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Diseño de interfaces interactivas · 2019-20/1 · E​studios de ​I​nformática, ​M​ultimedia y T

​ ​elecomunicaciones

Diseño de interfaces interactivas

Relación de materiales

M1. ​ O’Reilly
M2. ​ O’Reilly
M3.​ O’Reilly
M4.​ O’Reilly
Design Toolkit​: ​ Toolkit UOC
Interface Toolkit​: ​ Toolkit UOC

Calendario de entregas

Título Enunciado Entrega Nota

Debate: ¿Qué es una aplicación web? 21/09/2019 03/10/2019 15/10/2019

PEC 1. ​Conceptualización 21/09/2019 18/10/2019 04/11/2019

PEC2. Diseño de la experiencia 19/10/2019 08/11/2019 22/11/2019

PEC 3. Diseño de la interacción 09/11/2019 29/11/2019 13/12/2019

PEC 4. Prototipo 30/11/2019 10/01/2020 27/01/2020

Calendario de estudio

Módulo Semana Duración Contenidos

1 1 21/09 al ● Libro: ​A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience

27/09 designers in the field or in the making​.
o Capítulo 2:​ The Project Ecosystem: Planning for
Project Needs, Roles, and Culture (1h)

2 28/09 al ● Libro: ​A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience

04/10 designers in the field or in the making​.
o Capítulo 6: ​User Research: Get to Know the
Guests You’re Inviting to the Party (42min)
● Libro​:​Fixing Bad UX Designs
o Capítulo​: User research methodologies + 20 UX
methods in brief (7min)

Diseño de interfaces interactivas · 2019-20/1 · E​studios de ​I​nformática, ​M​ultimedia y T
​ ​elecomunicaciones

3 05/10 al ● Libro​: Designing and Conducting Survey Research: A

11/10 Comprehensive Guide
o Capítulo 3: ​Developing survey questions (31min)

● Libro​: A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience

designers in the field or in the making​.
o Capítulo 7​: Personas: Find the Best Way to Put
Your Team—or Your Client—in Your Users’ Shoes

2 4 12/10 al ● Libro​: Understanding context

18/10 o Capítulo 15​: Information as Architecture (16min)
● Libro​: Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
o Capítulo 4 ​:The Anatomy of an Information
Architecture (20 min)

● Design Toolkit:​ Card Sorting y Tree Testing + guía

5 19/10 al ● Libro​: Navigation & Interaction, VOL2.

25/10 o Capítulo​: Efficiently Simplifying Navigation, Part 1:
Information Architecture (44min)
o Capítulo​: Efficiently Simplifying Navigation, Part 2:
Navigation Systems (30 min)

6 26/10 al ● Libro​: A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience

01/11 designers in the field or in the makin
o Capítulo 11​: Site Maps and Task Flows: Structuring
Your Project from Here to There and Back Again

● Design Toolkit: ​Diagrama de flujo + guía

● Interface Toolkit: ​Ley de Hick.

3 7 02/11 al ● Libro​: Prototyping for designers

08/11 o Capítulo​: What is a prototype?
o Capítulo​: Prototyping for digital products

● Design Toolkit​: ​Graphical User Interface​.

● Libro: ​UX for the web

o Capítulo​: Bring Your UX Strategy to Life with
Wireframes and Prototypes
o Capítulo​: Deciding what, when, and how to
o Capítulo​: Creating a wireframe
▪ Designing the interface
▪ Components of a wireframe
▪ An example website - Etsy
▪ A note about responsiveness
▪ A typical wireframing process
▪ Best practices for wireframing

● Interface Toolkit:​ Retículas para pantalla. Jerarquía.

Agrupamiento. Alineación. Proximidad

Diseño de interfaces interactivas · 2019-20/1 · E​studios de ​I​nformática, ​M​ultimedia y T
​ ​elecomunicaciones

8 09/11 al ● Libro​: Practical UI Patterns for Design Systems

15/11 o Capítulo 1​: Introducing UI patterns (25min)
● Interface Toolkit: ​Librerías de patrones.
● Design Toolkit​: ​Modelo mental

9 16/11 al ● Libro​: Practical UI Patterns for Design Systems

22/11 o Capítulo​: Deciding which pattern to use and when

4 10 23/11 al ● Libro: ​UX for the web

29/11 o Capítulo​: Creating a interactive prototype
▪ Best practices for creating interactive

● Libro​: Fixing Bad UX Designs

o Capítulo​: Using UI and Content for Better
▪ Identifying UI and content issues
▪ The importance of good UI for a great UX
▪ UI elements for good UX communication
● Minding the hierarchy of the UI

● Interface Toolkit: ​Ley de Fitts, Errores, Restricciones

11 30/11 al ● Libro​: Fixing Bad UX Designs

10/12 o Capítulo​: Choosing the appropriate typography
▪ Headline
▪ Body of text
▪ Background
▪ Responsive typography
▪ Fonts

● Interface Toolkit: ​Tipografía para interactivos.​ ​Legibilidad

12 11/12 al ● Libro​: Fixing Bad UX Designs

20/12 o Capítulo​: Using consistent iconography
o Capítulo​: Picking the right color scheme
o Capítulo​: Following design trends
o Capítulo​: Using good call-to-action

● Interface Toolkit: ​Visibilidad, Coherencia, Confirmación,


● Design Toolkit​: ​Restricción y Retroacción​.

13 21/12 al ● Libro​: Fixing UX Bad Design

04/01 o Capítulo​: Heuristic evaluation (7min)

● Design Toolkit​: ​Evaluación Heurística + guía​.

● Interface Toolkit:​ Reconocer antes que recordar

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