Topic#1 Management & Organizations Introduction

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Management &


Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

“Someone who coordinates and oversees the work
of other people so that organizational goals can be
• Push and drive.
• May have work duties not related to coordination and
overseeing other’s work.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

The Manager’s Impact
Why Are Managers Important?
• Organizations need management skills in
constantly changing environment.

• Create and coordinates workplace systems

and conditions so that others can perform
their task.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

The Manager’s Impact
Why Are Managers Important?
• Managers do matter to organizations.

Primary Reason You Left Your Last Job?

Your Boss! Your Boss! Your Boss! Your Boss! Your Boss!
Saratoga Institute (700 exit interviews),
Gallup Organization (2 million workers/700 companies)
What is wrong with the boss?
Why do people leave?
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
• Traditionally managers were organizational members who
told others what to do and how to do it.

Now, it is
• Not about personal achievement.
• Helping others.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Manager Vs Leader

• Can the same person be both the manager and leader?

• Are all managers leaders?
• Are all leaders' managers?
• Where, in an organization, do leaders come from?
• Is the top person in an organization, always a leader?

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Classifying Manager
In traditionally structured organizations, managers are classified
• First-line Managers - Individuals who manage the work of
non-managerial employees.
Supervisors, shift managers, department managers, office
• Middle Managers - Individuals who manage the work of first-
line managers.
Store manger, branch manager, project leader
• Top Managers - Individuals who are responsible for making
organization-wide decisions and establishing plans & goals that
affect the entire organization.
Vice president, president, CEO, CFO, managing director

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Exhibit 1–1 Levels of Management

Pyramid – more employees

are at lower organizational
levels than at upper levels.
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
What do managers do?
“coordinating and overseeing the work activities of
others so that their activities are completed
efficiently and effectively”

• Getting things done, effectively and efficiently, through

and with other people.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal


“The point of management is always

the same thing – to cultivate

Marcus Buckingham
“Now, Discover Your Strengths”

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Managerial Concerns

• Efficiency - “Doing things right”

Getting the most output from the least amount of

• Effectiveness - “Doing the right things”

Attaining organizational goals.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Exhibit 1–2 Effectiveness and Efficiency in Management

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Where do managers work?
“Deliberate arrangement of a group of people to
accomplish some specific purpose”

Common Characteristics:
• Has a distinct purpose expressed through goals.
• Composed of people
• Deliberate structure within which members do their work.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Exhibit 1–9 Characteristics of Organizations

• Traditional –
explicit job
• Open and
flexible work

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Functions
What do managers do?
• Henry Fayol – French businessman – early 1900s.
Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and

• Today – planning, organizing, staffing, leading and


Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Exhibit 1–3 Management Functions

• In reality, what a manger does may not always happen in this

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
You want to open a restaurant. As a manager,
how will you achieve your target?

List and categorize all the tasks and duties you

will have to perform under each of the five
functions of management.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Management Skills
What do managers do?
• Robert L. Katz
• Technical skills – job specific
knowledge and techniques
needed to proficiently perform
work tasks.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Skills
What do managers do?
Technical skills
• Multitasking
• Project management
• Reviewing operations and
implementing improvements
• Setting and maintaining
performance standards
• Setting priorities for attention and
• Time management

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Skills
What do managers do?
• Robert L. Katz
• Human skills - the ability to
work well with other people
Individually and in a group.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Skills
What do managers do?
Human skills
• Credibility among colleagues,
peers, and subordinates
• Coaching and mentoring skills
• Working with diverse people and
• Listening and asking questions
• Networking within and outside the
• Working in teams

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Skills
What do managers do?
• Robert L. Katz
• Conceptual skills - the ability
to think and conceptualize
about abstract and complex
situations concerning the

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Management Skills
What do managers do?
Conceptual skills
• Identifying opportunities for
• Recognizing problem areas and
implementing solutions
• Selecting critical information from
masses of data
• Understanding organization’s
business model

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Skills Needed at Different
Managerial Levels

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Major Success Skills for Today’s
• The 21st Century Supervisor: Nine Essential Skills for
Developing Frontline Leaders
by Brad Humphrey and Jeff Stokes, 2000 , p.5

 More than 500 hiring managers were surveyed

 They were asked to rank the success skills

for a new supervisor/manager

 A list of job skills were presented

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Major Success Skills for Today’s
• Business Analysis Skills
• Writing Skills
• Continuous Improvement Skills
• Computer Skills
• Team Skills
• Communication Skills
• Coaching Skills
• Resource Management Skills
• Project Management Skills

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Major Success Skills for Today’s

• Which of them are the highest priority and which are

lowest priority?

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Major Success Skills for Today’s
Survey results from the 500 hiring managers.
• Communication Skills (83%)
• Coaching Skills (81%)
• Team Skills (80%)
• Project Management Skills (78%)
• Computer Skills (75%)
• Continuous Improvement skills (73%)
• Writing Skills (71%)
• Business Analysis Skills (68%)
• Resource Management Skills (66%)
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles
What do managers do?
• Henry Mintzberg – studied actual mangers at work.
Concluded that what managers do can best be described by
looking at the managerial roles they engage in at work.

• 10 roles are grouped around interpersonal relationships,

the transfer of information, and decision making.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles
What do managers do?
• Interpersonal roles – involve people and other duties that
are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.

• Informational roles – collecting, receiving and

disseminating information.

• Decisional roles – making decisions or choices.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

• Higher
• Lower

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles
What do managers do?

Emphasis that managers give to the various roles seems

to change with their organizational level.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Class Activity
What do you think makes some managers better than others?
Form small groups with 3–4 other class members. Discuss your
experiences with managers – good and bad (all of you must have
worked with individuals in managerial positions, either through
work experiences or through other organizational experiences).
• List the characteristics of those individuals you felt were good
• For each item, indicate which management function,
managerial role and which management skill you think it falls
• Share your list with the class and to explain your choice of
management function and skill.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?

In today’s world, managers must deal with global

economic issues, political uncertainties, changing
workplaces, ethical issues, security threats,
changing technology etc.

Headwaters MB, Investment bank – restructured company’s

business during recession.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?
• The Increasing Importance of Customers – the reason
that organizations exist.

Managing customer relationships - responsibility of all

managers not only of marketing managers (customer-
responsive organization)

Employee attitudes and behaviors play a role in customer

satisfaction (increase in service jobs)

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?

"Happy Employees = Happy Customers"

Management philosophy of Sir Richard Branson,

CEO of the Virgin group (400 companies).

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?

“We built the Starbucks brand first with our people, not with
the consumers, because we believed that the best way to
meet and exceed the expectations of our customers was to
hire and train great people, we invested in employees.”

Howard Schultz
Former CEO, Starbucks

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?
• Innovation - doing things differently, exploring new
territories, and taking risks.
Not just for high-tech or other technologically sophisticated

“Cut costs. Think out of the box. Even if the world around
you is collapsing, be bold, be daring, think big.”
Chairman Tata Motors.

Introduction of $2000 mini car, the Tata Nano – India’s

most fuel efficient.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?
• Sustainability – “meeting the needs of people today
without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs” - World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (2005).

Company’s ability to achieve its business goals and increase

long-term shareholder value by integrating economic,
environmental, and social opportunities into its business

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Changes Facing Managers
How is the manager’s job changing?

Project Gigaton, launched in 2017.

Walmart initiative to avoid one billion metric tons (a
gigaton) of greenhouse gases from the global value chain
till 2030.
Equivalent of removing more than 211 million passenger
vehicles from the road for a year.

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

Principles of Management – Fall 2022 Sana Iqbal

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