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Office of DPWH Zambales Branch.

Head of offi ce: Jericho Daniel O. Dabu

Being the Head of office of the DPWH Zambales Branch, which means I will be an overseer over
any public works and highway works in the Province of Zambales, which means anything that happens
to any roads and other public works such as piping, and installation of power lines must go through me
and my office along with my staff, and with approval from my superiors above me. However, I can do
what must be done to provide efficient services to the public in the Province of Zambales, and providing
them the proper daily needs to make their lives easier and more comfortable.

First as head of office, we must plan our strategies for the upcoming years as we serve the
public. But for now let us see to one year of service, and of course to plan this, we must plan every
aspect of organization and its objectives for the year. First, we must plan projects, and how to execute
them, of course marking deadlines where projects should be done, and where we can also plan to give
an extension of deadlines just in case anything happens. As an example, we plan to improve public
roadways focusing on the Highways that cut through every major town in the Province. To Plan This, we
must first set our sights at what are the most populated and most traffic heavy, finishing them As soon
as possible is a priority since it is often used for transport and that includes transport of food and other
necessities. And then plan when t start the project and what date it is expected to finish. This includes
planning the Budget for these projects but those come in the Budgeting phase. The faster we can finish
these improvement of roads, the less accidents are bound to happen, Transportation of necessities and
other goods are now more efficient, and let us face it, everyone loves a smooth road to ride on. Of
course, this is just an example, but let us plan what is supposed to be prioritized in the Province, but for
now as I can see it, and experience it. The long stretch of the National Highway is made of Concrete,
rather than having a tarmac layer, and a lot of the roads have potholes and dangerous bumps that
would cause accidents specially in rainy weather. And thus public safety is a must.

Next is Organizing the organization. And as an example, we use public roadways and highways again, but
this strategy in organizing the organization is applicable to any projects that involves the services of the
DPWH. Organizing the organization would be more efficient if natives from the areas, those who knows
the roads and well know every area in a town, would be preferably be a manager in that area, or
representative of the DPWH there. They would also be efficient in finding the right people to staff
projects there, and in that case staffing won’t be a problem. Another thing is that organizing the
organization, we must put competent managers and leaders, not just some civilian. The more
competent organization officials, the more we can tackle problems and projects professionally rather
than relying on the higher ups for solving the problems. Preferably, those I want in the organization is
well tuned in their engineering skills, and of course those who are capable of communicating with the
public with the Department’s and Office’s intentions about those projects. And thus, to organize this
organization, I must focus on putting those competent to proper positions. Those who fits the
description of a position in the Organization, not just someone I know, but someone who I can trust and
those who have skill for the Job.

Staffing is not a problem if the representatives in the major towns and areas in the provinces are
well connected and known in the area, which leads to easier recruitment for workers on the job.
Another addition is putting up advertisements to recruit competent equipment operators, and those
who knows their tools and other skills needed in positions in the organization. Of course, to organize
this, proper background checks are needed, and those who are incompetent will not be accepted to
positions not well suited for them. And of course, we can also have a plan to do a convention to recruit
engineers, and private sector companies for aid and equipment for projects, not just for making
roadways efficient, but for other projects as well. Proper connection and staffing would make projects
easier to finish, and less accidents will happen with proper staffing. Especially avoiding failure, and delay
in projects, since we cannot afford to delay any of it. Literally cannot afford, since the budget could run
low since factors can change how much is needed for a project. But budgeting would still have a back up
plan for that. And in staffing, we can only recruit a few people so that every project in every area can
have a chance to have a Job, and thus helping the community as well.

Next is directing, and in order to direct projects province wide is to have a proper
communications line. As an example is the project to increase the safety and efficiency of public
highways, and since we organized the staff where proper skills fit the proper job, we can have managers
in each town and area to have communications with the officers in the main HQ, and thus have a
telephone line like communications line that spreads as it goes down. This would lessen the latency
between any change of plans or stop in projects since as the direction of the Head goes down the
pyramid, those who receive it can interpret it properly. And for proper communications, methods can
vary from using Phones, to passing letter to those who are capable of using the internet or phones to
contact HQ and vice versa.

And Coordinating comes in, communication is key, and since technology has improved in today’s
age, we can use a myriad of methods to achieve communication with those far down the line. The use of
data plans to use Platforms such as MS TEAMS and Zoom, and other platforms, and even Email, we can
lessen the latency between communications and coordination with those down below. And if
technology fails us, we can go back to the old ways up until someone can use the newest tech to send
back a reply in order to coordinate with the Head of Office or any staff able to handle the situation in the
Head Quarters or main office.

Reporting is not a problem as long as the plan and budget includes in making communication
within the organization from the Head down to the tail to be efficient. Through the Use of coordinated
Data Plan budgets from the Contractors and surveyors on the field, right up the internet connection of
the HQ. Using of Two-way radios would also work on on-field directing, coordination, and reporting.
Communication is key in these three aspects of running a government office and their projects. Through
the use of technology, communication is no longer a problem just as long as the budget can include
things like this.

And budgeting is the most important thing since, an organization can’t run without any funding.
In order to pay staff, feed them, give them the privileges they are promised such as insurance and other
pay, Funds are needed. That also includes in making and executing Projects such as the one used as an
example for the time being. Equipment, and communications is also important in a progressing
organization and nation. Being behind in technology means having the plan of the organization crushing
under its own weight. An organization needs backing in order to even move, staffing to. You cannot run
an organization with this kind of size without giving proper pay to the staff, and payment for using
borrowed equipment, or just buying new ones. In order to even receive a budget, we must plan it as an
organization and clearly state our intentions to the higher ups. With a request, we now manage how to
split up the funds given to the organization by the state. In order to prevent loss or shortening of funds,
everything must be planned accordingly with the funds provided and on hand with the planned projects
of the year and upcoming year. Thus, as an example we use the prior example used, having such a short
funds from the state, we prioritize the projects of utmost importance, and those we can afford while
running the organization itself.

And thus, concludes how I will run the DPWH Office of the Province of Zambales with the Guidelines
given to me. And through deliberation, this style of running the office of DPWH in the province of
Zambales would be successful as long as the organization plans every outcome, and possible events that
are to befall on the organization and as me as the head of the organization.
Budget Allocation for Health
The Philippines ever since its independence from the United States, has been a self-governing
country ever since. And it comes with it is an annual budget allocation to specific branches of the
government for their own uses and focuses. The Government of the Philippines must use the limited
budget to achieve their goals as an organization of the Government. The Philippines must also be able to
use this in the most needed aspects of the government in order to survive or give a certain service to the
people. The higher the budget, the more services the organization of the government can give to the
public. This is important for the public since this is the money of the Public trusted upon the
government, to be used in services that are supposed to aid the people as a whole. A country without a
budget is compromised to different problems, and public trusts is broken. The biggest of the budget
receivers is the Department of Health, and the Department of Education. Both are integral in National
security, against the menace of illiteracy and the menace of diseases that plagues the country of the
Philippines. However, only one must have the most budget and be prioritized. To further elaborate the
situation we are in, let us break down the two departments. The Department of Education is integral to
the Nation’s security in terms of innovation, and progress. The more of the people that are literate, and
are able to learn opens up new opportunity for specialized jobs, and thus enabling the Philippines to
keep up with other countries, if not, many of the major powers of the world. Being able to learn can
help us innovate technology, and make our own in country products and thus be able to compete in the
Global market in many aspects of technology. The Department of Health focuses on the health and well-
being of the People, and thus an integral factor in keeping the Philippines stable. The more who are able
to serve the country, the more we can progress. Specially the Philippines is prone to diseases being in
the equator, where wildlife if teeming, and thus microbiological ecosystems thrive in these
environments in the Philippines. And thus, the Department of Health is integral in keeping the
Philippines safe from our invisible friends, and the time may come that we can provide free healthcare,
and of course, produce our own vaccines. However, I may only choose from the two integral
departments of the Philippines, and thus, I choose to stand with the Department of Health. For the
myriad of reasons that will strengthen my stand on why the Department of Health, should be prioritized.
The Department of health is more important than education and it is not how you think it should really
be. The Department of Health and one thing is clear if one is up to date to the temporary events that
have taken place and is now terrorizing the world, and breaking it down to little pieces.

To further improve my stand, the Philippines is located in the tropic zone of the Earth, and of
course, it is a wet and rainy rainforest climate. According to, Tropical zones such as the
Philippines have more greater biodiversity, since it has a higher temperature, giving us more
metabolism, and more ecological dynamics and co-evolutionary processes. Thus, this in turn means that
viruses are prevalent in the country. And thus, it is at the utmost importance that we can prevent
pandemics and epidemics for it is a matter of national security for the people. A good logical problem to
show how important of a problem to be prevent this is, is to think of “If there is no people being active,
who will teach the new generation; and If there is no prevention, how can we be sure of the
immunization of the future generation to problems that could plague them”. And according to the paper
of Keith Meyers and Melissa A. Thomasson titled “PARALYZED BY PANIC: MEASURING THE EFFECT OF
abstract specifically, they found out in the course of their research that those who were unable to go to
school due to the polio pandemic did not attain higher educational attainment than their older peers.
And thus, goes to show, that prevention is the very key in the progress and advancement of the country.
Protection for the future generation is a must for the country’s future. This proves to show that we
should give more attention to our Health, and thus should be our prioritized to our budget allocation.
Another, reason why we should give more budget allocation to our health is the mere fact of this
pandemic we are experiencing right now. Despite any efforts of the Department of Education, the true
way to learn is the hands-on approach, rather than staring at silver screens. Educational burnout is more
prevalent in our times than before the pandemic started. If we have preventive measures for
pandemics, and a more developed research centers for virology, we can make our vaccines, rather than
struggling to find even a few from other countries

The Philippines is underdeveloped in our health facilities, and we rely more on privatized
hospitals rather than public hospitals. And not every town even has a hospital near the area. A good
example is Subic where the nearest Hospitals are Kilometers away from the town proper itself, and thus,
making access to higher standards of medicine more of a privilege to those who can pay for such
services. And there have been complaints in public hospitals where the service is only substandard, and
the Hospitality being sub-par than privatized Hospitals. Air Conditioning is a privilege service for those
who can pay. Which makes it rare for those who are in dire need, but are unable to pay the extra
comfort for the patients, some even gets thrown into a deep hole of loans.

Thus, in conclusion, a country without its people is only a land of Ghosts that has died due to corruption,
greed, a plague of some sort, and the inability to secure the future of the Philippines. We are Human by
every standard, we are curious beings that never ceases to learn about the wonders of the world. If
someone has interests in some profession, one can always go back to school and learn such things.
Learning never stops, but our health has a limit. Each passing year, we grow old. Growing old in the
terms of a Mechanic working on a motorcycle, is basically having your parts worn down, and is not
starting to work inefficiently. In terms of a Karateka, growing old just means your body is slowly
deteriorating, but you could always oil your machinery by learning. Learning is a simple aspect of the
Human Mind, we are children through and through. We always question the world, and thus learn more
exciting new things and fields of studies. We are resilient and determined once we find something we
want to learn and do. The Filipinos is not excused on being curious humans, so in order to even protect
the future, we must prevent our future generation to cease to exist due to an outbreak of some
microbiological being. One cannot learn without a functioning body to interpret the world. Our bodies is
the main reason why we learn as Human Beings, for it is where we absorb the information that the
world has countless of. And thus, preventing any damage to our bodies ensures that the future
generation can also be prevented from that damage, and thus gives us more time to learn, rather than
sulking due to mental health reasons, or just being unable to because of death. Specially in our country
situated in the Tropical Zone, where microbiology flourishes in such environments, and thus becomes a
big problem for the Filipinos, since we are more prone to diseases than other country. We must be able
to face the inevitable, and the invisible, and the wars that happens within our bodies in order to keep
learning and progressing as a Country. It is Adamant to have prevention for future generations to come.
There have been countless examples where diseases killed a civilization, not illiteracy. The Mayans were
killed by diseases due to the Spanish Invasion of the South Americas, and the Red Indian Tribes of the
North Americas. They were easy to teach, and they were easy to learn, however, unable due to
countless plagues brought by the Spanish in their homelands, and the English at the North. And this was
a time where prevention was not even an idea of anyone. And thus, we have the technology and the
knowledge today with the power and backing of other countries as well, so why not start today, and
prevent a catastrophe, and letting the future generation live with glee. Prevention is Truly Key.
Ethics: Why people still violate them?
There are countless of reasons, and all of them stem from psychological problems. Specially in
the form of communication, and thus serves as a problem for many organizations, even the government
is exempted. We spend loads of money because of ethical violations, since we have to pay for new
equipment, new employees, or if someone gets hurt, we need to pay for their insurance. And thus
becomes a major problem for the country itself. We are to give Three examples, and Three solutions for
each, and thus to answer why people violate ethics policies and laws.

The First situation is simply the problem of expectation. We all break down from high
expectations and thus create rash and undesirable decisions in order to reach an expectation target is
impossibly high. And thus burns the organization from within. This problem stems from the leaders of
the organization, and in terms of government organizations, this stems from the officers higher up than
the employees. They set up expectations that are far too high for the employees to reach and starts to
bring down those who are in higher standing with them. They tend to sabotage the work of colleagues
in order to pass them in the race for supremacy and ranking in the eye of the officers. This leads to
disputes and problems which otherwise can harm everybody else. This is brought by the pressure of
impossibly high expectations by the people above. And as the band Queen sang, “Under Pressure,
Pushing down on me, pushing down on you no man ask for” the employees never asked for the pressure
from the higher ups. In order to solve this problem in the workplace and organization, one must have
proper leadership training, and set an expectation that is reasonably and fairly reachable for the people
who works under them. This solves the problem of the pressure that makes them make rash and
undesirable decisions and save a lot of money at the same process. Another solution is to simply set a
goal, but if the goal is not reached, one must not reprimand the team, and thus have the saying given in
the game Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare each time your team looses, “Mission Failed… We’ll get them
next time”. This ensures that the workplace is kept in a semi-formal and semi-casual tone keeping the
workers relaxed and pressure in the minimum where they will still work. Another quick and easy
solution is simply putting the steps to reach an overall goal as a goal. For example, your organization
needs to finish a goal, and in order to not pressure the workers, one must set the steps to attain that
goal as goals, so that they can perceive those goals as an achievement and is possible to reach, and thus
making them not feel the pressure of a Goal so far it seems impossible. Time Management is key to this
to keep pressure to a minimum.

The next problem is the lack of communication where the workers are unable to speak up.
Voices are a powerful thing in both using them, and keeping them within yourself. People have the
tendency to keep their words for the sole reason that hearing them is not worth it. When a person has
feelings not well expressed, they undergo a sense of unease and thus makes rash and undesirable
decisions. Workers faces issues in the workplace, and some are personal issues, however, issues all the
same. This poses a great problem in workplaces since they tend to misconduct because the leader did
not hear their concerns about an issue arising in the workplace. For example, a worker manage to hurt a
colleague in some manner, and the colleague will of course report to the leader, however, the
treatment of the manager or leader to the colleague’s concern is that it is all in good fun. And thus, the
colleague has an idea that their concerns are invalid, and thus becomes an invalid concern for the
people around them too, and thus finds it legal for them to do to others. Or sees it as unfair since they
are treated differently, even thought someone else already had that concern taking care of. And thus,
will start to make rash decisions in spite. A sure way to understand the employees one is talking to is to
listen and find compromise where the two of you are happy. Always consider the feelings of your
employees, and thus prevents the problems that arises from the lack of communication from leader to
follower. This makes sure that Justice is always equally served for everyone, and each and everyone is
able to express their concerns, rather than planting seeds of hatred, and anger that leads to harsh and
undesirable decisions. This also ensures that everyone is worth an ear, and thus every employee’s
concern is equally heard of and considered. Pent up feelings is a cause for anger and hatred, and thus
leads to unethical actions that could lead to a myriad of problems that could also hurt a co-worker of the
same organization. This could also lead to stealing from the higher ups, since their concern for their pay
was never a concern for the higher ups, or was unable to even share the concern since they felt
unworthy of being heard of. Communication is always key and this is a problem for every organization,
even in the government organizations. As long as there is work, and people working, these problems
would never stop to exists, but can be prevented by simply communication and considering the
concerns of every one that works for you. Talking and reaching a compromise and a consensus is key for
the organization in order for them to be treated fairly, and no favoritism must form within the
organization, and concerns of being underpaid be taken care of.

The Last problem is taken straight out of the Harvard Business Review and states
“Conflicting goals provoke a sense of unfairness. And once a sense of injustice is provoked, the
stage is set for compromise.  Maureen Ambrose, Mark Seabright, and Marshall
Schminke’s research on organizational injustice clearly shows a direct correlation between
employees’ sense of fairness and their conscious choice to sabotage the organization.  Consider
one organization I worked with whose pursuit of growth created conflicting goals. The head of
Supply Chain was given a $3.5 million capital investment to overhaul a plant to triple its
production. Some of that funding came from the 25% budget cut in marketing in the same
division.  At the same time, Sales divided its quota territories to raise topline performance. The
intensity of resentment in the salesforce at having to drive revenues with smaller territories
was compounded by having fewer marketing dollars to sell more product. The conflicting goals
created excess product capacity that was bottlenecked getting to market.  Two years later, the
organization was indicted for channel stuffing.

Too many leaders assume that talking about ethics is something you do when there’s been a
scandal, or as part of an organization’s compliance program.  Everyone gets their annual “ethics
flu shot” in the mandatory review of the compliance policy, and all is well for another year. Nick
Eply, professor at the University of Chicago, in Four Myths about Morality and Business, says,
“It’s a myth to think ‘Everyone is different and everything is relative.’ You actually have
to teach people the relative value of principles relative to choices.”  Leaders have to infuse
everyday activities with ethical considerations and design policies and norms that keep ethics
top of mind.  Jonathan Haidt, Professor of Business Ethics at NYU and founder of says, “It’s
important to talk about the positive examples of ethical behavior, not just the bad ones. 
Focusing on the positive reasons you are in business, and reinforcing the good things people do
strengthens et”
All the problems are taken from the Harvard Business Review, and shows how much
organizations must face ethic problems. Ethics are the Good morals agreed by the population,
and thus important in keeping an organization running efficiently without accidents. Ethics are
important in imposing rules that are fair for everyone and thus good for team morale.
Organizations are the same through and through, and thus the government must also have
ethics and ethics problems such as stated above. Some are very situational, some are far
common that anyone thinks. But the sure fire way to solve these problems is having a good
leader lead the team. Organizations are just teams in a larger scale, where everyone must be
equally treated and taken care of by the organization. There is no I in TEAM, and thus important
that everyone is equally treated in order to prevent accidents, unethical decisions, and of
course the advent of foul play inside the workplace. Proper management and Communication is
key to prevent any catastrophe.

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