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Sawyer Amberg

Megan Eltherington


August 9th 2022

Second Novel Proposal

Books I examined (ranked in order of my interest in reading them)

1. Redpatch by Raes Calvert and Sean Harris Oliver

This play is about a young Meti man who becomes a soldier in World War I.
This is my number 1 choice because I am interested in reading a play (other than
Shakespeare), and the subject matter is also something of interest to me as I truly enjoy
history, so I think the historical aspects of the play will be something I will enjoy.

2. Dead White Writer on the Floor by Drew Hayden Taylor

This is also a play. As the title implies, this play appears to be a murder mystery of sorts.
I gather that it is about a cast of characters that are in a room with a dead body and that
the second act may have the same characters but in a different perspective.
This book is of interest to me as I mentioned above, I am interested to try reading a play.
This one is #2 and not #1, because I feel like it may be a bit more abstract in how it tells
the story and that may be tougher to complete assignments about.

3. Starlight by Richard Wagmese

This book was on my previous list and remains in my top 3.
Based on the information on the slide and the video, I got that the book is about a man
who photographs nature. There wasn’t much information about the story on the slide, so
upon further investigation I found more about the story, a reclusive man who lives off the
land and how his life changes when a woman and her child cross his path.
I found it interesting as well knowing this was the author’s last book before he died.

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