bonus to any tests to
track or gain information about those who have recently passed through a wilderness
area. The bonus most commonly applies to Track tests, though it may aid other tests
depending on the situation and your approach. You may continue to follow a given
track, gaining the benefits of this spell, until the track crosses a man-made road or
enters a cultivated or inhabited area.

Tree Dweller’s Step

CN: 2
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus hours
You imbue one character or creature with great ability to climb and traverse natural
obstacles, giving him a +20 bonus on any climbing or manoeuvring tests made on
natural surfaces. The bonus most commonly applies to Climb and Agility tests. You
may also cast this spell on yourself.

Tree’s Rustle
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus hours
While sitting in the boughs of a tree, you converse with it, gaining knowledge of what it
has seen and heard. Trees will not lie, but they are not quick of wit or speech and are
unfamiliar with the reasons men do things. Trees may not cooperate with you if your
companions are seen chopping firewood, burning campfires, or the like. They may also
ask favours before answering questions or parting with dearly held information. If the
tree you converse with is part of a copse, wood, or forest, it is likely to have news and
information about what the other trees nearby know, for trees are constantly in
conversation about the goings-on in their wooded domains. Due to the speed with
which trees converse, 1 hour of tree-speech is equal to one minute of Human speech.

Vital Growth
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Constant
You channel the power of Ghyran to give great vitality to plant growth. While you
focus, the targeted plant grows at great speed, as though a day has passed for every
additional full action (1 action = 6 seconds) you take concentrating. A season’s worth of
crops can thus grow in about fifteen minutes, and in an hour, a tree will show a year’s
growth. If you concentrate too long, though, plants may outlive their natural span and
die. Plants can only grow in soil that would normally support them; an oak cannot be
grown in the desert, nor will wheat grow in bare rock.

The Undisturbed Wilds

CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: You plus Willpower bonus targets
Duration: See description
You move through wildlands as though traversing the most finely maintained roads in
the Empire and leave no trace whatsoever of your passage. “Wildlands” includes any
wilderness generally uninhabited by Humans, but does not include cultivated land of
any type. The spell lasts until you cross a man-made road, cross a track or trail
generally used by intelligent creatures, enter a man-made structure, cut living wood to
make a fire or shelter, or have travelled 100 miles. You may cast this spell multiple
times to affect a larger number of people.

Winter’s Teeth
CN: 12
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
Summoning a vortex of the biting winds of the wildest winter storm, you coat
everything in an area with a thick layer of frost. Winter’s Teeth is an AoE with a radius
of 12 yards. Anyone within the affected area takes Willpower bonus damage and must
make a successful Endurance test; if failed, they are considered helpless for +1 round
for every 2 SL under the threshold (a target scoring -0 or -1 will be helpless for 1
round, a target scoring -2 or -3 SL will be helpless for 2 rounds, and so on), as they are
completely hindered by ice and snow. The frost remains for a number of minutes
equal to your Willpower bonus. As long as the frost persists, movement in this area is
at half rate.

Wood Shape
CN: 8
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You allow a willing creature to take the shape of a tree. The type of tree depends on
the character of the individual; such that a melancholy person might transform into a
weeping willow, while an evil witch would assume the form of a black oak. While in
tree form, the creature can see and hear normally. A character in tree form is
vulnerable to the normal sorts of things that could kill a tree, such as fire, axes, fungus,
and so on. To return an affected target to their normal form before the spell’s duration
ends, the caster must touch the transformed person and will the spell to end;
otherwise, the transformed person may attempt a Willpower test to end the spell
early. You may cast Wood Shape on yourself.
Lore of Light

“Hysh is the light that banishes darkness and keeps terror from your doorstep.
Although diffuse and difficult to manipulate, it is constant and steady
luminance, the complete opposite of Chaos' randomness.”

Boon of Hysh
CN: 12
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You wrap a single character in the healing power of Hysh and all damage and maladies
affecting them are healed. This includes all Wounds (excluding the effects of Critical
wounds, except conditions as result of) sustained, diseases currently being suffered,
poisons currently in their system, and the like. You can also cast this spell on yourself.

Cleansing Glow
CN: 1
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
A dim glow passes over the surface of any item or character, and it is cleaned to
spotlessness. Dust is removed, tarnish polished away, rank smells eliminated, and
beard stubble trimmed. Spoiled food or drink can be made pure—tasty, even, if it
originally was—by means of this magic. Cleansing Glow cannot remove poisons or
toxins from consumables, however.

Eyes of Truth
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your eyes shine with Hysh, exposing the truth of the world around you. You can see
through illusions, magical and mundane darkness, invisibility, and disguises within
Willpower bonus yards. Concealed characters are revealed as well.

CN: 6
Range: 8 yards
Target: You plus Willpower bonus targets
Duration: Instant
You use the power of Hysh to aid characters suffering from disease or poison. If this
spell is cast successfully, any diseases affecting the targets have their durations halved
(rounded down). Alternatively, the spell can remove one poison from each target,
nullifying all its effects. You must decide if Illbane will treat disease or poison when
you cast the spell.

Illuminate the Edifice

CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: 1 plus Willpower bonus hours
You cause the interior spaces of any single building to shine with daylight. With an SL
of +0 in your Language (Magic) or Channelling test to cast the spell you can affect a
hovel-sized building, with +1 a moderately sized multi-roomed house or building, with
+2 a large manor house, and with +3 any single contiguous building of any size
whatsoever. The light shines in rooms, attics, closets, and any other spaces bounded
by a man-made roof and walls on all sides. In addition to illuminating the interior of
the building, light shines out through open doors, windows, and even the cracks
between boards and shingles. You must touch a solid structural element (wall, beam,
or the like) of the building to be affected.

Light of Purity
CN: 6
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: See description
In casting this spell, you light a fire of any size from candle to campfire. All those
within the area illuminated by that flame automatically pass any Toughness tests
necessary to resist any disease for as long as the flame burns. The fire may be
increased in size (by adding more fuel to a fire, for example) and even split into
multiple fires (such as by lighting a second candle with a first). In the latter case,
“child” fires have the same full effects as their “parents,” and the effect lasts for all
those illuminated by any of the fires until such time as they go out.

Light’s Demand
CN: 8
Range: AoE centered on caster
Target: Targets within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You cause a brilliant shaft of light to explode forth from your hand. Light’s Demand is a
cone AoE that is 2 feet wide at its narrowest point, 8 feet wide at its widest point, and
can be up to 10 feet long. All creatures from the Realm of Chaos (e.g. daemons) caught
in the area of this spell must make a Willpower test. Those who fail cannot take move
actions for as long as you maintain the shaft. Additionally, you may extend the
duration of this spell for an additional round per Wound you sacrifice.
Pillar of Radiance
CN: 12
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
You focus and concentrate the energy of Hysh into a deadly column of burning light
anywhere within range. Pillar of Radiance is an AoE with a radius of 10 feet. Those
within the affected area take Willpower bonus +2 damage and must make a successful
Dexterity test or gain 3 Blinded conditions; regardless of the results of the test, those
within the affected area by Pillar of Radiance gain 2 Ablaze conditions.
Optional flavor: To prevent the over-use of a spell with such powerful effects on the
game-world, a practically-minded GM may choose to observe the following rule. “As
this is such a potent conjuration, all Wizards within a 5-mile radius are aware of the
disturbance in the Aethyr that this spell causes. Using this spell for anything other than
daemonic combat is deeply frowned upon by the Elder Hierophants of the Light

The Power of Truth

CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 2 plus Willpower Bonus minutes
A character you touch becomes more convincing to others but only if they speak
honestly. If they abide by that restriction, the character gains a +30 bonus on Charm
tests and can affect double the normal number of people (such doubling should be
done after the effects of the Public Speaking or Master Orator Talents are factored in).
The influence of this spell is not obvious (the target doesn’t have a glowing aura or the
accompaniment of unearthly music). You can also cast The Power of Truth on yourself.
Radiant Sentinel
CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You create a ball of glowing light about the size of a Human head that floats around
your body, moving as slowly or quickly as the situation demands. The ball deflects
blows aimed against you, protecting you from harm. Once per round, Radiant Sentinel
may parry a melee attack made against you, using your Willpower in place of Weapon
Skill. This does not count towards your limit of one action per round.

Radiant Weapon
CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You temporarily enchant a melee weapon you touch with the radiant power of Hysh.
The weapon counts as magical and gains Willpower bonus damage bonus against
Daemons. The wielder of a radiant weapon automatically fails any Concealment tests
they attempt to make.

Shimmering Cloak
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You surround yourself with a field of light that protects you from ranged attacks. All
non-magical missile attacks have their base Damage rating reduced to 0 (this does not
mitigate damage added by the attacker’s SB). You automatically fail any Concealment
tests you attempt while Shimmering Cloak is in effect.
Lore of Shadows

“Ulgu is drawn to the natural mists and fogs of the mortal world, where it hangs
upon the quiet chill of the air, wrapping all in smoky shadows. Ulgu is also
drawn to deceptions, mystery, and illusions.”

CN: 8
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You can cast this spell on any one character or creature within range. The victim must
make a successful Willpower test or become bewildered for the duration. The
bewildered character must roll percentile dice and consult the following chart to
determine what they’ll do until the spell wears off.

Roll Action

01-20 Befuddled. Shadows cling to your limbs like

heavy chains, threatening to pull you under.
You can either move or take an action, but not

21-40 Wander. Lost in a sea of darkness, you run in a

random direction, as determined by the GM.

41-60 Attack! You spot what must surely be the

enemy! Attack the nearest character with an
all out attack, be it friend or foe. If the nearest
character is out of reach, you must move
towards them as fast as possible and engage
them in melee combat (making a charge attack
if possible).

61-80 Do nothing. Where are you? How long have you

been lost in this dark mist? The bewildered
character cannot take any actions or move.

81-00 Curl into a ball. All hope is lost. May the Gods
have mercy on your soul. The bewildered
character counts as helpless for this round.

Burning Shadows
CN: 6
Range: 18 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Instant
You cause the shadows around you to burn like acid, inflicting Willpower bonus +2
damage on any enemies within range of you upon whom a shadow from any light
source as or more powerful than a torch falls at the moment you cast this spell. Lack
of light alone does not constitute shadow for the purposes of this spell; targets must
be in a distinct shadow cast by some object interrupting light shining from some
source. Simply being indoors does not count; the building’s structure is not “casting a
shadow” inside. As always, the GM is the final arbiter.

Cloak Activity
CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
This spell allows you to perform any act while appearing to do something completely
different. You appear to be exactly where you are, but engaged in a different activity.
For example, you can appear to all eyes to be reading a book when you are actually
punching someone in the face. If your action affects someone else (an attack, spell,
picking a pocket, etc.), the victim is allowed an Average (+20) Intelligence test to see
through the illusion. If cast successfully, Cloak Activity also disguises the act of casting
the spell.

Dread Aspect
CN: 9
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute
You make yourself look like a nightmare creature of purest dread, causing Terror (3)
for the duration.

Eye of the Beholder

CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: Touch
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You make any moderately sized item (Encumbrance 3 or less) appear to be either
worthless or valuable, whichever you choose. Worthless items appear rusted, rotten,
broken, or the like, depending on their nature, while valuable items appear to be finely
made, ornate, and crafted with great ingenuity. The apparent flaws or virtues of the
item do not affect its actual behaviour: A normal sword enchanted to appear worthless
still cuts just fine, and a crooked arrow enchanted to appear masterfully crafted
doesn’t fly any more true. Tests to appraise the item whose nature is concealed by this
spell suffer a –20 penalty.

Mockery of Death
CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus days
You wrap a person in a tightly wound veil of Ulgu, making them appear and behave as
if dead to all sight and inspection. That person continues to sense his environment
through hearing, smell, and—if his eyes are open—sight, but they cannot move their
body in any way whatsoever until the spell ends. However, they continue to require air
and other essentials of life. This state persists until you will it to end or until the spell’s
natural duration runs its course. An unwilling target can resist the spell with a
successful Average (+20) Willpower test. You can also cast this spell on yourself.

Mutable Visage
CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You make your target subtly more or less attractive, but in a way that has a noticeable
effect on the way people regard them in social situations. The effect provides either a
+10 bonus or –10 penalty (your choice) to Fellowship for the duration. An unwilling
target may make an Opposed Willpower test with you to avoid the spell’s effects. You
can also cast this spell on yourself.

CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You wrap yourself in the shadows around you, making you more difficult to detect.
Shadowcloak gives you a +20 bonus on Stealth tests for the spell’s duration.

Substance of Shadow
CN: 9
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
Select a single character or an object with an Encumbrance no greater than 4 that lies
entirely within a shadow. The subject being affected by Substance of Shadow becomes
invisible and silent. The subject also becomes partially insubstantial. This means
others cannot affect the target physically—they cannot attack a character affected by
this spell, cannot shove or pick up (or even stumble over) an object affected by this
spell, and so on. The target, however, can physically affect anything they or it normally
could. An affected character could move around and launch attacks, an affected piece
of rope could suspend some object, an affected Wizard could cast spells, and so forth.
The effects of this spell continue indefinitely as long as the target remains entirely in
shadow, but the effects end as soon as the shadow concealing the target is
interrupted, even for an instant. Lack of light alone does not constitute shadow for the
purposes of this spell; targets must be in a distinct shadow cast by some object
interrupting light shining from some source. Simply being indoors does not count; the
building’s structure is not “casting a shadow” inside. As always, the GM is the final
arbiter. You may cast this spell on yourself.

Take No Heed
CN: 3
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You become very easy to ignore. Although people can see you perfectly fine, they tend
not to notice you, and don’t recall anything about you after you’ve gone. People must
make an Opposed Willpower test with you in order to approach or talk to you unless
you speak first, even if they’ve noticed you earlier. (They need not re-roll in the middle
of a conversation, but if, for example, a shopkeeper succeeded in a roll to notice you
when you came into his shop but was busy with other things at that moment, he’d
need to make another roll to come over and talk to you later in your visit.) Even those
who notice and approach or speak to you must make another (unopposed) Willpower
test to remember any specific details about you after you’ve gone. The nature of this
spell is such that its effects do not disturb or alarm those trying to notice or remember
you; they chalk the situation up to distractions or the like.
High Magic (WIP)

"It is a vision of beauty! Of absolute wonder! It is so bright that it burns my

mortal eyes as well as my immaterial ones! It shines like a mother-of-pearl lit by
a thousand suns, scouring me with absolute brilliance and yet filling me with
indescribable elation. How tempting it is to reach out for it, to try to grasp it and
weave it as I do the purity of Hysh. And yet I know that were I to try, it would be
my end, for even gazing upon it with the unseen eyes of my Gift, I am brought
low and must close myself off to its glory after but a fleeting moment. How I
long to stand for even the shortest time in the body of our great master and
mentor, Loremaster Teclis, and be thus enabled to reach out and touch the
radiance that is Qhaysh..."

Possible High Magic spells (at least 8):

Apotheosis (healing spell, possibly removes some corruption & gives small fellowship
Hand of Glory (augments allies, needs some special characteristic probably)
Arcane Unforging (flashy damaging spell)
Glamour of Teclis (AoE debuff)
Deadlock (forces Willpower duel between mages to apply debuffs)
Walk Between Worlds (teleportation/transportation spell)
Drain Magic
Soul Quench
Witch Magic

Please note: the following section contains spells from the Realm of the Ice Queen
supplement for WFRP 2nd edition, which lists two separate lores of magic under Witch
Magic: Hag and Ice magic. Hag magic plays into the Russian Baba Yaga parallel of
Kislev’s lore, while Ice magic is, well, pretty much exactly what the name suggests. In
4th edition, there exists a lore of magic called The Lore of Witchcraft; this list should be
considered a separate lore from that, despite the name. “Witch Magic” as referred to
here should be understood to be Kislevite witch magic in particular, which functions
differently from the magic detailed in the 4th edition book, which is Empire witch
magic; however, as always, it’s up to the GM if they want to observe the same rules for

Petty Magic (Hag) Spells

CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 minute
You call upon tiny spirits of good fortune. Whenever the target expends a Fortune
Point, they roll 1d10. On a roll of 8, 9, or 10, the Fortune Point works as normal but is
not spent. Charmed immediately ends upon successfully saving the Fortune Point.

CN: 2
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 day
You speak terrible words, invoking the spirits to curse a single target within range. The
target is entitled to a Willpower test to resist the spirits’ influence. The curse is
annoying and is in no way lethal nor causes any penalties aside from some mild
discomfort and perhaps a minor penalty on Fellowship Tests (no more than –10, at the
GM’s discretion). Example curses include: warts, boils, change in hair colour,
uncontrollable flatulence, smelly feet, and nasty rashes.

Resist Corruption
CN: 4
Range: See description
Target: 1 target
Duration: 1 hour
You utter an invocation to the spirits to gain their protection from the Ruinous Powers.
One target, whom you must spit upon, gains a +10 bonus to any test resisting Chaos,
including mutation and the powers of Chaos Magic.

Petty Magic (Ice) Spells

Chill Touch
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your hands leave a trail of gleaming frost behind, freezing any surface you touch. The
uses of this spell are many: from making the ground hazardous for pursuers to
weakening a door or wall to make them easier to be broken down. It may also be used
offensively, by making contact with an enemy in melee; this causes Willpower bonus
damage, regardless of armour, as their flesh is frozen through any protection they
may have.
Winter Walk
CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour
You demand winter spirits grant you passage. You take no penalties to movement
from blizzards, snow drifts, icy surfaces, and similar.

Expanded Arcane Magic Spells

With GM permission, the following spells may be purchased by any career with the
Arcane Magic Talent.

Ghost Shield
CN: 6
Range: 4 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You form an invisible shield around you that repels spirits. No creature with the
Ethereal Trait may move within the spell’s range. Any Ethereal creatures inside the
shield must move out on their next action. If you move or are moved, Ghost Shield

CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
Your magic disguises any deformity of appearance. You appear as an attractive version
of yourself no older than mid-twenties and may ignore any negative modifiers to your
Fellowship derived from appearance changes sourced from old age, mutations, or
similar. Every round you are significantly jostled you must pass a Willpower test or the
spell ends. This spell may be the source of the disturbing tales of hags seducing men
in the distant corners of the oblast.

CN: 5
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Instant
You draw magical power from an ancient sacred site, such as an Ogham, stone circle,
or sacred grove, and you use it to power a spell. You may roll an extra die to determine
your Casting Number for a spell if you cast it immediately after a successful use of Tap.
This extra die does not contribute towards determining a miscast.
Lore of the Hags

“The Ungol hag witches have dealt with Kislev’s spirits for countless generations.
They are called many names according to the traditions they practice; koldunja,
vorozheja, znarkharja, among others. But no matter their traditions, all are
known for one power above all others: their ability to curse their enemies to a
fate most foul.”

Banish Spirit
CN: 8
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
Select one creature within range with the Ethereal trait. Unless the creature wins an
opposed Willpower test against you, it instantly vanishes, screaming, into the Aethyr.

Cleanse Body
CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
This spell requires the use of fresh fish guts to be cast successfully; your target must
eat the fish guts as you weave your spell. The guts attract healing spirits to help drive
out spirits of disease and hurt. If the fish guts are kept down (which requires the target
pass a Willpower test), and you also succeed on a Willpower test, you expel one
disease spirit from the target (you heal one disease), and heal the target of a number
of Wounds equal to 1d4 plus your Willpower bonus.
Cleanse Soul
CN: 12
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
This spell requires the use of a cup of bear urine to be cast successfully; the target
must drink the bear’s urine, allowing you to attack any spirits of the Dark Gods
inhabiting them. Make a Difficult (–10) Willpower test. If the target is willing, the test is
automatically successful, and if the target succeeds on a Difficult (–10) Toughness test,
they lose one mutation of your choice. However, the power of Chaos is not easily
dismissed; the mutation returns if the target ever fails a Toughness test by 30 or more.

Cursed Pledge
CN: 9
Range: 10 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You demand the target enact a deed or suffer your wrath. The target is entitled to a
Difficult (–10) Willpower test to resist your command. On a failed test, the target
immediately suffers the effects of the Greater Curse (detailed below) spell if they do
not enact the deed (as determined by the GM). Targets commanded to hurt
themselves or act in a manner that would bring them harm receive a +30 bonus to
their Willpower test.

Form of the Ancient Widow

CN: 12
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Special (see below)
You invite the Ancient Widow’s most powerful spirits to inhabit you. You transform,
along with your trappings, into a grey-haired monstrosity over eight feet in height
(increasing your size from Average to Large), with glowing eyes, rusted metal teeth,
and long, iron talons. You gain a +20 bonus to your Weapon Skill, Strength, and
Toughness characteristics; you also gain the Fearless (All), Frightening, and Acute
Sense (vision) talents, along with the Bite, Dark Vision, and Ghostly Howl creature
traits. Additionally, your claws count as a weapon with damage +8. Form of the Ancient
Widow ends when you suffer a Critical Wound, go to sleep, or when you end the spell
voluntarily with a full action.

Greater Curse
CN: 8
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You call the spirits to curse someone. A target is entitled to a Difficult (–10) Willpower
test to resist the curse. Choose a curse as directed in the Sample Curses table below.
Note that a target can only suffer from one Greater Curse at a time.

Sample Curses
When you learn the greater curse spell, you gain access to one of the following curses.
You may learn more for 100 xp each (however, the GM may require you learn the
curse from another hag first). GMs are encouraged to create unique curses for their
Lore of Ice

“As should be expected for a magic with its roots in wars on the Endless Steppe, Ice
Magic is deadly and extremely so, not just for the Witches’ enemies but for the Witches
themselves. Many apprentice Witches do not survive their training; indeed, some can
be found to this day in isolated corners of the Oblast, frozen eternally as sparkling
statues of ice by the magic they failed to control.”

Biting Wind
CN: 8
Range: 36 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You channel mighty flows of magic into a howling gale of cold. Anyone between you
and your target is slashed by wind-whipped ice shards dealing 4 + Willpower bonus
damage. In addition, creatures that are smaller than Enormous that have also lost at
least 2 Wounds from this spell must pass a Strength test or fall to the ground, prone.
Biting Wind is a magic missile.

CN: 8
Range: 48 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Choose a point within range you can see. A swirling flurry of snow and ice rises from
the land, freezing and blinding all in its path. Anyone outside the area affected by
Blizzard may require a Perception test to see anything inside the affected area clearly,
as dictated by the GM (making out a structure or a light source might be feasible, but
spotting a person would be considerably harder, for example). Blizzard is an AoE with
a radius of 24 yards; those within the affected area take 1d10 damage every round
(roll damage once, and apply the result to everyone in the area) and reduce their line
of sight to 6 yards (3 squares). Blizzard also imposes a –20 penalty to the Ballistic Skill
and Agility Tests of all in the area and reduces movement by half.
Chaos Magic

“I have witnessed the explosion of a thousand suns, the extinction of a

thousand worlds, the damnation of a thousand souls. I have tasted true power,
unvarnished, undiluted, pure—Dark Magic birthed unto Humanity with the cry
of our dying world. Whilst you dabble with but a single Wind, I have mastered
them all. Fear me, for I am thy better.

Chaos is magic, and magic is Chaos. Understanding this simple fact will dispel
all the delusions to which your small mind still clings. Oh, but what of the Warp
magic of the Skaven? Or the magic contained within the Dwarf Runes, or Battle
Magic, or the High Magic used by Elves? Fool, these are all Chaos, albeit, in
some cases, cunningly disguised, but Chaos all the same. You see, it really
doesn’t matter what the caster believes, what values he upholds, for whenever
he draws upon the so-called Winds of Magic, he harnesses loosed energy from
the Realm of Chaos…”

Optional rule: effects of Chaos Magic

Chaos Sorcerers, Black Magisters, and other users of Dark Magic believe theirs is the
path of true magic, unbound by the strictures imposed by Colour Magic or the heady
concepts of High Magic. They may be right; their spells are often more destructive and
powerful than other spells, but such power comes at a great price. Chaos Sorcerers
risk not only the effects of a potential miscast, but Dhar ravages the body when
recklessly used, resulting in unpredictable side-effects that leave a lasting scar on the
caster. Whenever you cast a spell using Chaos Magic that results in a Major Miscast,
you are at risk of a side-effect. If you get doubles on the percentile dice when resolving
the Miscast, you suffer from an additional side-effect. Roll percentiles again on Table:
Expanded Chaos Magic Side-Effects to see what happens. You can gain each side-effect
multiple times, and effects are cumulative. For example, each time you gain
Debilitation, you reduce your Toughness characteristic by –1d10.

Expanded Chaos Magic Side-Effects:

Roll Effect

01-05 Allergy: You have an extreme allergy to a common material, like leather
or fur. When in contact with it, you take a –10 penalty to your Weapon
Skill, Ballistic Skill, and Agility characteristics. If you roll this side-effect
more than once, the GM may decide through a coin flip if you either get
a new allergy or if your existing allergy becomes more severe.

06-10 Aversion: You develop an aversion to a common element of daily life

such as light, water, or the crying of infants. When forced to be around
it, you suffer a –10 penalty to your Willpower and Fellowship
characteristics. If you roll this side-effect more than once, the GM may
decide through a coin flip if you get a new aversion or if your existing
aversion becomes more severe.

11-15 Character Flaw: You develop an irritating character flaw, like excessive
arrogance, selfishness, or boorishness. Permanently reduce your
starting Fellowship characteristic by –1d10. If you roll this side-effect
more than once, the GM may decide through a coin flip if you either get
a new Character Flaw or if your existing Character Flaw becomes more

16-20 Corpulence: You experience a sudden increase in body weight. No

matter what you do, you just can’t seem to lose it. Increase your weight
by 20% each time you gain this side-effect. For every two times you gain
this result, you also permanently reduce your Agility characteristic by
21-25 Debilitation: As a result of a persistent mild sickness, such as a wracking
cough or a weakened constitution, you permanently lose –1d10 from
your Toughness characteristic.

26-30 Disfigurement: You gain a repulsive disfigurement of a random part of

your body as determined by the hit location chart. This can be anything
from unsightly sores to scaly skin to the growth of fur. Unless you
disguise the disfigurement, you suffer a –10 penalty to your Fellowship
characteristic in all social situations. If you roll this side-effect more
than once, the GM may decide through a coin flip if you either get a new
disfigurement or if your existing disfigurement becomes more severe.

31-35 Disgusting Habit: You develop a disgusting habit. It can be anything

from only being able to defecate in public to eating only raw flesh to
vomiting after every meal. Permanently reduce your Fellowship
characteristic by –1d10. If you roll this side-effect more than once, the
GM may decide through a coin flip if you either get a new disgusting
habit or if your existing habit becomes even more repugnant.

36-40 Disturbing Presence: Your aura becomes so malignant that children and
animals refuse to go near you, and you suffer a –10 penalty to your
Fellowship characteristic in all social situations.

41-45 Emaciation: You can no longer keep weight on your body, giving you a
gaunt, sickly appearance. Reduce your body weight by 20%. For every
two times you gain this result, you also permanently reduce your
Toughness Characteristic by –1d10.

46-50 Hobbled: One of your feet, legs, or ankles twists suddenly, permanently
reducing your Movement by –1 and giving you a painful, uneven gait.

51-55 Infested: Your body is infested with hundreds of small vermin, perhaps
lice, perhaps scabies. Nothing you do gets rid of them. Permanently
reduce your Willpower characteristic by –1d10. If you roll this
side-effect more than once, the GM may decide through a coin flip if
you either get a new infestation or if your existing infestation grows

56-60 Madness: Gain one Mental Corruption.

61-65 Mutation: Chaos energy wracks your body. Gain one Mutation.

66-70 Odd Visions: You are afflicted with terrifying visions that might involve
flesh sloughing from the bones of the living, or pale white worms
swimming through the flesh. Though you know they aren’t real, it’s
sometimes hard to distinguish between reality and hallucination. You
take a –10 penalty to all Perception Skill Tests.

71-75 Palsy: You become prone to periodic fits of shaking. At the start of any
stressful situation (combat, a verbal confrontation, etc.) you must make
a successful Willpower test or suffer a fit that lasts 1d10 rounds. During
the episode, you take a –10 penalty to your Agility, Intelligence,
Willpower, and Fellowship, and you can only move or take an action,
but not both.

76-80 Rotting: You leave bits of yourself behind wherever you go. Your skin is
corrupted, split, and weeping, though somehow the condition does not
seem to get any worse (nor does it seem to improve). Reduce your
Fellowship characteristic by –1d10.

81-85 Stench: You develop a most unpleasant odour. For each instance of this
side-effect, it takes one application of perfume to mask the stench for a
day. If you had gotten Stench three times, for example, it would take
three applications of perfume a day to hide your smell. When the smell
is noticeable, you take a –10 penalty to your Fellowship in all social

86-90 Unnatural Appetite: You develop an obscene hunger for the

unspeakable. This could include Human (or Elf, Halfling, etc.) flesh,
dung, blood, rotting food, and just about anything else a cruel GM can
devise. When confronted by the object of your desire, you must succeed
on a Willpower test or break out your pewter spoon and get to work on
cleaning your plate. Whilst this has no appreciable effect on the
character, if witnessed whilst in the act of feeding, you take a –10
penalty to Fellowship tests made to interact with any witnesses. Each
time you gain this side-effect, the GM may decide through a coin flip if
you either develop an additional craving, or if the difficulty to resist
feasting worsens by one step (Average to Challenging, Challenging to
Hard, and so on).

91-95 Vulnerability: You are susceptible to a particular common substance,

such as flour, wine, ale, spit, etc (GM’s choice). A GM cannot designate a
substance vital for the character’s survival, however, such as water or a
general kind of food (such all meat, all bread, etc.; it must be as specific
as possible). If this substance comes into contact with your skin, you
immediately gain an Ablaze condition. Each time you gain this
side-effect, you develop an additional vulnerability.

96-100 Weakness: You permanently lose 1d10 from your Strength

Petty Magic (Chaos) Spells
CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your touch causes one opponent to become drowsy and giggly. While under the spell’s
effects, the target may attempt a free Willpower test each round. If successful, they
ignore the spell’s effect for that round. If they fail the test, however, the target takes a
–20 penalty to all characteristics and all skill tests they may attempt.

Blessing of the Master

CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You call upon the might of Daemons to grant you a boon. Increase one of your
Characteristics by +10 for the duration.

CN: 1
Range: 8 yards
Target: 1 object within range
Duration: Instant
You cause a spark to fly from your fingertips to land anywhere you wish within range.
The spark deals no damage, but if left to its own devices, it can easily set a flammable
object on fire.
CN: 2
Range: 12 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: 1 day
You place a minor curse of your choosing on one victim within range. The victim is
entitled to a Willpower test to resist the spell’s effect. The curse is annoying, but it is in
no way lethal nor causes any penalties aside from some mild discomfort and perhaps
a minor penalty on Fellowship tests (no more than –10, GM’s discretion). Example
curses include: warts, boils, change in hair colour, uncontrollable flatulence, smelly
feet, a nasty rash, and so on.

CN: 2
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You force a target within range to spit up a little vomit unless they succeed on a
Toughness test. If failed, the target takes a –10 penalty to all Fellowship Tests involving
social situations for the next 1d10 rounds.
Arcane Magic (Chaos) Spells
CN: 6
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You call upon an invisible magical force to bind an opponent’s hands together, causing
them to drop whatever they were holding and restricting the use of their hands for the
duration. Alternatively, you may target your opponent’s legs, causing them to lock
together and making them fall prone. The target may spend their action each round to
attempt a Strength test to break the bindings.

CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Your hands and feet become tacky, adhering to any surface you touch. You gain the
Scale Sheer Surface talent for the spell’s duration. If you already have this skill, you
instead gain a +20 bonus to tests involving the Scale Sheer Surface talent for the

Hand of the Gods

CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You twist and warp the Winds of Magic to swirl about you, repelling the effects of
mutation for a short time. For the spell’s duration, you gain a +10 bonus to any test
made to resist gaining a mutation or mental corruption.

Suppress Mutation
CN: 7
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
A mutant you touch loses one mutation of your choosing for the duration. If the
subject is unwilling, they are entitled to a Willpower test to resist the spell. This spell
has no effect on creatures with the Instability trait (such as Daemons) nor on creatures
without mutations (for obvious reasons). You may cast this spell on yourself.

CN: 6
Range: Willpower bonus rounds
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: You cause the ground around you to suddenly shudder. All creatures that
are standing on the ground must succeed on an Agility test or fall prone. You are not
affected by your own casting of the Tremor spell.
Lore of Chaos Undivided

“The Lore of Chaos, also known as the Lore of the Great Beast, is the magic of
change, destruction, temptation, and decay. It is based on manipulation of
Dhar, also known as dark magic. The practitioners of Chaos magic are known by
many names—sorcerer, witch, and cultist to name but a few. As with all
followers of Chaos, these mages are the enemy of civilisation and all that it
stands for. They seek the overthrow of the Empire and all nations of the Old
World, and their vision of the future is one of darkness, blood, and endless

Boon of Chaos
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
You call upon the favour of the Dark Gods of Chaos. You gain a +20 bonus to either
Weapon Skill, Toughness, Willpower, or Fellowship for the spell’s duration.

Dark Hand of Destruction

CN: 7
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You wreath your hand in a nimbus of Dark Magic. For the spell’s duration, it counts as
a magic weapon with the Penetrating Weapon Quality and Damage 7, and you gain a
+10 bonus to your Weapon Skill when attacking with it. You can attempt to retain Dark
Hand of Destruction after its duration has expired with a successful Willpower test
each round thereafter.

Lure of Chaos
CN: 6
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You bewitch one character within range and bend them to your will. Unless the target
makes a successful Willpower test, you decide what they do on their next turn. Any
commands that would be deemed suicidal grants the target an additional Willpower
test to break the hold of this spell. Undead targets are immune to Lure of Chaos.

Touch of Chaos
CN: 8
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
Your touch channels pure Chaos energy into one target, causing them to mutate and
change unless a successful Willpower test is made. If the test is failed the target gains
one mutation. The mutation manifests in a matter of seconds and is permanent. If
affected, the target must also make a successful Endurance test or be Stunned (1) by
the suddenness and vileness of the change. Undead targets are immune to the touch
of Chaos.

Veil of Corruption
CN: 10
Range: 2d10 plus Willpower bonus yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You create a foul cloud of corruption anywhere within range. Veil of Corruption is an
AoE with a radius of 12 yards. Those within the affected area, friend or foe, must make
a Endurance test or lose 1 wound regardless of Toughness bonus or armour, even if
they leave the affected area. Wounded characters continue to lose 1 wound per round
until a successful Endurance test is made. Those who suffer more than 1 wound must
also make a Toughness test or begin to mutate. Those who fail the test gain one
mutation. Undead targets do not gain mutations, but are otherwise affected by this

Visions of Torment
CN: 5
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You permit your foe a glimpse into the realms of Chaos, in all their undiluted glory.
The target gains 1 Stunned condition unless a successful Willpower test is made. Once
the character recovers from being stunned, they must make a second Endurance test
or gain 1 Corruption.

Word of Pain
CN: 10
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on the caster
Duration: Instant
You speak one of the secret names of the Chaos Gods. Simply enunciating this word
causes those around you incredible pain. Those within the affected area take a
Damage 8 hit that ignores armour and must make a successful Willpower test or be
considered Helpless for 1 round. You are not affected by your own casting of Word of
Lore of Nurgle

“As the father of plagues, Nurgle grants his servants a selection of foul spells
that spread illness and despair. These spells are characterised by their profound
vileness, involving disturbing odours, rotting flesh, and the corruption of the
body. His lore is also known as the Gifts of the Plagued One.”

Expanded disease list: Neiglish Rot

This insidious disease is rightly the most feared of all the Empire’s ills. Whilst most
sicknesses destroy the body, this loathsome rot eats away at the very soul of its victim.
Sufferers exhibit boils, fever and violent fluxes as the rot withers their frame to
leprous proportions. Most end their lives before the final stages of the disease, for the
disturbing changes it wreaks upon one's frame are enough to shatter one’s sanity.
Many whisper that this illness is the work of the Fly Lord, casting his net to snare souls
to his service. Only the mightiest of Shallyan healing magic can cure Neiglish Rot. For
most victims, it is a death sentence.
Contraction: If you fail an Average (+20) endurance test after contact with a Champion
of Nurgle, Great Unclean One, or a person already infected with Neiglish Rot.
Contraction is instant and unavoidable if exposed to the vapours of a Death Head of
Nurgle, unless the character is a follower of the Fly Lord.
Incubation: 8 days
Duration: 30 days
Symptoms: Buboes, Fever (severe), Flux (severe), Gangrene. Each day a character has
the Neiglish Rot, they must make a Toughness test or lose 5 points from every
Characteristic. If Toughness is reduced to 0 or less, the character dies. At the end of
each week the character has the disease, they must also roll on the Physical Mutation
Foul Messenger
CN: 4
Range: Special (see description)
Target: 1 target
Duration: Instant
You vomit a stream of blue and green flies that fly about you and form into a swarm
that vaguely resembles a toad-like head. You may recite a message to the swarm, up to
25 words. The swarm then flies off to deliver the message to the intended recipient at
about one mile per hour (1.6 km/h), whispering in their ear in a hoarse voice that
sounds of retching. When they’ve completed their task, they burrow into every one of
the recipient’s orifices and vanish once inside. When someone receives a message by
means of this spell, they must succeed on an Endurance test or gain 1 Corruption.

From One to Many

CN: 11
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
Your body collapses into a man-shaped cloud of buzzing flies. Anything you wear or
carry falls to the ground, as does any equipment you were carrying. While in this form,
you gain a Fly speed equal to your Movement, and are immune to all damage from
non-magical weapons. You cannot be the target of spells (except a dispel attempt),
unless they are damaging area spells. You can change your shape so long as you
remain in one continuous form, meaning you cannot separate yourself (and therefore
you cannot be separated) into two or more different clouds. You can also squeeze
through tight spaces, as small as those a single fly can fit through. You can choose to
end From One to Many at any time, though if the spell ends and you are contained in a
space too small to fit your body, you are instantly slain, as you are crushed beyond
Joyous Aspect
CN: 2
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You place your hands on the face of the target creature, and when the incantation is
complete, small green tendrils spread like hairs from your palms. After seven seconds
of agony, the target’s features are rearranged so any blemish, mutation, or affliction,
no matter how severe, is concealed behind a perfect mask of health. As perfectly
formed as it is, it seems false and disturbing. The cheeks are a bit too rosy, the cut of
the jaw perhaps too perfect, the teeth are a little too white, and the eyes sparkle with
lascivious promise. Joyous Aspect remains in place for the spell’s natural duration or
until the target takes damage.

Miasma of Pestilence
CN: 8
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
A foul green mist rises from the ground around you. All creatures within the affected
area, and for a number of minutes equal to your Willpower bonus thereafter take a
–20 penalty to all Characteristic and Skill tests. You are not affected by your own
Miasma of Pestilence.

Nurgle’s Boon
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You absorb a disease from an afflicted creature you touch and contain it without
suffering the effects for a number of hours equal to your Willpower bonus. You may
transfer the disease to another target you touch, though the target is entitled to a
Toughness test to resist the disease. If it succeeds, the disease is not lost and you may
try to touch the target again. If the spell expires before you transfer the disease, you
become infected instead.

Plague Wind
CN: 13
Range: 24 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
You call forth the foul winds of Nurgle to sweep across the land, spreading death and
disease. Plague Wind is a cone AoE that is 2 feet wide at its narrowest point, 8 feet
wide at its widest point, and can be up to 10 feet long. All living creatures in the
affected area must succeed on Hard (–20) Toughness tests or contract Neiglish Rot. In
addition, the cloud causes Terror (1). It disperses after a number of minutes equal to
your Willpower bonus.

Reveal the Inner Beauty

CN: 8
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You cause an object or individual to age rapidly. If inorganic, this spell causes the
object to become brittle, worsening the quality by one step. If organic, the subject
ripens rapidly until it begins to spoil, splitting open and spilling its stinking contents
everywhere. A living creature is entitled to a Toughness test to resist this spell. On a
failed test, the subject ages 2d10 years and permanently loses –1d10 from its Weapon
Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Agility Characteristics.

Stench of Nurgle
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Streams of foul smelling mist rise from your body and pollute the air around you. The
stench is so noxious, those who breathe in the fumes are sickened, spraying vomit and
becoming nearly incapacitated by the odour. All living creatures adjacent to you must
make a Toughness test or become considered helpless for a number of rounds equal
to your Willpower bonus. Even those who succeed on this test take a –10 penalty to
Weapon Skill tests. You are not affected by your own Stench of Nurgle.

Sumptuous Pestilence
CN: 10
Range: 24 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Instant
You infect all living creatures within range with a terrible disease. Roll on the following
table to see which pestilence you conjure up. Affected targets may recover (or not)
from the diseases as normal.

Roll Pestilence

01-16 Ratte Fever

17-32 Blood Rot

33-48 Itching Pox

49-64 Bloody Flux

65-80 Black Plague

81-96 Packer’s Pox

97-00 Neiglish Rot

Maggot Lord’s Revenge

CN: 14
Range: 4 feet
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You vomit a foul stream of mucus, bile, blood, and other bodily fluids at a humanoid
creature (Elf, Dwarf, Human, Halfling, or Ogre) within range. The target must make an
opposed Willpower test against the spell’s caster; if passed, the target gains the
Stunned (1) condition. If failed, however, several things happen. As if possessing some
demonic animus, the foul discharge creeps inside the target’s orifices and both they
and the caster collapse. After 1d10 minutes of convulsions, the target’s body rises
again, dead, but under the control of the spell’s caster. The caster may now inhabit the
body for 1d10 weeks, during which the target’s corpse becomes progressively decayed
and putrid, until it eventually falls apart. The caster’s body, meanwhile, lives on as a
vegetable; carrying on the barest functions necessary to stay alive (breathing,
swallowing, etc.) and must be taken care of if expected to survive. If the caster’s
possessed corpse is destroyed, their soul returns to their original body, regardless of
the distance between them; in the event their body was destroyed, the caster is
permanently slain. A person inhabiting another’s body inherits their physical
characteristics, such as their strength or resilience, but not their mental or innate
ones, such as their skill in magic or their memories.
Lore of Slaanesh

“Slaanesh is the God of Pain and Pleasure, and the spells associated
with his perverse delights reflect his sick passions. These spells prey
upon the mind, creating false sensations and driving victims to commit
unspeakable deeds. His lore is also known as the Lore of Pain and Pleasure.“

Breath of Inspiration
CN: 4
Range: 2 feet
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus days
You blow a stream of scented air into the face or ear of an adjacent living creature,
filling their head with glorious visions of their capabilities and skill. The subject of
breath of inspiration gains a bonus to any one test equal to 10 × your Willpower
bonus, which they must use within the duration.

Cutting Wit
CN: 4
Range: 10 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your tongue cuts as a sword, becoming a long writhing instrument that probes the
crevices of those struck by its lascivious form. For the spell’s duration, you may attack
a target within range, ignoring any armor they may be wearing. Treat Cutting Wit as a
magic missile with a Damage of +6.

Flesh Puppet
CN: 10
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
You seize control of another creature, making them your puppet. If the target fails a
Challenging (–10%) Will Power Test, the colour of their eyes change to match your own.
In addition, they become flushed and sweaty, as if excited and eager. While under
your control, the target must obey your psychic commands. If you order the target to
attack their comrades, they must do so. So complete is your control over the victim,
you may even speak through their mouth. However, if you were to lose sight of your
target, or do not spend an action each round maintaining control, the spell
immediately ends. Those subjected to this spell feel violated and must succeed on
another Willpower test when it expires or gain 2 Corruption points. If you order the
target to act in a way that would be construed as suicidal, the target may attempt
another Willpower test to end the effect early.

Fleshy Curse
CN: 12
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Special (see description)
You cause a single creature within range to sprout horrible, uncontrollable growths.
The target can resist this spell by succeeding on a Hard (–20) Endurance test, in which
case nothing happens. Each round after you cast the spell, roll 1d10 and consult the
following table to determine the effects for the round:

Roll Effects this Round

1-3 Growths of fat, sinew, and muscle spurt from the victim, spilling forth 2
yards (1 square) in a random direction. Any creature in its path must
succeed on an Agility test or be buried beneath the mess. Each round
thereafter, the trapped creature must succeed on a Challenging (–10)
Agility test to attempt to wriggle free. After a minute, they risk suffocation.

4-6 A tentacle shoots out from the target 1d10 × 2 yards in a random direction.
Any creature in its path must succeed on an Agility Test or take a hit for 5

7-8 Nothing happens this turn.

9-10 The victim and all his growths move 1d10 squares in a random direction.

The effects of fleshy curse are permanent, and the victim continues to grow until
targeted successfully by a dispel spell (which causes all growths to vanish) or until they
are killed. Whilst affected by this spell, the victim can take no action and is considered

From Pain, Pleasure

CN: 6
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You cause the senses of a creature within range to warp and twist. The subject of this
spell is entitled to a Willpower test to resist its effects. If the target fails or is willing to
be affected, it perceives pain as pleasure and pleasure as pain for the spell’s duration.
In addition, on any given round when the target deals damage or takes damage, they
gain a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill tests and to their Toughness Characteristic for 1

Golden Torrent
CN: 8
Range: 20 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: Any one target you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Boiling out from the palm of your hand is a pulse of yellow light. Shining this beam of
light on a creature causes the target to be filled with pleasant, mind-numbing
emotions. Each round they would take an action, they must succeed on a Willpower
test or stand and smile mindlessly, giving up all actions for the round. Targets who
succeed on three Willpower tests end the effects of this spell.

Mask of Desire
CN: 4
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus hours
A creature you touch undergoes a profound change as swirling pink motes descend on
their flesh, eliciting excitement and intense pleasure. Mask of Desire has several
different effects. First, it immediately counters the effects of over eating, drunkenness,
and lack of sleep. Second, it removes any outward signs of injury or abuse, though it
does nothing to repair any injuries. Last, it grants the subject a +20 bonus to their
Fellowship tests for the duration. You may cast Mask of Desire on yourself.

Pavane of Slaanesh
CN: 7
Range: 20 plus willpower bonus yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You tear open a miniscule rent in space through which the music of Slaanesh’s domain
of pleasure wafts through. All living creatures within range must succeed on a
Challenging (–10) Willpower Test or do nothing but stand and dance lewdly to the
Aethyreal sounds of the cursed music for the spell’s duration. During this time, they
can take no actions and are considered helpless. If attacked, the spell immediately
ends for the affected creature. As a side-effect of this spell, each minute a victim
dances, they must succeed on a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or gain 1d10/2 (rounded
down) Corruption points as a result of listening to the unearthly tune.

CN: 12
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus x 2 hours
Your spirit pulls itself free from your now comatose body and drifts to the Aethyr.
Though you cannot interact with the physical world, you can still smell, taste, feel,
hear, and see as normal. While in ghostly form, you are completely invisible and
cannot be harmed by any non-magical weapons. You are still bound by the laws of
nature—you cannot fly, walk through walls, or any other act that you ordinarily could
not perform. You cannot cast spells. Before the spell ends, you must re-enter your
body. If you are somehow prevented from doing so, your consciousness snaps back to
your body, but you must succeed on a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or gain 1 Corruption
point. You may not cast this spell on others.

Though similar to Project Spirit, Succubus has an unusual effect that manifests itself
when your ghostly form comes into contact with mortal flesh. Through the power of
Slaanesh, the subject of your touch feels your touch, even though they cannot see,
smell, or hear you. You cannot harm the subject, only excite their senses. For each
hour you spend caressing your victim, the subject of your attention must succeed on a
Toughness test and a Willpower test. On a failed Toughness test, they lose 1d10
Wounds bypassing their Toughness or any armor they may be wearing, as their soul is
teased from their body. On a failed Willpower test, they gain 1 Corruption from the
intense pleasure. Whilst being titillated, the target may act normally, despite
(understandably) feeling very odd.
Lore of Tzeentch

“As the Lord of Change and Magic, Tzeentch’s spells offer Sorcerers incredible
power and capacity for destruction. His spells are violent, for they bring about
the ultimate change; the change of life to death. His lore is also known as the
Lore of Change.”

Destroy Magic
CN: 8
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
You intone the profane words of Daemons, drawing the energy found within a targeted
magic item into yourself. You must also succeed on a Challenging (–10) Toughness test
or roll in the Physical Mutations table.

Banish Mortal
CN: 14
Range: Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
Select one creature within range. The target must succeed on a Very Hard (–30)
Willpower test, or be sucked without trace into the Realm of Chaos to become the
plaything of daemons, likely never to be seen again.

Enrage Beast
CN: 4
Range: 10 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Your eyes flash with unwholesome light as you inspire fear in a single ordinary animal
within range. The target animal is entitled to a Willpower test to resist this spell. On a
failed test, it acts strangely. Roll 1d10 on the following table to see what it does.

Roll Result

1-2 Panic! The animal flees in a random direction from a horde of invisible
fire wolves that only it can see.

3-4 Faint! The animal collapses in a faint.

5-6 Vicious! The animal sees its master (or another creature) as its enemy
and attacks. Horses buck riders, dogs growl and bite, birds tear at the
eyes, and so on.

7-8 What’s that smell? The animal releases a tremendous burst of flatulence.
All characters within 4 yards (2 squares) must succeed on a Toughness
test or suffer a –10 penalty to all tests for as long as they remain in the
area. The cloud disperses in 1d10/2 rounds. Roll again on the following

9-10 Shudder and Die! The poor beast becomes so terrified that its heart
explodes in its chest, and it dies.

The animal returns to normal after the spell’s duration, unless it dies.

Flames of Fate
CN: 6
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Pale orange flames spring up from the ground all around you. Contained within the
flickering tongues of fire are images of the future. You may re-roll any Characteristic or
Skill test made within the spell’s duration.
Slave to Chaos
CN: 8
Range: 48 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds x 2
You send your consciousness into another living creature within range. The subject of
this psychic attack is entitled to a Willpower test to resist your intrusion. On a failed
test, you take control of the subject’s actions. If you command the subject to act in a
suicidal way, the target receives another Willpower test to break the effect. While in
possession of a mortal body, your body lies in a deep sleep. When the spell ends, the
subject must succeed on a Challenging (–10) Endurance test or gain one physical

Subvert Strength
CN: 6
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
Your hand glows with strange blue spots. A non magical inanimate object you next
touch loses its hardness, becoming soft and malleable. Steel bends, glass folds, rock
becomes putty. If you cast this spell on a weapon, it bends or even breaks if used in
combat. On armour, it ceases to offer protection, losing all armour points in the
affected location (and if it takes a hit, armour there is destroyed). You may only affect
an object of up to two cubic yards. You can shape this material as you like, though the
GM may require an appropriate test.

Transformation of Tzeentch
CN: 9
Range: 10 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
Select a single target within range. That target must succeed on an Average (+20)
Willpower Test or collapse as their body undergoes a series of horrific
transformations. Each round while under the spell’s effects, the target must succeed
on an Average (+20) Endurance test. When the spell expires, the target gains one
physical mutation for each failed Endurance test. Whilst under the effect of this spell,
the target is considered helpless.

Tzeentch’s Blessing
CN: 7
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Instant
You cry out to Tzeentch for the Dark God’s blessing. Roll 1d10. On an odd number, you
gain one mutation. On an even number you may add one spell from any Lore to your
spell list, permanently.

Tzeentch’s Firestorm
CN: 14
Range: 24 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Willpower bonus rounds
You cause a blasphemous storm of purple flame to erupt anywhere you designate
within range. Tzeentch’s Firestorm is an AoE with a radius of 12 yards. All creatures in
the area take Willpower bonus x 3 damage, and gain the Ablaze (2) condition. Those
slain by Tzeentch’s Firestorm are utterly incinerated, transformed into pink ash that
blows away in the wind. The ashes swirl about for 2 rounds and finally coalesce into
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, two for each victim slain. These creatures are not under your
control, and they attack the closest creatures to them. They eventually grow weary of
this world and return to the Realm of Chaos after 1d10 rounds.

Expanded bestiary: Pink Horror of Tzeentch

Tzeentch’s Lesser Daemons are known as Pink Horrors. Unique in their form’s utter
unpredictability, Pink Horrors are shapeless masses of solid magic that undulate and
transform, cycling through a myriad of different shapes and colours, ever changing,
always in a state of becoming. New faces push out against their rubbery hides only to
retreat as the section is replaced by a new flap of skin or a nest of writhing tentacles.
They amble along, warping everything they touch, spraying showers of multicoloured
sparks with incredible bursts.
Their behaviour is no less random. One Pink Horror might caper and gambol about,
tearing at its strange flesh, while another shrieks and giggles like the maddest of men.
Some grumble and lash out, letting loose terrifying shrieks or streams of nonsense,
and others are utterly silent, nearly immobile, trembling with barely contained energy.
Pink Horrors congregate in packs, the magic in their forms harmonising to reach new
levels of potency.
A single Pink Horror is capable of losing gouts of eldritch fire, but when gathered in
herds, they can change the very fabric of reality, launching waves of changing energy
that wreak havoc with their opponents’ forms. Don’t believe for a minute that simply
slaying these things is the answer. Many warriors have done just this only to find
themselves facing twice as many of these horrid things.

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

4 45 35 40 35 60 50 40 45 60 15 15
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic 8+, Fear 1, Unstable, Weapon +8 (Claws)

Special Rules
Split: if the Daemon suffers a Critical Wound or loses all its Wounds, it splits into two
smaller Pink Horrors with the following Attributes:

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

4 30 30 35 30 35 30 35 25 55 15 12
Trait: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic 9+, Fear 1, Unstable, Weapon +6 (Claws)

Living Magic: In a very real sense, Horrors are magical energy given shape and
sentience by their Lord. Their bodies continually give off energy that they are capable
of directing in a manner reminiscent of spellcasting. In fact, as they gather in numbers,
their spellcasting ability grows proportionally. In a group of three to eight, Pink
Horrors can cast the spells listed in the Pink Horror Magic section at half CN. In groups
of nine members or more, CN for their spells gets divided by 4. Note that Horrors are
subject to miscasts, but the effects are spectacularly different. If a Horror gets a
double on a Casting Roll, a random Horror from the group explodes with a mad cackle
of laughter, and the spell is successfully cast, regardless of the Casting Roll.

Pink Horror Magic: these spells can be cast by Pink Horrors of Tzeentch only.
Tzeench’s Fire
CN: 4
Range: 48 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
The Horror hurls a ball of shimmering pink and blue fire. This is a magic missile with
+4 damage. Anyone struck by Tzeentch’s fire must also succeed an Endurance test or
be Stunned for 1 round as raw magic courses through them.

Corruscation of Energy
CN: 8
Range: 24 yards
Target: A point you can see within range
Duration: Instant
The Horror unleashes magical energy, forming a whirling vortex of power.
Corruscation of Energy is an AoE with a radius of 6 yards. All creatures inside the
vortex take 2+ damage.

Uncontrollable Mutation
CN: 16
Range: Touch
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
The merest touch of the Horror causes an opponent’s body to rend itself apart. This
inflicts 1d10 Wounds, regardless of Toughness bonus or armour. If the target is slain, a
new Horror immediately erupts from the victim’s body. It can act normally on the
following round. If the target was wounded but not slain, they must succeed an
Endurance test or roll in the Physical Mutation table.
Lore of Necromancy

"Awake O dead, for there can be no rest for ye beneath the earth. Let the
splintered bones burrow from the grave pall. Let cold fingers grip tomb-worn
blades, and unseeing eyes survey the fields of slaughter. For your time has
come once more. And so shall the dead walk again."

CN: 12
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Instant
You suck the life out of an area up to one square mile. Plants wither, animals sicken,
water becomes poison, and soil turns to dust and ash. Animals instinctively avoid this
land, and it will gain a reputation for being haunted. Dhar pools here, allowing dark
magic users to add an extra die to their Casting rolls while within the area. No crops
can be grown unless the ground is first sanctified by a Jade magister with the
Lifebloom spell, which reverses the spell’s effects.

CN: 8
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1 target within range
Duration: Instant
You bend one of the ethereal Undead (ghosts, banshees, wraiths, etc.) to your will. You
can target any one creature with both the Ethereal and Undead traits within range. The
creature is entitled to a Willpower test to resist this spell. On a successful cast, the
creature is permanently bound to your will, up until its demise. It can be ordered to do
anything the caster wishes, and will aid you in combat if it can. During combat, it
always acts after its master.

Fountains of Blood
CN: 4
Range: 12 yards
Target: AoE centered on caster
Duration: Willpower bonus minutes
All living creatures within range begin to bleed more freely than before, as if their
lifeblood is eager to weep from their bodies. Any creature in the area that takes
damage and loses at least 1 Wound loses an additional Wound, regardless of
Toughness bonus or armour.
Special: This spell is especially handy for Vampires. The increased blood flow makes it
easier for Vampires to feed; their regeneration is doubled while they remain within 4
yards of a character affected by Fountains of Blood.

Ride Through the Night

CN: 6
Range: 10 + Willpower bonus yards
Target: 5 targets within range
Duration: Until sunrise
Your mount, and up to five others, is invigorated by the power of Dhar. The mounts
gain one extra point of Movement and may take the Run action for free. They also gain
the Ethereal trait, as do their riders and any coaches they pull. This spell is used by
Vampires to catch those who flee from them before sunrise. In the midst of the chase
they will ride straight towards their target, uncaring of mortals whose dwellings they
gallop through.

Withering Wave
CN: 6
Range: 18 yards
Target: Willpower bonus targets within range
Duration: Instant
With a wave of your hand you unleash devastating necromantic forces that drain the
life from your opponents, shrivelling their skin, turning their blood to dust, and
shattering their bones. Undead targets are not affected. Characters within range each
lose 1d10 Wounds, regardless of Toughness bonus or armour.

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