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condition : when water in u/s Balsamand disty is full & D/s Balsamand empty
Discharge of Balsamand disty = 292.73 cs 8.29 cumecs
design discharge % extra 10 = 322.00 cs 9.119 cumecs
U/S FSL Balsamand disty = 696.78 212.381 m
U/S BL Balsamand disty = 692.58 211.101
D/S FSL Balsamand Disty. = 696.78 212.381
D/S BL = 692.58 211.101
Corresponding to discharge Water Depth 161.00 4.56 cumecs
Water Depth in Balsamand disty = 2.77 0.844 m
Depth of water u/s = 696.78-692.58 = 4.20 feet 1.28 m
Depth of water D/s = 696.78-692.58 = 4.20 feet 1.28 m
Crest setting 18% = 692.58+0.18*4.2 = 693.34 211.331 m
Crest setting 40% = 692.58+0.4*4.2 = 694.26 211.613 m
Keeping crest at = 693.50 211.381 m
Head over crest = 696.78-693.5
= 3.28 ft 1 m 1
No of Bays = 3
Provided Bt for one span = 11.31 ft 3.447 m
Total Bt = 33.93 10.342 m
Width of pier = 4.00 ft 1.219 m
No of piers = 2
Total Width of all Piers = 8.00 2.438 m
Pier contraction Coefficient Kp
For nose pier rounded 0.01 Fron IS 6531
Abutment contraction Coefficient Ka 0.1
Effective water way Le = 7.664 m

Width of sill = Minimum= 0.67 m 2/3of head over crest

W Provided = 5 m
Height over U/S floor P = 211.381-211.101 0.28 m
He/W = 0.20
He/P = 3.57
From D/s slope of Glasis = 3
Value of C = 2.00 Approx
Le Reqd including end correction = 9.119/(2*(1)^1.5)) = 4.56

Over all water way = 7.66 m Bt provided OK

Provided 3 no. of bays of 11.31 ft
d/s cut off d/2+1 feet = 4.2/2+1 = 3.1
d/s cut off Provided = 8.25 ft
Depth of filter = 2.50
Effective depth = 5.75
u/s cut off d/3+1 feet = 4.2/3+1 = 2.40
u/s cut off Provided = 6.56 ft
Cistern depth dn/4 = 4.2/4
= 1.05 feet below d/s bed
or = 1.00 feet min 691.58
Reqd Cistern level = 691.53
Existing = 690.100 2.48 ft below d/s bed
Floor length
D/S glasis slope = 3 :1
U/S Glasis Floor Length = 3*(693.5-690.1)
= 10.2 ft
u/s slope 0:1 = 2 :1
Length = 2*(693.5-692.58)
= 1.84 ft
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Cistern length Reqd. = 5*4.2 = 21
= 60
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u/s floor length(Min Reqd. 3m or 9.84ft) = 30.00 ft
Crest Length provided = 43.70 ft
Crest Length Available = 43.70
Pucca bed level U/S = 692.58
Total floor length = 30+43.7+60+3*(693.5-690.1)+2*(693.5-692.58)
= 145.74
Seepage Head = 696.78-692.58+1
(u/s water upto crest level D/s dry = 5.20 ft
ALPHA b/d = 145.74/5.75
= 25.35
LAMBDA Alfa+1/2 = (25.35+1)/2
= 13.18
GE= = 5.2/(PI*5.75*Sqrt13.18)
= 0.079 OK
ALPHA = 145.74/6.56
= 22.22
LAMBDA = (22.22+1)/2
= 11.61
PHI c = ACOS((11.61-1)/11.61)/PI
= 0.1331
PHI d = ACOS((11.61-2)/11.61)/PI
= 0.1896
pihd - phic = 0.1896-0.1331
= 0.0565
Assumed floor thickness u/s = 3.28
correction = 3.28*0.0565/6.56
= 0.0283
Corrected phi d = 0.1896-0.0283
= 0.1613
pressure head = (1-0.1613)*5.2
= 4.36
HGL u/s = 4.36+692.58
= 696.94
Down Stream
ALPHA = 145.74/8.25
= 17.67
LAMBDA = (17.67+1)/2
= 9.34
PHI c = ACOS((9.34-1)/9.34)/PI
= 0.1486
PHI d = ACOS((9.34-2)/9.34)/PI
= 0.2122
pihd - phic = 0.2122-0.1486
= 0.0636
Assumed floor thickness u/s = 3.65
correction = 3.65*0.0636/8.25
= 0.03
Corrected phi d = 0.2122-0.0281
= 0.1841
pressure head = 0.1841*5.2
= 0.96
HGL d/s = 0.96+692.58
= 693.54
HGL slope = (696.94-693.54)/145.74
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= 0.0233
Water level in cistern = 690.100 cistern empty
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distance HGL Rise HGL at point floor level water level RPH RPH/1.25+.25 Existing

0 0.00 693.54 690.10 690.10 3.44 3.00

8 0.19 693.73 690.10 690.10 3.63 3.15

20.4 0.48 694.02 690.10 690.10 3.92 3.38

33.6 0.78 694.32 690.10 690.10 4.22 3.63

46.8 1.09 694.63 690.10 690.10 4.53 3.87

60 1.40 694.94 690.10 690.10 4.84 4.12

70.4 1.64 695.18 693.50 690.10 1.68 1.59

0 0.00 693.54 693.50 690.10 0.04 0.28

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Running Condition
y =((1-0.1613)-0.1841)/145.74 0.00449
Discharge% 100% 75% 50% 25%
Discharge 322.00 241.50 161.00 80.50
u s fsd 4.200 4.200 4.200 4.200
D/S fsd =4.2*((241.50225/322.003)^0.6) 4.20 3.53 2.77 1.83
D/s FSL 692.58+4.2 696.78 696.11 695.35 694.41
HL =696.78-696.78 0.00 0.67 1.43 2.37
q =322.003/11.31/3 9.49 7.12 4.75 2.37
dc =(9.49*9.49/32.2)^1/3 1.41 1.16 0.89 0.56
HL/dc 0.0000 0.5759 1.6100 4.2416
HL/dc select for Goal 0.0005 0.5759 1.6102 4.2425
d1/dc Change 0.94025 0.49962 0.38059 0.27512
d2/dc 1.0622 1.7665 2.1100 2.5621
Ef1/dc 1.5058 2.5027 3.8325 6.8808
Ef2/dc 1.5054 1.9267 2.2223 2.6383
Ef2 2.12 2.24 1.97 1.47
Ef1 2.12 2.91 3.40 3.84
d2 1.50 2.05 1.87 1.43
d1 1.32 0.58 0.34 0.15
Froude No 1.10 2.83 4.26 6.93
Floor level at pt.of jump=696.78-Ef2 694.66 693.87 693.38 692.94
Water level at pt. Of jump=694.66+d1 695.98 694.45 693.71 693.09
Ht. Of pt. Of jump above CL=695.98-690.1 4.56 3.77 3.28 2.84
Cisrtern depth below d/s water level=696.78-1.*Ef2 694.66 693.87 693.38 692.94
HGL at D/S end of floor=696.78+Head Loss*0.1841 696.78 696.23 695.61 694.85
Dist. of pt. of jump from D/s =60+3*ht of jump 73.68 71.31 69.84 68.52
HGL at Point of jump=696.78+73.68*0.00449*0 696.78 696.45 696.06 695.58
Unbalanced Head=696.78-695.98 0.80 2.00 2.35 2.49
Floor Thickness Reqd.=unbalanced head/1.25+0.25 0.89 1.85 2.13 2.24
cistern level
Check for scour
f = From 1
q = 292.73/(11.31*2)/3 4.31
R = 0.9*POWER((4.31*4.31/1),(1/3)) 2.383567 ft

U/s cut off Reqd=1.5R-fsd 693.20 ft

U/s cut off Reqd -0.62 ft
Check for scour
f = From 1
q = 44.08
R = 0.9*POWER((44.08*44.08/1),(1/3)) 11.230616 ft

d/s cut off Reqd=2R-fsd 18.26 ft

CL 693.5
u/s BL 692.58 3 :1
CL 690.1 d/s BL 692.58
u/s cutoff 6.56 43.70

30.00 10.2
d/s cutoff 8.25

condition : when water in u/s NSF is full & D/s NSF empty
Discharge of NSF = 342.00 cs
U/S FSL NSF = 703.89
U/S BL NSF = 695.590
D/S FSL NSF = 703.890
D/S BL = 693.93
Bed Width = 0.00
Depth of water u/s = 703.89-695.59
= 8.30 feet
Depth of water D/s = 703.89-693.93
= 9.96 feet
Side Slope = 1.5 :1
Tangent length for 1.5 : 1 SS = 0.588
Depth = 8.30
Top length of channel at FSL = 34.66084322 Approx Overall water Way Reqd
Half Depth = 4.15 IS 7114
Top length of channel at half depth = 22.21084322 Approx Clear Water Way Reqd
Crest setting 18% = 695.59+0.18*8.3
= 697.08
Crest setting 40% =
= 698.91
Keeping crest at = 695.59
Head over crest = 703.89-695.59
= 8.30 ft
No of Bays = 1
Value of C = 2.00
Bt Reqd including end correction = 342/(2*(8.3)^1.5)+0.2*8.3*(1-1)
= 7.16
Provided Bt for one Bay = 10.00 ft
Clear Water Way Provided = 10.00 ft Bt provided OK
Width of pier = 4.25 ft
Over all water way = 10*1+4.25*(1-1)
= 10.00 ft
Provided 1 no. of bays of 10 ft
u/s channel is full & d/s Drain is flowing with lean discharge at level
u/sFSL 776.160
u/sBL 692.580
D/s Water level of Drain 773.030
D/s Bed level of Drain 769.030
d/s BL kept at 769.030
Depth of water u/s 769.030
Depth of water D/s 7.13 feet
0.00 feet

u/s cut off d/3+1 feet 3.38 Provided 8.25

d/s cut off d/2+1 feet 1.00 Provided 6.56
depth of filter 2 feet
Effective depth 4.56

floor length provided 145.74

Seepage Head 776.16-769.03+1 8.13
ALPHA b/d 145.74/4.56 31.96
LAMBDA Alfa+1/2 16.48

GE 0.140

ALPHA 17.67
PHI c 0.1487
PHI d 0.2123
pihd - phic 0.0636

Assumed floor thickness u/s 1.65

correction 0.0127
Corrected phi d 0.1614
pressure head 6.82
HGL u/s 775.85

Down Stream
ALPHA 22.22
LAMBDA 11.61
PHI c 0.1331
PHI d 0.1896
pihd - phic 0.0566

Assumed floor thickness d/s 2.65

correction 0.0228
Corrected phi d 0.1668
pressure head 1.36
HGL d/s 770.39

HGL slope 0.037

Distance HGL rise Hgl at point floor level RPH (RPH/1.16+.25) Provided
10 0.37 770.76 769.03 1.73 1.74
20 0.75 771.14 769.03 2.11 2.07
30 1.12 771.51 769.03 2.48 2.39
35 1.31 771.70 769.03 2.67 2.55

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