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name Research objective Research method sample variables and measurements country results summerized

understand the
concept of Green
marketing and to
review some of the
studies that have dealt a dependent variable Lack of communication is
with the concept of (Consumer perception of considered to be a major reason
Green marketing and for commercial failures of
green marketing) and its environmentally sustainable
to identify the
relationship between
impact on independent products mainly because
variable (attitude and communication is a major step in
the various consumer the development of a positive
cherian & attitudes and green behaviour towards green behaviour towards consumer’s
jacob,2012 marketing. qualitative no sample consumerism) Abu dhabi consumption patterns.

firm’s environmental
performance and its
advertising efforts as
investigate the independent variables
interactive consumer and attitude toward the
effects of green Results indicate that the negative
advertising and brand and purchase effect of a firm’s low
corporate intentions as the performance on brand attitudes
environmental dependent variables . becomes stronger in the
Nyilasy, Paladino & performance on presence of green advertising
Gangadharbatla, brand atti- tudes and Measured by mean and compared to general corporate
2013 purchase intention quantitative 69 students standard deviation Netherlands advertising and no advertising.

green marketing tools as an

independent variable and
consumer’s actual
purchasing behavior as the
dependent variable.
Measured by five-point Respondents agree that
Likert scale, the dependent environmental advertisements
the variable is measured by are effective techniques to
examine if the green the level of the priority given enhance their information about
marketing tools as a when respondents decide on environmentally friendly
variable, affect the products and purchase green
consumer’s actual their actual product products, they recognize the eco-
purchasing behavior quantitative, purchase of green products label, trust to eco-label and eco-
Rahbar & Abdul among Penang’s structured with ecological features brand, and rely on those in order
Wahid, 2011 consumers questionnaire 250 individuals versus non-green products. Malaysia to their purchase behavior.

synthesize and
provide a
comprehensive There is significant evidence that
overview of green marketing as the few consumers will pay more for
individual-level independent and green products and that
consumer behavior qualitative using environmental behaviors in one
Groening, Sarkis & theories in green the snowball consumer bevhavior as context do not necessarily
zhu, 2017 marketing. samling technique no sample the depndedent value no country found transfer to other contexts

To minimize the
adverse effects that Green Advertising helps to
affects the natural attract consumer by highlighting
environment. green features and eco- friendly
2. To find out impact products that are safe for
of consumer purchase greeen advertising factors environment as well as
intentions. as the independent consumers. Green Advertising
3. To protect and variable and consumer has a positive impact on
safeguard the society qualitative, secondary data consumers purchase intentions
from environmental descriptive and achieved from behavior as the and builds strong trust between
Ahuja, 2015 pollutions explaratory books and journals dependent variable no country found the two.
The result of this research show
that on common consumer
The dependent Variable knowledge in green product can
of this research is interpret symbol of eco-friendly
written on that product. With the
the purpose of this consumer attitude and increasing of consumer
research is to test the the independent is green awareness toward environment,
influence of product. Measured by so consumer interest to use it
consumer attitude of significancy of value and and have th positive impact for
green products environment sustainability in a
Handayani & towards purchase quantitative, R-square is goodness-fit general way and consumer
Prayogo 2017 intention descriptive survey 50 people modeltesting. no country found health for special way

independent variables (Socio-

demographic variables, price,
environmental advertising and
Findings of the study show that
The objective of the study ecological packaging) on age and education have positive
is to identify the factors dependent variable (Green relation with Eco- literacy. Socio
that contribute towards Purchase Intention). Measured by
influencing the consumer demographic variables are not
green purchase intention quantitative, frequency analysis and cross significantly related with green
Ansar, 2013 towards electronic goods. questionnaire 384 individuals tabulation italy purchase intention

the independent variable

examine the
is green marketing while
impact of green the dependent variable is The results show that
marketing tools consumer purchase environmental advertisement
Delafrooz, on consumer quantitative, intention. measured by had the most significant effect on
consumer purchasing behavior
taleghani & nouri, purchasing questionnaire and descriptive analysis and and eco-brand had the least
2014 behavior regression analysis 384 people regression no country found effect.

This study aims

to give demographic variables
information (indep) and attitudes/ When demographic properties of
about the effect
of green consumptions of consumers are examined, while
green promotion, environment
marketing on ecologically awareness awareness, green price, green
customers consumers (dep). product features affect green
Measued by purchasing for male consumers,
purchasing quantitative, 2 for female consumers only green
2012 behaviors. surveys 400 students correlation washigton promotion affect this.

determine the impact

of green advertising
on customer purchase
behavior and analysis environmental concerns
the affect of (indep) and consumr The findings of our research
Ecoliteracy and shows that consumer buying
environmental behavior (dep).
behavior is influenced by
concern on consumer quantitative, Measured by 5 point Bahawalpur and environmental concerns and
Batool & iqbal, 2016 buying behavior. questionnaire 384 students likert scale pakistan Ecoliteracy

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