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Problem Set 4

Econometrics (30413)

Spring 2021

Theory Questions

Question 1

Consider a model where the outcome variable y is binary


if the individual is graduated
yi =

if the individual is not graduated

and we have a linear model explaining y as a function of explanatory variables x

yi = Xi β + εi

a) Assume E(εi | Xi ) = 0, and derive E(yi | Xi ).

b) Is εi normally distributed?

c) Is εi homoskedastic?

d) Does Xi β̂OLS assume values only between 0 and 1?

Question 2

Suppose you have a sample of households and you are interested in determining the variables
which are relevant to the choice of buying a boat.

a) Which type of latent theoretical model can be considered? Which type of estimable model
should we consider?

b) Write down a linear latent theoretical model.

c) Write down the estimable model.

d) Are the marginal effects constant?

Applied Questions

Question 3

Consider a model where the dependent variable is a woman’s working choice


if the woman works
yi =

if the woman does not work

The estimated model is the following

yi = β0 + β1 agei + β2 educi + β3 childreni + εi

The summary statistics from the data, and the output from a logit model are reported below.

a) Comment on the estimated parameters. Are they statistically significant?

b) What test would you use to evaluate whether the whole estimated model is statistically

Question 4

Consider the previous model, now estimated by a probit.

a) What is the difference between a probit and a logit model?

b) Derive the marginal effect of education on the dependent variable.

c) Is the model overall significant?

Question 5

Now consider the marginal effects from the logit model estimated in question 3

a) Derive the marginal effect of education on the dependent variable in the logit case.

b) Can we give any direct interpretation to the estimated coefficients βj ? What is the value of
the estimated coefficient on the education variable?

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