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Incrs in biomassplants harvested series of timedtermine the batchess biomassincrease in biomassmeasure

Light E. (range of wvlenghts) to Chmcl E.

Chlorophyllphotosynthetic pgment absorb RED & BLUE- more than green- leave appear green

Uptake Co2:

- if co2 absorb fr water -ph level of water increasemeasure -pH meterleaves take in Co2 fr water and air


Light E. - photolysis of water production of ATP

Prodctuion of O2: - aquatic plants -release bubbles of O2- collectedmeasure volume o2

Measure the rate of photos.: - production of o2 - uptake of Co2

Carbon fixation- co2 gas to solid co2organic compound using hydrogen (fr photolysis of water and energy -ATP)

- (indrctly) increase in biomass

Light absorption ( photo activation in photsystem ii)

Photoactivated- lightChlorophyll- excited electron single chlorophyll mlce electron drops back- emit enrgy

chlrphyl absorbs light- chhlrophyll photoactivated light - excite the elctron to hgher energy level - electron excited -

excited electrons come back to its original levelre- emitting the energy -


chlrophyll- in thylakoid mmbrnes- arrged in groups of hundreds of meloecules

The pathway of excited electron in thylajoid membrane-soure light absorption ( photoactivatio photosystem two)

Chlorophyll ( in thylakoid membrane)

Special chlorphyll molecule- att he reaction centre

chain of electron carriers

Production of ATP ( non cyclic photophosphorylation- using energy from excited elevtron from photosystem II)

Energy production

One stageproduction of ATP

ATP synthase - down concentration gradient

Proton gradient

Electron flow- proton pumped across thylakoid membrane


Excited electronreaction centre in P 11 - chain of carriers

excited electron pass along chain of electron carriers

it produces energy - passes along the electron transport chain - at each stage

at one stage- enough energy is released to make a molecule of ATP

the coupling of electron transport to ATP synthesis

Electron flow causes proton to be pumpedacross thykajoid membrane into fluid space inside the thylakoid

Proton gradient created

located in thylakoid membrane lets the proton across the membrane down the concentration gradien - use energy release to synthesis ATP

Pathway of non cyclic photophosphorylation

Chlorophyll at the reaction centre (P 2)

Chain of electron

Concentration gradient in the thylakoid membrane ( fluid) of hydrogen ion)

ATP synthase ( produce atp) concentration gradient created

Photoactivation of photosystem 1

Production NADP (Activation of Photosystem 1)

After releasing energy- to make ATP- electrn gv away by photosystem 2 - accpted by photosystem 1

Electron from P2 to P1

Electron replacement in P 1 Photoactivation of P1 Ex electron - along shrt chain carriers - NADP+

NADP+ accpt 2 ex.electron + H ion - NADPH

Electron replaces one prvsly-gwn awy by p 1

AFter elec rplcment- p 1 absorb light- gv awy exctd electrn

Ex electron ps alng shrt chn of crr to NADP+ in stroma

NADP+ accpt hgh enrgy electons from ETC and one H ion - NADPH

Cyc c Photophosphory tion An alternative pathway allows atp production when NADP+ is not available

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