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Name: Maca-umbos, Hedaya S.

June 10, 2022

Course & Section: PSY196- MmNnOo


First and foremost, I'd like to express my gratitude to Allah (swt) for providing me with

the strength to complete my academic requirements this semester, despite the fact that

this semester has presented me with many challenges and I sometimes cry every night

due to the many requirements that I need to pass. This semester, it allows me to reflect

on how PSY196 broadened my knowledge, particularly in areas that I had not planned to

acquire this semester. Actually, I had a lot of questions before PSY196 started in class

because I didn't know what the major objectives of this course were. Later, when ma'am

Sharisse posted in Google Classroom, I realized that this subject would be difficult for me

because I had no idea how to input data or utilize SPSS. But I'm grateful to ma'am Sharisse

for making it easier for us to view and comprehend the video lesson and materials she

posted in Google Classroom

During my observation, I anticipated that it would be difficult for me to observe because,

as I stated in my takeaways comment, I am not the type of person with whom I want to

socialize; however, this observation provides me with the strength to face my weaknesses

and the opportunity to prove to myself that I can try to socialize with others. I didn't
expect to run into a problem after observing because I'm not sure what I'll put in my field

notes. I sometimes hesitate to record my observations in my field notes since I am

constantly doubting whether or not my observations were correct. On a scale of one to

ten, I would give my experiences an eight since, despite my lack of knowledge in this

sector method, I believed that this type of research would present me with new

experiences and challenges in my life. But, altogether, my observations have been really

pleasant and pleasurable, and they have provided me with a great deal of insight.

During my survey, I felt at ease after collecting data for quantitative research because you

just invite your friends to complete the survey forms using Facebook Messenger and their

institutional emails. However, I have a lot of problems with quantitative analysis because

I'm not an expert with SPSS, I don't know how to input such data, and I feel like I'm

lacking in that method. But I'm trying to use this strategy more because it was so helpful

in my class and we always use it in our research class. Hopefully, I'll be able to complete

my quantitative research and expand on this method. If I were to rate my experiences on

a scale of one to ten, I'd give it a five because I'm still learning more about this method.

During my interview, I was able to say that this method provided me with a solution to

my research question. This is my first experience interviewing someone with a specific

purpose and objective. This strategy also produced a number of difficulties because it

was difficult to get a respondent, and I was afraid of meeting a stranger. This strategy
offers me the strength to face my inadequacies while also allowing me to prove to myself

that I can socialize with strangers. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give my experiences a 9.

Because, as I stated in my observations, I am a novice researcher in this field. I believed

that this research method would provide me with fresh challenges and experiences in my

life. But, on the whole, my interview experience has been quite positive and fun, and it

has provided me with a great deal of insight after conversing with my respondent.

Finally, if I had to choose the ideal approach for my study, I would choose an interview

since I believe that an interview allows you to obtain a wealth of information through

personal questioning and verifying or questioning your respondents. Although this style

of interview had a drawback, it was a good starting point for me in learning field research.

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