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1. accommodation, n /ə a room, group of rooms, or житло
ˌkɒmə'deɪʃ(ə)n/ = dwelling, n building in which someone may
/'dwelɪŋ/ live or stay
They were living in temporary
2. block of flats, n (BrE) = a tall building or structure used багатоквартирний
apartment /ə'pɑːtmənt/ as a residential building будинок
building, n (AE)
It was a tiny room, high up on
the fifth floor of a block of
flats, prettily and inexpensively
3. bedsitter, n (BrE) /'bedˌsɪtə/ = a one-room apartment serving as однокімнатна квартира
studio apartment, n (AE) both bedroom and sitting room
To rent a private bedsitter
costs between 250-300£ a
4. bungalow, n /'bʌŋɡələʊ/ a small house or cottage usually бунгало
His house was a scantily having a single storey and
furnished, but comfortable sometimes an additional attic
enough bungalow.
5. cottage, n /'kɒtɪdʒ/ a small house, usually in a невеликий будинок,
He stopped before the door of village or the countryside заміський будинок
his own cottage, which was the
fourth one from the main
building and next to the last.
6. country house, n a large house in the countryside, заміський будинок
I stood on the well- usually in the UK or Europe,
remembered terrace, and especially one that has been
looked once more at the
peaceful old country house. owned by the same family for
many years
7. detached house, n /dɪ'tæʧt a house that stands alone окремий будинок
We have a four-bedroom
detached house in a quiet cul-
de-sac near Derby.
8. estate, n /ɪ'steɪt/ a very large area of land that маєток
Fred, as the eldest twin, will belongs to one person, usually
have the estate, I suppose, and with a very big house on it
such a splendid one it is.
9. flat, n (BrE) = apartment, n a set of rooms for living in, квартира
(AE) usually on one floor which
Sara lives with her husband usually includes a kitchen and
and children in a flat in central bathroom
10. homestead, n /'həʊmˌsted/ a farm, including the farmhouse садиба, ферма,
I have stood many a time and and any other buildings on the селянський двір
thought what a neat little land
homestead it would make.
11. hut, n /hʌt/ a small house with only one or хатина, халупа
And yet, during the first three two rooms, especially one which
days I never allowed him to is made of wood, mud, grass, or
enter a hut or other dwelling.
12. mansion, n /'mæn(t)ʃ(ə)n/ a large and imposing house великий особняк,
Miss Ophelia had spent a quiet великий будинок
existence of some forty-five
years on the farm, when her
cousin invited her to visit his
southern mansion.
13. multi-storeyed building a building that has many floors багатоповерхова
(multi-story /'mʌltɪˌstɔːrɪ/ / - (storeys) будівля
storey / -storied), n / high-
rise, n
If a fire breaks out in a multi-
story building, use the elevator
14. semi-detached house, n a house with two units sharing a будинок на двох
A man was led to safety from common wall господарів
the second floor of a smoke-
filled semi-detached house by
15. skyscraper, n /'skaɪˌskreɪpə/ a very tall multi-storey building хмарочос
The way led past the City Hall
and the Fourteenth Street
16. stately home, n /'steɪtlɪ a large house in the UK that has старовинний будинок
ˌhəʊm/ an interesting history and або замок, що
It was the custom in those days belongs, or used to belong, to an представляє історичний
in the stately homes of England important family інтерес
for the whole strength of the
company to take their meals
17. terraced /'terəst/ house, n one of a row of similar houses ряд будинків з’єднаних
(BrE) = town house, n (AE) = joined together by their side спільною стіною
row /rəʊ/ house, n (AE) walls
The three-bedroom terraced
house in Liverpool was sold
earlier this year for the sum of
100 000£.

19. architecturally the design and construction of непретензійний витвір
unpretentious, adj buildings that is not attempting архітектури
/ˌɑːkɪ'tekt(ə)r(ə)lɪ to impress with an appearance of
ˌʌnprɪ'ten(t)ʃəs/ greater importance
Although he was very proud of
his new house, I found it
architecturally unpretentious.
20. cluttered, adj /'klʌtəd/ filled with things in an untidy загромаджений,
There’s an old rotary phone way завалений речами
and a few yellowed papers on
a cluttered old wooden desk.
21. crammed, adj /kræmd/ completely filled with people or тісний, завалений
The house is crammed with things
priceless furniture and works
of art.
22. derelict, adj /'derəlɪkt/ empty and in a bad state of покинутий власником
The derelict condition of the repair because it has not been
Market House has been used or lived in for a long time
criticised by the town council.
23. dilapidated, adj old and in a generally bad старий,
/dɪ'læpɪdeɪtɪd/ condition напівзруйнований,
A dilapidated building became напіврозвалений
a get-together place for many
24. imposing, adj /ɪm'pəʊzɪŋ/ very large or impressive вражаючий
She has lived in an imposing
old house since she was a little
25. luxurious, adj /lʌɡ'zjʊərɪəs/ very expensive and comfortable розкішний
His was one of the most
luxurious houses in the area.
26. messy, adj /'mesɪ/ untidy, disorderly or dirty брудний
She was a nice enough girl, yet
her bedroom was always

27. neglected, adj /nɪ'glektɪd/ suffering from a lack of care, занедбаний,

As nobody lived in the house overlooked and forgotten запущений, занехаяний
for a long time, it looked quite
28. poky, adj /'pəʊkɪ/ small and cramped тісний, мізерний
His was a poky but inexpensive
29. roomy, adj /'ruːmɪ/ having plenty of room; spacious просторий, вільний
The flat has a surprisingly
roomy hall.
30. spacious, adj /'speɪʃəs/ large in size or area, so that you просторий, широкий
They bought a house with a can move around freely in it
spacious court-yard.
31. stuffy, adj /'stʌfɪ/ lacking fresh air or ventilation задушливий,
She almost fainted in that непровітрений
stuffy room.
32. sumptuous, adj /'sʌmptʃʊəs/ impressive, expensive, and of розкішний, пишний
Their house had light and high quality
sumptuous furnishings.
33. uninhabitable, adj unsuitable for living in непридатний для життя
A young couple tries to turn an
uninhabitable wreck into their
first home.


35. attic, n /'ætɪk/ a space or room just below the горище; мансарда
I’ve got boxes of old clothes in roof of a building
the attic.
36. basement, n /'beɪsmənt/ a floor built partly or completely підвал; цокольний
They bought an old below ground level поверх
schoolhouse to live in and built
a workshop in the basement.
37. ceiling, n /'siːlɪŋ/ the horizontal surface that forms стеля
The rooms were spacious, with the top part or roof inside a room
tall windows and high ceilings.
38. cellar, n /'selə/ a room below ground level in a погріб, льох
Choose a superb wine from house, typically one used for
our extensive wine cellar to storing wine or coal
complement your meal.
39. chimney, n /'ʧɪmnɪ/ = flue, n a pipe through which smoke димохід
/fluː/ goes up into the air, usually
Factory chimneys belched through the roof of a building
dense white smoke into the sky.
40. drainpipe, n /'dreɪnpaɪp/ a pipe attached to the side of a дренажна труба,
He evaded police by climbing building, through which водостічна труба
through a window and rainwater flows from the roof
shinning down a drainpipe.
into a drain
41. gutter, n /'ɡʌtə/ a shallow trough fixed beneath ринва, канавка,
His chamber was just above the edge of a roof for carrying водостічна труба
the gutter and below the roof. off rainwater
42. loft, n /lɒft/ a room or space directly under горище, верхній поверх
We would like to convert the the roof of a house or other
loft into another bedroom. building, used for
accommodation or storage
43. porch, n /pɔːʧ/ ґанок
1) Is there a light in the porch 1) a sheltered area at the
or garden? entrance to a building;
2) We’d eat during the hot 2) a raised platform built along
summer evenings on the front the outside wall of a house and
often covered with a roof
45. roof, n /ruːf/ the structure forming the upper дах
The house has a sloping roof. covering of a building

47. bay window, n a window that sticks out from еркер
At one side of the fireplace was the outside wall of a house
a heavy curtain which covered
the bay window we had seen
from outside.
48. dormer (window), n /'dɔːmə/ a window that is built upright in слухове, мансардне
The bright master bedroom a sloping roof вікно
has a dormer window to the
front and a second window to
the side.
49. French window, n = French a pair of glass doors which you скляні двері
door, n go through into a garden or onto
Julia walked out through the a balcony
open French windows on to the
50. (hung) sash window, n a window which consists of two підйомне вікно
An attractive dining room frames placed one above the (вертикально)
includes a sash window to the other – the window can be
front and a white marble
fireplace. opened by sliding one frame
over the other
51. shutter, n /'ʃʌtə/ each of a pair of hinged panels, віконниця
He threw open the shutters to fixed inside or outside a window
let in air and light. that can be closed for security or
privacy or to keep out light
52. skylight, n /'skaɪlaɪt/ a window installed in a roof or вікно в даху, стелі; люк
I saw them quite hard at work, ceiling
when I looked down through
the open skylight.
53. windowsill, n /'wɪndəʊsɪl/ a shelf along the bottom of a підвіконник
Coriander can be sown in pots window, either inside or outside
on the windowsill for a supply a building
during autumn and winter.

Floors and Stairs

55. first floor, n a floor of a building above the другий поверх
You start in the attic and work ground floor
your way down to the first
56. flight of stairs, n a stairway (set of steps) between проліт, прогін, марш
He motioned me to follow him one floor or landing and the next
up a magnificent flight of stairs
ending in a landing on the first
57. ground floor, n /ˌɡraʊnd 'flɔː/ the floor that is level or almost перший поверх
Jenny now lives in a terraced level with the ground outside
ground floor flat.
58. landing, n /'lændɪŋ/ the area at the top of the staircase площадка (на сходах)
I ran up the stairs onto the which has rooms leading off it
59. staircase, n /'stɛəkeɪs/ a set of stairs inside a building сходи, сходовий марш
They walked down the
staircase together.
60. stairs, pl n /stɛəz/ a set of steps leading from one сходи
He learned to walk safely up floor of a building to another,
and down stairs. typically inside the building

62. back door, n the door or entrance at the back чорний хід; запасний
There’s someone at the back of a building вихід
63. doorbell, n a bell, chime, or buzzer outside a дверний дзвінок
Unable in my excitement to door that is rung to announce the
find the doorbell I instinctively presence of a visitor or caller
tried the knob.
64. door handle /'hændl/, n/ an attached object or mechanism дверна ручка / куляста
door knob, n /nɒb/ used to manually open or close a ручка дверей
I turned the knob and found door
the door was open.
65. doormat, n /'dɔːmæt/ a mat placed before a doorway килимок перед дверима
There’s one item in the home for wiping the shoes
that any guest can’t fail to spot
– and that’s the doormat.
66. front door, n /ˌfrʌnt 'dɔː/ the main door, which is usually вхідні двері
He had found the front door in the wall that faces a street
open, and had followed his
ring by walking in
67. keyhole, n /'kiːhəʊl/ a hole in a lock into which the замкова щілина
She inserted the key in the key is inserted
keyhole, and it gave a small
click and swung open.
68. spyhole, n /'spaɪhəʊl/ = a small hole that may be looked оглядовий отвір, вічко
peephole, n /'piːphəʊl/ through, especially one in a door
The guards checked at the through which callers may be
peephole before opening the identified before the door is
door. opened
69. threshold, n /'θreʃ(h)əʊld/ the floor at the entrance to a поріг
The bride was carried over the room or building
threshold by her new husband.

Kinds of Flooring
71. laminate (flooring /'flɔːrɪŋ/), a multi-layer synthetic flooring ламінат
n /'læmɪneɪt/ product fused together with a
Laminate floors began lamination process
showing up underfoot in
American homes in the early
72. linoleum (flooring/ floor a floor covering which is made лінолеум
covering), n /lɪ'nəʊlɪəm/ of cloth covered with a hard
The first thing they saw when shiny substance
they entered the room was a
gray linoleum floor.
73. parquet (flooring), flooring composed of wooden паркет
n /'pɑːkeɪ/ blocks arranged in a geometric
They had expensive rugs and pattern
carpets on the polished
parquet floors.
74. tile, n /taɪl/
1) Amy’s shoes squeaked on 1) square pieces of baked clay, 1) плитка, кахель;
the tiles as she walked down carpet, cork, or other substance,
the corridor.
which are fixed as a covering
onto a floor or wall;
2) Theirs was a fine building, 2) a thin rectangular slab of 2) черепиця
with a neat little porch and baked clay, concrete, or other
ornamental tiles on the roof.
material, used in overlapping
rows for covering roofs
77. cooker, n /'kʊkə/ (BrE) = an appliance used for cooking (газова/ електро) плита
stove, n /steʊv/ (AE) food, typically consisting of an
She put the kettle on the gas oven, hob, and grill and powered
stove. by gas or electricity
78. crockery, n /'krɒk(ə)rɪ/ plates, dishes, cups, and other глиняний або
We had no fridge, cooker, similar items, especially ones фаянсовий посуд
cutlery or crockery. made of earthenware or china
79. cupboard, n /'kʌbəd/ a piece of furniture that has one буфет, стінна шафа
When she walked she rolled or two doors, usually contains
like a small boat on the ocean, shelves, and is used to store
and the dishes in the cupboard
jostled each other. things
80. cutlery, n /'kʌtl(ə)rɪ/ knives, forks, and spoons used столові прибори
She arranged plates and for eating or serving food
cutlery on a small table.
81. cutting board, n a usually wooden or plastic дошка для нарізання
If you use a cutting board for board that you chop meat and
meat, make sure you use a vegetables on
separate one for other types of
food such as bread.
82. draining board, n the place on a sink unit where підставка для
There were also three bags of things such as cups, plates, and просушування (посуду)
frozen chicken defrosting on a cutlery are put to drain after they
draining board by the sink.
have been washed
83. exhaust hood, n = cooker a device containing a mechanical витяжна шафа
hood, n = kitchen hood, n fan that hangs above the stove or
Although many kitchen hoods cooktop in the kitchen and
exhaust air to the outside, removes airborne grease,
some recirculate the air to the combustion products, fumes,
smoke, odors, heat, and steam
from the air by evacuation of the
air and filtration
84. freezer, n /'friːzə/ a large container like a fridge in морозильна камера
That saves freezer space and which the temperature is kept
keeps Suzie happy as the below freezing point so that you
freezer food does not smell of
fish. can store food inside it for long
85. hot plate, n /'hɒtpleɪt/ a flat heated surface (or a set of невелика газова або
The hot plate apparently these), typically metal or електрична плитка
malfunctioned, setting off the ceramic, used for cooking food
blaze that sent flames up the
stairs. or keeping it hot
86. kitchen island, n an unattached counter in a кухонний острівець
Foods were served buffet kitchen that permits access from
style on the center kitchen all sides
island, which was decorated
with mercury-glass and
copper trees nestled within
87. mincer, n /'mɪnsə/ = meat a machine which cuts meat into м’ясорубка
grinder, n /'ɡraɪndə/ (AM) very small pieces by forcing it
To make your own sausages, through very small holes
the first thing you’ll need is a
88. oven /'ʌvn/, n the part of a cooker with a door, піч, духовка
Put the onions and ginger in used to bake or roast food
the oven and let them roast for
thirty minutes.
89. refrigerator, na large container which is kept холодильник
/rɪ'frɪʤ(ə)reɪtə/ = fridge, n cool inside, usually by
She put the carton of milk back electricity, so that the food and
in the fridge. drink in it stays fresh
90. sink, n /sɪŋk/ a water basin fixed to a wall or раковина (водопроводу)
He left the dirty dishes in the floor and having a drainpipe and
sink to wash them later. generally a piped supply of
91. tea set, n a set of cups, saucers, and plates, чайний сервіз
The new tea set is available in with a milk jug, sugar bowl, and
an unlimited edition in classic teapot
white porcelain.
92. worktop, n = work surface, a flat surface in a kitchen, робочий стіл
n = (kitchen) counter, n especially on top of low
We stacked the dirty plates on furniture, on which food can be
the kitchen counter. prepared

94. bed, n a piece of furniture for sleep or ліжко
rest, typically a framework with
a mattress
1) bunk, adj 1) one of a pair of beds 1) двоярусне
A new line of bunk beds was constructed one above the other
created to better accommodate
families looking to save time
and money.
2) double, adj 2) a bed large enough for two 2) двоспальне
Besides the kitchen, there was adults
a bedroom, with a wide double
bed built against the wall.
3) single, adj 3) a bed for one occupant 3) односпальне
A narrow single bed at one
side took up nearly all the
98. bedding, n /'bedɪŋ/ = coverings for a bed, such as постільні речі
bedclothes, n sheets and blankets
It is better to lie quiet in the
mud than to be disturbed on
good bedding.
99. bedspread, n /'bedspred/ = a decorative cover which is put постільне покривало
bedcover, n /'bedkʌvə/ over a bed, on top of the sheets
She varied the bedspreads and blankets
according to what fruit-
blossom was in season.
100. blanket, n /'blæŋkɪt/ a large piece of woollen or вовняна ковдра
When she awoke, she found similar material used as a
herself snugly tucked up on thecovering on a bed or elsewhere
bed, with a blanket over her.
for warmth
101. (built-in) wardrobe, a large, tall cupboard in which (вбудована) шафа
n /'wɔːdrəʊb/ clothes may be hung or stored
The clothes Mary took from the
wardrobe were not the ones
she had worn when she
102. chest of drawers, n /ʧest əv a piece of furniture consisting of комод
drɔːz/ a set of drawers in a frame,
A bed and chair of cheap pine typically used for storing clothes
and a very ancient chest of
drawers constituted the
furniture of the room.
103. cradle, n /'kreɪdl/ = crib, n a baby’s bed or cot, typically one колиска
(AE) /krɪb/ mounted on rockers
The grand difficulty of
humanity from the cradle to
the grave – money.
104. dressing table, n a table with a mirror and туалетний столик
Tina was rearranging the drawers, used while dressing or
bottles and brushes on the applying make-up
dressing table.
105. duvet, n /'djuːveɪ/ a soft quilt filled with down, пухова ковдра
I had a lovely goose feather feathers, or a synthetic fibre,
duvet, so I was dubious about used instead of an upper sheet
trying a synthetic one.
and blankets
106. pillow, n /'pɪləʊ/ a rectangular cloth bag stuffed подушка
She soon came back and sat on with feathers, foam rubber, or
the edge of the bed, leaning other soft materials, used to
her head down on the pillow.
support the head when lying
107. pillowcase, n /'pɪləʊkeɪs/ = a removable cloth cover for a наволочка
pillowslip, n /'pɪləʊslɪp/ pillow
The bed had a spring mattress
and silk pillowcases on the
little pillows.
108. quilt, n /kwɪlt/ = eiderdown, a thin cover filled with feathers стьобана ковдра;
n /'aɪdədaʊn/ = comforter, n or some other warm, soft клаптева ковдра;
/'kʌmfətə/ (AE) material, which you put over стьобана ватяна/ пухова
An old patchwork quilt was your blankets when you are in ковдра
always her mother’s favourite. bed
109. rug, n /rʌɡ/ a floor covering of thick woven килимок, килим
A Persian rug covered the material or animal skin, typically
hardwood floors. not extending over the entire
111. bathmat, n /'bɑ͟ːθmæt/ a mat which you stand on while мата для ванної кімнати
I’m actually surprised it hasn’t you dry yourself after getting out
happened to me before, and of the bath
I’ve often thought about
getting a non-slip bath mat,
but never got around to it.
112. (hot and cold) running water supplied to a building водопровід (з гарячою і
water, n through pipes and taps холодною водою)
One of the amenities of the
townhouse was hot and cold
running water.
113. medicine cabinet, n a small cupboard or box тумбочка для ліків
/ˌmedɪsɪn'kæbɪnət/ containing medicines and first-
I looked in her medicine aid items
cabinet for an aspirin.
114. mirror, n /'mɪrə/ a surface, typically of glass дзеркало, люстерко
He went into the bathroom coated with a metal amalgam,
absent-mindedly and looked at which reflects a clear image
himself in the mirror
115. shower, n /'ʃaʊə/ a device for washing yourself душ
She heard him turn on the which consists of a pipe that
shower in the guest room. ends in a flat cover with a lot of
holes in it so that water comes
out in a spray
116. sponge, n /spʌnʤ/ = loofah, a very light soft substance with губка
n /'luːfə/ lots of little holes in it, which
Fill a bowl with water and can be either artificial or natural,
gently sponge your face and used to clean things or as a soft
body with a loofah.
117. tap, n (BrE) /tæp/ = faucet, a device by which a flow of водопровідний кран
n /'fɔːsɪt/ (AE) liquid or gas from a pipe or
She turned on a cold-water container can be controlled
118. towel, n /'taʊəl/ a piece of thick soft cloth that рушник
Hang the fresh bath towel on you use to dry yourself
the towel rail and put the wet
one in the laundry basket.
119. washbasin, n /'wɒʃˌbeɪs(ə)n/ a large bowl, usually with taps умивальна раковина
There, the taps and washbasins for hot and cold water, for
are fixed low on the wall, at a washing your hands and face
height that makes it easy for
the children to use them.

121. living room, n = sitting a room in a house for general вітальня, зал
room, n and informal everyday use
We were sitting on the couch
in the living room watching
122. bookcase, n /'bʊkkeɪs/ an open cabinet containing книжкова шафа
Over the bookcase hung a shelves on which to keep books
photograph of the Theatre,
which he had given me from
his collection.
123. bookshelf, n a shelf on which books can be книжкова полиця
Captain was standing up with stored
one hand grasping the edge of
the bookshelf.
124. breakfront (cabinet), n a piece of furniture, such as a шафа (зі скляними
His security ID badge was cabinet or a bookcase, with a дверцятами),
prominently displayed in the central section that projects центральна секція якої
family breakfront.
beyond the sections to either side виступає вперед
125. carpet, n /'kɑːpɪt/ a floor covering made from thick килим
There are fitted carpets woven fabric
throughout the house.
126. carving, n /'kɑːvɪŋ/ an object or a design that has різьблення, різьблений
In the carving, the temple is been cut out of a material such орнамент
depicted with a classical as stone or wood
pediment front and a
colonnade of columns
supporting the structure.
127. chandelier, n /ˌʃændə'lɪə/ a large, decorative hanging light люстра, канделябр
A crystal chandelier, which with branches for several light
had once gave a fascinating bulbs or candles
illusion to the game, hung
unlighted in the broad hall.
128. china cabinet, n a cabinet (usually with glass шафа для посуду зі
Inside, the apartment has its doors) for storing and displaying скляними дверцятами
own entrance hall with a built- china
in china cabinet and tall store
129. coffee table, n /'kɒfɪ ˌteɪbl/ a low table, typically placed in низький столик (у
front of a sofa вітальні), журнальний
The black coffee table is a bold столик
statement piece that adds
personality to the neutral
130. couch, n /kaʊtʃ/ a long upholstered piece of кушетка, тахта, диван
The only actual piece of furniture for several people to sit
furniture was a worn couch on
placed in the middle of the
131. curtain, n /'kɜːtn/ (BrE) = a piece of material suspended at штора, портьєра
drape, n (AE) /dreɪp/ the top to form a covering or
She drew the curtains and lit screen, typically one of a pair at
the fire. a window
132. cushion, n /'kʊʃn/ a fabric case filled with soft диванна подушка
I leaned into the soft cushions material, which you put on a seat
of the old furniture as the to make it more comfortable
phone rang.
133. fireplace, n /'faɪəpleɪs/ is the place where a fire can be камін
A fire, burning safely within a lit and the area on the wall and
fireplace or a wood stove, is a floor surrounding this place
visible and tangible source of
comfort to us.
134. grandfather clock, n an old-fashioned type of clock in високий годинник в
This classic children’s story a tall wooden case which stands дерев’яному футлярі (із
takes Tom into a magical upright on the floor дзвоном)
secret garden which appears
when the grandfather clock
chimes 13 times.
135. hearthrug, n /'hɑːθrʌɡ/ a rug laid in front of a fireplace килимок перед каміном
He took one of the small tables to protect the carpet or floor
and set it in front of the fire,
with two legs on the hearthrug.
136. love seat, n a small sofa for two people, диванчик
After you’ve pushed your way especially one designed in an S-
through hordes of holiday shape so that the couple can face
shoppers, nothing seems as
restorative as sitting on a cozy each other
love seat sipping tea from a
china cup.
137. mantelpiece, n /'mænt(ə)lpiːs/ a structure of wood, marble, or камінна полиця
= mantelshelf, stone above and around a
n /'mænt(ə)lʃelf/ fireplace
There were two bronze vases
on the mantelpiece.
138. net curtain, n = lace /leɪs/ curtains made of thin cloth that тюлева фіранка
curtain, n people hang across their
Behind the heavy net curtains windows to stop people outside
she saw the silhouette of seeing into their houses
Helene passing one of the
139. settee, n /se'tiː/ a long upholstered seat for more канапа, невеликий
She saw that the settee was in than one person, typically with a диван
the middle of the room and the back and arms
window was opened wider
than it had been.
140. sideboard, n /'saɪdbɔːd/ a flat-topped piece of furniture буфет, сервант
The right wall displayed an with cupboards and drawers,
antique sideboard, the china used for storing crockery,
cupboard and an old rocking
chair Brianna couldn’t bear to glasses, and table linen
part with.
141. suite of furniture, n a set of furniture of the same гарнітур меблів
/ˌswiːt əv 'fɜːnɪʧə/ design
There was a gorgeous suite of
furniture in the window display
of an antique furniture store.
142. upholstered suite, n a set of chairs and seats which гарнітур м’яких меблів
/ʌp'həʊlstəd ˌswiːt/ have a soft covering that makes
There was an upholstered suite them comfortable to sit on
consisting of couple arm-
chairs and a large sofa in
Steve’s studio.
143. wall-paper, n thick coloured or patterned paper шпалери
The wallpaper appears to have that is used for covering and
had coffee spilt all over it. decorating the walls of rooms

145. entrance hall, n /'entrən(t)s the room just inside the main коридор
ˌhɔːl/ = hallway, n /'hɔːlweɪ/ entrance of a house, apartment,
I wish you wouldn’t leave your or other building that leads to
shoes in the hall. other rooms and usually to the
146. coat hanger, n = clothes curved piece of wood, metal, or вішалка
hanger, n /'kləʊðzˌhæŋə/ plastic for hanging a piece of
She took off her jacket and put clothing on
it on the coat hanger.
147. coat rack, n /'kəʊtˌræk / a framework, typically with вішалка (підставка на
These young people invented hooks, or pegs, for holding or ніжках)
“The Hook”, a smart coat rack storing coats
which lets you know what to
wear according to the weather.
148. shoe rack, n /'ʃuːˌræk/ a framework, typically with rails, підставка для взуття
You might even consider bars for holding or storing shoes
putting a shoe rack at the front
door to encourage guests to
take their shoes off before
entering the house.
149. storeroom, n /'stɔːru:m/ a room in which you keep things комора; цейхгауз;
We saw a storeroom filled with until they are needed сховище
massive old furniture covered
with dust.
150. umbrella stand, n /ʌm'brelə a stand for holding closed підставка для
ˌstænd/ upright umbrellas парасольок
Sarah knew that her father was
home when she saw his
umbrella in the umbrella


152. alcove, n /'ælkəʊv/ = gazebo, a small building, especially one альтанка в саду
n /gə'ziːbəʊ/ in the garden of a house, that
There is a gazebo deep in the gives a wide view of the
forest: old, with chipped paint surrounding area
on the outside and rusty
153. barn, n /bɑːn/ a large farm building used for сарай, клуня, житниця,
Clean livestock barns have storing grain, hay, or straw or for хлів
fewer fly problems. housing livestock
154. conservatory, n /kən'sɜːvətrɪ/ a room with a glass roof and оранжерея, зимовий сад
The first ten minutes of walls, attached to a house at one
seclusion in the conservatory side and used as a sun lounge or
passed without events of any
kind. for growing delicate plants
155. doghouse, n = dog a small building made especially собача буда
kennel /'ken(ə)l/, n for a dog to sleep in
Timmy has built a new
doghouse for his German
156. drive(way), n a short road leading from a під’їзна дорога, алея
Almost on the outskirts of the public road to a house or other
town he went up a long building
driveway to what appeared a
large farm.
157. fence, n /fen(t)s/ a barrier, railing, or other upright огорожа, паркан
They stopped, leaning over a structure, typically of wood or
fence made of sea-drift, to ask wire, enclosing an area of
for water.
ground to mark a boundary,
control access, or prevent escape
158. flower bed, n an area of ground in a garden or клумба
A lady in a stout tweed skirt, park which has been specially
who was bending over a flower prepared so that flowers can be
bed, straightened herself at our
approach. grown in it
159. hedge, n /heʤ/ a fence or boundary formed by (жива) огорожа,
They came to the garden closely growing bushes or shrubs живопліт
through a gap in the hedge.
160. hothouse, n = greenhouse, n a heated building, usually made теплиця
It is as hot as fire here, and the of glass, in which plants and
park has that steamy smell that flowers can be grown
a hothouse has.
161. lawn, n /lɔːn/ an area of short, regularly mown газон
They were sitting on the lawn grass in the garden of a house or
under a large oak tree. park
162. orchard, n /'ɔːʧəd/ a piece of enclosed land planted фруктовий сад
Little birds were twittering in with fruit trees
the blossom-blanched orchard
163. path, n /pɑːθ/ a long strip of ground which стежка, доріжка
He went up the garden path to people walk along to get from
knock on the door. one place to another
164. shed, n /ʃed/ a simple roofed structure, повітка, сарай
My mother came into the house typically made of wood or metal,
from a little shed at the back. used as a storage space or a
165. vegetable garden, a garden or area where город
n /'veʤ(ə)təblˌgɑːd(ə)n/ = vegetables, fruit, or herbs are
kitchen garden, n grown for domestic use
He had a terraced vegetable
garden, bursting with produce.
166. well, n a hole in the ground from which криниця
I had to fetch water from the a supply of water is extracted

168. brick, n a small rectangular block цегла
Their house was built of brick. typically made of fired or sun-
dried clay, used in building
169. clay, n /kleɪ/ a kind of earth that is soft when глина
As the wheel turned, the potter it is wet and hard when it is dry
shaped and squeezed the lump
of clay into a graceful shape.
170. concrete, n /'kɒŋkriːt/
a substance used for building бетон
The telephone posts had to be
which is made by mixing
set in concrete. together cement, sand, small
stones, and water
172. convert, v /kən'vɜːt/ adapt (a building) to make it переобладнувати,
The company converted a suitable for a new purpose перебудовувати,
disused cinema to house twelve реконструювати
173. rebuild, v /ˌriː'bɪld/ build (something) again after it відновлювати,
They say they will stay to has been damaged or destroyed капітально
rebuild their homes rather ремонтувати,
than retreat to refugee camps.
174. redecorate, v /ˌriː'dek(ə)reɪt/ apply paint or wallpaper in (a зробити косметичний
Our children have left home, room or building) again, ремонт приміщення;
and we now want to typically differently по-новому оформити
175. renovate, v /'renəveɪt/ restore (something old, ремонтувати, освіжати,
The old school has been especially a building) to a good обновляти
tastefully renovated as a state of repair
private house.
176. restore, v /rɪ'stɔː/ repair or renovate (a building, реставрувати,
The old library building has work of art, etc) so as to return it відновлювати
been lovingly restored. to its original condition


178. accommodate, v /ə'kɒmədeɪt/ to provide with a place to live or 1) влаштовувати,
1) The hotel was built to stay розміщати;
accommodate guests for the
wedding of King Alfonso.

2) Soldiers are accommodated 2) розквартировувати

in homes nearby.
180. inhabit, v /ɪn'hæbɪt/ live in or occupy (a place) жити, населяти
The islands are inhabited by
177,000 people.
181. let (a house), v to allow someone to have the use здавати житло в оренду
She let the flat to a tenant. of (a room or property) in return
for regular payments
182. lodge, v /lɒʤ/
1) The story of the farming 1) provide (someone) with 1) розмістити,
family that lodged Jane as a accommodation in return for (тимчасово) оселити,
young teacher.
payment здавати кімнату(и)
2) Harris decided to finally 2) rent accommodation in 2) винаймати
meet the man who lodged in another person’s house кімнату(и)
the room next door.
184. put up (at), v phr stay temporarily in lodgings розмістити(ся),
We put up at a hotel in the city other than one’s own home (тимчасово)
center. оселити(ся)
185. rent (a house), v
1) They were college friends 1) pay someone for the use of 1) орендувати житло
who rented a house together in something (typically property,
land, or a car);
2) He purchased a large tract 2) (of an owner) allow someone 2) здавати житло в
of land and rented it out to to use (something) in return for оренду
local farmers.
187. reside, v /rɪ'zaɪd/ have one’s permanent home in a проживати
People who work in the city particular place
actually reside in neighbouring
188. settle, v make one’s permanent home оселятися, поселятися
In 1863 the family settled in somewhere
189. stay, v live somewhere temporarily as a зупинятися, гостювати
Minton invited them to stay the visitor or guest

191. landlord (landlady), n a person who allows tenants to власник нерухомості,
His landlord has suddenly live or work in a building which орендодавець,
doubled the rent. he/she owns, in return for rent землевласник
192. (real) estate agent, n (BrE) a person whose job involves агент з продажу
= realtor, n /'rɪəltə/ (AM) selling and renting out buildings нерухомості
A real estate agent showed and land for clients
them two centrally located
flats available for buying.
193. tenant, n /'tenənt/ someone who pays rent for the орендар, наймач,
Regulations placed clear place they live in, or for land or мешканець
obligations on the landlord for buildings that they use
the benefit of the tenant.

195. air (the room), v /ɛə/ expose (a room) to the open air провітрювати
The windows were opened in order to ventilate it (кімнату)
regularly to air the room.
196. bleach (the linen), v /bliːtʃ/ cause (a material such as cloth) відбілювати (білизну)
The scientists have developed to become white or much lighter
a new formula to bleach and by a chemical process
brighten clothing.
197. broom, n /bruːm/ a long-handled brush of bristles мітла, віник
Students were told to or twigs used for sweeping
contribute money for the
purchase of brooms, mops,
brushes and paint for the
198. bucket, n /'bʌkɪt/ a roughly cylindrical open відро, цеберко
He still dumps the milk in container with a handle, made of
buckets and carries the buckets metal or plastic and used to hold
to the milk tank.
and carry liquids
199. clean up the mess in one’s make things tidy and free of dirt прибирати (бруд) у
room, v phr again кімнаті
Nina and Mary were in the
kitchen, cleaning up after
200. dustbin, n (BrE) = rubbish a container for household refuse, урна для сміття,
bin, n (BrE) = garbage can, especially one kept outside сміттєвий бак
n (AE)
A bomb planted in a garbage
can exploded early today.
201. dustpan, n /'dʌs(t)pæn/ a small flat container made of совок (для сміття)
One day he and some of his metal or plastic used to put dirt
roommates were cleaning their and dust into it using a brush
room and one of the guys
threw the dustpan out into the
202. get clogged, v phr become blocked with an забиватися;
The pipes get clogged very accumulation of thick, wet засмічуватися
often. matter
203. immaculately clean, adj phr perfectly clean бездоганно чистий
/ɪ'mækjʊlətlɪ kliːn/
Parents couldn’t believe their
eyes when they saw Jenny’s
room immaculately clean.
204. in ship-shape order, adj tidy, neat, and in good condition у повному порядку
The house only needs an
occasional coat of paint to
keep it in ship-shape order.
205. ironing board, n a long, narrow board covered гладильна дошка
She also mentioned that they with soft material and having
had used their ironing board folding legs, on which clothes,
as a table.
sheets, etc. are ironed
206. mop, n /mɒp/ a piece of equipment for швабра
First use the duster then use a washing floors, usually consists
wet mop to wipe the floor. of a sponge or many pieces of
string attached to a long handle
207. put things where they to tidy up класти речі на свої
belong, v phr місця
Mom promised to give Charlie
a candy bar if he put things
where they belonged in his
208. rinse, v /rɪns/ wash (something) with clean полоскати
Always rinse your bed-linen water to remove soap, detergent,
thoroughly. dirt, or impurities
209. rubbish chute, n /'rʌbɪʃ ˌʃuːt/ an inclined channel or vertical сміттєпровід
= refuse chute, n /rɪ'fjuːz passage down which rubbish
ˌʃuːt/ may be dropped for disposal
She dropped the films and
other items into a rubbish
210. soak clothes, v phr /səʊk/ put clothes into a liquid and замочувати одяг перед
She put her dirty clothes in the leave them there for some time пранням
basin with soapy water and left before washing them
them there to soak.
211. spick and span, adj neat, clean, and well looked after бездоганно чистий
/ˌspɪk ən(d) 'spæn/
My little house is spick and
212. spring-clean, v to thoroughly clean everything in робити генеральне
It’s almost as easy these days the house or other place прибирання
to give your rooms a new coat
of paint as it is to spring-clean
213. sweep (up), v (phr) clean (an area) by brushing мести, змітати
I’ve swept the kitchen floor away dirt or litter
214. tidy /'taɪdɪ/ up, phr v to put things back in their proper прибирати будинок
I really must start tidying the places so that everything is neat
place up once in a while.
215. vacuum cleaner, n is an electric machine which чистити пилососом
/'vækjʊəm ˌkliːnə / sucks up dust and dirt from
We had no electricity to run a carpets floors and other surfaces
vacuum cleaner and no water.
216. washing powder, n = detergent in the form of a пральний порошок
laundry detergent, n /'lɔːndrɪ powder for washing clothes, bed
dɪ'tɜːʤ(ə)nt/ linen, etc.
Organisers can now accept
donations of cleaning items
and washing powder.
217. wipe something clean (with clean or dry (something) by витирати начисто
a cloth/ mop), v phr rubbing with a cloth/ mop etc (ганчіркою/ шваброю)
Tom spilt the milk on the table
and had to wipe it clean with
the table cloth.
218. wring, v /rɪŋ/ squeeze and twist (something) to викручувати
She wrung the cloth out in the force liquid from it


220. faded (sofa), adj /'feɪdɪd/ something (a piece of furniture) вицвіла (софа)
This sofa can become faded – that has lost colour or brightness
especially under the impact of
direct sunlight.
221. frayed, adj /freɪd/ unravelled or worn at the edge зношений, протертий
The carpet was frayed at the
sides and little holes had
appeared at the edges.
222. rickety (chair), adj /'rɪkətɪ/ piece of furniture (chair) which хиткий, неміцний
Then he flung himself into the is not very strong or well made, (стілець)
rickety chair that was standing and seems likely to collapse or
by the table and buried his
face in his hands. break
223. threadbare (carpet), becoming thin and tattered with протертий (до ниток)
adj /'θredbɛə/ age (килим)
She had the nerve to lodge the
rooms with threadbare carpets
for the sky-high price.
224. worm-eaten (table), full of holes made by woodworm побитий шашлем (стіл)
adj /'wɜːmˌiːt(ə)n/
At three paces from her,
leaning his elbow on an old
worm-eaten table, sat a tall
young man of twenty.

226. across, prep situated on the other side of через (вулицю, дорогу)
They lived across the street something such as a street, river,
from one another. or area
227. along (the path, street, road moving in a constant direction вздовж (стежки,
etc), prep on (a more or less horizontal вулиці, дороги)
Soon we were driving along a surface)
narrow road.
228. around the corner, adv phr very near за рогом
There’s a chemist’s round the
229. down the street, adv phr a short distance away on this недалеко від
There is a drugstore down the same street
street. It’s very convenient.
230. go/ walk up the street, v phr from one end to another of (a йти по вулиці до центру
The odd numbers are on the street or other area), not міста
left as you walk up the street. necessarily on an upward slope
231. in the suburbs, prep a smaller area which is part of у передмісті
phr /'sʌbɜːbz/ the city or large town but is
His family lived in the suburbs outside its centre
of Manchester.
232. next door, adv in or to the next house or room по сусідству, поряд
The flat next door was empty.
233. next to, adv in or into a position immediately поряд
We sat next to each other. to one side of; beside
234. on the outskirts of (a in the outer parts of a town or на околиці села
village), prep phr /'aʊtskɜːts/ city
We live in a cottage on the
outskirts of a picturesque
235. opposite, prep /'ɒpəzɪt/ situated on the other side of a навпроти
space from something
Jennie had sat opposite her at
236. over (a bridge, road etc), at the other side of; beyond через (міст, дорогу)
There is a small village over
the bridge.
237. through (a gate), prep /θruː/ moving in one side and out of через (ворота)
Stepping boldly through the the other side of something
gate he came to the mansion.
238. within (easy) reach (of), inside a distance that can be недалеко від
adv phr travelled
Rocky Mountain National Park
is within easy reach of the city
of Denver.
239. within walking distance, close enough to walk to відстань, яку можна
adv phr подолати пішки
My office is within walking
distance from here.


241. be sold on a first come, a principle according to which продавати у порядку
first served basis, v phr the people who ask for загальної черги
The flats that came onto the something first will be the ones
market were all great, but not who get it, when there is not
everyone could get them as enough for everyone
they were sold on a first come,
first served basis.
242. central heating, n a system for warming a building центральне опалення
Barbara knows how disruptive by heating water or air in one
and uncomfortable life can be place and circulating it through
without central heating.
pipes and radiators or vents
243. command a good view (of), to have a nice view мати гарний вигляд
v phr (на)
The house commands a good
view of the river.
244. do up the house, v phr to decorate and repair a building лагодити, ремонтувати;
They did up the house so that it is in a better condition приводити в порядок
245. down payment, n an initial payment made when завдаток
Celeste asked for the money as something is bought on credit
a down payment on an old
246. furnish, v /'fɜːnɪʃ/ put furniture and furnishings into обставляти, меблювати
The proprietor has furnished a house or room
the bedrooms in a variety of
247. get/ take a mortgage, v to get a loan of money which взяти кредит, іпотеку
phr /'mɔːgɪʤ/ you get from a bank or building
I put down a hundred thousand society in order to buy a house
in cash and took out a
mortgage for the rest.
248. heater, n /'hiːtə/ a device for warming the air or обігрівач
There’s an electric heater in water
the bedroom.
249. housewarming (party), n a party that you give for friends вечірка з приводу
I’m so sorry I missed your when you have just moved to a новосілля
housewarming party last night. new house
250. hunt for a house, v phr search determinedly for a new шукати/ підшуковувати
He desperately hunted for a place to live будинок
new house for his big family.
251. keep house, v do the cooking, cleaning, and вести господарство
I hate to keep house. I’d rather other tasks involved in the
live in a tent than keep house. running of a household
252. look over, phr v/ overlook, v to see the place clearly from the виходити вікнами на
The chateau overlooks fields of building or window
corn and olive trees.
253. mod cons, pl n (short form) = the modern facilities in a house сучасні зручності
modern conveniences, pl n that make it easy and pleasant to
(full form) live in
The house is spacious with all
mod cons, handy for the
station and has a garden.
254. monthly instalment, n a sum of money due as one of місячний внесок
/ɪn'stɔːlmənt/ several equal payments for
It costs just $195, payable in something, spread over an
five monthly installments. agreed period of time
255. move in, v phr to begin to live somewhere as в’їжджати (у квартиру),
We’d been seeing each other one’s home заселятися
for a year when he suggested
we should move in together.
256. move out, v phr to stop living in a particular з’їжджати (з квартири)
They had a huge row and Sally house or place and go to live
moved out of the house. somewhere else
257. outside/ within somebody’s the amount of money that you поза межами/ в межах
price range, v phr can(not) afford to pay for допустимої ціни
You may find that property something
with land attached is outside
your price range.
258. pay a deposit, v phr /dɪ'pɒzɪt/ to pay a sum of money as a first платити заставу,
We’ve saved enough to pay a instalment on the purchase of завдаток
deposit on a house. something or as a pledge for a
contract; the balance being
payable later
259. property ladder, n phr a series of ascending stages by покращення житлових
/'prɒpətɪ ˌlædə / which people are perceived to умов
People continuously strive to progress as they are able to buy
get their foot on the property more expensive houses, the
initial stage consisting of buying
one’s first property
260. public utilities, pl n commodities or services, such as (плата за) комунальні
The rent of the house includes electricity, water, or public послуги; комунальні
all utilities. transportation, that are provided служби
by a public utility
261. radiator, n /'reɪdɪeɪtə/ a hollow metal device, usually батарея, радіатор
We’ve been in our new-build connected by pipes to a central
home for 10 years and the heating system, that is used to
radiator in our living room has
always been warm rather than heat a room
262. study, n a room used or designed for робочий кабінет
She has been working nonstop reading, writing, or academic
lately either in her office work
downtown or in her study at

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