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Table of contents Introduction2 Media freedom in Pakistan 3-6 Pressure on media6-7 Challenges faced by media in Pakistan7-10 Concept of rural

media 11 Monthly newsletters, press freedom award, RMNP vision12 Disadvantages of freedom 12-14 Conclusion..14-15

Introduction: Pakistan came into being in 1947 and the Quaid became the 1st leader of Pakistan who take the Pakistan on sky. He was the only leader who thinks about the Pakistan after the Quaid-e-azam death Pakistan didnt found any good leader. In fact after Quaid-e- azam Pakistan has been ruled by army general. Mean the democracy of remain absence in Pakistan and we all know that in the dictatorship. Freedom of speech also absence so no body has right to speak anything, everybody has to fellow what the government said and the military government dont allow the people to speech if the people has no right of speech then how we can media can get such right. Pakistan has only channel that channel name is PTV. PTV show to people on those things which the government wanted. But we would surprise to know that freedom of media also start in military regime. The name of military general pervez musharaf who allowed the media to speak. Musharaf did this because he realize that if the people will watch only Indians channel then it create the problem of Pakistan, because the Indian channel always do propaganda against the Pakistan. And they were trying to mind wash the people of Pakistan, which was not beneficial for Pakistan thats why the musharaf gave freedom to media so many channels opened during the musharaf regime. In which include geo,ary,dunia and express etc many of new channel came in to being in musharaf government. But dictator is always dictator he cannot bear the freedom of media thats why many attack were done on the anchors and banned imposed on the media.

Media freedom in Pakistan If we talk about media, the freedom in Pakistan, then we will come to know that the media is so strong now days. Now they dont have any restriction from the government they can criticize on everyone, our Pakistani media always criticize our government. Even media is criticizing army also, who were never criticized before. It has been difficult for governments to coexist with a free and independent press in Pakistan. However, during the government of President Musharraf, it has become increasingly intolerant towards criticism in the media and towards the publishing of news that can give a poor reflection on the performance of his government in terms of security matters. Freedom Ranking of Pakistan: Recent survey in 2007 which carried out to measure the freedom of press in world and its so sad that Pakistan ranked 152 out of total 167 countries in terms of press freedom in country. On the other hand, Pakistan has raised five positions from its previous position i.e. last year Pakistan ranked on 157 and this year on 152 but still its a shame for any country. There are many reasons behind this in which include the killing and kidnapping of terrorism and the reporting in terrorist affected country. So for freedom of media still we need to do some work we need to give the protection to reporters. So that we can improve international ranking of Pakistan in freedom ranking.

What is freedom of media in front of Pakistani Journalist?

Madeeha javed (2011) state that: "Press freedom should be related to informing people rather than forming opinions. We should just provide information rather than just formulating opinions. In Pakistan, people do have insecurities about what they can say openly. They have to think about it before they talk about it. Press freedom is insecure at the moment, but hopefully there are steps to be taken in the direction where we can have press freedom, too(para 4) by Hameed Haroon of Dawn A letter written by Hameed Haroon of Dawn news that throws a light on the inclined environment of freedom of press in Pakistan. Hameed Haroon (2007) state that: Its always been a big issue and almost a confronting situation between government and free media for their co-existence. For almost every government especially in Pakistan, its been very difficult to accept criticism from media, so there is always been an intense relation between government and media but this situation gets worse and worse during Musharrafs era where the in-tolerance of government towards criticism and free media has increased rapidly. Almost every newspaper and news channel in Pakistan faced the consequences of raising their voice against truth and in-justice. But the countrys largest newspaper, the DAWN Group of Newspaper had to face the major effect of favoring the truth and of not accepting in-justice. Since December 2006, the decision taken by Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz government to cut advertising of DAWN news was in actual General Musharrafs decision.

But it is clear and obvious that to cut the DAWN news advertisement and editorial section was the decision taken by President Musharraf who had been heavily influenced by the advisors and cabinet. Recent events and decisions taken by government clearly showed that the actions of government to curb the liberty and independence of judiciary have immensely increased over the past few years. Recent years specifically 2004 to 2007 proved to be the crucial years between government and DAWN Group. The actions taken during these years by government showed some of the main causes of the communication gap and breakdown between government and DAWN Group. During 2004 to 2005, the attempts were taken to put pressure and influence the DAWN Group by Provincial Government of Sindh. The initial step towards harassing the DAWN Group was to exert pressure to ban the printing of daily evening newspaper of DAWN The STAR this is done by harassing the journalists and accusing them in false cases of terrorism and possession of illegal weapons. This attempt was climaxed when government of Sindh imposed a complete ban on advertisement of DAWN newspaper and magazines. But in response, DAWN Group filed a petition and courts decision comes out to be in favor of DAWN Group. During and after 2005, the federal government comes into action and exerts a direct pressure on DAWN Group by taking a series of week measures to impose a ban on DAWN advertisement. The publication of current affairs magazines, the HERALD, which publishes the series of controversial issues like Pakistan Governments war against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban in South and North Waziristan, turns out to be the turning point.

In September 2006, when Board of directors of DAWN Group refused for undue favor of government by doing news brownout about Baluchistan and FATA, the federal government put a complete ban on advertisement of DAWN so to give a huge financial crisis to DAWN Group. The government continued to have influence on TV and FM radio broadcasting by introducing and forcefully imposing new rules by PEMRA. During all these critical years on DAWN Group, the workers of DAWN group remained united and faced all the challenges together with courage and bravery. The colleagues and workers of DAWN Group stood together to protect the right of freedom of press and this is been a source of moral inspiration and helped in struggle to revive the freedom of press in Pakistan.

Pressure on media freedom Rules and regulation: When the media got independence, then pemra also came into being in 2002. The pemra came to control the media, because if the media always do whatever they want to do then the country interest could be in danger. So the protect the country interest the permra came in to being and controlled the media by setting the rules and regulation. So we can say that musharaf, gave the independence to media but also control the media by making the pemra. Pemra did many things with media like we have recent example of permra restriction on geo super. Pemra close the geo super. Direct pressure:

Many governments put the pressure on media by different way like in musharaf regime the banned on the geo. And now in the democratic government the victim is geo super who is the only sports channel in Pakistan. Attack on geo building: In musharaf goverment the attack on geo building is also big attack on media feedom. Because musharaf was the only person who gave independence to media but later on he pressurize the freedom by different ways Influence of intelligence agency: In Pakistan intelligence agency has very much influence in media. Which is also a big problem and challenge for media. Because of this media cannot do fair and free reporting. They do only what the intelligence agency asked them.

Challenges face by media in Pakistan Low salary: Well we all know that salary in Pakistan is very low as compare to other country in Pakistan . There is no benefit offers to media reporters, even they are doing work by putting their lives in danger.

Controlled by the government: The media is controlled by the government. Because in Pakistan the government gives the advertisement to media .and also provide the city of broadcast where the journalist can do their shows. We have example of 1988 when the government raid the jang office through fia. And stoped the advertisement through jang and filed claims against the group for customs duties on shipments of newsprint amounting to 1.6 billion rupees. The government also issued notices of tax evasion against the group and its owner, Mir Shakilur Rehman, amounting to two billion rupees (US$40 million) Murder of journalist: in the Pakistan its also big problem that journalist are been killed. Its again a big problem for journalists in Pakistan. We have the recent example of murder of journalist is the murder of saleem shehzad who was investigating journalist and wrote for Asia time. his body found near canal on 31 may 2011. The leading journalist community claim that Pakistan intelligence agency involve in his murder. Kidnapped of journalist: Well kidnapped of journalist is also a big challenge here in Pakistan for journalist community. We have recently example of kidnapping of journalist is Omer cheema who were recently kidnapped and left after the torture. Current situation of Pakistan:

As we all aware with the current situation of Pakistan. This is pitiable. Pakistan is now facing a big challenge which is terrorism, due to terrorism no economic activity is happening in the country. Even no one wants to come in Pakistan due to the present scenario of Pakistan. Terrorism is not only a big challenge for Pakistan. But also for those journalist who live in Pakistan. Because terrorism is a big obstacle in reporting. Terrorism indirectly influences the freedom of media in Pakistan. Charter of Media Freedom: Declaration of state of emergency and new ordinance on media proved to be another blow on freedom of media. This situation gathers all media persons including journalists, writers and civil society personals both from electronic and print media on one platform with common objectives and demands. They showed concern about the infliction of emergency, suspension of constitution and fundamental rights which deprived rule of law and independence from judiciary and had an adverse and damaging effect on freedom of media that brings two new laws on media which is known as black media laws (PRMRA and PNNABRO) that sets arbitrary code of conduct on media by government which prohibit them to transmit private news and current affairs and ban on an anti-government advertisements on television and suspending GEO for a long period of time, and also imposed a ban on some media representative and journalists and continued to harass and arresting them. In addition to harassment and attacks on media personnels, military government tried every method to intimidate and de moralize media and journalists since November 3. On government acts, we are of the view that:

a) Freedom of expression and access to information and free media are the key factors

defining the political system. Dictator based and illiberal government always put restriction on information to be accessed on the cornerstone of need to know condition. While, on the other hand, democratic and liberal government respects and recognize freedom of expression and the right to access of information to people irrespective of the fact whether they are powerful or not. Independent media and freedom of speech and expression are the integral part of transparent, responsible and accountable government.
b) The free media which is considered as the judgmental factor of any good governance

serves as the watchdog of public interest without giving importance to personal interest.
c) The freedom of media, freedom of expression and speech and the right to know are

universally recognized and are the fundamental human, political and civil rights and are ensured by the constitution and implemented by an independent judicial system.
d) Free exercise of media in Pakistan is being threatened from world terrorism, state

monocracy and religious extremism groups.

Rural Media in Pakistan: The Rural Media Network Pakistan (RMNP) is a non-profit organization and was established in 2004. The objective of this organization is to assist and develop the independent media in rural areas of Pakistan. This organization celebrates World Press Freedom Day and carries


out several seminars and campaigns on freedom of expression and to promote freedom of press respectively. They also give training of journalist to both male and female. The basic aim and objective of RMNP behind organizing these training programs and seminars is to train journalists and improve their professional skills and to create awareness among rural journalists on sensitive issues like social, human, civil and political rights. The RMNP has done much collaboration with other government and non-government oriented organizations on both national and international level. Nationally RMNP collaborated with local press clubs and the Citizens media commission of Pakistan. On the international level, RMNP get together with UNESCO, the commonwealth Journalists Association (CJA), the committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and many other organizations. The only rural organization in Pakistan that celebrates World Press Freedom Day every year and also publishes an annual report which is being published on national and international level.

Monthly Newsletter: A big achievement by RMNP was to publish Pakistans first Freedom of Expression newsletter in 2005 which preface was written by Mr Javed Jabbar, former Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting. It is a monthly published Urdu newsletter. Sadiq News was released with an assistance of UNESCO on the seminar on the Freedom of Expression on December 19 2005. A number of notable individuals attended that seminar including the


Minister of State for the Environment, Government of Pakistan, Malik Mohd Amin Aslam Khan, journalists and representatives from civil society. Up till 2007, 13 issues of newsletter has been published and distributed free of cost among NGOs and educational institutes. But facing financial problems since 2007, only one issue is being produced annually. Press Freedom Award: RMNP has established an annual Sadiq Press Freedom Award to recognize and give regard to courage and professionalism of journalists. RMNP Vision: The objective of RMNP is based on independent media in Pakistan and they envision Pakistan as a state where media has freedom of speech and expressions.

Disadvantages of media freedom: We know that if the freedom of media has some advantages then it also has some disadvantages some of disadvantages of freedom of press are: Threat in achieving objective: Some time freedom of press becomes the biggest threat in achieving the objective for the country.

Irresponsible reporting: We know that after the getting the freedom. Media start doing the irresponsible reporting. like now the days media in Pakistan doing this. They dont know what news should broadcast what news shouldnt broadcast. Threat for government: Some time the freedom of media is threat for government. Media always do propaganda against the government. This becomes the reason of instability of government. Like now a day in Pakistan the media is doing propaganda against the government. Threat for country security: Press freedom some time become the reason of threat for country security we have the example of threat is the recently attack in Karachi of Pakistan air force airbase. In which the two orient planes were destroyed. After that geo TV news reporter were saying that now the Pakistan navy protection capacity remain 20 percent only. If the enemy will listen this he can attack on Pakistan. Threat for country image: Some time the freedom of the media play vital role in destroy country image. So media freedom is not always good. Promote unnecessary events:


Media some time promote the unnecessary events. Which is not good for the youths such events put the negative impact on our younger generation. Like before the freedom of media no one were aware about the valentine day. But media promote the valentine day and now almost every youth is celebrating valentine day on 14 Feb.

Conclusion: There are 2 aspects regarding the media freedom one the level of media freedom in Pakistan and second freedom of media in Pakistan should be or not. If we talk about our 1st aspect then we will come to know that the still work should be done for freedom of media because we are on 157 number in media freedom out of 167. And our second aspect is the freedom of media should be in Pakistan or not. Although the freedom of media is very good and it play very important role . it provide a lot the information which the people want to know. Like Before Musharaf government media was not so free only one or two channels were came. Thats why the people living on other city and even within the city were not aware about that what is happening in the country. Even they dont know who is running their country .But after the 2000 many TV channel started broadcasting from Pakistan. And help the information level of the people. Now even the child in Pakistan know that what is going around him and who is his president and prime minister even he know every federal minister of the country. But on other hand the freedom is also become the big threat for the country and the government as well. Before the freedom its easy for government to achieve their task. But now day it very difficult to attain their objective. Because media always criticize on government policy. Media freedom is also


threat for country interest and security as we have above mentioned the incident of Pakistan naval base. This is wrongly covered by the media and give the open invitation to enemies of Pakistan for attack. for after analyzing our both aspect we will suggest that government should give the protection to journalists and the media should do the responsible reporting. Because responsible reporting is very necessary. So if the media dont do responsible reporting then freedom should ban.

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