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Zoe and Violet wake up in a room tied to chairs. They have no idea how they got
there, and why. We later find out they’re in this room because MI5 have kidnapped
them and selected them to partake in the 10-stage interview process to become an
MI5 special agent. Violet and Zoe work for a financial company and are both
hacking and embezzling money from the companies’ clients. Neither of them
knows what the other is doing. Their skilled hacking is the reason MI5 have
selected them. Only one person will make it through the 10 stages. Who will it be?

Act One:
Zoe and Violet wake up in a room tied to chairs and have no idea where they are
there. They recognise each other from work and start to panic, shouting for help.

Act Two:
Violet is in her house and wakes up at 8am to her alarm clock going off. She grabs
herself a coffee, answers a phone call and drives to work. In the office she walks
past Zoe who shuts her laptop. Violet walks to her office and answers the phone to
her boss and must explain that she is late because she hasn’t been sleeping. She
then calls a client.
Zoe is in her office on the phone to a client explaining how her money is all secure
and not to worry about anything. She sips her coffee and files some paperwork.
Violet’s phone beeps and a text message reads ‘Time for a coffee’. She plugs in
memory stick, downloads data, takes the stick out and drops it in her empty coffee
cup and puts it in her bag.

Act Three:
Violet walks down the street on her lunch break and in the corner of the screen
there is a person in black with their hood up. Their back is to the camera watching
her. Violet is unaware of this person, and they follow her while taking pictures of
Zoe walks out of the office building and starts walking down the street as you see
the same black figure watching her. She walks to her house, and you can see the
figure in every shot. The figure takes a picture of her outside her house.

Act Four:
Violet and Zoe are staring at each other for a moment in this dark, unfamiliar
room. They both start getting angry and Violet confesses that she has been stealing
money from work and hacking the system to cover it up. Zoe is shocked and
confesses that she has been doing the same thing. They notice pictures of
themselves from yesterday on the wall. The MI5 agents are watching them struggle
and wonder if they can figure out why they’re there. Violet then breaks out of the
rope that is tied around her and helps Zoe to get out. Zoe heads to the door to see if
she can kick it down but notices that it is metal. They keep walking around the
room and looking at everything. The MI5 agents talk to each other about how they
are impressed with them both so far. Over speaker it says: Sequence 108 initiated,
self-destructing in one minute. They both start to panic, and Zoe finds a note in a
drawer. The note is in the radio alphabet. Elijah and Violet close their eyes waiting
for something to happen when a nMI5 agent pops up on a tv and explains that they
have been selected to do a series of challenges to become the new MI5 agent. Only
one of them will make it. They look at each other in disbelief.
Eva Seccombe

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