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How does voltage affect current during electrolysis?

An oxidation-reduction reaction is a chemical reaction where electrons are moved between
atoms. This makes the atoms present in this reaction loose or gain electrons, therefore
oxidizing or reducing (Britannica).
A type of oxidation-reduction reaction is electrolysis. Electrolysis is passing an electric current
through a solution capable of conducting electricity. This then produces chemical reactions
which result in a decomposition of the materials in which the electric current originally comes
from (BBC).
During electrolysis, two electrodes are put into contact with the same electrolyte, the
substance capable of conduction electricity. Then, one electrode is connected to the cathode,
the other to the anode. This makes one electrode be positively charged, and the other,
negatively charged (FuseSchool).
In this specific scenario, the liquid solution will be copper sulphate, and the electrodes will be
made of copper. This causes two chemical reactions.
In the first, the copper cations (2Cu++, positive ions) in the solution (the electrolyte) move
towards the electrode connected to the cathode (therefore the negative electrode), since
opposites attract. Due to this electrode being negatively charged, the following reaction occurs:
2Cu++ + 4e-- → 2Cu. The electrode connected to the cathode ends up coated in copper.
In the second reaction, the oxygen anions in the electrolyte move towards the electrode
connected to the anode, for the same reasons. This causes a second reaction: 2O-- → O2 + 4e--.
Oxygen bubbles come out of the solution, near this positive electrode (Gurney).

This investigation will be looking into how this reaction’s current can be affected by the voltage
of the battery where the electrodes are connected, hence the research question “How does
voltage affect current during electrolysis”.
This research question is worth researching because it will lead to a more solid understanding
of electrolysis, and in turn, oxidation-reduction reactions. Furthermore, electrolysis is used for
multiple processes in industry, such as coating; therefore, a solid understanding regarding the
details of variables which may affect this reaction may be of use if and when working with it.

Independent variable:
The independent variable for this experiment will be the voltage, in the units of volts. This
variable will be changed between readings by changing the voltage of the battery. The values
will be: 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 volts

These values are reasonable and will help answer the research question since they are big
enough to see a connection between the independent and dependent variable, if any. They are
also not big to the point electricity is unnecessarily wasted, or the researchers conducting the
experiment are put in danger.

Dependent variable:
The dependent variable for this experiment will be current. This will be measured in amperes,
with a ammeter. Each reading will be repeated 3 times to prevent flukes from hiding a
connection between the two variables. Therefore, there will be a total of 15 results.

Control variables:
Control variable Value of variable How this variable Why this variable
should be kept should be kept
constant constant
Diameter of glass 7.5cm Using the same glass Different diameters
in between readings. will result in more or
less of the area of the
electrode being
covered by
electrolyte (liquid
Distance between The same as the By having the The distance
two electrodes diameter of the glass electrodes be as between the
close as possible to electrodes will
the edges of the glass change the
without touching resistance, which will
these edges. have an effect on the
Temperature Room temperature Staying in the same Many reactions are
laboratory with a known to speed up
constant when in a high
temperature. temperature. This is
a reasonable
precaution, in case
this reaction is one of
Amount of 80 millimeters Using the same cup Different millimeters
electrolyte with solution each of electrolyte will
reading. result in more or less
of the area of the
electrode being
covered by
electrolyte (liquid
Concentration of 0.5 moles Using the same It is a possibility that
pure electrolyte solution each a higher
reading. concentration will
result in an easier
flow of electrons.
Time between 5 seconds counting 5 seconds There is a certain
turning on the between turning on period of time when
battery and the voltage and the battery is first
measuring the recording the turned on where the
current number on the number on the
ammeter. ammeter is lower
than when it is a few
seconds later. This is
a precaution not to
take this number.
Material of copper Using the same Different materials
electrodes electrode may conduct
electricity differently

As the voltage is increased, the current will also increase.
The “waterpipe analogy” will be used to explain why such is the conclusion that has been made.

One can think of the way electricity flows in circuits similarly to the way one thinks to the way
water flows through a waterpipe:

JIMBLOM, “Extending the Water Analogy”. SparkFun, Accessed 30
Apr. 2021.

The voltage is the pressure exerted on the water which then forces it to move around the pipe,
the resistance is the width of the pipe, and the current is the flow rate of the water.

If the pressure (voltage) exerted on the water (electrons) is greater, then the water (electrons)
will be pushed harder to move from place A to place B (the anode to the cathode). If the water
(electrons) are pushed harder to move, then there will be a stronger net force acting on the
water (electrons) pushing it to move to one side. If there is a stronger net force pushing the
water (electrons) to one side, then the water will flow towards that side faster. If the water
flows towards one side quicker, then the flow rate of the water (current) increases.

This theory is also supported by Ohm’s law: current is equal to resistance times voltage

As can be seen in the image above, when voltage is increased in a circuit whilst the resistance
(space between the two electrodes) is maintained, the current increases as well.

Therefore, the correlation will be positive if this hypothesis is correct. The graph will look
somewhat like this:

Step 1: connect wires to battery
Step 2: connect alligator clips to wires
Step 3: connect alligator clips to electrodes
Step 4: Connect an ammeter on the cable closest to the cathode
Step 5: fill the cup with 80 millimeters of the solution
Step 6: immerse the electrodes into the solution
Step 7: researcher one holds the electrodes as far away from each other as possible, whilst
keeping them dipped in the solution
Step 8: researcher two adjusts the voltage to the first unit of the independent variable
Step 9: turn on the battery
Step 10: wait 5 seconds
Step 11: record the number shown on the ammeter
Step 12: turn off the battery
Step 13: repeat from step 9 to step 12 two more times
Step 14: repeat from step 8 to step 13, but with 2 volts
Step 15: repeat from step 8 to step 13, but with 4 volts
Step 16: repeat from step 8 to step 13, but with 6 volts
Step 17: repeat from step 8 to step 13, but with 8 volts

- 2 copper electrodes
- 80 millimeters of Copper Sulphate
- A cup with a diameter of 7.5cm
- 2 alligator clips
- 3 wires
- 1 ammeter
- 1 battery
- Paper and pen to record results

How safety was considered:

All researchers involved during the experiment must wear adequate safety (lab coat and
The Equipment used allows not to have to touch with anything which may result in contact with
an electric current
Standard rules to remain safe will also be followed (no sitting, moving away from the
experiment when something does not go as expected, etc…)

Voltage (independent variable) Current (dependent variable)
The unit for this variable is volt The unit for this variable is ampere
1st reading 2nd reading 3rd reading Average
0 0 0 0 0
2 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
4 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06333
6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
8 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.11333


Two things can be said about the line of best fit:

- It is a straight line, meaning current is directly proportional to current
- It indicates a positive correlation, as the hypothesis originally suggested

Conclusion and Evaluation:

This graph as a whole indicates that the trend is that as voltage is increased, current also
increases, in a proportional manner.

In the hypothesis, such was predicted, because it is logical when thinking of electricity through
the “waterpipe analogy”, and because Ohm’s law claims current increases when voltage does.

The function to the line of best fit is y=0.64x

The prediction in my hypothesis was correct in the sense that current and voltage are directly
proportional. On the other hand, this prediction was flawed, as the predicted graph claimed the
function of the line of best fit would be y=x.
There are two more things that can be said when comparing the actual graph to the predicted
- Both lines of best fit claim that when the voltage is zero, so is the current.
- Both lines begin at zero, since both volts and amperes cannot go below zero.
Overall, the hypothesis was correct, as the vast majority of predictions were correct, and the
hypothesis never specified y would be exactly equal to x.

The accuracy in this investigation is, when described in one word, enough. It is certainly not low
to the point where the results to this investigation can no longer be depended on to make a
conclusion, however, it could be improved. This is because only two points touch the line of
best fit, including the point at (0,0). Regardless of this small lack of accuracy, a connection
between the independent and dependent variable is still obvious.
The precision of the results was high. No rounding up ever occurred, with the exception of two
averages, where the numbers were rounded up to 5 decimals. However, the ammeter was not
particularly precise, and therefore might have had effect on the results.

Some things that caused the results to be somewhat inaccurate are:

- The space between the electrodes was not controlled well
- Neither was temperature
- Nor the time between turning on the battery and measuring the current
- Nor the thickness of the electrode connected to the cathode, and the millimeters of
copper sulphate (because of the chemical reaction)

These results are very reliable. This is the conclusion that has been come to because of how
close the repeated readings are. In many cases, these are exactly the same. When they aren’t,
deviation is minimal.

Overall, the level of error was mostly low. This is confirmed by the accuracy and precision found
in the results.
Some things that made the results unreliable are:
- The imprecision of the ammeter
- The lack of precision when it came to changing the independent variable exactly to the
desired number

The method to this investigation was valid, since it allowed the answering to the research

Here are other errors with the method:

Specific problem with my How did this affect validity How this issue could be
method improved
Ammeter was unprecise Not all decimals were Using a more precise
displayed on this ammeter ammeter, that would
measure past two decimals
Space between electrodes Resistance was not constant, Holding the electrodes with a
was not always 7.5cm meaning more than one physical item to hold it rather
variable was changed, and than have a researcher hold
experiment procedure them
(change one) was not
precisely followed
Temperature was not More than one variable was Not allowing the opening of
controlled changed, and experiment windows and doors in the
procedure (change one) was lab. Also, keeping the
not precisely followed curtains closed at all times
Time between turning on the More than one variable was Using a stopwatch to count
battery and measuring the changed, and experiment the 5 seconds
current was not constant, procedure (change one) was
since it was counted by not precisely followed
people rather than with an
The thickness of the More than one variable was Changing the copper
electrode connected to the changed, and experiment sulphate solution and the
cathode changed, and so did procedure (change one) was electrodes each reading
the millimeters of copper not precisely followed
sulphate (because of the
chemical reaction)

If this investigation were to be repeated, the issues outlines above should be resolved.
Furthermore, readings were errors were visibly made (example: the electrodes clearly were too
close) should be repeated.

It would also be possible to investigate further. This could be done by finding the connection
between current/voltage and the distance between the two electrodes (the resistance).

In conclusion, voltage affects current during electrolysis, as the results of this investigation
suggest the two are directly proportional. Voltage affects current by increasing current as
voltage increases itself.

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