Connector Deployment

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Connector Excellence

LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

• Definitions
o Sub-Assy Connector (se ensambla en línea)
➢ Make in House (Issue) in US32 and Internal Buy for other facilities.

Figure 1:Sub-Assy Connector

Figure 2: Explode view sub-assy connector.

o Connector Kit

Figure 3: Conector Kit

Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

Figure 4: Explode view connector kit.

➢ Make in House (Phantom): No se ensambla en la línea.

• BOM Structure
*Si no lleva Boot el item 20 no está.
*Si no lleva Crimp el item 30 no está.

o Connector Kit
Item 10 – Sub Assy Connector
Item 20 – Boot
Item 30 – Crimp
Item 40 - Dust Cap
o Top Levels
Item 10 – Sub Assy Connector
Item 20 – Boot
Item 30 – Crimp
Item 40 – Housing
Item 50 – Dust Cap

En los nuevos dibujos usar la siguientes estructura:

Item 10 (Connector EndA) Item 20 (Connector EndB)

Item 15 (Duplex Clip for Conn EndA) Item 25 (Duplex Clip for Conn EndB)

Item 400 (Conn A Polishing BOM) Item 401 (Conn B Polishing BOM)

Item 598 (Conn A Potting BOM) Item 599 (Conn B Potting BOM)

Item 1500 (Test Spec Conn A) Item 1501 (Test Spec Conn B)

• Market Standards
Global DC/Enterprise/Telecom Markets based on IEC
North American DC/Enterprise based on TIA/IEC
North American Telecom based on GR
Customer Specification VZ FOC
Customers like DT, BT based on IEC (Customized)
Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

Anatel, Brasil
• Boot Types
A1 y A2 es el tipo de fibra que se usa dependiendo del radio permitido en la fibra.

• Housing Types

La concentricidad de la ferula es el ‘alma’ del producto.

• Connector Performance
Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

• Clip Duplex

• Standardization

• Advantages
Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

• Connector Deployment Phases

• Implementation Summary

• Epoxy TimeLine
Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

• Drawings
❖ LC Gen2:
-Assembly Drawing: A17005935
-Test Spec Drawing: A17005890
❖ SC Gen4:
-Assembly Drawing: A19005158
-Test Spec Drawing: A18011483
• Notes
Don’t use OLD LC Clips 1754371-X, use 860659589.
Don’t use OLD SC Dust Cap 1090817, use 860643228
Don’t use OLD SC Clips, use 860656003.
Don’t use OLD LC or SC Connector Kits, please refer connector drawings for the new kits, use
Connector Table as reference.
Don’t create new Connector Kits.
▪ Exceptions:
-SC 900 𝜇𝑚 APC – Keep as SC Gen3
-LC UPC and MM (Only IEC) back to G1

• Connector Table

• Coming Soon – LC Springless Deployment

Connector Excellence
LC G2 and SC G4 Implementation (Refresh 3-sep-2021)

• Other Topics for Review

Test Specifications
Spring less
Potting BOM
Polishing BOM

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