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310] - Speaker 1
Hi, this is Jacob with campus TV. Today we're at Choice Cafe on University Drive. I'm talking to the
owner, lily Chen. Choice Cafe opened two years ago. Since then, students have been lining up for for
coffee and food. Why is Choice Cafe so successful? Let's find out. Thank you for agreeing to speak with
me today.

[00:00:30.640] - Speaker 2
Choice Cafe is popular on campus.

[00:00:33.530] - Speaker 3
Yes, the cafe is doing very well.

[00:00:36.010] - Speaker 2
What's the secret to your success?

[00:00:37.820] - Speaker 4
I've been very lucky, and I have great customers. But it is hard. I think there are several reasons we do so
well. We're popular because of our location. Of course.

[00:00:49.430] - Speaker 3
For a cafe to succeed, it can't.

[00:00:51.650] - Speaker 4
Be off the beaten path. It needs to be where people can find it.

[00:00:55.830] - Speaker 2
You don't have to walk far. It's convenient right next to campus. But that can't be the only reason.

[00:01:02.710] - Speaker 1
After all, Central Cafe closed last year.

[00:01:05.010] - Speaker 2
And it was just one block away from campus. Did Choice put Central Cafe out of business?

[00:01:10.550] - Speaker 4
Yes and no. We were definitely in competition with each other.

[00:01:14.820] - Speaker 3
But Central Cafe didn't have comfortable seats.

[00:01:17.990] - Speaker 4
In order for a cafe to attract customers, it should have comfortable chairs. Our cafe is famous for its cozy
atmosphere. Look at those chairs. People can come here to relax, drink their tea or coffee and study or

[00:01:34.910] - Speaker 2
Do you encourage people to stay a long time?

[00:01:37.170] - Speaker 4
I absolutely do encourage people to stay.

[00:01:40.490] - Speaker 3
I think that's the reason why they keep coming back.

[00:01:43.910] - Speaker 4
They can read, do homework, meet their friends, and during this time they drink two or three cups of
coffee and have a pastry.

[00:01:52.350] - Speaker 2
What about the food?

[00:01:54.170] - Speaker 3
Our food is made here.

[00:01:55.540] - Speaker 4
Fresh every morning. We have a strong take up business. People order food to take home or to eat

[00:02:02.700] - Speaker 1
You mean on the grass, on campus, anywhere.
[00:02:05.690] - Speaker 4
We do have tables outside too.

[00:02:07.890] - Speaker 3
But people do eat on campus.

[00:02:10.250] - Speaker 1
It's really pretty there, but it's nice.

[00:02:12.580] - Speaker 2
To sit inside too. The atmosphere is great here. Talk about that for a minute. The lights, the music.

[00:02:19.920] - Speaker 4
Music is key to a cafe success.

[00:02:23.210] - Speaker 3
You need to make sure you have good music.

[00:02:25.670] - Speaker 4
I'm not an expert. I don't know much about music. But people who work here are students.

[00:02:32.930] - Speaker 3
They're tuned in.

[00:02:34.380] - Speaker 4
They know what's popular.

[00:02:36.170] - Speaker 3
So why let them choose the music?

[00:02:38.070] - Speaker 2
And people like it?

[00:02:39.490] - Speaker 3
Yes, and since I want to encourage people to meet their friends here, chat, read and so on, I make sure
the music is not too loud.

[00:02:50.090] - Speaker 4
I mean, we can hear each other just fine. Right?

[00:02:53.260] - Speaker 2

[00:02:53.950] - Speaker 1
Well, Lily.

[00:02:54.670] - Speaker 2
Thank you.

[00:02:55.210] - Speaker 1
I really enjoyed learning more about what.

[00:02:56.860] - Speaker 2
Makes Choice a successful cafe.

[00:02:58.800] - Speaker 3
You're welcome, Jacob.

[00:03:00.050] - Speaker 2
Come any time for campus TV. This is Jacob signing off. I'm.

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