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Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

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Monitoring of tritium concentration in Hanoi's precipitation from 2011 to T

Ha Lan Anh∗, Vo Thi Anh, Trinh Van Giap, Nguyen Thi Hong Thinh, Tran Khanh Minh, Vu Hoai
Isotope Hydrology Laboratory, Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST), 179 HoangQuocViet, CauGiay, Hanoi, Vietnam


Keywords: Tritium is a radioisotope of hydrogen and a component of the water molecule. It is a marker for reservoirs such
Tritium (3H) as the stratosphere, troposphere, and oceans involved in the hydrological cycle. Tritium monitoring is an es-
Precipitation sential research tool in hydro-climate, dating for water and recharge groundwater. The Isotope Hydrology
Hanoi Laboratory has collected monthly precipitation samples in Hanoi for tritium concentration analysis. This paper
Liquid scintillation analyzer
reports the tritium concentrations in precipitation in the city from 2011 to 2016. The results show that monthly
tritium concentration reached a maximum of 7.07 Tritium Units (TU) in August 2011. The mean annual tritium
concentration stabilized from 2.03 to 3.36 TU. It suggests that tritium in monitoring station precipitation is
predominantly natural. The seasonal variation trend of 3H in precipitation at the Hanoi station is similar to those
monitored at the Hong Kong station. The correlation of tritium and rainfall was also estimated.

1. Introduction Nuclear facilities that release tritium into the environment include
pressurized water reactors, irradiated fuel reprocessing and recycling
Tritium (3H, T) is the radioactive isotope of hydrogen and an emitter plants and reactors dedicated to tritium production. Tritium in irra-
of soft beta radiation with 18.6 keV energy. The recently re-evaluated diated fuel is mainly retrieved during reprocessing when the fuel is
half-life value of tritium equals 4500 ± 8 days corresponding to sheared. It is found in the form of tritiated water in liquid effluent most
12.32 ± 0.02 tropical years (Lucas and Unterweger, 2000). It may be of which is released into the sea (Lebaron-Jacobs et al., 2009).
of either natural and human-made origin. Tritium is a useful environmental tracer. It is a marker for reservoirs
Tritium is naturally produced due to nuclear reactions in the upper such as the stratosphere, troposphere, and oceans involved in the hy-
atmosphere between atmospheric nitrogen and high-energy cosmic drological systems. It is widely applied as a semi-quantitative tool for
rays. The mean rate of natural tritium production is estimated to be the identification of modern recharge, dating, infiltration condition and
0.25 atoms cm−3s−1, which corresponds to an annual natural pro- groundwater balance (Allison and Hughes, 1975; Huang and Pang,
duction of about 0.20 kg tritium or 7.0 × 1016Bq (Craig and Lal, 1961; 2010; Zhang and Ye, 2011; Yangui et al., 2012). Recently, tritium is
Lebaron-Jacobs et al., 2009). It is estimated that 55% of the natural increasingly being applied to calibrate and validate three-dimensional
production of tritium occurs in the stratosphere (Masarik and Beer, groundwater flow and solute transport models of aquifer systems at the
1999). Tritium is rapidly oxidized into tritiated water (HTO) and regional scale (Povinec et al., 2010; Zuber et al., 2011). Tritium is used
transferred into the troposphere where it is removed by precipitation for understanding and quantification of the processes determining the
(Ehhalt et al., 2000). It comes to the Earth in the form of precipitation flow of water through the soil-plant-atmosphere system. It is, therefore,
and atmospheric moisture and is then transported in the environment an essential prerequisite for modeling 3H transfers in terrestrial eco-
through the hydrological cycle. systems to help improve management of irrigation or water utilization
Tritium is also produced anthropogenically by a variety of nuclear in agriculture (Connan et al., 2015).
activities. One example was the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons Tritium dating of groundwater in the Hanoi region was conducted in
between 1945 and 1963 which released approximately 650 kg the Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) Isotope
(2.3 × 1020 Bq) of tritium. However, most of the tritium introduced Hydrology Laboratory. It has been used to study the hydraulic inter-
into the environment between 1945 and the late 1960s has disappeared action between Holocene and Pleistocene aquifers in the south of
by radioactive decay and dilution in the world oceans (Cauquoin et al., Hanoi. The tritium data have been used to characterize hydrogeological
2015). features of groundwater. Several studies on arsenic mobilization in

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.L. Anh).
Received 20 November 2017; Received in revised form 29 May 2018; Accepted 8 June 2018
Available online 20 June 2018
0265-931X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.L. Anh et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

groundwater were conducted in the Hanoi region with the use of tri- of 140 m and its tritium concentration was < 0.2 TU, as checked at the
tium tracer. Tritium dating could allow for estimating the As mobili- IAEA Isotope Hydrology Laboratory (Vienna, Austria) and at the
zation rate from sediment into groundwater (Nhan et al., 2006; Postma Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC, India). The enrichment effi-
et al., 2007; Larsen et al., 2008). ciency of the equipment was better than a factor of 25.
The concentration of tritium activity is commonly expressed as After tritium enrichment, the water samples, usually reduced to
tritium units (TU); one TU corresponds to 0.11919 ± 0.00021 Bq/kg 10–13 ml. The samples were transferred into round bottom glass flasks
of water (Gröning and Rozanski, 2003). The concentration of tritium in and mixed with 6 g of anhydrous PbCl2 to neutralize the alkaline ma-
precipitation is monitored by the Global Network of Isotopes in Pre- terial, and then to distillation to remove the precipitate. These enriched
cipitation (GNIP), and the database is available through the IAEA. In and alkaline free water samples were mixed with 10 ml of Ultima Gold
the course of the GNIP activities, monthly precipitation samples were LLT - low level of tritium cocktail (PerkinElmer) and then subject to
collected from over 1000 stations in more than 125 countries in the past counting for the tritium activity in a liquid scintillation analyzer, LSC
and Hanoi was one of them. (TriCarb 3170 TR/SL-Packard). Counting efficiency of the LSC was
The Hanoi monitoring station has been set up at the Institute for corrected using the external standard channel ratio (ESCR) method and
Nuclear Science and Technology since 2003 and has contributed data it was better than 55% for tritium. The counting time for samples was
from 2004 to 2007 to the GNIP. Tritium data obtained from the IAEA set to 100 min and repeated 10 times for each sample to ensure that
database is used to model the global distribution of tritium (Doney counting precision would be better than 10% for an activity range
et al., 1992; Zhang and Ye, 2011; Cauquoin et al., 2015) and a detailed below 10 TU.
study of tritium in precipitation over Australia was published by Tadros Evaluating the measurement data and calculating the tritium con-
et al. (2014). Results from previous research have shown that tritium in centration in the samples were guided by Gröning and Rozanski's
precipitation has been decreasing toward natural levels, which are less method (Gröning and Rozanski, 2003). The lower limit of detection of
than 10 TU (Cartwright and Morgenstern, 2012; Michel, 2015; the analysis is AT = 0.46 TU. Measurement uncertainty was up to 20%
Cauquoin et al., 2015; Harms et al., 2016). with samples AT ≤ 1.0 TU and less than 10% with AT > 1.0 TU. Data
This paper presents the concentration of tritium in precipitation in presented for the mean annual tritium concentration has been weighted
Hanoi collected from 2011 to 2016 (21004′53.5″N, 105079′86.7″E) to by the amount of precipitation and calculated using the method out-
determine the concentration of tritium in recent times; how this value lined by the IAEA (Technical report series No. 331, 1992).
compares to natural tritium levels; how tritium concentration changes
seasonally and how the precipitation amount effects the concentration 3. Result and discussion
of tritium. The results provide tritium reference data for future en-
vironmental and hydrological studies in Hanoi. 3.1. Statistical distribution and sources of tritium in precipitation

2. Material and methods The results for tritium in precipitation at monthly intervals are
given in Table 1. The mean of month tritium concentration in pre-
Our study included 70 precipitation samples collected between cipitation samples that were collected in 6 years at Hanoi station was
January 2011 and December 2016 in Hanoi. The construction of the 2.54 ± 1.28 TU. The highest tritium concentration value, 7.07 ± 0.65
precipitation sampling device and the procedure used for rainwater TU, was found in Aug 2011 and the lowest value, 0.51 ± 0.11 TU, was
collection were based on sampling procedures for the IAEA's isotope found in June 2011.
hydrology of water resource program. Precipitation was sampled on a The tritium values distribution is represented on a histogram and
monthly basis and also randomly by event, i.e. as soon as possible after can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution and frequency curve
each rain event. Collected samples were poured into 5-liter plastic has R2 of 0.94 with P < 0.0002 (Fig. 1). The results of test distribution
bottles with tight caps to avoid evaporation. Samples were labeled with using a normal Q-Q plot show that the regression line has an R2 of 0.88
codes, dated and kept in a cool, dark place. At the end of the month, all with P = 2.27*10−33 (Fig. 2). In both of figure, frequency distribution
the water from the 5-liter containers was mixed and shaken before re- and Q – Q plots show that the tritium concentration data follow a
filling it to 500 mL bottles which were then tightly capped for further Gaussian distribution. This result of tritium distribution agrees fully
treatment and measurement of tritium concentration. with Harms's report about precipitation in California published in 2016
As the concentration of tritium in rainwater was expected to be low, (Harms et al., 2016).
in the laboratory, tritium was subject to electrolytic enrichment in The results show that 90% of the values of tritium concentration in
order to improve the precision of the beta activity counting. The elec- Hanoi's precipitation are less than 5 TU, this value is approximately
trolytic enrichment of tritium in water samples is described in detail equivalent to the natural distribution of tritium activity in precipitation
elsewhere, e.g. K. Rozanski (2000), Plastino, et al. (2007). The proce- (less than 10 TU). In tropical regions tritium concentrations are around
dure applied is described below. and less than 5 TU, mostly due to the cosmogenic tritium production
Tritium activity of the precipitation samples was enriched using an term and the transport process of radionuclides in the tropic known as
electrolytic enrichment system. It has 20 cells of volume 500 mL and an the Hadley cell (Cauquoin et al., 2015; Paul Martin & John L. Mc Bride,
electrolysis control unit that were supplied by IAEA. The electrolysis 2012; Begemann and Libby, 1957). The average annual values for tri-
occurred in the electrolyzed medium NaOH, at the maximum current of tium concentration in precipitation between 2011 and 2016 are pre-
10A, for a time of 190 h and a total electric charge of 1426 Ah/sample. sented in Fig. 3. Precipitation in Hanoi has low tritium concentrations,
Prior to enrichment, the water samples were distillated until dryness for most of the values are around 2–3 TU, and some values are very low,
the elimination of all minerals present. We checked pH and electrical less than 1 TU. This can be explained as a large fraction of the Hanoi
conductivity values of each distilled sample with Seven Multi Metter precipitation is from water evaporation of oceanic origin, particularly
Toledo, pH around 7.0, EC < 30.0 μS/cm. If these pH and EC target the Indian Ocean, with the concentration less than 1 TU (Povinec et al.,
values were not reached, samples were distilled again. Each enrichment 2010). Water vapor over the ocean is depleted in tritium due to the
sequence comprised 15 precipitation samples, 2 samples of dead water, relatively reduced transfer of HTO compared with non-tritiated water
and 3 samples of spike water that were diluted based on the NIST- by evaporation exchange from the ocean. Therefore precipitation at the
SRM4926E reference with certificate issues date 07 February 2011 sampling sites is affected by coastal proximity where rainwater has
(Radioactivity, 2011). The use of standard and dead water is necessary lower tritium concentration owing to a large fraction of the precipita-
to correct for the enrichment efficiency and for the background. Dead tion being diluted by molecular exchange of tritium between the rain
water was groundwater taken from a well outside Hanoi city at a depth droplets and ocean water evaporation. Some values are larger than 5

H.L. Anh et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

Table 1 Table 1 (continued)

Time-series of tritium concentration in rainwater at the Hanoi station
3 3
(21004′53.5″N, 105079′86.7″E, 11m asl) from 2011 to 2016. Date H, TU H Error, TU Precipitation, mm

3 3
Date H, TU H Error, TU Precipitation, mm Average 2.54
Stdev 1.28
11-Jan 4.92 0.45 9.3
11-Feb 3.32 0.32 17.5
11-Mar 4.84 0.47 105.8
TU, which could result from the re-evaporation of continental water
11-Apr 2.81 0.28 42
11-May 2.99 0.28 149 which has higher tritium concentrations than does cloud water.
11-Jun 0.51 0.04 395.5
11-Jul 0.69 0.06 254.4 3.2. Seasonal trends
11-Aug 7.07 0.65 313.2
11-Sep 0.66 0.04 247.6
11-Oct 0.52 0.09 177.6 To gain insights into the temporal variability of tritium content in
11-Nov 6.91 0.51 31.8 rainwater (T), one can represent T as the product of three components
11-Dec 5.12 0.42 51.5 as follows:
12-Jan 2.33 0.23 20.3
12-Feb 2.02 0.19 16.5 T = L . S. I (1)
12-Mar 2.97 0.30 16.9
12-Apr 2.97 0.28 31.8 where L is the inter-annual trend component (in TU), S is the seasonal
12-May 2.5 0.22 387.7 index, and I is the irregular index. These three components can be de-
12-Jun 2.54 0.23 268.9
lineated by using statistical procedures as described in Pindyck and
12-Jul 2.36 0.24 388.3
12-Aug 1.39 0.11 478.1
Rubinfeld (1998).
12-Sep 2.05 0.23 54.7 Tritium concentrations in the atmosphere are known to vary across
12-Oct 1.71 0.13 77.5 latitude and between seasons (Hauglustaine and Ehhalt, 2002; Paul
12-Nov 1.63 0.15 34.8 Martin & John L. Mc Bride, 2012; Tadros et al., 2014). A number of
12-Dec 0.65 0.04 25.7
studies have shown that a clear maximum is observed in early spring
13-Jan 3.14 0.21 47.43
13-Feb 2.27 0.23 11.43 extending into summer. This is explained by the stratosphere - to-tro-
13-Mar 2.03 0.26 15.92 posphere exchange which is the main mechanism that transports tri-
13-Apr 1.63 0.13 76.23 tium enriched water evaporation to the troposphere annually during
13-May 2.97 0.15 320.99 the spring, temporarily elevating the tritium levels, followed by an
13-Jun 1.22 0.19 248.64
13-Jul 2.12 0.27 389.88
autumn minimum (Rozanski et al., 1991; Alley, 1993; Yasunari and
13-Aug 2.05 0.14 690.78 Yamazaki, 2009). In Hanoi, we can see this trend but it is less pro-
13-Sep 2.06 0.27 454.59 nounced and “springtime tritium peak” doesn't clearly occur because
13-Oct 1.79 0.14 10.18 precipitation in Hanoi is deeply affected by moisture from the sea so
13-Nov 1.22 0.12 85.32
that it is quite similar compared to the coastal site. Fig. 4 depicts the
13-Dec 1.91 0.11 23.88
14-Jan 0 seasonal index of tritium in precipitation based on monthly data aver-
14-Feb 1.22 0.24 4.17 aged over the 2011–2016 period. The tritium concentration in spring
14-Mar 2.47 0.28 62.5 extended into early summer January to May and in the winter from
14-Apr 1.75 0.27 138.6 October to December (dry season) is higher than tritium concentration
14-May 4.71 0.31 104.46
14-Jun 2.6 0.2 271.34
in end of summer and autumn from June to September (rainy season).
14-Jul 2.1 0.21 477 The mean values for the two periods were 2.73 TU and 2.17 TU, re-
14-Aug 1.98 0.26 116.69 spectively, and their difference is significant at p = 0.04 (t-test).
14-Sep 1.89 0.2 236.38 The seasonality of tritium in rainwater largely reflects the different
14-Oct 2.38 0.21 92.33
sources and transport patterns of moisture under the East Asian mon-
14-Nov 2.85 0.24 33.12
14-Dec 4.37 0.37 8.5 soon regime in North Viet Nam. In summer, moisture is transported by
15-Jan 2.87 0.19 23.95 the southeast monsoon from low latitude areas over the Pacific and
15-Feb 2.86 0.19 16.31 Indian Oceans, rains occur under cyclonic conditions prevailing during
15-Mar 2.35 0.21 89.68 monsoon recession or in association with the low pressure systems
15-Apr 0.00
15-May 3.03 0.13 40.25
developed in the area north of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
15-Jun 2.2 0.15 140.13 (ITCZ). Moisture transported from these systems is not expected to be
15-Jul 2.38 0.09 257.83 highly abundant in tritium, so by the end of summer, concentrations of
15-Aug 3.49 0.18 247.70 tritium are quite low.
15-Sep 1.19 0.1 325.55
In winter, meanwhile, Hanoi is largely affected by the northeast
15-Oct 2.37 0.16 33.97
15-Nov 1.44 0.12 139.11 monsoon that brings in continental cold air (CCA) from the high-pres-
15-Dec 1.85 0.14 19.36 sure area over eastern Siberia heavy rains do not occur as the ITCZ and
16-Jan 2.5 0.23 116.18 associated low pressure systems have been moved far south. However,
16-Feb 3.61 0.31 3.06 this is the most humid period with light rains and drizzle frequently
16-Mar 2.24 0.23 24.46
16-Apr 3.42 0.32 119.24
occurring in Hanoi as the Asiatic high pressure center has shifted to the
16-May 1.73 0.14 245.32 east and the CCA becomes saturated after having traveled long dis-
16-Jun 2.71 0.32 73.60 tances over the South China Sea. As a result, high tritium abundance in
16-Jul 2.26 0.21 263.27 rainwater should be expected in this winter period. The difference in
16-Aug 2.46 0.22 377.92
the latitude of moisture sources is a major factor explaining the sea-
16-Sep 2.14 0.18 142.96
16-Oct 5.07 0.28 99.99 sonality of tritium content in Hanoi's rainwater.
16-Nov 2.17 0.22 6.11 The combination with the data available in the region, tritium
16-Dec 3.19 0.31 2.80 concentrations in rainwater at the Hong Kong station (22°31′66.7″N,
114016′66.7″E) were retrieved from the IAEA website, Global Network
for Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP). Looking at the tritium database in

H.L. Anh et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

Fig. 1. Statistical distribution of tritium concentration in Hanoi's precipitation.

(The fitted curve is Gaussian with an R2 = 0.94 and P < 0.0002).

both Hanoi (Fig. 3) and Hong Kong (Fig. 5), the mean tritium con-
centrations were less than 5 TU with respective values were 2.54 TU
and 3.65 TU despite different period. Besides, it is interesting to note
that a similar trend of tritium seasonality was also observed at the Hong
Kong station, Fig. 6 describes the seasonal index of tritium in rainwater
at the Hong Kong station that was derived from the same statistical
approach applied for the data processing for the Hanoi station. The
similarity of tritium in rainwater observed at Hanoi and at Hong Kong
could be explained by the fact that precipitation at the two stations not
only has the same sources of moisture but also has the same common
features in the transport process in tropical regions.

3.3. Precipitation amount effect

Fig. 2. Normal Q - Q plot of tritium for test distribution. Precipitation amount effect is evaluated from the monthly tritium
data. To determine the extent of the amount effect we normalized the
month's tritium value to the 12-month average and determined the
correlation with monthly rainfall and the result doesn't show a clearly

Fig. 3. Arithmetic means of tritium concentration in Hanoi's precipitation statistic for six years.

H.L. Anh et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

Fig. 4. The seasonal index (S) of tritium concentration in rainwater recorded in the Hanoi station during 2011–2016.

Fig. 5. Arithmetic means of tritium concentration in Hongkong's precipitation statistic from 1997 to 2007.

Fig. 6. The seasonal index (S) of tritium concentration in rainwater recorded in the Hong Kong station during 1996–2007.

significant correlation (Fig. 7). Precipitation amount effect is con- during the rainy season. The rainfall during the dry season is monsoonal
sidered actually due to the timing of the stratosphere-troposphere ex- and is small or even rainless, this can explain for the non-correlation
change with respect to the seasonal rainfall (Tadros et al., 2014) but between tritium concentration and rainfall.
precipitation in Hanoi is deeply affected by moisture from the sea

H.L. Anh et al. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192 (2018) 143–149

Fig. 7. Normalized tritium vs rainfall amount and linear regression.

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