Complete Investigator

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Mage Hand Press

Lead Designer Michael Holik
Additional Design Justin Forkner, Jaron
Mortimer, Alexander Biinns
Editor Michael Holik
Cover Illustrator Moniek Schilder
Graphic Designer Michael Holik
Interior Illustrations Lucas Ferreira CM,
Martin Kirby, Moniek Schilder

On the Cover
Moniek Schilder depicts a fearless (or perhaps
clueless) investigator plunging into the depths of a
ancient temple to meet a myriad of supernatural foes.

Disclaimer: Contains no information of vests or gators,

nor gators in vests. We also don’t reccomend investing in
gators. However, it might be worth investigating vests and
gators, or gators in vests.

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Complete Investigator is published by Mage Hand Press LLC under the Open Game License version 1.0a.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Investigator...................................................................................................................... 1
Class Features...................................................................................................................................... 2
Antiquarian.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Archivist ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Conspiracy Theorist........................................................................................................................... 7
Containment Specialist ..................................................................................................................... 7
Detective............................................................................................................................................... 8
Exterminator........................................................................................................................................ 9
Infernal Agent..................................................................................................................................... 9
Inquisitor........................................................................................................................................... 10
Kid Sleuth........................................................................................................................................... 11
Medium ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Occultist............................................................................................................................................. 13
Spy......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Time Operative.................................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 2: Spells ............................................................................................................................... 15
Truename Spells................................................................................................................................. 15
Spell Lists............................................................................................................................................ 15
New Spells........................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 1: Investigator
A collage of diagrams, maps, and small items litters
the wall, pinned with nails and connected by a
spiderweb of colorful strings. An elf stands nearby,
contemplating the mystery splayed out in front of her
and readying her crossbow for work.
A half-orc wearing a wide-brimmed hat leafs
through a thick tome, double-checking the
preparations: a sturdy net trap, holy symbols on the
doors, cloves of garlic, and several dozen wooden
stakes. The preparations made, the half-orc slinks into
the shadows and readies himself for the bloodshed.
Hastily tracing symbols in chalk, a human wearing
a long coat whirls about in a wide arc, completing a
rough magic circle in mere seconds. A monstrously fat
demon, blood dripping with its drool, lunges at him,
but instead impacts off an invisible magical barrier, a
cylinder raised from the circle’s edge. The fiend howls
with rage, and the inquisitor breathes a sigh of relief.
Supernatural detectives and monster slayers,
investigators are always on the hunt for malevolent
outsiders. Whenever evil seeps into the world—be it
fiends, undead, or strange abominations from beyond
the stars—investigators will be the first to locate them
and banish their foul corruption from the mortal

Paranormal Investigators
There are forces more ancient than time, foes more
sinister than the foulest men, and beings more titanic
than gods. The world stands at a precipice of woe and
terror, being threatened nightly by dark agents and
hordes of monsters. At risk to their own lives and
sanities, investigators penetrate the evil that creeps
in the shadows and banish it from the world. Their
battles are never-ending, for victory only delays
doomsday another night.
Investigators track supernatural threats ranging
from incorporeal spirits, to nefarious vampires and
lycanthropes, to incursions of demons and devils.
Often in their investigations, they often uncover
secret cults and maligned individuals who bring these
supernatural threats to bear. It is always their goal
to impede these evildoers by any means necessary,
resorting to trickery, guile, magic, and bloodshed
when necessary. To an investigator, no tactic is
unthinkable when the world is at stake.

Exorcists and Occultists

Even as they strive to contain its influence
from the world at large, investigators dabble
in forbidden magic to give themselves an
edge against supernatural threats. Prepared
investigators keep a well-stocked grimoire
of magical secrets, containing rituals,
incantations, notes on monsters’ powers

1: Investigator 1
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and weaknesses, recipes for poisons, and arcane
The Investigator diagrams—everything needed to confront their
Proficiency Ritual foes on an even footing. Even so, an investigator’s
Level Bonus Features Level
occupation is perilous. A grimoire might spell out a
1st +2 Expertise, Ritualist 1st vampire’s fear of sunlight and aversion to silver, but it
2nd +2 Myths and Legends, 1st does little to hinder their fangs.
Rushed Incantation
3rd +2 Occult Specialization 2nd
Creating an Investigator
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2nd
As you build your investigator, consider what sort of
supernatural threat first drove you to investigating
5th +3 Exploit Vulnerability 3rd and combating the occult. Did one of your family
6th +3 Expertise, Occult 3rd members strike a bargain with a fiend? Were you
Specialization feature kidnapped by a cabal of vampires or a pack of
7th +3 Opportunistic Piety 4th lycanthropes? Did you stumble across evidence of an
eldritch abomination, such as a Great Old One? The
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4th
type of creature you first did battle with likely shaped
9th +4 Supernatural Resolve 5th your tools and methods later on.
10th +4 Occult Specialization feature 5th Did you apprentice under a seasoned monster
hunter, learning the ropes of tracking a threat,
11th +4 Finisher 6th
uncovering its weaknesses, and setting a trap for it?
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6th Or did you strike out on your own, compiling your
13th +5 Enigma Arcane 6th own grimoire from hard-earned research? Perhaps
you learned everything about monster hunting from
14th +5 Occult Specialization feature 6th
someone else’s grimoire, a masterwork containing
15th +5 Enigma Arcane improvement 6th an abridged library of occult knowledge and a
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6th lifetime of experience. It’s even possible that you
signed a contract with a minor fiend and turned to
17th +6 Enigma Arcane improvement 6th
supernatural investigation in a last-ditch effort to save
18th +6 Exorcist 6th your soul.
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6th
Quick Build
20th +6 Spellbinder 6th Follow these suggestions to build an investigator
quickly: Intelligence should be your highest ability
score, followed by Dexterity or Strength. Choose any
background. Then, select the rituals clue, comprehend
languages, detect magic, and transient bulwark to add
to your grimoire.

Class Features
As an investigator, you have the following class
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per investigator level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your
Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or
5) + your Constitution modifier
per investigator level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand
crossbows, heavy crossbows,
longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: One gaming set
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity

mage hand press
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Athletics, Investigator Rituals
Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigators can add the following spells
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, to their grimoires. Spells marked with an
Persuasion, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Religion asterisk (*) are new to this class and spells
marked with a dagger (†) are counted as
Equipment if they had the ritual tag. This list is not
You start with the following equipment, in addition to exclusive; if you use additional ritual spells
the equipment granted by your background: in your game that are not included on
• Leather armor this list, you can add these spells to your
• A dagger and (a) a spear or (b) any simple weapon grimoire and cast them as rituals.
• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) a hand
crossbow and 20 bolts 1st Level Silence
Spider Climb †
• (a) dungeoneer’s pack or (b) one kit you’re Alarm
Utter Appearance *†
proficient with Blood Print *
Clue * Utter Energy *†
• A grimoire and a material component pouch Zone of Truth †
Expertise Languages
Consecrated Armor *
3rd Level
At 1st level, choose two of your skill proficiencies; After Image *†
Detect Evil and Good †
your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability Detect Magic
Dismemberment *
check you make that uses either of the chosen Detect Poison and
Clairvoyance †
proficiencies. Disease
Discern Truename:
At 6th level, you can choose two more of your Disguise Self †
Creature *
proficiencies to gain this benefit. Discern Truename:
Magic Circle †
Object *
Fly †
Find Familiar
Ritualist Floating Disk
Meld into Stone
Phantom Steed
You maintain a grimoire brimming with magical Heroism †
Remove Curse †
rituals, your most potent tools to defeat supernatural Identify
Séance *
threats. Illusory Script
Sending †
Memorize *
Water Breathing
Grimoire Purify Food and Drink
Water Walk
At 1st level, you have a grimoire containing four 1st- Rumor *
Speak with Animals 4th Level
level spells of your choice that have the ritual tag from
Transient Bulwark†* Distort Gravity *
any class’s spell list (the spells needn’t be from the
Unseen Servant Divination
same list). You can’t cast spells in your grimoire except Utter Ego *† Locate Creature †
as rituals, unless you’ve learned them by some other Utter Insight *† Private Sanctum †
means. Soul Bond *
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can 2nd Level Utter Substance *†
add an additional ritual spell from the Investigator Animal Messenger
Rituals list to your grimoire at no cost. The Ritual Arcane Lock † 5th Level
Level column on the Investigator table shows the Arcanist’s Magic Commune
maximum spell level you can add to your grimoire. Aura † Commune with Nature
Augury Discern Truename:
Additionally, whenever you find a ritual spell on
Gentle Repose Location *
your adventures, you can add it to your grimoire if Knock † Dream †
it is on the Investigator Rituals list of a level you can Locate Animals or Legend Lore †
add to your grimoire. For each level of the spell, the Plants Telepathic Bond
transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for Locate Object †
the rare inks needed to inscribe it. Magic Mouth 6th Level
Nondescript *† Find the Path †
Bonus Rituals Protect Threshold * Forbiddance
As an investigator, you can treat specific spells as if See Invisibility † Game of Fate *
they had the ritual tag, allowing you to add them to Instant Summons
your grimoire and cast them as rituals. These spells
are listed on the Investigator Rituals table to the right.
Spellcasting Ability spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition,
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your ritual when you cast an investigator ritual or a spell
spells, since you master your spells through deduction offered to you by a feature in this class, you use your
and cunning. You use your Intelligence whenever a Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw
DC and making an attack roll.

1: Investigator 3
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Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + and class features such as hunter’s mark, Sneak Attack,
your Intelligence modifier and Finisher are not doubled by this effect. Moreover,
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + the attack, as well as all other attacks made against
your Intelligence modifier the creature until the start of your next turn, are
considered magical for the purposes of bypassing
Myths and Legends damage resistance and immunity.
At 2nd level, you are extremely adept at uncovering Opportunistic Piety
knowledge which pertains to eldritch threats and
forgotten legends. You have advantage on Intelligence By 7th level, you always keep a wide array of holy
checks related to researching creatures, spells, and symbols and blessed items on your person, even if
other ancient or secret lore. you aren’t particularly pious. When you use your
Opportunistic Piety, you choose which effect to create
Rushed Incantation from the list below. You must then finish a short or
long rest to use your Opportunistic Piety again.
Beginning at 2nd level, you can hastily perform any Banish. You cast the spell banishment without
ritual spell in your grimoire that has a casting time of using a spell slot. If the target is a fey, fiend, or undead
1 action, completing the ritual as a bonus action. If and fails its saving throw against this spell, it also
the ritual requires spell components worth 100 gp or takes radiant damage equal to your level.
less, you cast it without using spell components. You Miracle Healing. As an action, divine light from
can use this feature a number of times equal to your your hands knit the wounds of a willing creature you
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and regain the touch. That creature regains a number of hit points
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. equal to twice your investigator level. This ability has
As you gain higher levels in this class, you can use no effect on undead or constructs.
this feature additional times. You can use it once more Warding. As an action, you trace a holy symbol on
at 5th level (Int mod + 1), 9th level (Int mod + 2), a creature within 5 feet of you, warding it from harm.
13th level (Int mod + 3), and 17th level (Int mod + 4). For the next minute, aberrations, celestials, fey, fiends,
and undead which touch the target creature or hit it
Occult Specialization with a melee attack take 1d12 radiant damage.
At 3rd level, you choose a specialization, an area
of expertise in handling eldritch threats. Your Supernatural Resolve
specialization choices are detailed at the end of the At 9th level, you gain an extreme resilience to the
class description. Your specialization choice grants attacks and effects of the creatures you regularly
you features at 3rd level and then again at 6th, 10th, investigate. You can’t be possessed or charmed, and
and 14th level. you gain resistance to both psychic and necrotic
Trinkets damage.
Investigators of each specialization also collect a Finisher
number of supernatural trinkets. Once you use one
of your trinkets, you can’t use another one until you Beginning at 11th level, you know exactly how to
finish a short or long rest. As you gain higher levels in bring a monster down. Once on each of your turns
this class, you can use your trinkets additional times: when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can
You can use them once more at 5th level (2 uses), cause the attack to deal an extra 2d8 damage to the
11th level (3 uses), and 17th level (4 uses). creature. If the creature has less than half its hit points
remaining, you can instead deal an additional 4d8
Ability Score Improvement damage to the creature.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, Enigma Arcane
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two At 13th level, you uncover a magical secret connected
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t to a wellspring of potent magic. You can cast one
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. of the following spells once without expending a
spell slot: mirage arcane, plane shift, reverse gravity,
Exploit Weakness sequester, or teleport. You must finish a long rest
before you can do so again.
Most supernatural creatures have some form of
At 15th level, you can also cast one of the following
weakness, a chink in their armor that allows them to
spells without expending a spell slot: antimagic field,
be defeated. Starting at 5th level, once on each of your
glibness, maze, or mind blank. You must finish a long
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack,
rest before you can do so again.
it is treated as if it has vulnerability to the weapon’s
damage. Additional weapon damage added by spells

4 1: Investigator
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At 17th level, you can also cast one of the following
spells without expending a spell slot: astral projection,
gate, or weird. You must finish a long rest before you
can do so again.

Beginning at 18th level, you can cast the spell
protection from evil and good without using a spell slot
or spell components.

By 20th level, many rituals you perform have become
second nature to you. Select five ritual spells in your
grimoire with a casting time of 1 action. You can cast
these spells as a bonus action without using a use Mirrored Prism. You can
of Rushed Incantation, and you can do so without cast the spell blur or mirror
your grimoire on hand. If the ritual requires spell image, targeting yourself only,
components worth 100 gp or less, you cast it without once without using a spell slot or
using spell components. spell components.
Razortooth Bandages. You can
Occult cast the spell cure wounds or inflict
wounds once without using a spell
Specializations slot or spell components. This spell is
cast as if using a spell slot of the level shown in the
Investigators of all stripes share the broad goal Ritual Level column of the Investigator table.
of combating the occult, but their methods vary
wildly. Some emphasize cutting down monsters Relics
and banishing demons, while others believe that By 6th level, you’ve secured a handful of priceless
uncovering secrets and compiling critical information relics with rare and delicate enchantments. You can
is the surest method for eliminating supernatural use one of the following relics, and regain the ability
threats. When an investigator gains enough to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
experience, they can steer their approach, including Antediluvian Dynamo. You can cast the spell
their specific techniques they employ and the trinkets fireball or lightning bolt once without using a spell slot
they carry, into an occult specialization, a school of or spell components.
thought for handling eldritch threats. Lich’s Deathmask. You can cast the spell
counterspell or dispel magic once without using a spell
Antiquarian slot or spell components.
Festooned with magical trinkets from every corner of Mortal Coil. You can cast the spell animate dead
the globe, antiquarians have a tool for every occasion: or revivify once without using a spell slot or spell
silver arrowheads for lycanthropes, heartwood stakes components. Casting animate dead using this trinket
for vampires, blessed relics for fiends, and so on. As causes all undead servants created by previous
they expand their collections from piles of trinkets to castings of the spell to revert to lifeless corpses.
veritable museums, they become adept historians and
Magic Item Collection
arcanists, familiar with the story of every magic item
their care, as well how to use them in dire situations. Starting at 10th level, you maintain a vault of magic
items, secured in an extradimensional space with an
Artifact Historian elaborate locking mechanism. You can produce one of
Starting when you choose this specialty at 3rd level, these items, and change your selection each day when
you add the spell identify to your grimoire and never you finish a long rest.
require material components to cast it. The item is your choice of the following: a carpet
of flying, a cloak of the bat, a flame tongue, gauntlets of
Trinkets ogre power, an instant fortress, a ring of regeneration, a
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of magical ring of telekinesis, a sun blade, or a wand of wonder.
trinkets to help you collect and unravel profound
arcane secrets. You can use the following trinkets: Phylactery
Hateful Arrowhead. You can cast the spell By 14th level, you’ve secured the crown jewel of your
scorching ray or ray of enfeeblement once without collection: a lich’s phylactery. Though the original
using a spell slot or spell components. owner’s soul has been expelled from this accursed
artifact, it retains many of its unique properties.

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This magic item is always attuned to you Thesis
and doesn’t count against your total number Also at 3rd level, you gain access to certain spells
of attuned magic items. It has 5 charges, and associated with your thesis. Pick one of the following
regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. You subject areas for your thesis: Corpus, Ignis, Mortis,
can expend one or more of these charges to use the or Regis. You gain a list of associated thesis spells.
following abilities: Once you gain access to a thesis spell, it is added
1 Charge: You can cast the spell false life as a second to your grimoire. If you gain access to a spell that
level spell without expending spell slots or spell doesn’t appear on the investigator ritual list, the spell
components. is nonetheless an investigator spell for you. You can
1 Charge: You can use your bonus action to regain an use your action and expend a use of your Rushed
expended use of your Trinkets. Incantation feature to cast one of your thesis spells.
2 Charges: As a reaction when you drop to 0 hit
points, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Corpus
3 Charges: Make a melee spell attack against creature Investigator Level Spells
within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 5d6 3rd jump, longstrider
necrotic damage and you regain hit points equal to 5th alter self, heat metal
the total amount of necrotic damage dealt.
9th gaseous form, meld into stone
Though most investigators fill their grimoires with
Investigator Level Spells
hard-won knowledge borne from encounters with the
supernatural threats, some prefer to do bookkeeping 3rd burning hands, shatter
instead. Such archivists accrue knowledge, not 5th gust of wind, scorching ray
trinkets, by spending untold hours digging through
9th call lightning, wind wall
disparate tomes of occult knowledge and compiling
them into encyclopedic texts on the supernatural.
Through their research, archivists become academic
masters of the arcane, and priceless reservoirs of Investigator Level Spells
obscure knowledge. 3rd bane, false life

Trinket 5th blindness/deafness, darkness

Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd 9th revivify, vampiric touch
level, you’ve collected a powerful trinket to enhance
your ritual magic: Regis
Archaic Scroll. You can perform a ritual spell with Investigator Level Spells
your Rushed Incantation feature without expending 3rd charm person, hideous laughter
one of the feature’s uses.
5th enthrall, suggestion
9th dispel magic, hypnotic pattern

Erudite Spell
By 6th level, you’ve mastered the difficult theory
behind arcane propagation. When you cast a spell
which forces a creature to make a saving throw to
resist its effects, you can give one target of the spell
disadvantage on its first saving throw against the spell.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
until you finish a short or long rest.
Encyclopedic Expertise
Starting at 10th level, you can identify any arcane
effect from memory. Whenever you witness a spell
being cast or investigate a magical effect, you can
always identify the spell that was cast, the magic item
responsible, or the monster which produced the effect.
However, this ability fails to identify spells, magic
items, and monsters which are utterly unique or are
otherwise not recorded in arcane texts.

6 1: Investigator
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Eidetic Memory Prepper
At 14th level, you can effortlessly duplicate spells you Starting at 6th level, your manic predictions
see in the world. You can copy any ritual spell you see of the future pay off in conventionally dangerous
being cast into your grimoire. situations. Whenever you ready an attack, you have
Moreover, you can precisely copy the exact advantage on the attack roll.
motions of a spell’s casting to duplicate its effect.
When you see a spell of 5th level or lower being cast, Probably Aliens
you can use your action and spend 1 use of your Beginning at 10th level, you can predict never-
Rushed Incantation feature as an action to cast the before-witnessed phenomena. Any time the
spell yourself without spending a spell slot. The spell GM would disallow other characters to make an
must have a casting time of 1 action, must not have Intelligence check to understand something because
expensive spell components, and must have taken the knowledge in question has no precedent, is too
place within the last minute to use this ability. Once obscure, or is simply unsupported by the available
you duplicate a spell in this way, you can’t duplicate it information, they can allow you to make an
again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence check to understand it anyway.

Conspiracy Theorist Off the Grid

By 14th level, you’re so adept at avoiding people that
The world is full of stuff that doesn’t add up. A you can always keep them at arm’s length. Whenever
natural disaster strikes and they talk about theoretical a hostile creature enters your reach, you can use your
weather patterns. People forget days at a time and reaction to move up to half your movement speed
they say some medical jargon about their brains. And without provoking opportunity attacks. Additionally,
nobody seems to notice the folks dressed in black who you are always under the effects of the nondetection
seem to be lurking behind every corner. It’s one big spell.
coincidence after another. But when you ask the right
questions and pull on the most innocuous threads, Containment Specialist
you start uncovering the biggest mysteries: the ones
They don’t want you knowing about. Though the study of magic is diverse and wonderous,
It’s hard to tell who They even are, apart from the it contains innumerable mysteries better left
fact they They’re massively influential and have deep unexplored. Such topics in magic are seldom studied,
pockets. They have agents everywhere, watching and for their very existence poses an existential threat to
waiting. What are their goals? What are they working the multiverse itself: chronomancy, protomancy, and
so hard to keep secret? You can’t be totally sure, but quantumancy are among the few graced with names
you have a few good theories. at all. When a sinister (or merely curious) arcanists
pulls on one of these volatile threads of knowledge,
Paranoid Insight they open a Pandora’s box of unpredictable effects; the
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd results are usually catastrophic. Using such dangerous
level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. arcana leaves lasting scars on people and objects,
metaphysical reverberations from the terrible secrets
Trinkets at their source.
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of magical As their title implies, containment specialists
trinkets to help you uncover mysteries that They don’t are tasked with tracking, isolating, and containing
want you to oust. You can use the following trinkets: exotic magic and its artifacts. Their job is hazardous
Masonic Charm. As a bonus action, you can attach and challenging, but is of critical importance to the
this charm to a weapon you are holding. When you do multiverse at large. Containment specialists usually
so, pick a number from 2 to 19. For the next minute, coordinate in clandestine groups to triangulate
the weapon scores a critical hit on attack rolls when new threats and ensure isolated ones are contained
you roll that number on a d20, in addition to a 20. indefinitely. With some luck, these organizations can
Three-Headed Coin. As a bonus action, you can remain obscure footnotes for generations, further
reroll one of your attack rolls or ability checks, or as a sheltering their secrets from curious eyes.
reaction you can reroll a saving throw you make. You
choose which of the d20s is used for the roll. Black Suit
Unfathomable Metal. As a bonus action, you Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd
reveal the metal to a creature within 5 feet of you. The level, you can invoke a certian unspoken authority
target creature takes 1d6 radiant damage and must invested in your black suit. You gain proficiency in
succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the Persuasion skill and add double your proficiency
it takes 1d6 radiant damage at the start of each of its bonus to checks you make with it.
turns for up to 1 minute. The creature can reattempt
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on a success.

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Trinkets you use your action to end it. All creatures and objects
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a handful of safe inside the pocket dimension are deposited as near as
magical items which aide in your search and possible to their corresponding locations in the real
containment of far more dangerous artifacts. You can world when this effect ends.
use the following trinkets: Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
Antibell. As a bonus action, you can cast the until you finish a long rest.
spell silence once without using a spell slot or spell
components. Detective
Black Bag. As a bonus action, you can speak a Prowling at the edge of darkness, detectives
secret command word to open your black bag, an chase down clues and pull on threads to unravel
item linked to numerous extradimensional spaces. conspiracies which bring darkness into the world.
Once the command word is spoken, you can place Sometimes, this requires that you infiltrate a cult’s
items in the bag or retrieve them for up to 1 minute. secret meetings, other times it calls on you to
Any item placed within the bag is stored in its reconstruct a man’s last moments at a murder scene,
own extradimensional space, which is suffused by an but no matter what the mystery, you know that there
antimagic field. The bag’s mouth is 2 feet in diameter. is always an explanation.
It can hold up to 12 items, each weighing no more
than 50 pounds, and weighs as much as the heaviest Investigator’s Hunch
object stored within it. Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd
When you retrieve an item from the bag, you level, you gain proficiency in the Investigation skill
always grab the item you intended. and add double your proficiency bonus to checks you
Cinnabar Compass. As a bonus action, you can make with it.
cast the spell locate object once without using a spell
slot or spell components.
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of magical
Concussive Strike trinkets to aid you in tracking supernatural creatures
Starting at 6th level, whenever you score a critical and unraveling mysteries. You can use the following
hit on a melee attack against a creature, the target is trinkets:
stunned until the beginning of your next turn. Glass Medallion. As a bonus action, you can cast
the spell invisibility, targeting yourself only, once
Nothing to See Here without using a spell slot or spell components.
At 10th level, with a blinding flash, you can overwrite Fogstone Periapt. As a bonus action, you can cast
the memories of those around you. You can cast the the spell misty step once without using a spell slot or
spell modify memory once as an action, targeting 3 spell components.
creatures within range, without using a spell slot or Skeleton’s Key. As a bonus action, you can cast the
spell components. You must modify the memories of spell knock once without using a spell slot or spell
each creature affected by the spell in the same way. components.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest. Predictive Intuition
By 6th level, you can turn your skills at reconstructing
Containment Dimension events towards anticipating the next likely moment
By 14th level, you can leverage a powerful of a fight. As a bonus action, you can examine the
quarantine procedure to keep others safe from movements of a creature you can see within 30 feet.
dangerous artifacts. As an action, you can create a You can choose to
pocket dimension that is an exact duplicate of your add 1d4 to your next attack roll targeting that creature
surroundings at the moment of using this ability— before the start of your next turn, or you can choose
complete with duplicates of all the structures and to subtract 1d4 from the creature’s next attack roll
items therein—and transport creatures you choose against you before the start of your next turn.
within its area to the dimension. You decide the exact
area of the duplicate dimension, as long as its total Interrogator’s Instinct
space fits within a 150-foot cube. At 10th level, you are so accustomed to uncovering
While in the pocket dimension, you can only affect the truth that you can sense the intents behind
and be affected by other creatures in that dimension. someone’s voice. You can tell if a creature that you can
You can’t see creatures and objects outside the pocket hear speaking is charmed, possessed, or otherwise
dimension. Objects taken from the pocket dimension enchanted to speak against their will, and you have
vanish upon leaving it. advantage on any ability check you make to determine
The pocket dimension lasts for 10 minutes, and if you hear a lie.
ends early if it no longer contains living creatures or

8 1: Investigator
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Power of Deduction
Starting at 14th level, you can use your action
to examine a creature you can see within 30 feet,
taking note of innumerable details and making
a lengthy string of logical deductions. For the next Monster Slayer
minute, you have advantage on Intelligence and Beginning at 6th level, when you use the Attack
Charisma checks you make to interact with this action, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
creature, and you have advantage on attack rolls action. You can use this feature a number of times
against them. equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again once) and regain all expended uses when you finish a
until you finish a short or long rest. short or long rest.

Exterminator Silvered Edge

Starting at 10th level, whenever you deal damage to
An exterminator suffers no monster to live. Trained in a creature with a weapon attack, it can’t regain hit
the art of slaying aberrations, fiends, and undead, you points until the start of your next turn. Additionally,
stand against evil where others falter, and draw your when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, it can’t be
blade before others recognize a threat. Grand schemes raised as an undead creature nor be returned to life
and plots are less important than retribution against for 7 days.
those monsters which stalk the night, and your thirst
for such retribution is unquenchable. There is always Killer Instinct
another werewolf to be slain, another vampire to be Starting at 14th level, you can use your Exploit
staked, another demon to be banished; people rarely Weakness feature twice on your turn, but can’t use it
thank you, but you find satisfaction enough in your against the same target more than once.
Infernal Agent
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd Just as noble investigators shield the world from
level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and sinister supernatural forces, infernal agents prowl the
medium armor. darkness enacting schemes to further supernatural
goals. Though actual devils oversee many infernal
Trinkets agents, just as many count themselves as operatives of
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of magical vampires, lycanthropes, ominous eldritch forces, and
trinkets to aid you in the elimination of monsters chaos itself. Their rationale and motives might vary,
and other fiendish threats. You can use the following but all infernal agents seek to disrupt the status quo
trinkets: that other investigators protect, casting them in stark
Consecrated Whetstone. As a bonus action, you contrast and as bitter enemies.
can cast the spell magic weapon once without using a
spell slot or spell components. Sinister Emblem
Gilded Dragon Scale. As a bonus action, you gain Starting when you choose this specialty at 3rd level,
resistance to one damage type of your choice for a you manifest a sign of your benefactors, marking you
minute. as one of their number. Choose the Fist, Horns, or
Wyverntooth Necklace. When you hit a creature Shadow. Your mark’s appearance reflects the nature of
with a melee weapon attack, you can use your bonus your benefactors: your Horns might be the devilish
action to activate this trinket, dealing an additional horns of a ram, or appear as vampire’s fangs, or even
2d6 acid damage to the creature. eldritch, unblinking eyes.

1: Investigator 9
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Fist. One of your arms grows weighty Kick ‘em While They’re Down
with stone or scales, becoming a natural melee Starting at 6th level, you can capitalize on your foes’
weapon with which you can make slam attacks. setbacks. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6
You have proficiency in your slam attack. On a hit, damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you
it deals 1d10 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning have advantage on the attack roll.
damage, and counts as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical Hide the Body
attacks and damage. By 10th level, you can flawlessly conceal the evidence
Additionally, incoming attacks simply bounce off of your misdeeds. Whenever you commit a murder,
your arm. As a result, bludgeoning, piercing, and robbery, vandalism, or similar crime, you can spend
slashing damage that you take from nonmagical 10 minutes hiding evidence at the scene. You can
weapons is reduced by 3. choose to remove all evidence connecting you to the
Horns. You grow a pair of horns, a direct crime, attempt to conceal the crime itself, or compose
connection to your benefactor’s malevolent power. the crime scene to imply a specific conclusion.
You can cast the following spells without using a
spell slot or spell components: burning hands, charm Master Plan
person, hellish rebuke, inflict wounds. This spell is By 14th level, you can set up the perfect crime by
cast at the level shown in the Ritual Level column of planning out its every detail. On your turn, you
the Investigator table for your level. You can use this can choose a creature or object you can see within
ability to cast a spell twice, and regain all expended 60 feet and use your action to plan. The next attack
uses when you finish a long rest. roll or ability check you make to enact this plan has
Shadow. Your benefactors snip your shadow advantage. If you spend 1 minute planning a course
from your body, allowing it to move independently. of action, you have advantage on the next three attack
Your shadow is a flat creature with 1 HP and 10 rolls or ability checks you make enacting your plan.
AC occupying a 5-foot square. On your turn, you
can command your shadow to move up to your Inquisitor
movement speed (no action required). You can use The church has long been the first line of defense
your bonus action to command your shadow to make against the tide of impending darkness. Yet, the
a melee spell attack. This attack uses your spell attack clergy’s stubborn devotion to righteousness impedes
bonus to hit and deals 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit. them where it counts: you must sometimes be willing
Additionally, you can use your bonus action to to do evil to counter evil. That’s where the inquisition
command your shadow to take the Help action. It can comes in.
take this action three times, and regain all expended As a righteous inquisitor of the faith, you are
uses when you finish a long rest. tasked with rooting out heresy, exorcising demons,
Your shadow vanishes if it enters an area of light and stamping out any sign of the occult, and are
created by a spell of 3rd level or higher or if it takes offered clemency for any action you take in the
any damage. Once your shadow vanishes, you can defense of the greater good. You may investigate
resummon it at your heels as a bonus action. anyone or anything you deem to be in line with the
forces of evil, for you alone are a holy blade in the
Trinkets dark, the arbiter of your church.
By 3rd level, you’ve assembled a collection of cursed
and baneful trinkets to help you achieve your Bonus Proficiencies
malevolent goals. You can use the following trinkets: Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd
Broken Ankh. When you hit a celestial, elemental, level, you gain proficiency with medium armor.
or fiend with a melee weapon attack, you can use
your bonus action to activate this trinket, dealing an Exorcist’s Doctrines
additional 2d10 necrotic or radiant damage (your Also at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Religion
choice) to the creature. skill and add double your proficiency bonus to checks
Diabolical Bubble Gum. As a bonus action, you you make with it.
can chew on this fiendish treat. Until the beginning
of your next turn, whenever you take damage from
a creature within 5 feet of you, you can deal 2d6 fire By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of magical
damage to that creature. trinkets to help you banish restless spirits and foul
Glass Demon’s Eye. You can use your bonus action demonic forces. You can use the following trinkets:
to activate this trinket, allowing you to see normally Alabaster Balm. As a bonus action, you can cast
in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a the spell lesser restoration once without using a spell
distance of 120 feet for the next minute. slot or spell components.

10 1: Investigator
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Hallowed Chalice. As a bonus action, you can utter
a prayer and produce a volume of holy water from
this cup sufficient to fill one flask. After 24 hours, this
holy water becomes ordinary water. You can use this
trinket 5 times before its power is expended.
Reliquary of Doubt. As a bonus action, you can
cast the spell detect thoughts once without using a
spell slot or spell components. When casting the
spell in this way, it can only detect thoughts which
are associated with negative emotions, such as guilt,
apprehension, regret, or melancholy.
Divine Strike
At 6th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of
your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d6
radiant damage to the target.
Rote Piety
Starting at 10th level, you command a mastery of
divine magic seldom seen among the clergy. You can
use your Opportunistic Piety feature three times, and
regain all expended uses when you finish a short or
long rest.
By 14th level, as an action, you can emblazon a
creature you can see within 60 feet with a mark of
religious condemnation. The target must succeed
on your choice of a Constitution or Wisdom saving
throw or be marked for the next minute. While
marked, the creature can’t regain hit points or
have advantage on any attack roll or ability check.
Additionally, whenever the creature takes an action,
it takes 2d6 radiant damage as the mark burns with
radiant light.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.

Kid Sleuth
Though not all kid sleuths are literally juvenile, they
are all ameteur detectives with a knack for solving
tricky crimes. Assisted by their ubiquitous talking
animal sidekicks, kid sleuths will happily dive into the
details of a grim crime scene to emerge with a handful
of clues and a lead on the bad guy. These sleuths
generally prefer to run away from trouble, rather than
engage it head-on, since mysteries only get harder
to solve with more dead bodies, but they are more
than capable of defending themselves if backed into a
By 3rd level, you’ve gotten your hands on a number of
useful detective items for solving crimes, mysteries,
and other hijinks.

1: Investigator 11
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Dooby Snack. You produce a tasty meat- Meddling Kids
cracker snack as a bonus action. A creature At 14th level, as a reaction when you see a hostile
which eats it on their turn (no action required) is creature within 15 feet attack one of your allies, you
bolstered for an hour. For this duration, the creature’s can impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
hit point maximum and current hit points increase
by 5. Medium
Magnifying Glass. As a bonus action, you can cast
As conduits between the living and dead, mediums
the spell clue once without using a spell slot or spell
offer an essential glimpse past the veil of mortality.
components. Additionally, when you cast this spell,
Using their auguries, seances, and divinations,
you can determine the type of each creature that
mediums can retrieve morsels of information from
leaves footprints or fingerprints.
the afterlife to settle debts with the living or and assist
Monster Mask. You can use your bonus action to
ongoing investigations. This information, however
activate this item, which reveals the true face of each
cryptic, can point an interested party toward clues or
creature you can see within 60 feet. A creature which
evidence which only the deceased might be able to
is concealing its identity using a physical disguise or
mask has this disguise magically tossed away, while
a creature that is magically transformed or disguised Fortelling
has this magical effect suppressed until the end of Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd
your next turn. level, you can receive glimpses of the future. When
Talking Animal Sidekick you finish a long rest, roll two d20s and record the
number rolled. You can replace any attack roll, saving
Also at 3rd level, you gain a kid sleuth’s constant
throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that
companion: a talking animal sidekick. Your animal
you can see with this foretold roll. You must choose to
sidekick can be any of the following animals: cat, crab,
do so before the roll, and you can replace a roll in this
deer, goat, lizard, mastiff, owl, rat, raven, or weasel.
way only once per turn.
This animal can speak Common and has Intelligence,
As an action, you can use a use of your Rushed
Wisdom, and Charisma 10.
Incantation ability to make an additional fortelling
Your animal sidekick acts independently of you,
roll. You can have up to 3 foretold rolls at one time.
but it always obeys your commands. In combat, it
Each foretelling roll can be used only once. When you
rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. An
finish a long rest, you lose any unused foretelling rolls.
animal sidekick can’t attack, but it can take other
actions as normal. It can also use its action to sniff out Trinkets
clues, making an Investigation check with advantage By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of objects
to find any relevant information you missed. which help you attune to the afterlife. You can use the
If you animal sidekick drops to 0 hit points, it is following trinkets:
knocked out instead of being killed. Your animal Dead Ringer. As an action, you can ring this bell
sidekick regains all its hit points when you finish a to cast the spell speak with dead once without using
long rest, and makes its way back to you if it is ever a spell slot or spell components. When you cast this
separated from you. spell using this trinket, you can ask only one question
If you drop to 0 hit points, your animal sidekick of the corpse.
will do its best to protect you from harm. Heptagonal Spectacles. As a bonus action, you can
Run Away cast the spell see invisibility once without using a spell
slot or spell components.
Starting at 6th level, you prefer to flee from monsters
Lucent Mirror. You can use your bonus action to
and bad guys until you can pin down their methods,
activate this trinket, causing you to phase partially
identities, and motives. Attacks of opportunity against
into the Ethereal Plane for up to 1 minute. For the
you have disadvantage.
duration, you can move through other creatures and
Split Up, Gang objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take
By 10th level, you’ve discovered that you can cover 1d10 force damage if you end your movement inside
a lot more ground if you split up. If you are further a creature or object. Additionally, you have resistance
than 60 feet from your allies (excluding your animal to all damage. This effect ends early after you take
sidekick), you can’t be surprised. Furthermore, if damage.
you drop to 0 hit points while further than 60 feet Forewarning Presence
from your allies, you drop to 1 hit point instead and
By 6th level, the spirits of the dead guide your hand
can use your reaction to move up to your movement
when you would falter. You can reroll an attack roll
speed. Once you use this feature to avoid dropping to
or ability check you make, and must use the new roll.
0 hit points, you can’t use it again until you finish a
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until
long rest.
you finish a short or long rest.

12 1: Investigator
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Whispers from Beyond Occultist Spellcasting
Starting at 10th level, you can open your perceptions
to receive a hint from beyond the pale. The GM Investigator Cantrips Spells Spell Slot
answers with a one-word hint pertaining to your best Level Known Known Slots Level
course of action, a fruitful line of inquiry, or some 3rd 2 2 1 1st
other useful direction. Once you use this ability, you 4th 2 2 1 1st
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
5th 2 3 2 1st
Third Eye 6th 2 3 2 1st
By 14th level, your connection to the afterlife allows
7th 2 4 2 2nd
you to see all. You can use your bonus action to cast
the spell true seeing without using a spell slot or spell 8th 2 4 2 2nd
components. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it 9th 2 5 2 2nd
again until you finish a long rest. 10th 3 5 2 2nd
Occultist 11th 3 6 2 2nd
Vampires, demons, lycanthropes, and aberrations 12th 3 6 2 2nd
all have one thing in common: they are all magical 13th 3 7 2 3rd
threats, best combated through magical means. To
14th 3 7 2 3rd
meet these foes on a level playing field, occultists
indulge in arcana, filling their grimoires with magical 15th 3 8 2 3rd
secrets and mastering a handful of spells. Occultists 16th 3 8 2 3rd
are the most likely investigators to cavort with 17th 3 9 2 3rd
warlocks, borrow tricks from wizards and magicians,
and dabble in dark magic to defeat their foes. 18th 3 9 2 3rd
19th 3 10 2 4th
Starting when you choose this specialization at 20th 3 11 2 4th
3rd level, you’ve acquired a trinket to assist in your
collection of eldritch lore: warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for
Rune Keeper Eyeglass. As a bonus action, for the which you have spell slots.
next hour, you can read all writing. Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your
spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you
Pact Magic use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd spellcasting ability. Use your investigator spell save
level, you augment your investigative skills with DC and spell attack bonus for your warlock spells.
complex magicks.
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice Eldritch Ruin
from the warlock spell list. You learn an additional Starting at 6th level, you can use your magical
warlock cantrip of your choice at 10th level. cunning to rip your foes asunder. You can cast a
Spell Slots. The Occultist Spellcasting table shows cantrip as a bonus action instead of dealing additional
how many spell slots you have. The table also shows damage with your Exploit Vulnerability feature.
what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots
are the same level. Eyes of Another World
To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or Starting at 10th level, supernatural creatures can no
higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all longer escape your detection. You can see creatures
expended spell slots when you finish a short or long and objects that are invisible or ethereal, and you can
rest. see the original form of shapechangers or creatures
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. At 3rd level, whose form has been altered by magic. Additionally,
you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the you can immediately detect if a creature you can see is
warlock spell list. possessed.
The Spells Known column of the Occultist table Maleficium
shows when you learn more warlock spells of your
Starting at 14th level, when you use your Exploit
choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must
Weakness feature against a creature, you can cast the
be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s
spell bestow curse on that creature as a bonus action,
Slot Level column for your level.
without using a spell slot or spell components; the
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class
targeted creature has disadvantage on its saving throw
and order, you can choose one of the warlock spells
against this spell.
you know and replace is with another spell from the

1: Investigator 13
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Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd
level, your knowing smile and infectious confidence
inspires trust in most people you meet, even when
you’re not telling the truth. You gain proficiency in
the Deception skill and add double your proficiency
bonus to checks you make with it.
By 3rd level, you have a collection of trinkets which
aid your espionage. You can use the following
Glass Dust. As a bonus action, you can throw this
dust in the air, becoming invisible until the beginning
of your next turn. This effect ends early if you take
Horn-Rimmed Glasses. As a bonus action, you can
cast the spell disguise self once without using a spell
slot or spell components.
Martini Glass. As a bonus action, you can cast the
spell charm person once without using a spell slot or
spell components.
Cloak and Dagger
By 6th level, you always endeavor to kill your
target in one strike. When you make an attack
roll against a creature that is surprised or
hasn’t taken a turn in combat yet, you can
maximize your weapon’s damage die.
Shaken Not Stirred
Starting at 10th level, your roguish smile grants
you incredible leeway. Whenever you fail a Charisma
(Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can
reroll the check, and must use the results of the new
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
until you finish a long rest.
Body Double
By 14th level, you can rapidly exchange identities with
a corpse. When you reduce a humanoid creature to 0
hit points, you can assume the creature’s appearance,
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again as per disguise self. The creature’s body, as well as
until you finish a short or long rest. its blood, clothing, and other physical evidence of
its death, become invisible for 8 hours. You can also
Spy use this ability as an action to touch the corpse of a
humanoid creature which has been dead no longer
Infiltration, disguise, and lying through their teeth:
than 1 day, assuming its appearance and causing the
these are the principle skills of a spy. A talented spy
body to become invisible.
rarely ever needs to draw a dagger to silence someone,
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again
for their honeyed words and agreeable disposition
until you finish a long rest.
are all that is needed to draw out someone’s secrets.
Of course, when they do strike, it is decisively and Time Operative
without warning. Such skills are invaluable for
governments and organizations of all varieties, The end of all things has been foretold: soon, a
for stealing confidential information, sabotage, horrific event will claim millions of lives. When such
monitoring persons of interest, and everything in a disaster looms, a special pocketwatch is delivered
between. from the future, promoting whoever receives it to
an operative, one dedicated to preventing it. The

14 1: Investigator
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pocketwatch is suffused with chronomantic energies,
empowering anyone who holds it.
To avoid paradoxes, no clues can be sent
Chapter 2: Spells
backwards in time with the pocketwatch. Only a This chapter details spells and magic ephemera
short message detailing the gravity of the situation known to investigators and other arcanists. It begins
can be sent. Therefore, it is inherent upon the time with spells lists for each class, detailing which classes
operative to solve the mystery and save the future learn which new spells, and concludes with new spell
from certain doom. descriptions.
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd Truename Spells
level, you gain a powerful trinket which allows you People have long known that names hold power
to walk through time. Unlike other trinkets, you only over reality: to name a thing is to control it, and to
regain uses of this ability once you take a long rest. control it is to name it. This understanding goes back
Chronomancer’s Pocketwatch. As a bonus action to the dawn of creation, when the primeval gods
on your turn, you activate the watch and magically used the Words of Creation to speak the truename of
return to the beginning of your turn. Any events the universe, thus bringing all things into existence.
which have happened over the course of your turn are Everything—every plant, animal, stone, and building
undone, and you recover any actions and resources —possesses a truename which embodies its every
you expended over the course of your turn, except for property, and describes it in an unknowable language.
your bonus action and the use of this feature. To learn and speak these truenames is the oldest and
most potent form of magic.
Temporal Reverb
Truename spells possess a different structure to
By 6th level, you can use other timelines as a backup other spells. First, you must learn a truename through
when yours isn’t optimal. Whenever roll damage for a a spell which allows you to discern the truename of
weapon attack, you can choose to reroll the damage, an object, a creature, or a location. These spells can
replacing the damage die with a die one step smaller be cast as rituals, but have no inherent power on their
(a d10 becomes a d8, a d8 becomes a d6, etc.) You own: you must utter the truename to gain power over
can’t use this ability to reroll a weapon with a d4 its subject. Thus, it requires the casting of two spells
damage die. to use truename magic. However, once you have
Echo of Yesterday a truename, you will generally remember it for 24
Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to cast hours, allowing you to use several utterances upon the
your senses backward in time, viewing your location same subject.
as it was 24 hours prior. While viewing the past, you
are blind and deaf with regard to your own senses. Spell Lists
The past appears dreamlike and shadowy, but you The following spell lists show which spells can be cast
are able to discern detail and hear conversation as by characters of each class.
normal, and any special senses you possess (such as
darkvision) also work as normal. While perceiving the Bard Spells 2nd Level
past, you can look in any direction, but you cannot Protect Threshold
move or speak and are unable to sense your present 1st Level
surroundings. You can end this effect on your turn Memorize Cleric Spells
(no action required.) Rumor
1st Level
Steal Time 2nd Level Consecrated Armor
Beginning at 14th level, when you use your Exploit Nondescript
Weakness feature against a creature, you can use your Druid Spells
pocketwatch to steal moments from the target, which 4th Level
must make a Constitution saving throw against your Distort Gravity 4th Level
spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature freezes in 6th Level Distort Gravity
place until the end of its next turn. For the duration, Game of Fate
time doesn’t pass for the creature: it is stunned and Paladin Spells
can’t speak. Channeler Spells
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again 1st Level
until you finish a long rest. 1st Level Blood Print
Blood Print Clue
Clue Consecrated Armor
Transient Bulwark Transient Bulwark

2: Spells 15
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New Spells
Ranger Spells 4th Level
These spells are new to the investigator class and are
Distort Gravity listed in alphabetical order.
1st Level Soul Bond
Blood Print 6th Level After Image
Clue 3rd-level illusion
Game of Fate
2nd Level Casting Time: 1 action
Nondescript Wizard Spells Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a silver hand mirror worth 50
Sorcerer 1st Level gp)
Blood Print Duration: 10 minutes
Spells Clue You create an illusory duplicate of yourself which
1st Level Discern Truename: follows your every movement. When you are hit by
Object an attack during the spell’s duration, roll any die. On
Blood Print
Memorize an odd roll, the attack targets and hits the duplicate
Rumor instead of you. The duplicate vanishes, reappearing
Transient Bulwark after you move 10 feet or more or take the Dodge
2nd Level Utter Ego action. On an even roll, the attack targets you as
Nondescript Utter Insight normal.
Protect Threshold 2nd Level
Benign Dismemberment
3rd Level Nondescript 3rd-level necromancy (ritual)
After Image Protect Threshold
Utter Appearance Casting Time: 1 minute
6th Level Range: Touch
Game of Fate 3rd Level Components: V, S
After Image Duration: 1 hour
Warlock Spells Benign Dismemberment
Discern Truename: For the duration, a willing target’s body parts (fingers,
1st Level Creature legs, tail, and even its head) can be harmlessly
Blood Print Seance severed from its body. It takes no damage from such
Clue Utter Energy dismemberment, as long as the cut removing the body
part is swift and leaves a clean cut. The target’s head
2nd Level 4th Level remains alive and conscious, and parts connected to
Nondescript Distort Gravity it also remain alive. All severed body parts become
Protect Threshold Soul Bond inanimate, but do not begin decomposition for the
3rd Level Utter Substance spell’s duration. Any of the target’s severed body parts
5th Level that are removed during this spell’s duration can be
After Image held back to the stump, which instantly causes the
Benign Dismemberment Discern Truename:
part to knit to the stump, restoring the body part.
Seance Location
At the end of the duration, severed body parts
4th Level 6th Level become permanent, and the target dies if vital organs
Soul Bond Game of Fate have not been reattached to its head.
Utter Inversion
Witch Spells Blood Print
7th Level 1st-level necromancy (ritual)
1st Level Utter Destination Casting Time: 1 action
Blood Print 8th Level Range: Touch
Clue Utter Form Components: V, S, M (an ounce or more of blood)
Rumor Duration: Instantaneous
9th level
2nd Level True Rename At your touch, wet blood on a surface shifts and
Nondescript reforms into a pattern of crimson blotches. This blood
Protect Threshold print is unique to the particular creature to whom the
blood belongs, but you can determine the creature’s
3rd Level kind (such as human, gnoll, deer, or fire giant) by
Benign Dismemberment examining the general shape. A print can be preserved
Seance by pressing a sheet of paper against the it. If this spell
is cast twice, it is possible to match samples of blood

16 2: Spells
mage hand press
originating from the same creature by comparing the You peer into the deepest essence of a
prints. creature you can see within 60 feet to discern its
truename, a name bearing its utmost expression.
Clue The target creature can make a Wisdom saving
1st-level divination (ritual) throw to conceal its truename. If it fails, you learn the
Casting Time: 1 action creature’s truename, which you can remember for 24
Range: Touch hours. You can hold 3 truenames in your mind one
Components: V, S, M (a magnifying glass and pipe) time; learning an additional truename causes you to
Duration: 10 minutes forget the oldest trueame you have learned.
Learning a truename does not cause a magical
When you cast this spell, all footprints and
effect on its own, but allows you to utter the creature’s
fingerprints within a 45-foot radius of a point you
truename with deliberate permutations, while you
touch become highlighted and glow faintly for the
hold its truename in your mind.
duration. At the time of casting, choose any period
of time up to the last 10 days to the present; only Discern Truename: Object
footprints and fingerprints left within that time will 1st-level divination (truenaming) (ritual)
be highlighted. Each creature whose footprints or
fingerprints are detected by the spell is assigned a Casting Time: 1 action
unique color, but are not otherwise identified. Any Range: 60 feet
creature that moves or touches objects in the area will Components: V, S
also leave colorful footprints and fingerprints, which Duration: Instantaneous
might reveal invisible creatures in the area. You capture the essence of an object within range,
allowing you to discern its truename, a name bearing
Consecrated Armor its every property. The object must fit entirely within
1st-level abjuration (ritual) a 5-foot cube and it can’t be held or carried by an
Casting Time: 1 action unwilling creature. A sentient magic item can make
Range: Self a Wisdom saving throw to conceal its truename.
Components: V, S, M (A drop of blessed oil) If it fails, you learn its truename, which you can
Duration: 8 hours remember for 24 hours. You can hold 3 truenames in
your mind one time; learning an additional truename
You trace a holy symbol on your chest, and an
causes you to forget the oldest trueame you have
invisible barrier protects you until the spell ends.
learned. You can’t learn the truename of an artifact.
Your base AC becomes 12 + your Dexterity modifier.
If you are attacked by a fiend or undead, your AC
becomes 15 + your spellcasting ability modifier
against that attack.
Discern Truename: Creature
3rd-level divination (truenaming) (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

2: Spells 17
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Learning a truename does not cause unaffected. An unwilling creature can make a Wisdom
a magical effect on its own, but allows you saving throw to resist this effect. On a failed save, the
to utter the object’s truename with deliberate creature is compelled to join you in the game. If the
permutations, while you hold its truename in your target takes damage or falls unconscious, this spell
mind. ends.
The loser of the game takes 6d6 psychic damage. If
Discern Truename: Location no player loses the game or no player has won at the
5th-level divination (truenaming) (ritual) end of the spell’s duration, both you and the target
Casting Time: 1 action take this damage.
Range: 120 feet Additionally, you and the target creature can
Components: V, S, M (A map of the location) negotiate for greater stakes. You can bet higher
Duration: Instantaneous psychic damage, up to a maximum of 10d6, property,
or more esoteric rewards, such bestowal of a title, on
You capture the truename of a location, a name
the game. The spell reveals if a creature attempts to
embodying its every aspect. You decide the location’s
bet property they do not own. A bet is finalized when
boundaries, provided it fits within a 150-foot cube,
you and the target agree on the bet, solidifying the
centered on a point you can see within range. If the
bet with a handshake or similar gesture. Property or
location is the lair of a monster with lair actions, the
currency bet on the game is teleported to the winner
monster can make a Wisdom saving throw to conceal
at the game’s conclusion. The loser is also magically
this location’s truename. If it fails, you learn the
compelled to take any action (such as bestowing a
location’s truename, which you can remember for 24
title) promised as part of a bet.
hours. You can hold 3 truenames in your mind one
Lastly, no spell, magical effect, or creature other
time; learning an additional truename causes you to
than you and the target can influence the game’s
forget the oldest trueame you have learned. You can’t
capture the truename of a demiplane or the domain of
a divine creature. Memorize
Learning a truename does not cause a magical 1st-level enchantment (ritual)
effect on its own, but allows you to utter the location’s
truename with deliberate permutations, while you Casting Time: 1 action
hold its truename in your mind. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a page of written text and a
Distort Gravity length of silver string worth 10 gp, tied in a knot,
4th-level transmutation (ritual) which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch While casting this spell, your eyes pass over the words
Components: V, S, M (a gyroscope) on the page, which are committed to your memory.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour For the next year, you exactly remember the details
of all information on this page. After that time, you
This spell changes the direction of gravity within a
have advantage on all Intelligence checks you make to
60-foot square area on surface you touch. The affected
recall this information.
area can wrap around a surface, if its geometry
permits. For the duration, creatures and objects Nondescript
within 15 feet of the surface fall toward it as if it were 2nd-level illusion
the ground. A creature can walk on this surface as if it
were level ground, even if the surface is perpendicular Casting Time: 1 action
to the ground or upside down. Range: Self
When the duration ends, all creatures and objects Components: V, S
fall from the surface. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
This spell makes you seem ordinary and nondescript
Game of Fate to others, though it does not change your actual
6th-level enchantment appearance. Creatures who see you while you were
Casting Time: 1 action under the influence of this spell are unable to recall
Range: 60 feet specific details of your appearance upon being asked
Components: V, S, M (a gaming set) if they had seen you or someone matching your
Duration: 1 hour description, though their memory of actions you
undertook or events they experienced is unaffected.
You magically compel a creature within range to
a nonmagical game with vital consequences. If
the creature you choose has an Intelligence of 3 or
lower or doesn’t speak any language, the creature is

18 2: Spells
mage hand press
Protect Threshold
2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (an ounce of salt
for each foot of the warded portal’s
Duration: 10 minutes
Tracing arcane sigils along its
boundary, you can ward a doorway,
window, or other portal from entry.
For the duration, an invisible eldritch
creature stalks the warded portal. Any
creature that attempts to pass through
the portal must make a Wisdom saving
throw or take 4d6 psychic damage, or
half as much on a successful save.
At Higher Levels. When you cast
this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level
or higher, the damage increases by 1d6
for each slot level above 2nd.
1st-level enchantment (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (100-foot radius)
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
You magically spread a rumor of 10 words
or less. Any intelligent creature within range
that is near three or more other creatures which speak
the same language as them believes that they hear the what it knew in life, including the languages it knew.
rumor being repeated by someone nearby. Different Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and
creatures hear the rumor from different people, so the specter is under no compulsion to offer a truthful
a concrete origin point is impossible to discern. answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as
Generally, creatures will not be outright hostile upon an enemy. There is a 5% chance that this spell contacts
hearing even the most vicious rumors, but hearing the wrong spirit, one which will answer questions
a rumor can affect their disposition positively or untruthfully or ambiguously.
Soul Bond
Seance 4th-level necromancy (ritual)
3rd-level divination (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Touch
Range: Self Components: V, S, M (two nails from a coffin)
Components: V, S, M (a crystal ball, deck of tarot Duration: 24 hours
cards, or ouija board)
Duration: 1 minute This spell forges a mortal connection between
yourself and a humanoid creature that you touch. A
You and at least three willing creatures lock hands in target creature must be present for the entire time of
moment of meditation to conjure a spirit from the casting. If the creature is unwilling, it must make a
afterlife to answer your questions. Describe or name Constitution saving throw to resist the spell’s effects.
a creature that is familiar to you. If the creature’s soul For the duration, if you are reduced to 0 hit points,
is free and willing, it manifests as a ghostly specter. the target is also reduced to 0 hit points, and vice
This spell fails if the spirit was the target of this spell versa. This spell ends if you cast it again, or if you
within the last 10 days. choose to dismiss it as an action.
Until the spell ends, you can ask up to three
questions of the specter. The specter knows only

2: Spells 19
mage hand press
Transient Bulwark Object. You can modify the target object’s magical
1st-level abjuration (ritual) aura, as per the magic aura spell. Additionally, you
can choose for the target to become invisible the
Casting Time: 1 action duration.
Range: Self Location. You can magically change the target
Components: V, S, M (a pearl worth 10 gp, which the area’s appearance, as per the hallucinatory terrain spell
spell consumes) for the duration.
Duration: 8 hours
The next attack made against you within the duration Utter Destination
has a -10 penalty to hit. 7th-level conjuration (truenaming)
Casting Time: 1 action
True Rename
Range: 60 feet
9th-level divination (truenaming) Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Unlimited You utter a truename, but change important syllables
Components: V, S, M (Incense and ruby dust worth which refer to location. You must have learned a
5,000 gp, which the spell consumew) truename to cast this spell. This spell’s effect depends
Duration: Instantaneous on whether the truename you uttered belongs to a
You utter a truename over and over, changing it creature, object, or location:
slightly as you do so, until the truename itself is Creature. The target creature is teleported to a
different. You must have learned a truename to cast location you choose within range.
this spell. Once you cast this spell, every creature Object. The target object is teleported to a location
forgets the target’s truename, and no no creature can you choose within range, or into your open hand.
discern the creature’s truename for 1 year. This spell’s Location. Each creature within the target area is
effect depends on whether the truename you uttered teleported to an unoccupied space you choose that is
belongs to a creature, object, or location: on the ground or floor within the area. An unwilling
Creature. You change one of the target’s bonds, creature can make a Charisma saving throw to avoid
flaws, or personality traits. this effect.
Object. You enchant a nonmagical target item into
a magic item or reduce a magic item to a nonmagical Utter Ego
one. You choose which magic item of uncommon 1st-level enchantment (truenaming)
rarity the target becomes, as long as the item is an Casting Time: 1 action
appropriate type and shape. For example, you can Range: 60 feet
enchant an ordinary sack into a bag of holding or Components: V, S
transform a crossbow into a weapon of warning. If you Duration: 1 hour
reduce a magic item into a nonmagical one, you can
later restore it to its original magical power with this You speak a truename, but skip the syllables which
spell. refer to the innermost self. You must have learned a
Location. You distort the laws of physics in the truename to cast this spell. This spell’s effect depends
target location. You can increase or decrease gravity on whether the truename you uttered belongs to a
by 50%, change the ambient temperature to be a fixed creature, object, or location:
value of your choice from 0 to 150 degrees fahrenheit, Creature. The target creature within range is
create a persistent fog or wind, or create another charmed by you until the spell ends or it takes any
persistent magical effect, with the GM’s approval. damage. The charmed creature is friendly to you.
When the spell ends, the creature does not know it
Utter Appearance was charmed by you.
2nd-level illusion (truenaming) Object. You influence the way the object within
range inspires the emotions of others. For the
Casting Time: 1 action duration, object might make humanoids nervous,
Range: 60 feet happy, upset, envious, or any other emotion of your
Components: V, S choice. This emotion does not compel creatures to act,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour but might influence their behavior.
You speak a truename, but omit every part referring Location. You change whether others desire or
to the subject’s appearance. You must have learned a despise the target location. Choose whether to Attract
truename to cast this spell. This spell’s effect depends or Repel creatures you choose in the area for the
on whether the truename you uttered belongs to a duration.
creature, object, or location: If you Attract creatures, each creature you choose
Creature. The target creature within range must make a Wisdom saving throw when it tries to
becomes invisible, as per the invisibility spell. leave the area. On a failed save, until the end of its

20 2: Spells
mage hand press
turn, it can’t willingly leave the area and its movement polymorph spell, for the duration. The new
is reduced to 0. form can be any creature whose challenge rating
If you Repel creatures, each creature you choose is equal to or less than the target’s (or the target’s
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, level, if it doesn’t have a challenge rating).
a creature must take the Dash action and move to Object. The target object within range transforms
leave the location safest available route on each of its for the duration into a similar form of your choice.
turns, unless there is nowhere to move. A creature can If the object is a weapon, it becomes another type of
repeat its saving throw against being repelled on the weapon. If it is a suit of armor, it becomes another
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on suit of armor. For any other type of object, the GM
a success. decides whether or not the new form is a similar
enough type to transform. For example, a length of
Utter Energy rope would be allowed to transform into a chain or
3rd-level evocation (truenaming) a spool of thread, but not into a tapestry or lantern.
Casting Time: 1 action If you maintain your concentration on this spell
Range: 60 feet for the entire possible duration, the object remains
Components: V, S permanently transformed.
Duration: 1 minute Location. You can reshape the earth within the
target location, as per the spell move earth, for the
You utter a truename, but change its root to that of
duration. When cast in this way, you can manipulate
a combination of elements. You must have learned a
natural stone, as well as dirt and clay. You choose
truename to cast this spell. This spell’s effect depends
which changes are wrought by the spell when you cast
on whether the truename you uttered belongs to a
it, and all changes occur over the course of 1 minute.
creature, object, or location:
When the spell ends, any changes to the location
Creature. An aura of damaging energy radiates
reverts over the course of a minute, though structures
from the target creature within range. When a
which are damaged by the changes remain so.
creature comes within 5 feet of the target for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make Utter Insight
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature 1st-level divination (truenaming)
takes 3d6 damage, or half as much on a successful
save. The damage is acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, Casting Time: 1 action
or thunder, chosen by you when you cast the spell. Range: Self
Object. The target object within range freezes with Components: V, S
ice, lights aflame, radiates caustic fumes, or surges Duration: Instantaneous
with energy. Any creature in physical contact with the You carefully pronounce a truename, analyzing every
item takes 3d8 damage when you cast the spell, and sound and syllable of its construction. You must
takes this damage again the first time they touch the have learned a truename to cast this spell. This spell’s
object on a turn, or if they begin their turn touching effect depends on whether the truename you uttered
it. The damage is acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or belongs to a creature, object, or location:
thunder, chosen by you when you cast the spell. Creature. You learn one of the target’s bonds,
Location. The target area radiates harmful energy. flaws, or personality traits.
Each creature within the target area takes 1d10 Object. You learn the object’s properties, as per the
damage when it enters the area for the first time on a identify spell.
turn or starts its turn there. The damage is acid, cold, Location. You learn a brief summary of any
fire, lightning, poison, or thunder, chosen by you significant lore related to the target location, as per
when you cast the spell. the spell legend lore.
Utter Form Utter Inversion
8th-level transmutation (truenaming) 6th-level necromancy (truenaming)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
You speak a truename, mutating nearly every part of You speak a truename in reverse, causing its subject
it until the name is nearly unrecognizable. You must to fundamentally unravel. You must have learned a
have learned a truename to cast this spell. This spell’s truename to cast this spell. This spell’s effect depends
effect depends on whether the truename you uttered on whether the truename you uttered belongs to a
belongs to a creature, object, or location: creature, object, or location:
Creature. The target creature within range Creature. The target takes 10d8 necrotic damage.
transforms into a new form of your choice, as per the After taking this damage, the creature can make a

2: Spells 21
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Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, you Creature. The target creature and anything it is
forget its truename. wearing or carrying becomes distant and ethereal. For
Object. A nonmagical target within range is the duration, the target has resistance to nonmagical
disintegrated. A magical item is not destroyed, but its bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
properties and powers are suppressed for 1 minute. Object. The target object becomes utterly
Location. Each creature you choose within the area immaterial. For the duration, it passes harmlessly
must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature through creatures and objects you choose.
takes 8d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as Location. Objects which aren’t being worn or
much on a successful one. carried in the target location become partially
immaterial. Any creature in the location can pass
Utter Substance through objects as if they were difficult terrain.
4th-level abjuration (truenaming) Furthermore, a creature moving in the location
Casting Time: 1 action can pass through a ceiling or floor using 10 feet of
Range: 60 feet its movement speed, provided that there is a space
Components: V, S beneath the surface into which it can fall. If a creature
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour ends its turn inside an object, it takes 2d10 force
You speak a truename, reordering its construction
into something resembling an abstract concept. You
must have learned a truename to cast this spell. This
spell’s effect depends on whether the truename you
uttered belongs to a creature, object, or location:

22 2: Spells
mage hand press
Adam Ashworth Drew Hayes Joshua Cates Robert Field
Alexander Garcia Dylan Vinyard Julien Therrien RUNEHAMMER
Alonzo Chiante’ Fabhar Justin Forkner Ryan Patrick Nolan
Washington Gabi Anthony Ken Beimler Sean Barrentine
Alonzo Willis Garrett Lloyd Ken de Jong Shadistro
Antonio Garcia George Tolley Ken Fairbank Shawn Labay
Ashran Firebrand Grand Moff Xela Kovaud Homebrew Spencer Houston
BardlyWritten Harry Krist Star-Lord Wright
Braden Read Jacob Otwell Kristian Gilfillan Stephen Grote
brandon johnson James Belin Kura Tenshi Tavin Kastner
Brandon Martin James Mitchell Lokis Own Thantos
Charles Koeppel Jamie Marc-Antoine Côté The Mage Armory
Chase B Patterson Jason Jones Matthew Atkins The Palm of Vecna
Chris Mitchell Jerry Doolin Maximilian Beit TheNthMaou
Chris Zito Jesus Andujo Mike Litkewitsch TrondKF
Daniel Lamoureux Joe Shine Not_A_Robot tyrell hayward
Dannika Aikens Joel Grote Pandric Tyson Grigori
Darion Nutter John Hoffman Patrick Rooney Vik M.
Derek Miranda Joseph Blanc Pedro Storti Zackary D Szechenyi

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Complete Investigator Copyright 2019, Mage Hand Press LLC; authors Michael Holik, Justin Forkner, Matthew Penell

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