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In biology, we have been studying the theory of Collision. Collision theory is the theory that

when suitable particles collide they have a certain number of reactions. Collision theory also

claims these collisions only result in a reaction when the collision is sufficiently forceful and

that the rate at which a reaction occurs is directly connected to the frequency of effective


The important part of this theory is that the more collisions resulting in a reaction the faster

the rate of the reaction. Theoretically, this means that we can affect the rate of a reaction by

finding a way to affect the amount of collisions. The more collisions that occur, the more

collisions that result in a reaction. The more collision that result in a reaction, the faster the

rate of the reaction.

Within this theory we are trying to understand how the reaction between hydrochloric acid

and sodium thiosulphate can be affected by other factors.

Therefore, our research question is “How can the reaction between hydrochloric acid and

sodium thiosulphate be affected?”.

We wish to attempt to find the answer to this question because we would like to understand

the specifics of collision theory and if this theory holds true in an experiment like this one.
Our experiment is simple. Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate are combined into a

beaker. A reaction begins. This reaction creates sulfur and sulfur dioxide gas

here is the formula:

Na2S2O3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) → S(s) + SO2(g) + 2NaCl(aq)



The following are things we could change to this reaction (independent variable):

- the temperature of the liquids before they begin reacting

- the concentration of the sodium thiosulphate in the mixture between the two


- adding of a catalyst (whether this is possible depends on whether the finding of a

catalyst is possible)

- the set of eyes that decide when the X is no longer viewable (this would only work if

we choose to measure the first listed in the next paragraph)

The following are things we could measure to see if the independent variable we change

affects the way the reaction behaves (dependent variable):

- How long the reaction takes to reach the point where a drawn X under the beaker

would no longer be visible

- The average temperature throughout the reaction

- The amount of sulfur dioxide gas released

Decision on Independent variable

We have decided we are going to change the concentration of sodium thiosulphate using the

apparatus of a measuring vial. The values of this change will be:

- 4 millimeters of sodium thiosulphate and 16 millimeters of hydrochloric acid

- 8 millimeters of sodium thiosulphate and 12 millimeters of hydrochloric acid

- 12 millimeters of sodium thiosulphate and 8 millimeters of hydrochloric acid

- 16 millimeters of sodium thiosulphate and 4 millimeters of hydrochloric acid

We chose these values because each chemical is decreased/increased by 4 millimeters each

value. This is a good thing because it will result in the most exact graph possible. Randomly

choosing the values (example: 2 millimeter of HCl in the first value, 8 milimeters of HCl in

the second value, and 10 in the third) could result in big gaps in the graph leading to the

possibility of missing an important part of the graph.

We also chose these values because they keep the total amount of liquid in the beaker at 20

millimeters. Changing the total amount of liquid in the beaker would result in the X drawn

under the beaker to no longer be visible quicker than it would if there was less liquid in the

Finally, we chose these values as they are not too big to the point that the chemicals would

not fit in our beaker and would make us unnecessarily waste chemicals, but they are not too

little to the point that adding a quarter millimeter too much would completely ruin the reading

and would make not seeing the X under the beaker impossible or at least take very long.

Decision on Dependent variable

We also decided we will measure how long it takes for the reaction to get to the point that the

X we will have drawn under the beaker where the reaction takes place is no longer visible

with the apparatus of a timer. We will repeat each reading three times. Therefore, we will

record 12 results.

Control variables

the following are things we will do our best to keep from changing, the value they will stay

at, and how we will prevent them from changing value:

Control variable constant value of variable apparatus or technique

used to keep the variable

constant through readings

diameter of glass 5 cm using the same glass (and

cleaning it between


The set of eyes that decide Lucas Teerlink’s eyes Waiting for Lucas to say the

when the X is no longer X is no longer viewable to

viewable stop the timer

The temperature room temperature 20 - 22c Remaining in the same room

and keeping the windows


the “X” Lucas’ pen (erasable office Using the same pen and the

pen, red, somewhat thick same person to draw the two

lines) Xs

Total amount of liquid 20ml Measuring vial.

chemicals in the beaker

during a reaction

Catalyst 0ml Not inserting any catalyst in

the reaction beaker, or any



Our scientific knowledge suggests that if we increase the concentration of sodium

thiosulphate, the rate of the reaction will decrease.

We believe this because the sulphur in the reaction is what makes the solution opaque. The

sulphur makes the solution opaque because sulphur is insoluble. If we increase the

concentration of sodium thiosulphate, then there is more sodium thiosulphate molecules in

the solution before reaction. If there is more sodium thiosulphate molecules in the solution

before reaction, then there is a higher chance that these sodium thiosulphate molecules collide

with the hydrochloric acid molecules. If there is a higher chance that the sodium thiosulphate

molecules collide with the hydrochloric acid molecules, then it will take shorter for suitable

molecules to collide at enough speed to cause a reaction. If it takes shorter for suitable

molecules to collide at enough speed to cause a reaction, then it will take shorter for the

reaction to take place. If the reaction takes shorter to take place, then it will take shorter for
the solution to contain enough sulphur so the mixture becomes opaque to the point we do not

see the X underneath the beaker where the reaction occurs. If it takes shorter for the solution

to contain enough sulphur so the mixture becomes opaque to the point we do not see the X

underneath the beaker where the reaction occurs, then the rate of the reaction decreases.

If this hypothesis is true, then as we increase the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, the

time it takes for the reaction to occur will decrease between variables.

We predict our graph will look somewhat like this:


e correlation between the two variables is negative.

In this graph, when y is increased by a certain amount, x increases the same amount


The equipment we will use in this experiment includes:

- 1 beaker to store the sodium thiosulphate while it is not in use

- 1 beaker to store the hydrochloric acid while it is not in use

- 120ml of sodium thiosulphate

- 120ml of hydrochloric acid

- 2 beakers to hold both of the chemical compounds during the reaction

- 2 timers to measure the time the reaction takes to get to the point we will no longer be

able to see the X below the beaker

- 1 paper with 2 Xs on them.

- 2 measuring vials to measure the amount of each chemical put in the beaker used to

hold reactions

We need this much equipment because we will be conducting multiple readings at the same



Our method step by step is to

1. Gather all equipment previously described

2. put on lab coats and safety goggles

3. put sodium thiosulphate in a beaker and the hydrochloric acid in another

4. Add 4ml of sodium thiosulphate into a measuring vial (do so over the sink)

5. Add these 4ml into the reaction beaker (the only empty one)

6. Add 16 ml of hydrochloric acid into the unused measuring vial (do so over the sink)

7. Add this to the reaction beaker and start the timer as soon as this is done

8. Have Lucas Teerlink’s watch the X and be ready to stop the chronometer when he

considers the X is no longer viewable and record the results

9. Go on to the next reading by repeating steps 4 to 8. Lucas Teerlink will watch both Xs

at the same time. It is possible he requires assistance to hold one chronometer. The
second holder must wait for Lucas’ order of stopping the chronometer when Lucas

deems the second reading’s X to be no longer viewable and record the results

10. After the first reading is completed, Commence the third by repeating steps 4 to 8

11. wait for all readings to be completed

12. Clean reaction beakers and measuring vials. Appropriately Discard remains from


13. repeat steps 4 to 12 for the next value

14. repeat step 13

15. Repeat step 13

16. store equipment

We have considered safety by wearing lab coats and keeping sufficient distance from the

reaction. We will not look at the reaction directly from above at the reaction as procedure

dictates, since some experiments may burn hair or result in a reaction so strong it makes

contact with the person looking directly above it. We will also not sit so no chemicals fall on

us in case of spillage. We will wear safety goggles, and when moving chemicals into

measuring vials, we will do so over the sink to prevent spillage over any valuables because

we know from experience this action often results in spillage. We will make sure to clean out

all vials we use thoroughly to prevent cross contamination. In case of accident, we will step

back without causing scandal or major unsettlement from the nearby, and we will go get help.


We changed the concentration of hydrochloric sodium thiosulphate (and therefore also

decreased the concentration of hydrochloric acid to keep the total amount of chemicals at 20

millimeters between each value). The units used for this were millimeters.
We measured how long it took for the reaction to get to the point that the X drawn under the

beaker was no longer visible. The units used for this were seconds

Values Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Average Range

4 sodium thiosulphate 439 secs 390 412 413 0.67

8 sodium thiosulphate 118 114 126 1.7 -0.48

12 sodium thiosulphate 68 88 75 1.1 -0.07

here is our graph:

I have labeled the x-axis As Seconds for the X to become unviewable and added units of


I have labeled the y-axis Sodium thiosulphate concentration and added units of millimeters
I notice 2 things about the line of best fit:

- The line is a downward trend and suggests that more thiosulphate equals a faster


- The line does not at all meet the points.

Conclusion and Evaluation

Looking at our graph, the trend is that as we increased the concentration of sodium thiosulphate, what

happens to the measurement is decrease.

This result corresponds with our hypothesis. Why the results show a negative correlation has therefore

already been explained there. Our prediction was right when we said that increasing the concentration

of sodium thiosulphate would result in a longer time for the X under the beaker where the reaction

takes place to become no longer viewable, but it was incorrect when we said that when you would add

a certain number to one variable, the other would increases equally.

The degree of support given to my hypothesis by my results are high. My hypothesis suggested there

would be a negative correlation, and my results back this up.

After this investigation, I can say the overall validity of our hypothesis is correct. When I compare my

predicted graph with my actual graph, I can say 2 things:

- Both lines are straight

- Both lines show a negative correlation

One reason they are not exactly the same is that the predicted graph line’s slope is steeper than the

actual graphs (predicted graph’s is closer to vertical)


Accuracy is how close the points are to my line. Looking at my graph I can say my accuracy is

acceptable. Although no points touch the line, they are all quite close. The small lack of accuracy in

this experiment does not result in our results not being valid, as there is a clear pattern between the


Precision is how exact each measurement is. Considering my apparatus, I can say that precision could

have been given more thought. We were impatient to finish the experiment and were on a time limit

of a class to find our results. It felt logical to conduct more than one reading at a time, but this resulted

in loss of quality in the results. Since one of our control variables was using the same person to decide

when the X was no longer viewable, the person had to watch two readings at the same time, which

resulted in a lack of concentration and therefore a few readings where it was clear the person had

focused too much on one reading and stopped the timer for the other reading quite late. This could

have been fixed by re-doing the reading, but we did not do this.

Two other things that made my results inaccurate are how:

- By the last readings, the sodium thiosulphate had already begun to react with oxygen,

or some other thing. All we know is that it already contained some sulphur before the


- The cleaning of the equipment between readings was not always done thoroughly

Reliability is how close my 3 readings for the same variable are. Looking at my results, I can say my

lack of reliability is the biggest problem with my results. There are some cases where there are as big

as 49 second gaps between my readings. Big gaps like this are most likely the result of big errors

during specific readings, such as forgetting to stop the timer as explained before. Regardless, this

makes my results unreliable.

Overall, the level of error was quite high. My results are still proof that the connection between the

concentration of sodium thiosulphate and the speed of the reaction for this experiment results in a

negative correlation.

Two things that made my results unreliable are how:

- Lucas could have gotten more exhausted and bothered less on getting good results as

time passed

- Shaquil ate in the science laboratory

Validity of my method is whether our experiment helped answer our research question. Overall, I

would say it indeed did so. We now know that the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium

thiosulphate be affected by changing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate.

Specific problem with my How did this affect validity? Specifically, how could I

method improve this?

no points touch the line My results lack accuracy Re-doing readings that seem

wrong or we know we did


We were impatient to finish the Many final results were done Taking a break

experiment incorrectly

the person had to watch two In some readings, the timer Re-doing readings where the

readings at the same time was stopped late, making some timer was nt stopped in time

readings results bigger than

they should be

The sodium thiosulphate was The X become unviewable Replacing the reacted sodium

by the end already somewhat before it would have actually thiosulphate

reacted normally been

The cleaning of the equipment The actual concentration of the Cleaning the equipment better

between readings was not mixture was not exactly what

always done thoroughly we claimed it was

There are some cases where Results are inaccurate Repeating readings for which

there are as big as 49 second their results are illogical

gaps between my readings

Lucas was more exhausted and Results were inaccurate Taking a break when we had a

bothered less on getting good break

results as time passed

Shaquil ate in the science Results may have been affected Not let Shaquil eat in the

laboratory laboratory

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