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Succeed with your LinkedIn prospecting messages

1) Introduction to your success

This free eBook offers you a copy of the 7 best templates that we have
identified as the most effective in turning a prospect into a customer.

You will discover:

The copywriting basics and techniques that make our studies

The summarized case studies that prove our expertise.
The 7 examples to copy and paste in your own campaigns.

Our teams have conducted a survey for you, sending out more than 200
prospecting campaigns, for 4 different products and more than 50
different targets per campaign, in order to get sufficient results to make
this study case revelant and useful to you.

LinkedIn is a very powerful platform to generate leads. It is 277% more

effective than other social networks. Thanks to multi-channel prospecting,
you can combine a LinkedIn marketing strategy with cold emailing.

We offer you the keys to succeed in your quest for growth and exceed
your business goals.

Here is a small taste of what we offer.

3 LinkedIn invitation templates, to get in touch with your prospect.

2 Cold emailing templates.
2 templates of multi-channel sequences (LinkedIn + Emails)
A promo code, which you will soon receive in your mailbox.
Succeed with your LinkedIn prospecting messages

2) How to boost your sales writing


The more you segment your searches and Once you have found the target for
have campaigns composed of qualified your first campaign, add your
prospects, the more personalized and prospects in your CRM to launch your
impactful your messages will be. automatic prospecting messages.
Think quality.


You will have to understand what your What are the keywords related to the
target is looking for and how you can help sector of activity of your target?
them. You have to understand their codes For example, if they are recruiters,
and what makes them convert. Do some you will use the appropriate lexical
research on the network, it is full of field: sourcing, recruitment, interview,
information! talents, headhunter.


There is a big mistake that 90% of sales are A "Attention grabber" with a punch
making: They want to sell. You don't sell in line.
2021, you incite to buy by showing the I " Interest ": what is your value
value proposition of your product/service. proposition?
Think: what do I bring to my future D " Desire ": how does this
customer? proposition meet the prospect's
A " Action ": Call To action or incentive
to respond.
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

1) First contact your prospect via LinkedIn

Hello {{firstname}},

I came across your profile and was very interested in your

experience as a (state here the title of the person) in (state
here the sector of activity). How about we get in touch? I
share a lot of content on (state a topic that connects you to
them) that you might find useful.

Description of the study

Content managers in marketing agencies in France.
Sample of 1000 people.

Acceptance Response rate

Final results
107 downloads or purchases of Waalaxy.
61 newsletter subscribers (hot leads - not yet converted).
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

2) First contact your prospect via LinkedIn

Hello {{firstname}},

My name is (state your name), I am a (state your job) at (state the

You seem to be exactly the type of person I want to network with. I
admire the work you do as a (note your target's occupation).
I myself am fascinated by (state the prospect's industry/job type) and am
always looking for solutions.
I actually have something I think you could benefit from.

No aggressive sales manipulation, I promise, I just want to network with

you and share our expertise.

Description of the study

Business developers in the banking sector.
Sample of 1000 people.

Acceptance rate Response rate

Final results
82 downloads or purchases of Waalaxy.
41 newsletter subscribers (hot leads - not yet converted).
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

3) First contact your prospect via LinkedIn

Hello {{firstname}},

I saw that you are in (note the sector) OR I saw that you are a
(note the title). I am looking to understand the needs of the
sector in order to present an adapted solution. What do you
think are the 3 most important issues in (note the subject)?

I look forward to discussing them with you.

Description of the study

Sales representatives in communication agencies, France.
Sample of 1000 people.


Acceptance rate Response rate

Final results
97 downloads or purchases of Waalaxy.
47 newsletter subscribers (hot prospects - not yet converted).
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

4) First contact your prospects through Cold Emailing

Subject: Hi! How are you?

What's new?
If you're interested in web acquisition strategies, I thought
you might like the latest version of our prez The Numbers of
Inbound Marketing. You can download it from this page.
Let me know if I did the right thing by sending it to you and if
you liked the study?

Description of the study

Marketing managers, France.
Sample of 1000 people.


Opening rate Click rate

Final results
101 downloads or purchases of Waalaxy.
41 newsletter subscribers (hot leads - not yet converted).
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

5) First contact your prospect through Cold Emailing

Subject: The 5 best rated tools to develop your sales in 2021

Hello {{firstname}},
There are 5 top rated tools in the sales world in 2021. Do you
know them?
We've listed them for you in this article.
Tell me if I did the right thing by sending it to you and if you
liked the study?
See you soon

Description of the study

Sales managers in the digital, new technology and web sectors,
Sample of 1000 people.


Opening rate Click rate

Final results
99 downloads - Purchase of Waalaxy.
51 newsletter subscribers (hot prospects - not yet converted).
The 7 templates of prospecting messages

6) Multi-channel sequences (LinkedIn + Emails)

Hello {{firstname}},

I see we have some common interests, it would be cool to

I too am interested in (state your target sector), and I publish
quite a bit of content on the subject.

I look forward to following your content on LinkedIn.

Acceptance rate Response rate

Subject: Hi it's (Note your first name) from LinkedIn!

Hello {{firstname}},
I've been doing some research on the best way to understand the
issues of (note the sector/trade of your target). I read dozens of
interesting studies, but I didn't find one that was effective enough,
so I did my own study on the 4 points to improve and how to go
about it.
I put the link right here.
I'll be glad to know if you found it useful!

Opening rate Click rate

The 7 templates of prospecting messages

7) Multi-channel sequences (LinkedIn + Emails)

Hello {{firstName}},

I'm also in the digital business, and I was wondering how you
do your prospecting?
To tell you the truth, I'm doing a case study on emailing and
I'm looking for insights from decision makers like you.
I'll give you the full study later if you're interested in knowing
what works best in 2021!

Acceptance rate Response rate

Subject: Hi there! Do you know how to achieve +20% in click-

through rate with Cold Emailing?

Hello {{firstname}},
I've done some research on the best way to boost your click-
through rate with copywriting. In this link you will find the secret of
the 7 templates that worked best at Waalaxy. They are JUST copy
and paste. It's a gift.
So feel free to boost my click-through rate by clicking on this link.

Opening rate Click rate

Succeed with your LinkedIn prospecting messages

1) Conclusion of the study

This free eBook gives you a real guide to B2b prospecting: whether it's
single-channel (LinkedIn) or multi-channel (LinkedIn + Email).

Before finding the 7 best prospecting templates, we ran over 200 campaigns
and tested hundreds of different approaches.
What did we learn?
Friendly and warm messages work better than cold and professional
ones in the digital sector (on average +7% response rate).
Short emails lead to better click-through rates, especially when the call-
to-actions are clearly visible.
In the US, the perfect Headline for a mail is: brief, personalized,
interesting, with offer value and urgency. (On average +11%)
Avoid clickbait.
Include keywords.

And there you have it. You've earned a little gift.

If you're looking for an automation tool to automatically send hundreds of

personalized messages via LinkedIn + Emails: Here's a crazy promo code to
help you get started.

That's good, in a few days you will receive a promo code to help you get

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