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Lslamicd :w

Flip cla$) attiv

Qlai hut ave the Mra spv ctia amd
otex beni ih lasns un Kam-dan
tya) éaytin n biedstiun en Muzlis

ast m amachan hg Cnlex_al Vgu

enits uk a Mod beilg, spi/i ko
wel ecmic keuiteti wsocial r i y
pegmna w 0Mva beuitd,
Mde dedms heme uhiene/self com
nese lf-restat w nay te
hae abl to esten ome Jel m
ct) o 'deymeS davecfty luilcd Y
pexlo Clhevactey an
w heutle Cur wil prr-e awd
fast Rdie Oy desnej GT mpae)
Ca levs ieed q devi,
de«lep lu nbchess Cy
i t Gd. Ane.1 Lelps to

S t wa peCaual

Sn!belide ax alsopott Siud

tP (SNT) And make


u w s Raro tho -{ eoids un be dosled
Fustinn rym Lake aMd
a yJetse LUglaA ad pukects laut os
O a siel


A_pvadx Aya aake apexad romed c Ar-Ran

Said Rupuek_CAwTn lws At usts
t s eem dau Cu om a t p cloe r kaveveya
vewerl Cllel"porodise", Peple ecse Aa
Ce uok Crwal(wat doelard stot so pertpm
Mr deLds eem {em moe_ Yeuocd, Your Ssu .
rered ond sad al Ae pergon_ calmel
d a wew wle_o jd gen. Spmfany
Socio ouilss nduele auwaKeui aRia
pr, dnckrecku coe n e heilt

draake more reera in e ay Alodi (iNT

KOT r e
wre deeG seum e r akhah, Aa
yene lovdou and Cveckes Jove N O

POY k a nakwy ern awae al Aus Condhm

Saie awea pvi disk/?hadcd and


^dlevel Peelr ofuniky Or
loehuod peaple Rih n loytmg dello

t y and a e dar eah o e r Ueame

Mmeely, Jastna Pmstes bvoHe es
bheen_pooOnne_ h.
Ecmomic enilks ynclaeleXt dd a
tpoyey wat
pespe (impemade Hwa

On e p a v a d needy
tewcd cd euuy eol is prutes.
Afer Rmadha lakutr ul-ft pu
oy_peogle uylin alyo heli e
poo manuialu. lakat tr hier venoel gud

1 0 mon e e n ot ety, eople

puss Amen Lon dmd mamnse_aptumtds.
n tavelles , Eidhoskes Rumadam
wp qameut o elu i h heke
M veed nide Cos people
Ts, Aee oa Comtlers
ai okosh Um s0rdtun, wwrad,
ewreie oisk LeiQils ltayt al
wi peoyle tot mt Hsly_mayta Ptkaa.

la Desunae How Muyim dbserue he

Hew tostof Rangadhen
Mma Sculed be peut?
Fosh D pille al psam c

o aoston from Sorea s e noI+ Ran

tlckam wnidh shad Le cdam
by eutM Saree
d a adult. i Lslam et nuecun te abstan
m tpor, drmk_ mactial_lakt Lrn dan
a deut -wd doe CmnesOM_Ma wr)/ CAod
w e ntentm c oslusp) geti de

mt, Ae Muty nal înkenttim -e nrMa

n e r envt n o loelre faw hae krod

C Suhoar (el befere_dawm),_

aleJuhoor asheve LeD i t *
Tue o t han to be doseyeel pem doumo cgla o

gou- (ml up e mok uh ae pected ts be

w mulke j e l o t
wdA, actiwu _ d u s

syeeda amd enl achms ,Aut does nwtt


CHAGUAy_praye ard be reauy nehd

Pxemplu ats

t o d ruaCAte jt. vee irdle

mlh o dei beraey ectink dmkir, or
Smska t keepm thin e un

o-ay Llod sdu tuke vou ad rte

be telt.Tutae cuue swaloia ome U

dmnk amedice Atehiao vmh

d O y MaxtalvelaiM _atnuueek._
M Xdd_ok su Keom emelus
Cecnar lou cleam_o eN cL vet
d ida.
Tw hwnah uti Md«ce_breaa

dake e e io ,e shuwld be oa en
pU le alp Vnget whned be kether,

eake O Jd os Sunuh c4e t on a Supphtm

Ao AUa susT.íaawih ryeA a Paradh
Rean o loe pelwme h t Gheptk
See Ka Lulau-declw les wtw att tas

, hsl
Yplet (J) o Lo cmianverl Jut e r mmu


prwerwe deuvee. lay 7akut a e u hiyu

CwVaseldnd d x t p a t y Pewim Guvau

Yomeu venn ut
A e r u MT.
Chapter 8: Fasting (Sawm)

Observances of Fasting
otudenS are
required to
Part 'a' (10 Marks Question)
recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith
and history of Islam in
part a.
Past Paper Questions and Examiner Report
(a) Give Description of the way in which fasting is carried out among
[May-June04] uo
(a) Describe how Muslims observe
the fast of Ramadan and how this month should be
[May/June 2019] spent
(a) Give Description of the way in which
fasting is carried out among Muslims.

Examiner Report
In this answer a lot of
responses focused on how the month of Ramadan should be spent but not on
how it is observed. Some candidates
only wrote very briefly about suhoor and niyat. Ihe best
responses were able to respond to both parts of the question and provide a well-balanced answer.

Marking Scheme
Some of the guidelines of how Muslims should observe the fast of Ramadan and how
should spend this holy month are as follows:
.Intention (niyah) to observe the fast must be made after suhur has been taken before the break of
dawn and the fast must end at sunset promptly.
Candidates can quote the supplication made for the intention of the fast and can say that it is Sunna to
break the fast with dates or water; supplication recited at the time of opening the fast can also be
.Whilst fasting Muslims are conscious of keeping their minds and body clean,
staying from
gossiping, back bting and fighting etc.
Spending more time in the recitation of the Quran and remembrance of
God, prayer and supplicationh
being charitable and generous, zakat is given by many Muslims in the month of Ramadan
maintaining cordial relations with all, reconciling differences etc
reflecting on their spiritual and moral conduct

Good answers will describe the sequence of observances with accurate details and may ai


Past Paper Questions and Marking Schemne
(a) Write about the moral, social and economic benefits of a Muslim fasting. [10]
May/June 2018
Examiner Report
Here candidates were asked to write about the moral, social and economic benefits of
fasting for a
Muslim. The instruction was clear yet many candidates did not write about all three areas
they were
asked to cover so could not get the marks they aspired for. In order to
get the higher marks they
needed to write about the moral, social and economic benefits of
fasting in more or less equal
measure. A few candidates wrote a lot about the social benefits and
touched upon the economic
benefits of fasting. Other wrote about the moral benefits and
briefly wrote about the social benefits.
Not many were confident writing about the economic benefits of
Mark Scheme
Fasting is an obligation upon Muslims that needs to be fulfilled and, in turn, has several benefits. It
builds Taqwa in a Muslim. It does so by teaching sincerity to a Muslim and
helps a person live by
the rules of his/her faith; fasting teaches individuals to control and
discipline their primal desires and
morally strengthens them; it teaches self-control, enabling individuals to resist temptations, thus
strengthening the moral core of a Muslim. Fasting creates a sense of awareness to the plight of
others and takes away selfishness, and thereby improves social relations, building an
of virtue, peace and brotherhood. Many people give zakat in the month of Ramadan and a lot of
Sadaqah is given in this month as well, which improves the economic fibre of the community
Candidates could give other benefits than those given. All valid responses to be credited.

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