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Origin of negative anomalous Nernst

thermopower in Mn-Ga ordered alloys

Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021);
Submitted: 16 February 2021 . Accepted: 25 March 2021 . Published Online: 14 April 2021

Weinan Zhou, Keisuke Masuda, and Yuya Sakuraba


Transverse thermoelectric generation using magnetic materials

Applied Physics Letters 118, 140504 (2021);

Exceeding 400% tunnel magnetoresistance at room temperature in epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(001)

spin-valve-type magnetic tunnel junctions
Applied Physics Letters 118, 042411 (2021);

Anomalous Hall and Nernst effects in ferrimagnetic Mn4N films: Possible interpretations and
prospects for enhancement
Applied Physics Letters 118, 092407 (2021);

Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); 118, 152406

© 2021 Author(s).
Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

Origin of negative anomalous Nernst thermopower

in Mn-Ga ordered alloys
Cite as: Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047825
Submitted: 16 February 2021 . Accepted: 25 March 2021 .
Published Online: 14 April 2021

Weinan Zhou,1,a) Keisuke Masuda,1 and Yuya Sakuraba1,2,a)

Research Center for Magnetic and Spintronic Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan
PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama 332-0012, Japan

Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: and

The negative sign of the anomalous Nernst thermopower (SANE ) observed in Mn-Ga ordered alloys is an attractive property for thermoelec-
tric applications exploiting the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE); however, its origin has not been clarified. In this study, to gain insight into
the negative SANE , we prepared epitaxial thin films of MnxGa100x with x ranging from 56.2 to 71.7 and systematically investigated the struc-
tural, magnetic, and transport properties, including the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) and the ANE. The measured SANE is negative for all
samples and shows close to one order of magnitude difference among different compositions. Together with the measured transport proper-
ties, we were able to separate the two different contributions of the ANE, i.e., one originating from the transverse thermoelectric coefficient
(axy) and the other one originating from the AHE acting on the longitudinal carrier flow induced by the Seebeck effect. Both contributions
are found to be negative for all samples, while the experimentally obtained negative axy exhibits a monotonic increase toward zero with
increasing x, which is consistent with the tendency indicated by first-principle calculations. Our results show that the large difference in the
negative SANE is mostly attributed to axy, and thus shed light on further enhancement of the ANE in Mn-based ordered alloys.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.

The anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) refers to the emergence of a where qxx, qAHE , axx, and axy are the longitudinal resistivity, anoma-
transverse electric field in a magnetic material perpendicular to both lous Hall resistivity, longitudinal thermoelectric coefficient, and trans-
the temperature gradient (rT) and magnetization. In contrast to the verse thermoelectric coefficient, respectively.12,13 The first term on the
Seebeck effect (SE) having a parallel relationship between the electric right-hand side of Eq. (1), qxx axy (defined as SI ), originates from axy
field and rT, the ANE allows different design principles for thermo- directly converting rT into a transverse electrical current as
electric power generation and heat flux sensing applications, which jy ¼ axy rT. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1),
could realize a simpler and more flexible device with better integrat- qAHE axx (defined as SII ), originates from the anomalous Hall effect
ability and scalability.1–11 In a similar manner to a P-shaped junction (AHE) acting on the longitudinal carrier flow induced by the SE and
used in a thermoelectric generator consisting of p-type and n-type can be rewritten as SSE  qAHE =qxx ¼ SSE  tanðhAHE Þ. In recent
semiconductor pellets, a junction made by connecting two magnetic years, it is shown that axy is closely linked to the Berry curvature of the
wires having positive and negative anomalous Nernst thermopower electronic bands at Fermi level of materials, and the estimation of axy
(SANE ) could be the basic unit for the ANE-based devices. The gener- through the ANE measurement could be used to probe the topological
ated transverse electric fields from the two magnetic wires are toward band structures, leading to an increasing interest in studying the ANE
opposite directions when their magnetization is aligned to the same from the viewpoint of fundamental physics in addition to thermoelec-
direction and under the same rT, which means the output is added tric applications.14–26 Large values of SANE have been reported, i.e., in
up if the wires are connected at one end to form a junction. Such a L21-Co2MnGa Heusler alloys, which was attributed to its substantial
junction could then be duplicate and connected in series to form a axy.27–30 The ANE of Mn-Ga ordered alloys, on the other hand, gener-
simple two-dimensional meander structure for thermoelectric power ates a transverse electric field in the opposite direction (a negative
generation or heat flux sensing.2,4,10 SANE can be expressed as SANE ).2,31 Such a property could play a complementary role in the
meander structure for the thermoelectric applications exploiting the
SANE ¼ qxx axy  qAHE axx ; (1) ANE. Comparing to connecting magnetic wires with non-magnetic

Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047825 118, 152406-1
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Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

electrodes,8 the use of magnetic materials having negative SANE could characterized their ANE. The obtained values of SANE are negative for
lead to larger output and higher efficiency. all samples, however, exhibit close to one order of magnitude large dif-
Mn-Ga ordered alloys have been popular as candidate materials ference among different compositions. Combining with the experi-
for spintronics applications due to their unique properties.32–36 For mentally measured transport properties, we were able to disentangle
MnxGa100x, the L10 ordering [Fig. 1(a)] is thermodynamically stable the SI and SII terms of the ANE, where both were found to be nega-
when x  50–65; with increasing atomic percent (at. % of Mn to tive. In addition, the large difference in the negative SANE is mostly
x  65–75, the D022 ordering appears [Fig. 1(b)], where two kinds of originated from SI . Experimentally obtained axy is negative for all
Mn sites couple antiferromagnetically. The Mn-Ga alloys are known samples and shows a monotonic increase toward zero with increas-
to have large uniaxial magnetic anisotropy (Ku ), and relatively small ing x. This behavior is consistent with the tendency indicated by axy
saturation magnetization (Ms ) compared to common magnetic mate- of L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga obtained from first-principles
rials, such as Fe, Co, or their alloys. These properties would be benefi- calculations.
cial when exploiting the ANE for thermoelectric applications,8 if the The Mn-Ga thin films were deposited on MgO (100) single crys-
Mn-Ga alloys also have a large jSANE j. However, a clear understanding tal substrates by magnetron sputtering. Most of the Mn-Ga films were
of the reason behind the negative SANE is currently lacking. A systemic formed by co-deposition from a Mn target and a Mn50Ga50 target,
investigation on how the composition would affect SANE is also desir- with the compositions controlled by varying the power to the catho-
able, since such knowledge may provide hints for further enhancement des; only the sample with the least Mn was deposited from a single
of the ANE in Mn-Ga ordered alloys. Mn54Ga46 target. For all the samples, the same thermal treatment pro-
In this study, through both experiments and first-principles cal- cess was used. Prior to the deposition, the surface of the substrate was
culations, we investigated the ANE in Mn-Ga ordered alloys. We pre- cleaned by heating the MgO substrate at 600  C for 30 min. Then, the
pared epitaxial Mn-Ga thin films with different compositions and substrate temperature was cooled down and kept at 400  C for the
deposition of 50-nm-thick Mn-Ga film, followed by post-annealing at
500  C for 1 h. When the sample was cooled to room temperature, 3-
nm-thick Al capping layer was deposited to prevent oxidation. In total,
6 samples with different compositions of MnxGa100x were prepared,
with x ¼ 56.2, 62.1, 65.4, 69.2, 70.6, and 71.7, which were determined
by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis. The structure of
the Mn-Ga films was studied using out-of-plane and in-plane X-ray
diffraction (XRD) with Cu Ka radiation. The magnetic properties were
measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer. In order to charac-
terize the transport properties and the thermopower, the Mn-Ga films
were patterned into a 2-mm-wide and 7-mm-long Hall bar structure
using photolithography and Ar ion milling, followed by the formation
of Au electrodes using a liftoff process. The longitudinal resistivity and
anomalous Hall resistivity of the Mn-Ga films were measured using a
physical property measurement system (PPMS). The measurements
for SSE and SANE were carried out using a home-made holder embed-
ded in a multi-function probe, which was used with the PPMS. A
Peltier module inside the holder was used to apply temperature gradi-
ent to the Mn-Ga films. Details of the measurement for obtaining SSE
and SANE are described in a previous paper.37 All the measurements
were performed at room temperature.
Using first-principles calculations, rxy and axy of the stoichiomet-
ric L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga alloys were theoretically studied.
First, the electronic structures of these alloys were calculated using the
density-functional theory (DFT) with the full-potential linearized aug-
mented plane wave method, including the spin–orbit interaction,
which is implemented in the WIEN2k program.38 We adopted the
generalized gradient approximation39 for the exchange-correlation
energy in the DFT calculation. The lattice constants a ¼ 3.92 (3.93) Å
FIG. 1. Schematic illustrations of the crystal structure for (a) L10 -MnGa and (b) and c ¼ 3.69 (7.12) Å were used for the calculations in L10 -MnGa
D022 -Mn3Ga. The unit cell for L10 -MnGa in (a) is doubled along the c axis for com- (D022 -Mn3Ga), which were estimated based on the results of the XRD
parison. (c) Out-of-plane and (d) in-plane XRD patterns for the MnxGa100x films.
The symbol 䉲 marks the diffraction peaks from the single crystal MgO (100) sub- measurement. Using the obtained electronic structures, we calculated
strate due to Cu Ka ; Kb , and W La radiation. (e) Out-of-plane lattice constant c and rxy given by40
(f) in-plane lattice constant a estimated using the results in (c) and (d), respectively, ð
as a function of the atomic percent of Mn x. (g) Tetragonal distortion ratio c=2a as e2 d3 k
rxy ðÞ ¼  Xz ðkÞ; (2)
a function of x. The crystal structures in (a) and (b) were visualized using VESTA.41 h ð2pÞ3

Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047825 118, 152406-2
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h X
Xz ðkÞ ¼  f ðEn;k ; Þ
m n
X 2 Imhwn;k jpx jwn0 ;k ihwn0 ;k jpy jwn;k i
 ; (3)
n0 6¼n ðEn0 ;k  En;k Þ2

where n and n0 are the band indices, Xz ðkÞ is the Berry curvature, px
(py) is the x (y) component of the momentum operator, wn;k is the
eigenstate with the eigenenergy En;k , and f ðEn;k ; Þ is the Fermi distri-
bution function for the band n and the wave vector k at the energy 
relative to the Fermi level. In the calculation of rxy, the magnetization
direction was set to the [001] direction, and 729 000 k points were
used for the Brillouin zone integration ensuring good convergence for
rxy. We next calculated the transverse thermoelectric coefficient for a
given temperature T using the following expression derived from the
Boltzmann transport theory:
1 @f
axy ¼  d  ð  lÞrxy ðÞ; (4)
eT @
where e > 0 is the elementary charge and f ¼ 1=f exp ½ð  lÞ=
FIG. 2. In-plane and out-of-plane M-H curves for the MnxGa100x films with (a)
kB T þ 1g is the Fermi distribution function with l being the chemical x ¼ 62.1 and (b) x ¼ 71.7. (c) Saturation magnetization Ms and (d) uniaxial mag-
potential. Here, l ¼ 0 corresponds to the Fermi level. netic anisotropy Ku as a function of x.
Figure 1(c) shows the out-of-plane XRD patterns of the Mn-Ga
films. Besides the diffraction peaks from the MgO substrate, only the
sharp 002 and 004 peaks from the Mn-Ga films were observed, indi-
cating an epitaxial growth. A clear shift of position for both the 002
and 004 peaks toward higher angle with increasing x can be seen. The
in-plane XRD patterns of the Mn-Ga films are shown in Fig. 1(d),
where the 200 and 400 diffraction peaks can be observed. From the
positions of the diffraction peaks, the lattice constants (a and c) of the
Mn-Ga films were estimated. The out-of-plane lattice constant c
monotonically decreases with increasing x, as shown in Fig. 1(e).
Meanwhile, the in-plane lattice constant a shows little dependence on
x [Fig. 1(f)]. As a result, the tetragonal distortion ratio c=2a of the Mn-
Ga films decreases with increasing x, with the values roughly between
0.94 and 0.90 [Fig. 1(g)].
The magnetic field (H) dependence of magnetization (M) for the
MnxGa100x films with x ¼ 62.1 and 71.7 is shown in Figs. 2(a) and
2(b), respectively. These M-H curves were measured with H applied
in-plane (H== film) or out-of-plane (H ? film) of the samples. For all
the Mn-Ga films, the magnetization easy axis is out-of-plane. From
the out-of-plane M-H curves, Ms was estimated and plotted as a func-
tion of x [Fig. 2(c)], which exhibited a clear decrease in l0 Ms with
increasing x roughly from 0.8 T to 0.3 T. Ku of the Mn-Ga films was
determined using the relation Ku ¼ l20 Ms Hkeff þ l20 Ms2 , where Hkeff is
the effective magnetic anisotropy field and was estimated using the M-
H curves measured with H parallel to the magnetization hard axis, i.e.,
the in-plane M-H curves. All the Mn-Ga films show large values of Ku
roughly in the range between 1:0  106 and 1:5  106 J/m3. The over-
all structures and magnetic properties of the Mn-Ga films shown in
Figs. 1 and 2 are consistent with the previously reported results.36
To separate the SI and SII terms of the ANE, we measured qxx
and qAHE of the patterned Mn-Ga films. Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show
FIG. 3. (a) H dependence of the transverse resistivity qyx for the MnxGa100x films
the transverse resistivity (qyx) as a function of H applied out-of-plane
with x ¼ 62.1 and (b) x ¼ 71.7. H was applied out-of-plane. (c) Longitudinal resistivity
for the MnxGa100x films with x ¼ 62.1 and 71.7, respectively. qxx was qxx, (d) anomalous Hall resistivity qAHE, (e) anomalous Hall angle tanðhAHE Þ, and (f)
obtained using the 4-terminal method under zero H, while qAHE was anomalous Hall conductivity rxy as a function of x. rxy at the Fermi level obtained
obtained by linearly extrapolating the data points of qyx at high H, from first-principles calculations [Fig. 5(a) and 5(b)] is also shown in (f) for comparison.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047825 118, 152406-3
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Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

where M of the Mn-Ga films was saturated, to zero H. qxx and qAHE as jSANE j ¼ 0.07 lV/K with x ¼ 71.7. This result shows that jSANE j in
a function of x are shown in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), respectively. Figure the Mn-Ga films could be larger than previously considered,31 and it
3(e) shows the anomalous Hall angle (tanðhAHE Þ ¼ qAHE =qxx ) as a also suggests that even in the L10 or D022 ordering phase, SANE could
function of x. The results of the AHE measurement are in agreement differ a lot depending on the exact composition. To gain insight into
with previous reports.42,43 The anomalous Hall conductivity (rxy) of the negative sign and the large difference in SANE , we separated the SI
the Mn-Ga films was determined using the relation rxy ¼ qAHE = and SII terms of the ANE using Eq. (1), and the results are shown in
ðq2xx þ q2AHE Þ. As shown in Fig. 3(f), rxy exhibits no significant depen- Fig. 4(e). The negative SANE originates from both the SI and SII terms
dence on x. being negative. However, jSI j is much larger than jSII j. In addition, SII
Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the H dependence of the transverse shows no significant dependence on x, while the dramatic change in
electric field (Ey) divided by rT for the MnxGa100x films with SANE is dominated by SI . Figure 4(f) shows axy ¼ SI =qxx as a function
x ¼ 62.1 and 71.7, respectively. Here, H was applied out-of-plane. of x. Interestingly, axy is negative and increases monotonically toward
Since Ey is due to the ANE of the Mn-Ga films, the curves in Figs. 4(a) zero with increasing x.
and 4(b) exhibit shapes similar to that of the corresponding out-of- To understand this behavior, we calculated the theoretical axy of
lane M-H curves in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b), however, reversed along the L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga using first-principles calculations.
horizontal axis, due to the negative SANE . The obtained SSE and SANE Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show the calculated rxy around the Fermi level
of the Mn-Ga films are summarized in Figs. 4(c) and 4(d), respectively. (EF ) for L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga, respectively. The values of rxy
For all the Mn-Ga films, SSE is positive, while SANE is negative. The at EF are also plotted in Fig. 3(f) at the corresponding x for compari-
value of SANE , though, exhibits a dramatic change with different com- son. The signs of rxy from the experiment and calculation are in agree-
positions; the largest jSANE j ¼ 0.62 lV/K was obtained with x ¼ 62.1, ment, with the values roughly in the same order, though rxy of
which is close to one order of magnitude larger than the smallest L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga from calculations is 3–4 times larger
than rxy of the Mn-Ga films obtained in the experiment. It is worth
mentioning that 0 K was assumed in the calculation of rxy, also the
additional electron scattering at the surface and the substrate interface
of the sample in thin film form causes the reduction of rxy through the
increase in qxx in the experiment,19,23,44 which may be attributable to
this difference. Using Eq. (4) with T ¼ 300 K, axy around EF was
obtained for L10 -MnGa and D022 -Mn3Ga, as shown in Figs. 5(c) and
 At E ¼ EF , axy can be approximated as
5(d), respectively.
2 k2B T @rxy 45
axy ¼  p3 e @ EF . This means that axy is proportional to the

FIG. 4. (a) H dependence of the transverse electric field Ey divided by temperature

gradient rT for the MnxGa100x films with x ¼ 62.1 and (b) x ¼ 71.7. H was
applied out-of-plane. (c) Seebeck coefficient SSE , (d) anomalous Nernst coefficient FIG. 5. (a) Anomalous Hall conductivity rxy around the Fermi level (EF ) for
SANE , (e) SI and SII terms of the ANE, and (f) transverse thermoelectric coefficient L10 -MnGa and (b) D022 -Mn3Ga obtained using the first-principles calculations. (c)
axy as a function of x. axy at the Fermi level obtained from first-principles calcula- Transverse thermoelectric coefficient axy around EF for L10 -MnGa and (d)
tions [Figs. 5(c) and 5(d)] is also shown in (f) for comparison. D022 -Mn3Ga.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 152406 (2021); doi: 10.1063/5.0047825 118, 152406-4
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Applied Physics Letters ARTICLE

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