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Km. 7 Central Park Boulevard, Talomo Davao City, Philippines

Tel No. +63 (82) 221.2411 local 8603
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In Consortium with Ateneo de Zamboanga University and Xavier University


Grade Level: 11
Session: Gaslighting

FA 4
Answer Sheet

Name: Rheya Ela F. Calaycay

Section: 11- Pongracz

Chosen Situation: . Have said “Sabi ko na sayo/Ana lagi ko sa imo” to a friend when they
regretting a bad decision.

1. How is identifying gaslighting as early as possible crucial?

I think when I started expressing doubts to my mom about my feelings, behavior, and state of
mind as well as belittling myself despite of my effort, losing my confidence and comparing my
work which is not finish to others who are on time.

2. What insight have you gained from the activity?

Gas lighters manipulate the victim’s behavior. They can even let the feeling of the victim
minimize the feelings like the over reacting or over emotional feelings where in fact the fault and
wrongdoings born from them, in short, I realize that gas lighters can easily toy others mind and
stain the memories by letting the victim think that they are incapable of their strength in
achieving something and most , dragging your reputation at all.

3. What are some other reasons why people resort to gaslighting?

They have a desire to be in control and gain power from over the other and perhaps making
believed of themselves that they are always better than the rests. They want to keep a person
pleaser partner trying to please and perhaps happy to see others are out of balance already or
should I say a mental disorder? because they tend to be happy when someone is down, when
someone is struggling with their emotions already but if I need to look at it closely with my past
experiences, hearing from them I guess its also a cause of the kind of a family they have at home ,
Km. 7 Central Park Boulevard, Talomo Davao City, Philippines
Tel No. +63 (82) 221.2411 local 8603
E-Mail: *
In Consortium with Ateneo de Zamboanga University and Xavier University


its an environmental factor too that they brought all the hidden energy and fast blown to
classmates as their form of outlet or releasing of e motions at home.

4. How would you, in turn, campaign against gaslighting?

Well then to cover up or protect myself from gas lighting, in turn campaigning against it, is to
understand first what gaslighting is! I will let everyone recognize and be familiar the real essence
of gas lighting and its manifestations in ones life. Next, I think is just keep tracks do note takings
the conversations with them incase recollections of events.
Building a network of your own to support you to keep you on tract again and use their trust
again as one way to boost my self confidence. For others, I will cheer them up! Campaigning to
be kind always and do good deeds while we are young and alive.


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