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Philosophy Project

Courtney Russum

October 13th, 2022

Classroom Management

Mrs. Patti Seabolt


Primary Goal of Discipline

The goal of discipline in the classroom for me would be corrective, supportive, and

preventative discipline. Preventative to prevent disruptions, supportive to have measures taken

when classroom rules are broken, and corrective for measures taken when supportive and

discipline doesn’t help. These disciplines are to teach my students why things are done and how

to properly behave. There is a broad spectrum of behaviors amongst the students. These

disciplines are not frowned upon and they help students and family. The goal of discipline is to

teach the students how to obey roles and the code of behavior.

2 Classic Models of Discipline I Like

Discipline through Classroom Management and Win – Win Discipline are the two classic

models of discipline I like. Discipline through Classroom Management is an authority driven

way (Martins, 1). Allowing thyself to be authorities in this management is a helpful way to

conduct the class. Discipline is at such a high and when the adults (teachers, paras, etc.) take

control or authority, it changes the children’s outlook. As a current para having disciplinary leads

is a must and typically must be bigger through the kids’ eyes and that is why Classroom

Management is important with the teacher.

Win- Win Discipline is Kagan’s most concrete and comprehensive classroom discipline

program available (Kagan, 1). The goal of this model is to not only end disruptions, but also to

teach students to meet their unmet needs, so they no longer need to be disruptive. The Win – Win

Discipline is a model that puts a stop to disruptions overtime, and with that it will help my

classroom have less disruptions. Now as it being one of my favorite discipline models, I also like

how positive it is for the students. Being negative towards the students is a negative discipline

way whereas this is a positive disciplinary action/model.


1 Classic Model of Discipline I disagree with

I personally disagree with the attribution theory. The reason I disagree with this is

because it is a way to lie in the way of turning the students head all sorts of way. If that is

confusing, let me break it down. The theory is coming from an average person’s meaning of an

event-based motive, meaning that is one’s way of teaching something (Attribution theory, 1).

Most students at a young age do not understand what opinions are and depending on their

religion and background within family will depend on if they consider that false information or

as in such a lie. One’s opinion may matter to some but just because you were raised in such a

way, does not mean everyone else has been. Nowadays you must be careful within the discipline

aspect because of the new laws for schools with touching and more.

Self-Assessment of your Effectiveness

My individual data will be collected from self. It’ll be what my goals are and then at the

end of the time period, it’ll be a comparing against what were my original goals were. As small

group data, it’ll be a group of us whom work together, as in on the same team or such, and we

compare and come up with ways to better handle the situation or teaching in a better way for a

specific subject. As far as classroom data, it will be a team again who works in my room or in

lead of me telling me what they believe should occur. Now as far as disciplinary, that regulates

from the students lives. They all live different lives with different parental goings.

Educational Quote

The educational quote I have chosen is, “Good classroom management is the art of

dealing with problems positively and looking for solutions together so that everyone is involved

and willing to find a remedy” (By: Kavita Bhupta Ghosh). The reason I chose this quote is

because for one it ties in with my two favorite discipline models but it also so positive to read

and approach the families of the students. It shows a force of power with empathy.

Creative Learning

As we live today and the world, we can see that schools need to teach content knowledge

in a way that prepares students to use that knowledge in a creative way. Creative learning in

education is not memorizing information, it is building knowledge and also developing skills

using creative techniques (ELM Learning, 1). Some ideas of creative learning that will be

conducted in my future classroom will be storytelling and brainstorming ideas. Although we use

this in day to day life, it is important to teach this to the students so they understand exactly why

it is important in todays economy.

Children’s Use of Technology and Social Media

Becoming a teacher, I will need to educate myself in learning all about the social media

accounts and even technology. As we all know, technology continues to grow. Not only in the

new devices, but also the power which has been doubling everyone and a half years since the

1960s and 70s (McCain, 1). With social media, it can be a prime source for bullying. As one who

has gone through a bad bullying scenario, I will look out for my students and teach them right

from wrong about to say to one another. Although they shall learn this at home, it will always be

a topic that is discussed in my classroom. If a student has a scenario of any bullying or


difficulties with social media, that will then be handled within a meeting with administrion and



Attribution theory. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from

ELM Learning. (2022, March 1). What is creative learning? and how to tackle it! ELM

Learning. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from



Goodreads. (n.d.). Classroom Management Quotes (7 quotes). Goodreads. Retrieved March 21,

2022, from




Kagan, S., Kyle, P., & Scott, S. (2004). Kagan Win-Win Discipline. Retrieved October 16, 2022,


McCain, A. (2022, September 14). How fast is technology advancing? [2022]: Growing,

evolving, and accelerating at exponential rates. Zippia How Fast Is Technology

Advancing 2022 Growing Evolving And Accelerating At Exponential Rates Comments.

Retrieved October 17, 2022, from



Teacher behaviors - effective teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from


The impact of stealing conflict. Knowles Teacher Initiative. (2020, September 24). Retrieved

March 21, 2022, from




Yussif. (2021, September 16). What is Dobson's model of Classroom Management. Classroom

Management Expert. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from

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