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Line Graph:
1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/ map/
linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart || shows/describes/illustrates/talks
about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/ depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: It is shown/described/illustrated/projected/given/demonstrated/depicted ||

from [year] to [year]/ in [country/region/months/whatever is given] || and
the amount/ratio/quantity/proportion/figure || is in [figure]

3rd Line: Now if we look at the picture closely/ if we have a close view of the picture/ if we
evaluate the picture|| it is clearly seen/ it is evident/ it is quite transparent || that
'X' starts/started at [figure] in [year]|| and slowly/marginally/ dramatically/
significantly/continuously || inclines/ declines/inclined/declined/will incline/will decline ||
and reach/ reached/will reach up to [figure]
4th line: Similarly/ likewise/in contrast/ on the other hand/ in comparison to it || 'Y' is/
was at [figure] in the beginning and slowly/marginally/ dramatically/ significantly/continuously
|| inclines/ declines/inclined/declined/will incline/will decline || and
finishes/finished/ will finish at [figure] during the same period.

5th line: {if more than 2 lines are there}: If A,B & C are taken into account they ranges/ ranged
between [figure] and [figure]

Last line: Overall/ to sum up/ at the end/ to conclude/ in conclusion it can be said/ it can
be noticed/ it is observed/ we can say that
1. X' is/ was always inclining/declining/ at the top and 'Y' is/was at the bottom or had
opposite ratio.
2. 'X' showed/ projected/ will show/will project a dramatic/ drastic/significant change
3. 'X' always dominates/dominated the chart


1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: It is shown/described/illustrated/projected/given/demonstrated/depicted ||

from [year] to [year]/ in [country/region/months/whatever is given] || and
the amount/ratio/quantity/proportion/figure || is in [figure]

3rd line: Now if we look at the picture closely/ if we have a close view of the picture/ if we
evaluate the picture|| it is clearly seen/ it is evident/ it is quite transparent || that
'X' is/ was/ will be at the top with [figure] in [year/other category] whereas 'Y'
holds/held/will hold the lowest position with [figure].

4th line: 'Z' finds/found/will find the second highest position with [figure]

5th line: A,B & C share almost the same ratio, that is approximately [figure]

Last line: Overall/ to sum up/ at the end/ to conclude/ in conclusion it can be said/ it can
be noticed/ it is observed/ we can say that.
1. X' is/ was always inclining/declining/ at the top and 'Y' is/was at the bottom or had
opposite ratio.
2. 'X' showed/ projected/ will show/will project a dramatic/ drastic/significant change
3. 'X' always dominates/dominated the chart


1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: It is shown/described/illustrated/projected/given/demonstrated/depicted ||

from [year] to [year]/ in [country/region/months/whatever is given] || and
the amount/ratio/quantity/proportion/figure || is in [figure]

3rd line: Now if we look at the picture closely/ if we have a close view of the picture/ if we
evaluate the picture|| it is clearly seen/ it is evident/ it is quite transparent || that
'X' is/ was/ will be at the top with [figure] in [year/other category]

4th line: It gradually increased/decreased/remained same in/till [year/category] and

reaches/reached up to [figure].

5th line: [if it changes the trend] – After that a significant change can be noticed and with an
inclining/declining ratio it closes at/closed at [figure] in [year/category]

Last line: Overall/ to sum up/ at the end/ to conclude/ in conclusion it can be said/ it can
be noticed/ it is observed/ we can say that.
1. X' is/ was always inclining/declining/ at the top and 'Y' is/was at the bottom or had
opposite ratio.
2. 'X' showed/ projected/ will show/will project a dramatic/ drastic/significant change
3. 'X' always dominates/dominated the chart

1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: It is shown/described/illustrated/projected/given/demonstrated/depicted ||

from [year] to [year]/ in [country/region/months/whatever is given] || and
the amount/ratio/quantity/proportion/figure || is in [figure]

3rd line: Now if we look at the picture closely/ if we have a close view of the picture/ if we
evaluate the picture|| it is clearly seen/ it is evident/ it is quite transparent || that
'X' is/ was/ will be at the top with [figure] in [year/other category] whereas 'Y'
holds/held/will hold the lowest position with [figure].

4th line: 'Z' finds/found/will find the second highest position with [figure]

5th line: A,B & C share almost the same ratio, that is approximately [figure]

Last line: Overall/ to sum up/ at the end/ to conclude/ in conclusion it can be said/ it can
be noticed/ it is observed/ we can say that.
1. X' is/ was always inclining/declining/ at the top and 'Y' is/was at the bottom or had
opposite ratio.
2. 'X' showed/ projected/ will show/will project a dramatic/ drastic/significant change
3. 'X' always dominates/dominated the chart

1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: As per the image we can see in North/East/West/South there is/was [category] and
just opposite/adjacent to it we can find [category]

3rd line: Now if we move towards North/East/West/South is there/situated and on the right/on
the left/above it/below it [category] can be located.

4th line: In the middle we can see [category]

5th line: Over all this diagram gives us clear view of the surrounding of [place]

1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: We can see different steps of the process/this cycle.

3rd line: The process/cycle starts with {1st step].
4th line: After that [2nd step]
5th line: This is followed by [3rd & 4th step]
6th line: At last [last step]
7th line (if still have time): To sum up we can say there are total [1/2/3/4/5/6/7] stages in this

1st line: The given picture/ This picture/ This image/ The given line graph/bar graph/ diagram/
map/ linear graph/ table/ Venn diagram/ Pie chart/ Flow chart ||
shows/describes/illustrates/talks about/demonstrates/projects/tells us/discusses/
depicts [Topic Line]

2nd line: It is shown/described/illustrated/projected/given/demonstrated/depicted ||

from [year] to [year]/ in [country/region/months/whatever is given] || and
the amount/ratio/quantity/proportion/figure || is in [figure]

3rd line: Now if we look at the picture closely/ if we have a close view of the picture/ if we
evaluate the picture|| it is clearly seen/ it is evident/ it is quite transparent || that
'X' is/ was/ will be at the top with [figure] in [year/other category] whereas 'Y'
holds/held/will hold the lowest position with [figure].

4th line: 'Z' finds/found/will find the second highest position with [figure]

5th line: A,B & C share almost the same ratio, that is approximately [figure]

Last line: Overall/ to sum up/ at the end/ to conclude/ in conclusion it can be said/ it can
be noticed/ it is observed/ we can say that.
1. X' is/ was always inclining/declining/ at the top and 'Y' is/was at the bottom or had
opposite ratio.
2. 'X' showed/ projected/ will show/will project a dramatic/ drastic/significant change
3. 'X' always dominates/dominated the chart

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